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Former Thai PM Yingluck left Dubai on Sept. 11 for UK, source in UAE says


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38 minutes ago, Goong Ying said:

Agree Abiline.

The longer she can successfully stay in self imposed exile somewhere -- without being extradited -- the better.

Whatever grief she suffers over all that time will be added to the 5 years prison she eventually might suffer if she returns home. (unless the sentence somehow ever gets overturned).

Meanwhile the red-shirt activities could be minimal and declining after two Shinawatts?

          Yes Janpharma-- How do the "red shirts" feel about this knowing that their "icon" has stolen billions of dollars from the Thai people?

Yingluk's denials are probably still accepted by the brainwashed rice growers, but surely their money loss will fade it away?  Wasn't it her promise of money that originally got them excited?

ABBA    "money money money in a rich mans world"


Ok they might of stole money which is not right But my question is " How do the Thais feel about all the money this government has wasted on miltary equipment

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12 hours ago, does said:

This reminded me of a Latin term... If you have not much to say,  you attack the person:


Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is where an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Not sure about that.When you have in prospect a world class plonker with his numerous absurdities clear for all to see, a personal observation seems very appropriate.So I would suggest he has all the intelligence, energy and perception of a recently gassed badger.

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14 hours ago, mark131v said:

 The little general and his cohorts certainly do a good job of looking totally clueless on all levels, surely that level of ineptitude takes many years of practice to perfect to such a high degree, just about the only thing they seem to have a knack for really....

They completely understand the monetary system, they are born with a gift for this.

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6 hours ago, HHTel said:

People don't seem to grasp the fact that she is a 'convicted criminal' in Thailand only.  As far as extradition laws go, no country, treaty or not, is obliged to arrest her and return her to Thailand.  Thailand can 'request' her extradition if she's in a country where a treaty is in place, but that country will not take any action unless her 'crime' is recognised in that country.  I shouldn't imagine Yingluk's 'crime' is recognised in any country other than Thailand.  Although technically a 'convicted criminal' in Thailand, I doubt the rest of the world sees her as such.


You're safe YL.

You are exactly right but I can assure you that there will be no recognition of that fact in this forum at least from the usual suspects.We have seen this all before with Thaksin where there was a much stronger case.There will be multiple posts on Interpol procedures, extradition formalities etc etc blithely ignoring the fact that for the civilised world Yingluck has committed no crime.As before it's almost certain the Thai authorities know perfectly well this is a piece of theatre - killing the chicken to frighten the monkeys as it were.But the world knows a political witch hunt when it sees one.Apparently there are a few resident foreigners who lap up the propaganda that sophisticated Thais (even the Shin haters) can see through.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

"Their government will take care that she won't engage in politics," Prawit said.

The things these berks say get funnier every day. How the UAE govt can have any bearing on YL's behaviour, when she left that country, for cooler climes, half-a-month ago, only serves to dig a deeper and deeper hole of incredibility for these clowns to fall into, sooner rather than later.


And, those 'spies' that Prayuth was bragging about, yesterday . . . will he confiscate their smartphones or what, since they evidently weren't looking much further afield.


Pass the Kleeenex, someone, I feel another clanger coming on, before the day is through.

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

Ok they might of stole money which is not right But my question is " How do the Thais feel about all the money this government has wasted on miltary equipment

I originally posted this;-

Yes Janpharma-- How do the "red shirts" feel about this knowing that their "icon" has stolen billions of dollars from the Thai people?

Yingluk's denials are probably still accepted by the brainwashed rice growers, but surely their money loss will fade it away?  Wasn't it her promise of money that originally got them excited?


Sorry Happyman  but I'm not entering that debate about military equipment but I forgot to add a proviso that I believe most or all Y/L financial assets  have been confiscated??  and some paybacks have happened.  But I could be misinformed?

Stay away in exile Yingluck-  LOS is surely better off that way.

Edited by Goong Ying
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London and the south east is full of wealthy thais. For long term living i thought the UK would be the obvious place. A much nicer place to live than UAE especially if you have plenty of money to spend (town house in London, big estate in the country) Pretty sure that's where she will end up. As for crimes back home. London is also full of wealthy people from many countries hiding out. the UK doesn't seem to care as long as they are spending. No different to Thailand except they can buy the land their houses sit on

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I don't think the junta have a clue of what's going on in reality at all. Having said that it may be that the UAE 'source' is just trying to put up a smoke screen and that Ms. Yingluck is somewhere else entirely. Please, UAE 'source', a smoke screen is quite unnecessary given my previous remark, Ha!

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All very well getting Interpol engaged but will the court/s of the country of her domicile agree that she should be returned? :whistling:


I wonder how much money is being paid to keep the Red Bull heir "free"? And that has been going on for years now, but YL will be 'repatriated' (rightly or wrongly),  using, Interpol ASAP!

Better to be a common criminal than a politician, I think.



"The ruling junta has promised to hold an election in 2018, though changes to the constitution has ensured the military holds onto some role governing the country."


Some role? The controlling role! :post-4641-1156693976: There goes 'democracy' that the PM has openly stated that he is the great protector of! It seems now that he has told not only his people but also the world, a lie. 


