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Hospital reprimanded for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation


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1 hour ago, markcm19 said:

circumcision is legal and practiced without the individuals consent in even modern western cultures, which also hinders sexual enjoyment and is disfiguring although much more widely accepted. I am circumcised myself and quite upset about it. Both are barbaric and should require consent before you chop off body parts we are born with.

chop off body parts we are born with.


Are you saying sheep shouldn't be docked? If they weren't, most would have severe problems, but they have body parts removed. Just as valid for circumcision. Get rid of that revolting thing, I say.


How do you know it hinders sexual enjoyment? There is no way you can logically prove that.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

FMG has no comparison with circumcision.


I was circumcised and I'm glad I don't have that revolting thing growing mould on me.


C) BS.

Just to correct you, I didn't argue for it being the same, except for it being batshit insane crazy either way.


As mentioned, your anectodal story doesn't matter as there is (already was) someone who didn't agree with that sentiment. Not to mention, had you not gotten it, you could have still opted to get in done later, at your own will, rather than it being forced on you...which is the main contention here.


C) Keep the blinders on, you make a great blue pill so far.

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How do you know it hinders sexual enjoyment? There is no way you can logically prove that.


Thankfully nowadays we have science.


Scientifically, having the most sexually pleasurable and sexually receptive part of your anatomy removed completely, and the second most receptive part deadened due to the removal of the first........... wait for it............ massively reduces the sexual pleasure and stimulation one receives. 



Cut men usually say the most sexually pleasurable and receptive part is just where it was cut off from on the back of the head, because a small amount of the receptors are left behind.



Unfortunately discussing sexual pleasure with those that were cut as infants is like discussing a rainbow with someone that was blinded at birth.


Unfortunately they will never, ever be able to enjoy full and proper sex due to it.


It is an absolutely horrendous thing to do to a person, and should be a human rights violation when committed on someone without their consent (as children) and without a medical problem being present.


Educate, don't mutilate. Let the young boys become full and proper men. 

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2 hours ago, Jonah Tenner said:

FGM, which is what was being discussed.
Labiaplasty came into the discussion afterwards...

I believe if you read the Thai version of the story you will find you are being trolled by this news story.  No FGM only a common procedure of plastic surgery  Labiaplasty at that hospital.

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5 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Thankfully nowadays we have science.


Scientifically, having the most sexually pleasurable and sexually receptive part of your anatomy removed completely, and the second most receptive part deadened due to the removal of the first........... wait for it............ massively reduces the sexual pleasure and stimulation one receives. 



Cut men usually say the most sexually pleasurable and receptive part is just where it was cut off from on the back of the head, because a small amount of the receptors are left behind.



Unfortunately discussing sexual pleasure with those that were cut as infants is like discussing a rainbow with someone that was blinded at birth.


Unfortunately they will never, ever be able to enjoy full and proper sex due to it.


It is an absolutely horrendous thing to do to a person, and should be a human rights violation when committed on someone without their consent (as children) and without a medical problem being present.


Educate, don't mutilate. Let the young boys become full and proper men.

I would agree.  I'd suggest you go to school. Because it is obvious you have little education.  75 percent of American men are circumcised.  Preliminary evidence to suggest that the foreskin is not the most sensitive part of the penis.   Dr. Jennifer Bossio from Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, studied 62 men between the ages of 18 and 37.   Study indicates that neonatal circumcision is not associated with changes in penile sensitivity.   http://www.medicaldaily.com/circumcision-sexual-pleasure-382158

My opinion and my opinion based on sex for 60 years with a variety of partners is

Circumcision does not hamper sex pleasure.  Guys who say it does have the old ugly dick complex.  Sorry fellas.  Keep the lights off and you should be OK.


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8 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:



Jeez lads, all you do is keep a hammer and chisel in yer back pack to crack and scrape it off once a week.



Or wash lol.


Seems like some posters are allergic to soap and water, just a squirt of deodorant under their t-shirt and out they go. :biggrin:

living in a hot climate it is not that easy mr. happy grumpy.
However, there is no reason to become unpleasant, even wrapped up with an emoji grin, when you do not understand certain things.
I am not further participating in this discussion.

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1 hour ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Thankfully nowadays we have science.


Scientifically, having the most sexually pleasurable and sexually receptive part of your anatomy removed completely, and the second most receptive part deadened due to the removal of the first........... wait for it............ massively reduces the sexual pleasure and stimulation one receives. 



Cut men usually say the most sexually pleasurable and receptive part is just where it was cut off from on the back of the head, because a small amount of the receptors are left behind.



Unfortunately discussing sexual pleasure with those that were cut as infants is like discussing a rainbow with someone that was blinded at birth.


Unfortunately they will never, ever be able to enjoy full and proper sex due to it.


It is an absolutely horrendous thing to do to a person, and should be a human rights violation when committed on someone without their consent (as children) and without a medical problem being present.


Educate, don't mutilate. Let the young boys become full and proper men. 



"Unfortunately discussing sexual pleasure with those that were cut as infants is like discussing a rainbow with someone that was blinded at birth."


ineptly deluded analogy

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2 hours ago, atyclb said:

"Unfortunately discussing sexual pleasure with those that were cut as infants is like discussing a rainbow with someone that was blinded at birth."


ineptly deluded analogy


Errr, no.


Cut at birth - will never feel or experience the sensations from the parts removed. Will never be able to have full and proper sex.


Blind at birth - will never see or experience rainbows. Will never be able to have full and proper sight. 



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12 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Errr, no.


Cut at birth - will never feel or experience the sensations from the parts removed. Will never be able to have full and proper sex.


Blind at birth - will never see or experience rainbows. Will never be able to have full and proper sight.

