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why many people are hooked to facebook despite the spying, censorship and its unethical behavior

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1 hour ago, Bogbrush said:

I tend to agree - I've never understood the (1) sort of person who has such an elevated sense of their own self importance that he/she honestly believes anyone is interested in the fact that they are in the departure lounge at some crappy airport or (2) the mentality of responders whose collective IQs are roughly those of a boiled potato and whose replies consist entirely of 'wow' 'geesh' and - God forbid - 'awesome' which makes me reach for my firearm.


Sure, Thailand uses FB very efficiently for selling/buying, and if it's a good communication tool then so be it, but...if I want to contact people I use email with or without a photo. But that's just me.

I have a big family in three different countries and they can contact me with Facebook messenger in my living room or study or outside anytime I'm awake.  The service answers automatically and I see a couple of faces and there are my kids and grandkids on the big screen TV and we chat my other families with my Thai family and the dogs.  It is more of a real time free communication service to me rather than some of the spy stuff the folks here are getting into.

3 hours ago, Bogbrush said:

I tend to agree - I've never understood the (1) sort of person who has such an elevated sense of their own self importance that he/she honestly believes anyone is interested in the fact that they are in the departure lounge at some crappy airport or (2) the mentality of responders whose collective IQs are roughly those of a boiled potato and whose replies consist entirely of 'wow' 'geesh' and - God forbid - 'awesome' which makes me reach for my firearm.



If your group of F/B friends only post the above, then that says more about you than it does about F/B

On 9/27/2017 at 9:29 PM, heroKK said:

The ones who are using Facebook as tool to stage dissents and coups against governments not aligned with their predefined agenda of ruling the world

I would definitely include the Remoaners back in my home country (UK) in that camp. I unhooked myself from FB after 1 of my so-called "friends" had embarked on a 1-man online crusade to get the majority Brexit referendum decision reversed, which was immediately "liked" by most of the rest of my so-called FB "friends".



So, this is a direct targeting of the mainstream, a blunt statement that association with the popular makes you a little trash and a lot stupid - while your distancing from what the majority enjoys honors you, makes you important. A somewhat simplistic look at things. It is not the medium that determines you, it's the way you use it that counts, I think. (I won't even try to counter the propaganda and brainwashing scaremongering...)


The years have passed and I have not changed my mind about social media, despite all the horrors we see from time to time marching through them. It's what you do with them. Whatever you allow them to become. With the exception of some set-up issues, they do not contain anything inherently bad. Even their own decline is not their fault. It's the users who are responsible for their beauty or ugliness. The media simply mirror you as you're mirrored in by the way you handle anything potentially dangerous, from a gun to a lighter.

On 9/27/2017 at 8:39 PM, heroKK said:

I think I am probably one of the very few people in the world who never created an authentic Facebook account, I always loathed this site, it's leftist, it serves globalist agenda's, I agree with the Chinese, the Vietnamese and even the Iranians who banned this site completely, considering its obvious bias towards the interest of some particular minority group, I think it's time for the people to give other alternative sites the chance, I uses VK.com because I can use it through VPN it does not require any logging to read its contents, I can write and express freely all my political views unlike Facebook that s a spying tool used by different governments.

I didn't know they had Facebook in the DPRK.

9 hours ago, dotpoom said:

The only a/c I have is this one, TV.

   My question would be....where is the phone addiction going to end. I now see farangs using it at the traffic lights ( and while moving) on their motorbikes.

    I know a little about addictions being a recovered alcoholic....but as true as God I have never seen an addiction with this sort of obsession.

The addiction will never end for two reasons:


1. The cell phone allows too many folks to feel they are "important" because they just got an important text or there was an important update to their social media account or an important celebrity just held forth on an important new movie or there's just been an important news report on a natural disaster on the other side of the world or etc.


2. I'm an American, so if one is familiar with how cell phones and sell service is marketed and sold in the U.S., you'd better damn well better believe most folks are never going to put the phone down. After all, if one is locked into a 2-year contract to finance a USD 500 and up device and paying in the neighborhood of USD 100 per month for a talk, text, and data plan and another 20% on top of the service plan for governmental fees, taxes, and surcharges, it would be stupid to use the phone just for calls. Those would be some pretty expensive calls!

