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Thai man shoots love rival dead with a crossbow


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1 hour ago, smew said:

Agree, why? , maybe because old fools still love them....

No more spear fishing for this guy in and around Buriam. He Will have problems selling the speargun as I am sure every other guy in Buriam has one as clear water and big fish are abundant in that area.

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

If I say, yet another insecure Thai man (relationship wise), will the same poster come out with the "Racist rubbish" drivel reply ?

You're so right.....we farangs are so mature and secure in our relationships.....we would never dream or hurting a man that not only starting sleeping with our wife but actually rented a room in the same building so he could symbocially give us the finger every time they bumped into each other.

    Indeed, we farangs are the perfect example of "matureity"... if in any doubt all you need to do is sample a portion of the posts on here.

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Loss of face rears its ugly head.  I'm sure the old guy was the butt of jokes in the factory as his young wife was boinking his co-worker. I guess what amazes me is that this guy knows he's going down for the crime, and doesn't even try to hide it.  He just gets out his primitive weapon and does him in. And then caps a second one off for good measure.  I assume he knows he's going to do the time, and just doesn't give a crap anymore.  I'm not a professional, but I bet there was a bit of relief upon killing him after all the BS his wife put him through.  He'll have a lot of time to think about it, perhaps.

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4 hours ago, nausea said:

That's no crossbow, it's a rubber-band speargun. They're used for fishing. I'm a bit surprised it was powerful enough to disable and kill.

But according to his shirt embroidery it was probably produced by a well reputated Austrian arms manufacturer ...

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5 hours ago, Get Real said:

Let him come! This happens so frequently here, so sooner or later he will realize.

I guess this man could have been far better off with a new relationship and letting his wife go. Shit, I forgot! That means he would need to think before acting. Not very common as we all see on almost a daily basis.

Right on....you would never hear of a "crime of passion" in Farang land?

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

He will do little time. The wife was fooling around, the other guy was fooling around.  The verdict if it ever goes to trial will be minimal.


I've heard that, in Thailand, if a husband catches his wife having sex with another man, the husband can legally kill the other man.   Anyhow, I agree with the post above.  I think he will be let off relatively easy.  Perhaps 6 months in the slammer with a Bt.5000 fine.

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

I think these old guys, both thai and farang have to realise these relationships with young women Don't really work.  Young women prefer strong young studs to the grandpa figure.

I'm shocked and deeply offended by your openly ageist post!

True though.

Edited by piersbeckett
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2 hours ago, impulse said:


With around 70 million Thai people, ya figure a few loonies are enough to call out the whole male demographic?  Jealous husbands and jealous wives have been murdering their spouses and their lovers for millennia, and all over the world. 


That's why they invented the Restraining Order back in nanny land...



obviously it does not apply to 100% but if you live in a country and make observations based upon characteristics seen daily and comment on it, then learning there similar problems exist in other countries (restraining orders) does not negate or nullify your observations re; thailand.   restraining orders also exist in thailand.

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21 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


I've heard that, in Thailand, if a husband catches his wife having sex with another man, the husband can legally kill the other man.   Anyhow, I agree with the post above.  I think he will be let off relatively easy.  Perhaps 6 months in the slammer with a Bt.5000 fine.

That must be tough for guys with split personality disorder 

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:


I agree but the reaction might be deemed a tad 'overkill'?  and he shot 'twice' so had to reload that 'William Tell' thing

He doesn't seem to be denying his intent was to get his point across a little more clearer than in the past.

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29 minutes ago, atyclb said:


obviously it does not apply to 100% but if you live in a country and make observations based upon characteristics seen daily and comment on it, then learning there similar problems exist in other countries (restraining orders) does not negate or nullify your observations re; thailand.   restraining orders also exist in thailand.


I'll rehash my post on the topic of Thai bashing from another thread yesterday:


Here's my list:


1) Every culture has its nimrods

2) Most folks in every culture are pretty decent folks just living their lives.

3) If I look for nimrods, and expect to see only nimrods, that's all I'll see.

4) Focusing on them doesn't improve the quality of my life.


Bashing an entire country's men based on some articles about the actions of a few of them says more about the guy(s) doing the bashing than anyone else.  I can validate my own worst thoughts about pretty much any group I choose- if I look hard enough and feel strongly enough.  That's why hate groups exist.


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3 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'll rehash my post on the topic of Thai bashing from another thread yesterday:


Here's my list:


1) Every culture has its nimrods

2) Most folks in every culture are pretty decent folks just living their lives.

3) If I look for nimrods, and expect to see only nimrods, that's all I'll see.

4) Focusing on them doesn't improve the quality of my life.


Bashing an entire country's men based on some articles about the actions of a few of them says more about the guy(s) doing the bashing than anyone else.  I can validate my own worst thoughts about pretty much any group I choose- if I look hard enough and feel strongly enough.  That's why hate groups exist.




the sjw mentality or political correctness mentality leads to unanimity  of thought and speech. you cite commonalities amongst various countries as a way to rationalize and diminish if not negate culture specific traits.


look at thailand and look at japan.  do you think the rates of comparable crimes are similar? do you think the fact that education and culture in japan being a lot different comes into play? do you think the average japanese person is more mature, has higher intellectual development, reasoning, logic and critical thinking abilities? 


imo your most pertinent point is #4

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

I think these old guys, both thai and farang have to realise these relationships with young women Don't really work.  Young women prefer strong young studs to the grandpa figure.

I think they prefer big fat wallet mate not studs?You are in LOS?

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5 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Why do guys always go after the man sleeping with their wife?

The man is doing no wrong, the wife is committing adultery... shoot her.

Lol@BOB?????DO NOT WORRY BOB u r safe as long as you keep a low profile ???

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6 hours ago, nausea said:

That's no crossbow, it's a rubber-band speargun. They're used for fishing. I'm a bit surprised it was powerful enough to disable and kill.

I've seen them in Kom Pong Som Cambodia powerfull enough to go thru a 2x4 piece of wood.  Just depends on how many bands you use.

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6 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Why do guys always go after the man sleeping with their wife?

The man is doing no wrong, the wife is committing adultery... 


Couldn’t agree more. The wife is a whore. She CHOSE to open her legs for another man whilst still married. 


The husband goes to jail and has a murder charge to carry for life. 


The younger man just wanting free sex (as most do) is dead. 


The cheating whore walks free. 

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

I think these old guys, both thai and farang have to realise these relationships with young women Don't really work.  Young women prefer strong young studs to the grandpa figure.

Hmm,..Depends of the Grandpa figure I guess !?!?

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6 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Why do guys always go after the man sleeping with their wife?

The man is doing no wrong, the wife is committing adultery... shoot her.

Because in his irrational mind, he was getting rid of the problem and would keep the wife.

While by shooting the wife, he would stay with the guy. Maybe he was not so interested in him even if as young as his wife..

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6 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

Why do guys always go after the man sleeping with their wife?

The man is doing no wrong, the wife is committing adultery... shoot her.


guys are just are responsible it takes 2 to tango... if a guy knows a women is married he shouldn't be messing around with her.  Most guys would be pretty fuckin salty about a guy they know <deleted> their wife.... he tried to let it go but they wanted to rub it in his face by moving into the same complex???? <deleted> kind which was a stupid move is this ... you push someone they are going to react!

Edited by speckio
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