Adult circumcision of the men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were satisfied with having been circumcised. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11956453

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21 minutes ago, amvet said:

Adult circumcision of the men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were satisfied with having been circumcised.

Circumcised because they had some medical issue that interfered with proper enjoyable sex.......


"A total of 123 men were circumcised as adults. Indications for circumcision included phimosis in 64% of cases, balanitis in 17%, condyloma in 10%, redundant foreskin in 9% and elective in 7%."







 Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function (p = 0.01), decreased penile sensitivity


You left that part out.








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15 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Circumcised because they had some medical issue that interfered with proper enjoyable sex.......


"A total of 123 men were circumcised as adults. Indications for circumcision included phimosis in 64% of cases, balanitis in 17%, condyloma in 10%, redundant foreskin in 9% and elective in 7%."







 Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function (p = 0.01), decreased penile sensitivity


You left that part out.







It is 1%


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"After the circumcision there was a major change. It was like night and day. I lost most sensation. I would give anything to get the feeling back."


The sexual differences between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis is . . . like wearing a condom or wearing a glove. . . . Sight without color would be a good analogy. . . . Only being able to see in black and white, for example, rather than seeing in full color would be like experiencing an orgasm with a foreskin and without. There are feelings you’ll just never have without a foreskin.




A sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and genitally intact men shows that the natural penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the natural penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.

In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the intact penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the intact penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.




Educate. Don't mutilate. 



Edited by Happy Grumpy
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8 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Like discussing rainbows with blind people. :sad:



Sure, there'll be some shouting 'Black is the best color, we never wanted to see other colors anyway!' as a defense mechanism.

The study I quoted was men who were circumcised as adults so your point is not valid and I'd suggest visiting Lolita's and asking there as they are experts. 

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39 minutes ago, amvet said:

The study I quoted was men who were circumcised as adults

The study you quoted was men that that had medical problems and couldn't enjoy a full and proper sex life.


It's like quoting a study for toenail removal at birth, using the data of adult sufferers that had severe ingrown toenails.




After thirty years in the natural state I allowed myself to be persuaded by a physician to have the foreskin removed—not because of any problems at the time, but because, in the physician’s view, there might be problems in the future. That was five years ago and I am sorry I had it done. . . . The sensitivity in the glans has been reduced by at least 50 percent. There it is, unprotected, constantly rubbing against the fabric of whatever I am wearing. In a sense, it has become callused. . . . I seem to have a relatively unresponsive stick where I once had a sexual organ.

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Has it been linked with low IQ? :shock1: (joke, btw)


Some that have had it done seem to be unable to grasp that having the most sensitive part of their tool removed, and the 2nd most deadened, results in......... wait for it ............ less sensitivity and pleasure.



The pleasure from the the sexual stimulation of the inner foreskin is simply indescribable. Robbing a man of that experience is cruelty in the extreme.



Leave them kids alone! 


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32 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Banning fgm just moves the practice to the unqualified; creating more problems. Educating the younger generations (future parents) to try and break from these unnecessary practices is the key.

Do you actually believe the news story?  I went to the hospital website.  I say 100% it's fake.  I guess no one involved could actually check the story - ha that would be too much like journalism eh?

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5 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

They inject fat around the pussy to make it big. I do not know why, but thai women want a big pussy. Large breast and large pussy. 

They inject fat into the area around the vagina, to make it tighter.

The result is a tight pussy...

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12 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Circumcised because they had some medical issue that interfered with proper enjoyable sex.......


"A total of 123 men were circumcised as adults. Indications for circumcision included phimosis in 64% of cases, balanitis in 17%, condyloma in 10%, redundant foreskin in 9% and elective in 7%."







 Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function (p = 0.01), decreased penile sensitivity


You left that part out.









"Evidence concerning the effect of circumcision on sexual function is lacking."


though it seems your personal knowledge is far knowing applicable to all

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17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

chop off body parts we are born with.


Are you saying sheep shouldn't be docked? If they weren't, most would have severe problems, but they have body parts removed. Just as valid for circumcision. Get rid of that revolting thing, I say.


How do you know it hinders sexual enjoyment? There is no way you can logically prove that.


"There is no way you can logically prove that."


may i remind you this is tv forum where logic or science need not apply

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21 minutes ago, atyclb said:

though it seems your personal knowledge is far knowing applicable to all


Having a foreskin, and experiencing the extreme pleasure that it gives (it is the most sexually pleasurable part of the penis, after all. about 30cm squared, about the same size as a credit card, of sexual receptors), which covers and protects the sensitivity of the 2nd most sensitive part, yes I have a more qualified position to men that had this all taken away from them at Birth.


As my 2 adult friends that had it done as adults say, it makes sexual sensations 'shit' compared to what they used to be. 




Stop doing it to little boys.

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On 10/9/2017 at 8:43 AM, greenchair said:


Studies from males that have been circumcised at birth say their sexual sensitivity is reduced greatly. Not only that, there is extensive scarring left around the penis that causes pain during sex and prevents the man from achieving full orgasm. It often depends on the doctor. Some cut more than is necessary. Not only that , the poor little baby is awake and does not recieve anasthetic. 

Why don't you try taking a piece of your most sensitive organ and slice through it with a sharp scalpel. Just to see how the baby might feel. 


It's not really surprising that some doctors remove more tissue than necessary. Since a baby boy's penis is so small and his foreskin is still attached to the glans and needs to be forcibly ripped off before it is cut off, it is impossible for a doctor to see what he is doing properly or know exactly what the results of his handiwork will be like for the owner of the penis in later life.  


Far better to leave perfectly healthy infant foreskins intact and let the owners decide for themselves when they are grown up to have them amputated, if they decide they have no further use for them. This should be a personal choice that has nothing to do with one's religion or traditions from thousands of years ago when hygienic conditions were different.   


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