8 hours ago, sanemax said:

The reality is that no one really cares what you post on FB .

There is no "shadowy Government" watching your every move on FB

*This is my photo , this is my voice , these are my Family and this is what I had to eat to day *

    There is no one out there that really cares .

No ones watching your every move

I have to disagree with that.

When social media such as Facebook started, I tended to believe the same thing but I've come to see that a lot of people take a big interest in what one does on it.

It has been widely reported that most employers in the U.S. will review one's social media presence when one is in the running for a job.

There have been many reports of law enforcement taking an interest in it while investigating a crime.

Employers will also review it to "check up" on the behavior of there employees.

I know of one particularly odious Philippines YouTube vlogger whose outlandish statement on various social media platforms was used to bring to light some of his particularly unsavory behavior by other YT vloggers whom he chose to insult, ridicule, and basically "go to war with."



26 minutes ago, gentlemanjackdarby said:

I have to disagree with that.

When social media such as Facebook started, I tended to believe the same thing but I've come to see that a lot of people take a big interest in what one does on it.

It has been widely reported that most employers in the U.S. will review one's social media presence when one is in the running for a job.

There have been many reports of law enforcement taking an interest in it while investigating a crime.

Employers will also review it to "check up" on the behavior of there employees.

I know of one particularly odious Philippines YouTube vlogger whose outlandish statement on various social media platforms was used to bring to light some of his particularly unsavory behavior by other YT vloggers whom he chose to insult, ridicule, and basically "go to war with."



The trick is to set all your privacy level to private and to realise that anything that you post is in the public domain


Different people use Facebook in many different ways. 
Tonight, I drove down (in the rain) to get a roti at my favorite roti stand. 
Normally it is quite busy and I have to wait. 

Tonight, while waiting, the cook gets out his phone and checks it. 
Facebook, he says. 
Someone texting in their order through messenger. 
What? I said. 

I can do that? 
He said sure: Here's our FB page on our sign, just text in your order and it will be waiting for you. 


I use FB to post pics of my life here in Thailand to my family back in my hometown. 
Some use it for political statements (I usually drop those people, as I don't want to hear about: religion, politics, and I dislike pet pictures)


So, badmouth it all you want.   I don't care. 

I'm using it tomorrow to order me some roti.   (and looking for a second hand dining room table)



14 hours ago, heroKK said:
Facebook is nothing but a Propaganda station for liberals and communists, they continues to permanently delete the accounts of those who do not share their political views and agenda, my page with more then 100K followers got banned because i wrote a post about changing the visa law of my home country, while it lets hundreds if not thousands of pro ISIS pages.
Even Trump tweeted that Facebook was against him,  Zuckerberg consistently supports Islam, open borders and globalism. of course he dislikes Trump, besides the Saudis are major shareholders of the company, they even offered $150 billion in 2011 to buy out the whole company.

I thought you said you never had an account??



I have never had a Facebook account and never will. I have no intention on sharing what I ate for progress; when I go to the market or other inane details of my life and I doubt anyone would be all that interested. In addition, if I want to speak with you- I shall dial your number or send an email  and you can do the same.


I also do not have a 'smart' phone for several reasons- I don't want to be tracked; I dislike the fact that with the camera on my whereabouts can be detailed and there is a loss of privacy. While I have nothing to hide- I still believe in a person's right to privacy.

8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I have never had a Facebook account and never will. I have no intention on sharing what I ate for progress; when I go to the market or other inane details of my life and I doubt anyone would be all that interested.

Do not not ever do anything more interesting than eating and going to the market that other people may find interesting ?


8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I have never had a Facebook account and never will. I have no intention on sharing what I ate for progress; when I go to the market or other inane details of my life and I doubt anyone would be all that interested. In addition, if I want to speak with you- I shall dial your number or send an email  and you can do the same.


   But you are posting on Thai-Visa !!!!!!!!!

You would prefer to converse with anonymous people, rather than real life friends.

Why dont you ask TV posters for their E-mail address, then you could have posted this message personally to them 

15 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I have never had a Facebook account and never will. I have no intention on sharing what I ate for progress; when I go to the market or other inane details of my life and I doubt anyone would be all that interested. In addition, if I want to speak with you- I shall dial your number or send an email  and you can do the same.


