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Thaivisa exclusive: “Attempted murder" as "Australian" man punched by Thai in school says he is really British

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Glad he is being charged with attempted murderer. The cam evidence is plain to see. The Thai has apologized for being stupid but understandably angry. In this case my sympathies lie with the Thai man. The Brit deserves all that is thrown at him.

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5 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Aussies are British aren't they?  or were once we'd emptied our jails  :giggle:   (just kidding)


Anyway carrying that thing in ones car is inexcusable and dumb and he's about to pay the price Mr. Jai Ron

The only convicts the poms brought to Australia in the olden days were the poor family workers and mothers who stole bread to feed their starving  children...the real criminal like murders, highway men, bank robbers and rapist they kept back in England or hung them.

41 minutes ago, pookiki said:

Another one of your misconceptions.  The videos are evidence.  Courts of law apply different levels of 'proof' depending on the nature of the crime. And by your somewhat twisted logic, the absence of any video for the totality of the incident, there is no proof of what may or may not have happened. It's up for the courts to decide.

Yes and the level of proof a video provides is much higher as a statement from the farang without any evidence supporting it. But your right its for the courts to decide. The guy is a total tool and the Thai has every right to be angry. If someone runs me over with a car and threatens me with a machete id get pretty pissed and might have decked the guy too. (not sure how i would really react as I am usually quite cool but this is a quite extreme action of the farang. 

5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

These are "garden tools"


garden tools.jpg

These are "machetes"


The "machete" is a standard home-made chopper. It can still kill you. He had it and tried to use it. Guilty. Alzheimer's or standard Dementia. Fine him, take him home, keep him on a leash.

18 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I believe there is something wrong with the claim by the Thai guy about the Brit hitting him with his car. I have been going through some of the car hitting pedestrian cases that I investigated in Australia. The big thing that puzzles me is if the Thai guy was hit by the car then how come he has not suffered any leg injuries from being hit by the front of the car. If the car was going that slow that there was no injury then the Thai guy would have fell backwards in front of the car which would have then run over him, but to be hit hard enough for him to end up on the bonnet of the car he would have sustained serious leg injuries to the point of possible fractures and not being able to walk.

So what really did happen?

Is the Thai guy lying as well?

So you were an accident investigator, really? A bad one my guess. Years ago  in my early 20's a punk from another school gunned his car at me. I did not have time to jump to the side but being athletic I jumped up not hitting the windshield but actually rolling off the roof or the car. That is how you can prevent legs being hit if you can see the car coming at you. Makes sense in this case as when Brit gunned car at him he jumped up then fell into windshield or do you think Mr Investigator that he jumped on hood/bonnet of the car and then deliberately tried to smash windshield with his elbows

1 hour ago, cedel said:

Not 68 years old, not even 72,he said he was 77! And I understood in the yesterday's article that his wife was carrying the baby so he just made another kid... At 76 maybe 

Don't think that was his wife holding baby. But common sense he seems to not have in entirety even having one at 68 and doing the nonsensical machete thing. He looks to be at his end in this country as this has gone soooo viral and widely talked about. Even my kids have seen it on the internet and wife on the morning tv.

50 minutes ago, tropo said:

Come on Rob. LOL> He's 77 years old. At that age, one would hope they don't act their age. 

True.. come on the age is irrelevant here in my opinion. If you do something like this then don't hide behind your age. I don't care how old someone is if he deliberately runs me over and threatens me with a machete id get angry. I might lose my cool and deck him sucker punch or not. Why would i have to be polite and stand up after being run over by a car and attacked with a machete. 


Seriously this is not about age at all.. just about a stupid act from an idiot. 

32 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I was thinking the same, although showing poor judgement in his actions, the old guy appears to be incredibly fit for his age.

He was obviously very upset. A gold shop boss!!

31 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Has taken the wind out of the sails of the Aussie bashers. Filled the sails of the Pommie bashers.

Sorry, your Australian accent sucks. Are you a Cockney?


He's been in Australia long enough to pick up a few of their bad habits!

13 minutes ago, mrfill said:
48 minutes ago, tropo said:

Dementia coupled with anxiety and anger.

In that case he shouldn't be in Thailand but a hospital, shouldn't be driving and certainly should never be left in charge of an 8 year old.

It doesn't matter where you think he should be. He's here with a family. They don't hospitalize people here when their brain is not working at full capacity.


The point is he's 77 years old. The average life expectancy of a male in Thailand is 71.5 years. He's old and his brain is obviously not working well. They are not the actions of a person of sound mind.  

49 minutes ago, Megasin1 said:

The saga continues...lol. What confuses me here is I can see no real difference in their crimes yet 1 will be facing a potential attempted murder charge and the other has apologised for losing his temper. That the Thai stopped in front of him there is no doubt so let's assume something occurred previously. He had a 'gardening tool' , nothing unusual about that in Thailand. He lost his temper, apologise and wai, job done. The thai sucker punched a 77 year old man. That's attempted murder and was clearly saying that he would kill him. The real crime was that the policeman was too fat to bend over....wais all round job done

"The thai sucker punched a 77 year old man. That's attempted murder"


Rubbish! The "attempted murder" charge comes from the Brit/Aussie attacking the Thai with the machete! 


