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Stricter controls over firearms, fireworks and explosives


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Stricter controls over firearms, fireworks and explosives

By Prapasri Osatanond 
The Nation



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The National Legislative Assembly on Thursday passed the third reading of amendments to the 1947 Weapon, Firearm, Explosive and Firework Act.


The amendments were proposed to keep the legislation abreast of weapons’ technology and the changing conditions in society.


Weapon silencers and electric darts will also come under the legislation.


 As well, the amended rules cover fireworks, Bang Fai (locally-made rockets), Talai (rocket-like fireworks with a circular wing) as there have been contests of shooting Bang Fai and Talai that have caused injuries and deaths as well as property damage. 


The amendment also specifies that only Thais can register a gun with authorities. Previously, nationality was not an issue and foreigners residing in Thailand could apply.


As well, anyone who creates a bomb scare can be jailed for up to three years and/or fined up to Bt60,000.


The NLA passed the amendment with 201 in favour, one against and five abstaining. It will become effective after it is promulgated in the Royal Gazette.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30329143

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-10-12


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Again, the government stands at the front of foreigner bashing.

There is absolutely no control whatsoever over illegal possession and use of firearms.

It is not certain at all if legally owned guns are used in criminal or threatening acts.

And of course, foreigner owned firearms are only a very small part of legal gun possession.

So in it's infinite wisdom, the government attacks the tiny legal ownership of guns by foreigners, in the farang bashing mode, so to say.

And will do and can't do anything about illegal guns.

My compliments, government.


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Stricter controls on fireworks is certainly overdue!  Young kids (10-15 yrs. old) in our village are constantly setting off fireworks (firecrackers) which are noisy and sound like gunshots.  Certainly age limits should be imposed or a license required to purchase them - but I suppose it would be just another rule that would never be enforced!

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32 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

No problem, my wife can still legally buy a gun. Foreigners can still easily buy a stolen gun, so the new rule will change nothing, except on paper.

Yeah, something will change.  The "stakes" will be higher for the foreigner who subsequent to the prohibition finds a reason to use his weapon or is found with one, however that comes about.  The "purchase price" will also ratchet up a bit.  I'm not disagreeing with the idea that there'll be little or no proactive enforcement per se, or that foreigners will remain able to get their hands on them, just that the brown envelope will now have to be a bit fatter, unless you're willing to settle for a knife at your gun fights.




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36 minutes ago, catman20 said:

thats a bit like the war against drugs ..............fighting a loosing battle with that one also :cheesy:

Don't tell me the BIB and their office bosses are trying to do anything about drugs. I may go into shock at the very thought. If they stop the drug trade they will all lose big money, now pass that Thai Stick to me please.

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11 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Yeah, something will change.  The "stakes" will be higher for the foreigner who subsequent to the prohibition finds a reason to use his weapon or is found with one, however that comes about.  The "purchase price" will also ratchet up a bit.  I'm not disagreeing with the idea that there'll be little or no proactive enforcement per se, or that foreigners will remain able to get their hands on them, just that the brown envelope will now have to be a bit fatter, unless you're willing to settle for a knife at your gun fights.




What sane person needs a gun anyway, apart from those with a small penis. Ban all guns in private hands.

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36 minutes ago, coconuthead said:

it's a good move keeping guns out of the hands of foreigners after what we saw with the old rabid aussie yesterday

That was not a gun. It was a huge knife. Guns are the things that shoot bullets. Knives are sharp pointy things.

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17 minutes ago, bander said:

Can I keep my baseball bat to protect myself against burglars? (sarcasm) 

I took a page out of the Vietnam war and put some punji stakes INSiDE my property near my fence so that the burgulars would step on them when they jumped over the fence to rob my home!

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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

Good measure, cause we all know its those foreigners driving around with guns in their car and waving them around as soon as someone passes them on the highway.

Foreign gun owners seems to be the governments biggest issue these days.

Have I missed something, a shootout or mass murder committed by a foreigner?  

What's next? Foreigners cannot own or drive car in Thailand.


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does this have consequences for those foreigners that already have firearm registered ?


or are those allowed to have those ?

i personally think it's another useless rule to ban a small group from owning legally a firearm,

how many percent of legally owned guns by foreigners are used in criminal activities ?



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This will have no effect on crime or mindless violence.   Just remember to tell all the crims that they so readily let into the country that they also will not be able to have guns now.  Not sure how much that will do as they will probably get them illegally as they did at home. 

Probably 50% of the Thais that currently own guns have them illegally anyway.   And of those Thais with guns many have them under false pretences at least.  How many of them that I have spoken to who bought them for target shooting ever go near a shooting club?    Answer?  I didn't waste me breath asking.

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