I also do not have a 'smart' phone for several reasons- I don't want to be tracked; I dislike the fact that with the camera on my whereabouts can be detailed and there is a loss of privacy. While I have nothing to hide- I still believe in a person's right to privacy.

Dial your number???? 5555555

On 9/28/2017 at 5:24 PM, heroKK said:

yup had a profile with different name,  didn't publish my photos, just avatars, my rant is mainly about facebook's monopoly, wish that people were smarter and gave balance to other sites, to have different views leaving the whole market to FB is dangerous !! I think the chinese were smart when they promoted local sites, remember that Facebook was used in 2009 to organize a Ürümqi riots  in China that killed almost 200 people.  The Chinese government asked Facebook to help identifying the terrorists. Facebook said, eh, hmm, just freedom fighters exercising free speech. u kidding me ? they censored a simple caricature of Carlos lattuf and cant censor ISIS ?


So the Chinese told them to get the <deleted> out of China. meanwhile during the elections in Europe they censored and close down all alt-rights pages :whistling:

Facebook is for people that have no confidence in themselves and have lost the ability to interact and compete in the real world. They are on there seeking attention and an audience whereas otherwise no one would be interested or want to listen for reasons that they have serious character flaws and have great difficulties socialising and making real friends. They prefer to sit behind a keyboard and stay within their comfort zones where they can set the terms on their own profiles.


It should be medically acknowledged that those who make facebook a mainstream of their lives have serious addiction issues and are in need of psychiatric help. There should be rehab centres setup to wean people off the social media and get them back on track in the real world.


Facebook can be useful for advertising businesses, groups, basic communications with acquaintances, friends and family across the globe but those who need to take facebook to much higher levels should admit they have a social problem.


Everyone knows FB is a dangerous media in many ways, including a risk to mental health. You should treat it with caution. Tone it down on there and you`ll feel better for it.



9 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Facebook is for people that have no confidence in themselves and have lost the ability to interact and compete in the real world. They are on there seeking attention and an audience whereas otherwise no one would be interested or want to listen for reasons that they have serious character flaws and have great difficulties socialising and making real friends. They prefer to sit behind a keyboard and stay within their comfort zones where they can set the terms on their own profiles.


It should be medically acknowledged that those who make facebook a mainstream of their lives have serious addiction issues and are in need of psychiatric help. There should be rehab centres setup to wean people off the social media and get them back on track in the real world.


Facebook can be useful for advertising businesses, groups, basic communications with acquaintances, friends and family across the globe but those who need to take facebook to much higher levels should admit they have a social problem.


Everyone knows FB is a dangerous media in many ways, including a risk to mental health. You should treat it with caution. Tone it down on there and you`ll feel better for it.



it's a great way to reconnect with folks from my past! period



Perhaps because they have shallow pointless lives and pretending to have loads of "friends" makes them feel better about themselves.

Anyway, the other scum companies that run all the tech are just as bad. My computer with filthcompany OS spies on everything I do and pops up horrid ads just because I mention something on TVF. Unfortunately, because they control everything the only alternative is not to have any internet at all, and then how would I get to waste my time blathering on TVF?


13 hours ago, superglue said:

Join Facebook is elementary.

Resigning and having your personal information deleted is another.

I'm on it, but they have virtually no personal information about me because I didn't put any on, other than e mail, and I never chat on it. I might have a problem if they bought a certain forum though.

13 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Facebook is for people that have no confidence in themselves and have lost the ability to interact and compete in the real world. 



   It takes a lot more confidence to post on Facebook , where you are using your real name and all your Family and friends are reading , than it does to post anonymously  TV .

   On FB you are interacting in your own real World with real people whom you know personally .

   FB is a lot more to do with the "real World" than TV is , where no one knows who you are

On 9/28/2017 at 5:56 PM, sanemax said:

   Facebook is quite liberal , as in the sense you can post what you want . Normal standards apply , no nudity , no slander , and nothing illegal . 

