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Yingluck sentenced to five years in jail


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I'm well aware of your point, however why then did she attend court 6 times to give evidence that she was innocent, plus several of her scaly cronies also attended to give evidence that she was innocent.

Maybe she was naive enough to think she would get a fair hearing ?
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6 minutes ago, Deez said:

Why can she be convicted in absentia, but they keep saying the Red Bull loser has to be here?


Her case was heard to completion when she was here and she attended (both prosecution and rebuttal evidence days) as required in the judicial process. Then she didn't attend for the first date to hear the verdict and it was therefore delayed to a later date and announced.


Red bull boy's case (prosecution and rebuttal evidence) hasn't yet been heard because he's not here. 

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18 minutes ago, scorecard said:


And I assume you mean that nobody before the general divided the country?


Perhaps you need to do some research. 

But even if it was divided before, there was no such thing then as a threat of being hauled away for " attitude adjustment "just for having the opposing view

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15 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

what a pathetic embarrassing defeat of Government. Prayut is not able (same as everybody of that junta) to show greatness and reason of state or just the will for reconciliation.

Thailand is now divided by Prayut and his gang, And Yingluck has become a martyr. A push for PTP.

"And Yingluck has become a martyr."

The word 'martyr" (noun)  is defined as someone who is killed because of their beliefs, religious or other. Yingluck was not facing a firing squad.


The word "martyr" (verb) is what someone does to gain attention, sympathy etc. To martyr (not the red fruit) is what Yingluck may have done to herself by fleeing , but she would have gained far more credibility had she stayed and gone through the process, however, sadly or in some opinions, wisely, she fled to another country that is unknown to the current PM.. (:laugh:)

Quite simply she could not be allowed to remain in Thailand any longer and the charade continues.

This government takes the general population for total naive fools with some of their pronouncements, that the average 9 year old could see through.

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4 hours ago, tropo said:

Her brother was sentenced by a legitimately elected government. Yingluck was sentenced by a military regime. There will be no extradition. She can claim political asylum anywhere she pleases.

They were both sentenced by a Court. Not by a whatever regime...

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Based on the actual facts of the case appertaining to the charge, and the fact she never defended the actual charge, it's not a surprise verdict, now is it?

What actual facts of the case are we talking about precisely ? I know you are another junta fanboy, but justice works a little bit different in the rest of the world. She does not have to defend the actual charge, it is up to the prosecution to provide proof that she indeed was negligent or whatever silly excuse they have used against her. 


It doesn't matter of course, your masters let her go, even they are not so daft to actually believe justice has been done. That is only believed by the most deluded junta fanboys. 

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2 hours ago, Thian said:

I wonder what that majority is thinking now since their last 2 leaders are on the run for corruption.

Yingluck is not on the run for corruption. She was not charged with corruption, she was charged for negligence. I do know your hatred for everything Shinawatra, but let's keep to the facts shall we. 


Now hoping that the supreme court is just as active charging Prayuth and co for high treason as well as negligence, but somehow the little amnesty they awarded themselves prevents that from ever happening, and therefore this verdict is useless worthless and very unjust. 

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Ah the Shinawatra apologists out in force! Siblings of the Criminal Fugitive Kind!

Staging a coup,tearing up the constitution,appointing oneself PM ,giving oneself and minions total immunity from past present and future misdeeds....is of course totally kosher,legal above board and practised in all "democratic" countries !
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18 minutes ago, Krungbin said:

They were both sentenced by a Court. Not by a whatever regime...


So  what ? What point exactly are you trying to make?




Judicial System

Corruption in the judiciary is a high risk for businesses operating in Thailand. Businesses indicate that irregular payments and bribes are commonly made in order to obtain favorable judicial decisions (GCR 2015-2016). A little over one in five Thai believe most or all judges are corrupt (GCB 2017). Until the military coup of 2014, Thailand had a constitutionally independent judiciary (BTI 2016). However, under the military, the judiciary has been extremely politicized and has no oversight over the executive branch (BTI 2016). 




Edited by midas
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4 hours ago, diddygq said:

Every verdict here in Thailand is decided before the trial starts.  

Not quite true.  Have you ever had any dealings with the legal system here, I have and  I can assure that in my case, the verdict had not been reached as you alleged.  I had to call witnesses, give evidence myself, the defendant called his witnesses.  Guess what, I won and the defendant was Thai.  The same was afforded to Yingluck but evidently she lost.


Now, I was not privy to any of the evidence or the rebuttals that Yingluck was entitled to present and I doubt if anyone else on here was either, so all the hype is based on pure supposition, maybe hearsay or what has been read in newspapers or presented by other various media outlets


I am not aware if her disappearance was condoned or arranged by the current government or who was actually involved but she has disappeared, which, by all accounts, does not stand well for her.  I do hope however, nothing untoward has befallen her. :wai:

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:


But what does reconciliation mean?


I've asked you and others several times before but never ever one answer.


So please share your version of what reconciliation means; the process and what would the expected tangible result be.


And please don't suggest forgiveness or amnesty, which IMHO would in this country, just encourage more corruption, cronyism, violence etc., in fact achieve no progress whatever.


My version of reconciliation is everybody more knowledgeable about the law and respecting the law,  much more understanding of how civil society and democracy works, massive reform of the RTP,  the military, the judiciary, education, and all forms of beaurocracy, rebuilt checks and balances with much more public participation, and everybody respecting each other regardless of political flavor, etc., etc.  


What does reconciliation mean? Ask the junta as it's one of the reason they gave for overthrowing a legal government and installing a military junta that immediately started violating basic human rights.


You mention amnesty. Strange how the junta you support/prefer gave themselves the mother of all, don't you think?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

a rice subsidy scheme that proved wildly popular with farmers but which the military government says caused billions of dollars in losses.


Wildly popular with farmers ????


The military government says it caused billions of dollars in losses ? As in 'the military government (and no one else) pretends that...' ?


What kind of idiotic, biased, unprofessional and pathetic journalim is that ? Who are the buffoons based in Thailand that write for Reuters ? Who pays them ? I'd really like to know ...


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5 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Why is that ? Him and his cronies have no doubt salted away overseas more billions of baht that will make the Shinawatras look poor since he ceased power by force.  He will not care a damn what happens as he won't be in Thailand.  He will no doubt be running for his life perhaps literally.  No where for him to hide apart from perhaps China or more likely north korea.

You never know what's behind the next door. There big now but not so bright


5 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Why is that ? Him and his cronies have no doubt salted away overseas more billions of baht that will make the Shinawatras look poor since he ceased power by force.  He will not care a damn what happens as he won't be in Thailand.  He will no doubt be running for his life perhaps literally.  No where for him to hide apart from perhaps China or more likely north korea.

You never know what's behind the next door. They only think now. It's the Thai way. The 20 year talk is to heel the other hungry young generals. Has 0 to do with reforms.

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14 minutes ago, Yann55 said:


Wildly popular with farmers ????


The military government says it caused billions of dollars in losses ? As in 'the military government (and no one else) pretends that...' ?


What kind of idiotic, biased, unprofessional and pathetic journalim is that ? Who are the buffoons based in Thailand that write for Reuters ? Who pays them ? I'd really like to know ...


Take  solace  in   knowing  that you  need  to   ask !  


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5 hours ago, Kieranmc said:

I'm getting worried for Thailand. The reds will not stay quiet much longer. Something is brewing. 

I really think the Reds have been totally subdued. The time for them to do anything has long passed. Suppressing them was all part of the masterplan which was well executed.

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