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Hospital reprimanded for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation


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10 hours ago, greenchair said:


Studies from males that have been circumcised at birth say their sexual sensitivity is reduced greatly. Not only that, there is extensive scarring left around the penis that causes pain during sex and prevents the man from achieving full orgasm. It often depends on the doctor. Some cut more than is necessary. Not only that , the poor little baby is awake and does not recieve anasthetic. 

Why don't you try taking a piece of your most sensitive organ and slice through it with a sharp scalpel. Just to see how the baby might feel. 

I would like to read those studies as speaking from personal experience most of what you are stating is absolute nonsense.

I Have read read credible articles that state that males who are circumcised are less likely to be infected with STD’s

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44 minutes ago, atyclb said:



interesting about pleasure.  chicks have told me it often repulses them to perform oral sex on an uncircumcised male because of the odour.  i guess the technical reasons behind it is there being a moist space where bacteria proliferate.

I've done lots of blow jobs and they all smelled nice to me. ????

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6 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

The African women I knew that had it done will disagree with you to no end...........But I think it is all a smoke screen, a lot has been written about it and all agree that orgasm would be difficult, if not impossible without a clitoris.  Another urban legend, it is not done because it is ordained by the Koran, it is mostly tribal, but hiding behind the Koran that does refer to women being submissive to man. and a belief that a women will not sleep around if she has had it done at an early age.  


It's still a very sick thing and I can't believe Thailand hasn't outlawed it yet...........



those african girls will tell you you are brad pitt and make them come 10 times, anything to get your money

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2 hours ago, jvs said:

Finally someone is talking sense,there is no advertising for FGM,

it is merely for rejuvenating purposes.They take fat from the stomach or elsewhere and inject it into the genital area.Mostly for older women.

I have no idea why people come up with removing vital parts of the female anotomy.

Paranoia any one?



What part of

"The Health Support Service Department is taking action against the Lelux Hospital for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation. "  do either of you not understand.  I don't think the majority of us are making this up, we report on what we read.

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6 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Uuugh!!  From FGM to Smegma in one article, this forum is really going downhill.



poster is probably a fan of poo prala.... thai fermented seafood . lol .   the stuff they use to make papaya salad smell bad . imo

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14 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


It damn well should be!


It is an evil and cruel thing to do to a person, and should be banned in every civilized country on the planet.

Unfortunately not all countries are "civilized" ... especially when it comes to misogyny. 

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9 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Some (one particular one) on T.V would argue that it is their right to Freedom of Religion in their own country of Thailand. What a farce! 

I have no idea of whom you are referring but would like to make the following points.


Cambridge English dictionary definitions:


Sanctimonious: making a show of being morally superior to other people - synonyms include 'hypocritical' and 'insincere' - example in sentence, "nobody wants to hear your sanctimonious hot air".


Troll: someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble.


Bigot: a person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, especially about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong.


The test of bigotry as I see it is whether or not the idea is reasonable, so if you thought very badly of another person because she was black and for no other reason that would be bigotry,  if however you thought very badly of that same black person because she enforced the cutting out of a child's clitoris for a non-medical, 'traditional' reason (with everything that is known relating to that act) that would not be bigotry.


I think it follows that thinking very badly of a group of people who by their membership of that group condone the enforced, non-medical, 'traditional' cutting out of girls' clitoral organs, religious indoctrination, female subjugation, persecution of homosexuals and apostates, holy wars and the non-acceptance (intolerance) by their group of infidels, is not bigotry. 


My point being that it is reasonable to think very badly of such a group.



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2 hours ago, atyclb said:

interesting about pleasure.  chicks have told me it often repulses them to perform oral sex on an uncircumcised male because of the odour. 

that's the great thing about the modern World and technology.


Clothes pegs are so cheap, we don't need to mutilate the best parts of our bodies any longer! 

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44 minutes ago, connda said:

From a human rights perspective, it beggars the question: "Why is deliberate female genital mutilation not illegal?"


Why is male genital mutilation (circumcision) not illegal? 


It certainly should be (when done on infants - the no consent aspect) and without a serious medical condition.