   Although you can even get away with that , if no one notices

I have given dozens of examples that FB was supporting terrorist organizations, but the term terrorists differs for them, a terrorist for me is any person who raise arms against a legitimate government, killing innocent civilians, but for FB staff that depends on how that government's relationship with Washington, so if that government had very bad relations (eg. North Korea, Syria, Venezuela..etc..)


Then facebook wont mind censoring any posts, including videos of cannibal terrorists eating the organs and flesh of their victims alive, because in the eyes of FB those are freedom fighters trying to bring democracy, IN OTHER WORDS FB is a facade for the CIA and the troll of a very well known propaganda and intelligence service :thumbsup:, and I have hundreds of proofs to backup this claim, meanwhile waiting patiently for Chinese and Russian entrepreneurs to expand their social networks into foreign markets so we can get rid forever from the dominance of this spying agency's tool.



2 minutes ago, heroKK said:

I have given dozens of examples that FB was supporting terrorist organizations, but the term terrorists differs for them, a terrorist for me is any person who raise arms against a legitimate government, killing innocent civilians, but for FB staff that depends on how that government's relationship with Washington, so if that government had very bad relations (eg. North Korea, Syria, Venezuela..etc..) then facebook wont mind censoring any posts, including videos of cannibal terrorists eating the organs and flesh of their victims alive, because in the eyes of FB those are freedom fighters trying to bring democracy, IN OTHER WORDS FB is a facade for the CIA and the troll of a very well known intelligence service :thumbsup:, I have hundreds of proofs to backup this claim...



You havent actually given "dozens of example" .

Facebook isnt really the place to spread your revolution or prove that the USA are the bad guys and everyone else are the good guys, its more of a social media .

22 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Facebook is for people that have no confidence in themselves and have lost the ability to interact and compete in the real world. They are on there seeking attention and an audience whereas otherwise no one would be interested or want to listen for reasons that they have serious character flaws and have great difficulties socialising and making real friends. They prefer to sit behind a keyboard and stay within their comfort zones where they can set the terms on their own profiles.


It should be medically acknowledged that those who make facebook a mainstream of their lives have serious addiction issues and are in need of psychiatric help. There should be rehab centres setup to wean people off the social media and get them back on track in the real world.


Facebook can be useful for advertising businesses, groups, basic communications with acquaintances, friends and family across the globe but those who need to take facebook to much higher levels should admit they have a social problem.


Everyone knows FB is a dangerous media in many ways, including a risk to mental health. You should treat it with caution. Tone it down on there and you`ll feel better for it.

I'm not on FB, but I am more wary of the old bores without smartphones wanting to lay down the law about their definitions of the 'real world'.


Its a free world.  If you want to live life in a fish tank then FB is for you.


It is not just the loss of privacy that frightens me; it is that I will never know exactly who has got exactly what information about me.  Using Google is bad enough, but for me FB is a step too far - much too far.

8 hours ago, Get Real said:

Because it´s an easy way to sheild themselfs from the real world.


  1. Yes, much better to post anonymously on Thai Visa using not your real name, conversing with other anonymous people , rather than posting to real people using their real names on FB, lets "keep it real"
59 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  1. Yes, much better to post anonymously on Thai Visa using not your real name, conversing with other anonymous people , rather than posting to real people using their real names on FB, lets "keep it real"

I guess you always need to have a problem. If you at least tried to understand what the things you read really mean sometimes. Please it would be really helpful.

I never said that it was right or wrong to post with real name or anonymously either on Facebook or Thai Visa. Just stated that it was an interesting place to get away from the real world. I am sure you are well aware about that Facebook take up more than half of many peoples life awake.

If you not understand what you read this time. Can you please refrain from messing everything up in an irrelevant comment..

10 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I guess you always need to have a problem. If you at least tried to understand what the things you read really mean sometimes. Please it would be really helpful.

I never said that it was right or wrong to post with real name or anonymously either on Facebook or Thai Visa. Just stated that it was an interesting place to get away from the real world. I am sure you are well aware about that Facebook take up more than half of many peoples life awake.

If you not understand what you read this time. Can you please refrain from messing everything up in an irrelevant comment..


    Facebook isnt getting away from the "Real World" though , it is the "Real World" , its a place where you can communicate with real life friends , friends who you would stop and talk too if you met them on the street .


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