Karma is waiting for its day.

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"now, but YL will be 'repatriated' (rightly or wrongly),  using, Interpol ASAP!

Better to be a common criminal than a politician, I think."


interpol and the UK (if that's where she is or ends up) won't get involved in politics so she will not be repatriated unless she chooses to be

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12 hours ago, Baerboxer said:



She was removed by a court for an illegal abuse of power PRIOR to the 2014 coup. But that's so conveniently ignored by Shin huggers.

Yes, because we both know how independent the courts in Thailand are, right?

And if you refrain from calling me a Shin hugger I will refrain from calling you a junta fanboy - agreed?

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35 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

All very well getting Interpol engaged but will the court/s of the country of her domicile agree that she should be returned? :whistling:


I wonder how much money is being paid to keep the Red Bull heir "free"? And that has been going on for years now, but YL will be 'repatriated' (rightly or wrongly),  using, Interpol ASAP!

Better to be a common criminal than a politician, I think.



"The ruling junta has promised to hold an election in 2018, though changes to the constitution has ensured the military holds onto some role governing the country."


Some role? The controlling role! :post-4641-1156693976: There goes 'democracy' that the PM has openly stated that he is the great protector of! It seems now that he has told not only his people but also the world, a lie. 


Karma is waiting for its day.

Cheer up, mate . . . it's Saturday tomorrow :partytime2:

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1 minute ago, Thian said:

Well why did the UK not inform him about entering their country? If true it still is strange....

Why should they bother, not their problem. Some are probably thinking "Who is this Yingluck person?" A one time third world politician! :smile:

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5 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Why should they bother, not their problem. Some are probably thinking "Who is this Yingluck person?" A one time third world politician! :smile:

It might be the same person at the UK-customs who let all those stolen sportscars getting out of the country?


Weeks ago i read that Thailand had asked loads of countries if YL had entered their borders...nobody confirmed it.


So why would they bother? Well maybe to keep a good relation with Thailand?


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14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Terrible spies.


Heaven forbid Thailand ever gets invaded with this lot in charge. 

Invaded ????   Last time they were they lasted six hours before they packed it in...... the Japs were given the red carpet treatment........ must of been all that muay Thai, too tiring.......

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3 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Why should they bother, not their problem. Some are probably thinking "Who is this Yingluck person?" A one time third world politician! :smile:

No she is very well known and liked.Even Abhisit a legitimate PM didn't get a private audience.As for the present illegitimate incumbent don't even ask.


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3 hours ago, Thian said:

Well why did the UK not inform him about entering their country? If true it still is strange....

It's been also stated by the BBC by now. There are two possibilities (1) she just passed immigration control, got her passport stamped, and no warning has been sent to, or received by, the foreign office (2) they knew about her entry but did not care to inform the Thai government.

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5 hours ago, Ossy said:

The things these berks say get funnier every day. How the UAE govt can have any bearing on YL's behaviour, when she left that country, for cooler climes, half-a-month ago, only serves to dig a deeper and deeper hole of incredibility for these clowns to fall into, sooner rather than later.


And, those 'spies' that Prayuth was bragging about, yesterday . . . will he confiscate their smartphones or what, since they evidently weren't looking much further afield.


Pass the Kleeenex, someone, I feel another clanger coming on, before the day is through.

I seem to have missed the 'spies' thread. Could somebody please point me in the right direction? 

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3 hours ago, Thian said:

It might be the same person at the UK-customs who let all those stolen sportscars getting out of the country?


Weeks ago i read that Thailand had asked loads of countries if YL had entered their borders...nobody confirmed it.


So why would they bother? Well maybe to keep a good relation with Thailand?


Could it be that you are overthinking matters rather? As jayboy pointed out earlier, this whole thing is nothing but theatre. I think any objective person would find this difficult to disagree with, regardless of their political stance. 

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7 minutes ago, baboon said:

Could it be that you are overthinking matters rather? As jayboy pointed out earlier, this whole thing is nothing but theatre. I think any objective person would find this difficult to disagree with, regardless of their political stance. 

No cannot sir.


I think the UK should respond to this and confirm or deny it.


Also they still have to give their opinion how those sportcars could leave the country...not one but hundreds of them and they were all stolen.

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4 minutes ago, Thian said:

No cannot sir.


I think the UK should respond to this and confirm or deny it.


Also they still have to give their opinion how those sportcars could leave the country...not one but hundreds of them and they were all stolen.

...a valid point of view you are perfectly entitled to. I just think that few higher up in the food chain than us are all that bothered: she gets to remain wealthy and at liberty, they get to crack on with their fascist dystopia, so everyone's a winner...

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54 minutes ago, candide said:

It's been also stated by the BBC by now. There are two possibilities (1) she just passed immigration control, got her passport stamped, and no warning has been sent to, or received by, the foreign office (2) they knew about her entry but did not care to inform the Thai government.

She is citizen  from different countries ( read other name to ) so easy to come in in other countries then Thailand.
and some countries don't extradite there own citizen.....

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