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5 hours ago, greenchair said:


That's very sad that somebody did that to you when you were 4 years old. I can't imagine how traumatic a young boy would be watching some doctor take to his penis with a pair of scissors. I do believe you would have been in pain for several weeks after. 

Your post body language, does not match what you are saying. 

My wife does not like uncircumcised men she says they are stinky.  I'm 70 no sex problems. 

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5 hours ago, Knee Jerk Reaction said:

The hospital has been advertising labiaplasty procedures. The Nation crafted the headline to whip up hysteria, which worked a treat.

Quite common in the West.  It has been my experience not so necessary in Asia.  One has to realize men posting here have only a rudimentary understanding of female genitalia especially the so called experts on male circumcision


Labiaplasty there are two main categories of women seeking cosmetic genital surgery: those with congenital conditions such as intersex, and those with no underlying condition who experience physical discomfort or wish to alter the appearance of their genitals because they believe they do not fall within a normal range.

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1 minute ago, Happy Grumpy said:

I'd be a bit worried about a partner that had sexual relations with men that don't wash, to be honest. 


Were they homeless men she was bringing home? :huh: 

She was doing volunteer work at the hospital.  You're a real piece of work aren't you.  Do you normally insult other people's wives? 

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Just now, Happy Grumpy said:

It just seems a bit bizarre.


Nope. Calling BS on your stories. 


You implied my wife slept with homeless men.  Now you are calling me a liar.  It sure is a good thing you are on the INTERNET. 

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There's no need to be angry that the best part of you was cut off.




Actually there is.



Educate, don't mutilate.


Leave them kids alone, and let the future be genital mutilation free. 





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I just looked at some current Thai language news stories on this from the Thai press.
Seems there's a been a mistranslation of the story in the Nation's article, confusing FGM with plastic surgery. What the Lelux Hospital (a hospital in Nonthaburi specialising in plastic surgery) is doing is NOT FGM. They are doing a cosmetic procedure whereby they take fat from a woman's thigh or abdomen and inject it in the region of her pudenda to enhance its looks. Apparently it's considered  to be more beautiful if it's curvaceous and rounded rather than flat.
Here's a picture from a Thai news story showing before and after pictures. You can also see the syringes along with already removed fat ready to be re-injected.


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13 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


There's no need to be angry that the best part of you was cut off.

Actually there is.



Educate, don't mutilate.


Leave them kids alone, and let the future be genital mutilation free.

I don't think that has anything to do with the real topic of this fake news story.  The operation is voluntary cosmetic surgery for adult ladies with big floppy lips and has nothing to do with clitoral sensation.  In men there has been a downturn in circumcising babies and an upsurge in male adult circumcision because women like it better especially among porn stars.   

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

No, FGM is done for 'cultural' reasons.

Male circumcision is done for health reasons and doesn't interfere with the pleasure sensation as removal of the clitoris does with FGM

Male circumcision is no longer done for health reasons, it is sufficient to teach boys elementary practical hygiene. Modern research indicates that circumcision of boys leads to looser bonding in relaationships, superficiality in treatment of sexual partners...

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12 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


You've won joke of the year.


Congratulations! :biggrin:

Pros of circumcision

decreases risk of urinary tract infections in infancy

decreases risk of penile cancer

decreases risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including female-to-male transmission of HIV

decreases risk of cervical cancer and some infections in female partners

prevents balanitis, phimosis, and paraphimosis

creates easier genital hygiene

Cons of circumcision

may be seen as disfigurement by some

may cause pain, although safe and effective medications are administered to reduce pain

has few immediate health benefits

may cause rare complications, including cutting the foreskin too long or too short, poor healing, bleeding, or infection



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3 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

What part of

"The Health Support Service Department is taking action against the Lelux Hospital for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation. "  do either of you not understand.  I don't think the majority of us are making this up, we report on what we read.

Yes i am sure you do but as happens more often something got lost in translation.Ann looked it up on the website and they explained it as i posted,i report what i heard .

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1 minute ago, jvs said:

Yes i am sure you do but as happens more often something got lost in translation.Ann looked it up on the website and they explained it as i posted,i report what i heard .

Mea Culpa  toomuch coffee on this side of the pond

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