The video at the school is clearl and without any doubt- the Brit is struck in the face by the Thai man.  This is assault pure and simple. He may have apologized for it but the video is explicit.


The clip of the Brit with the 'machete' is not definitive.  It does not show clearly what the Brit is doing with the machete. The Brit may be threatening the Thai and may be swinging the machete and striking the Thai car.


When the Brit gets in his car and starts driving away- I can see the possibility of the Thai man emerging from his car (the door is open) and jumping on the hood (Bonnet) of the Brit's car- injuring the Thai's elbows as he landed and damaging the windscreen. The Brit instinctively stops- the Thai is flung off landing on his feet.  Had the Brit tried to hit the Thai - the Thai would have severe bruises on his legs and possibly sank to the ground- he would not have been flung onto the hood- landed on his feet- and then been able to kick at the Brit's car. I would hope the police take a look at the Thai's legs to see if there are  any marks.


I don't see an attempted murder charge- assault or threatening yes- both parties at fault.

The whole incident could have been averted had one of them simply refused to play 'tag' with the cars as they were both angry at  the initial incident.  Simply walking away- or in this case- drive away to avoid any confrontation.


Thanks to him to mention he is a Brits. Well another sad story unfortunately for British community.


Please put him in monkey house and deport him life time. Do the same for anyone from any country. Punish Thai people hard too if they do the same. This is the only way to bring law and order.

1 minute ago, tropo said:

It doesn't matter where you think he should be. He's here with a family. They don't hospitalize people here when their brain is not working at full capacity.


The point is he's 77 years old. The average life expectancy of a male in Thailand is 71.5 years. He's old and his brain is obviously not working well. They are not the actions of a person of sound mind.  

Your saying he is not sound of mind.. while i do agree that these are not normal actions there are enough people who consider these things normal (criminals / scum/ anti social people). So i would not declare him unsound of mind that fast. If he is they should send him back to the UK to be hospitalized there. This guys is a danger to others. 


Well being Aussie and reading this that he is British  Not Australian yet they keep saying he's Australian he's not.

The issue is both should be spoken to and treated as both being guilty him for garden too the Thai man for the punch in the face.

The fact one was 77years old and other 28 year old is mind blowing that this young man had the balls to hit an elderly man is beyond belief.

And yet it happened but then he is a foreigner in someone elses country and he will be in the wrong he will never win 

7 minutes ago, robblok said:

True.. come on the age is irrelevant here in my opinion. If you do something like this then don't hide behind your age. I don't care how old someone is if he deliberately runs me over and threatens me with a machete id get angry. I might lose my cool and deck him sucker punch or not. Why would i have to be polite and stand up after being run over by a car and attacked with a machete. 


Seriously this is not about age at all.. just about a stupid act from an idiot. 

Your comment that I replied to was all about age. You said he should "act his age"... suggesting that all 77 years olds are of sound mind and mental deterioration at that age is irrelevant.


You're a hard man with a very harsh point of view. Let's hope you keep all your mental faculties until a ripe old age.




5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

"Floored by a left hook".....that landed on his left jaw?




       Quite  right , it  was  a  cracker , of a left hook , in self defence . 555



British/Australian idiot should realise only Thais can behave like he did and get away with it!! By the way why is it that when a Muslim lives in the UK for 15 years he’s BRITISH!!! But when a Brit lives in another country for 15 years - he’s still a Brit?

Just now, robblok said:

Your saying he is not sound of mind.. while i do agree that these are not normal actions there are enough people who consider these things normal (criminals / scum/ anti social people). So i would not declare him unsound of mind that fast. If he is they should send him back to the UK to be hospitalized there. This guys is a danger to others. 

I'm saying that he may not be of sound mind - the indications are there that he is not. I'm also trying to explain that at his age the risk is quite high. A psychiatric examination could determine that.

Just now, tropo said:

Your comment that I replied to was all about age. You said he should "act his age"... suggesting that all 77 years olds are of sound mind and mental deterioration at that age is irrelevant.


You're a hard man with a very harsh point of view. Let's hope you keep all your mental faculties until a ripe old age.




Yes my points of view are harsh because I hate people like this. (irrelevant of age). People who use cars as weapons and carry machetes with them are not normal people. They are the type who get into trouble like this with their sense of entitlement to self defense with weapons. 


If you start attacking people then you should not be surprised if they attack you back irrelevant of your age. You seem to think he has some mental problem, if that is the case he should be behind locked doors (mental care), these people are a danger to themselves and others. 


I don't believe their right should outweigh other rights to safety. Maybe if you encounter an idiot like that you will change your mind too. Dangerous violent people should be either locked up or cared for if they have mental problems behind locked doors. Not carrying weapons in a car and driving a car. 

2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I'm saying that he may not be of sound mind - the indications are there that he is not. I'm also trying to explain that at his age the risk is quite high. A psychiatric examination could determine that.

By all means check his mental state (if possible at all here given the lack of English speakers and mental care levels here). But if it is found he is indeed unsound.. then lock him up somewhere so he can't do this again. Just letting someone like that out on the streets is asking for trouble. 

2 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

He lived in Thailand for a number of years but no one is calling him a Thai, so why people calling him Aussie because he lived there? 

He's British (or maybe Britsh!t)...stop tarnishing the good name of Australians !

Me too am sick and tired of Australians being tarnished. Also he`s British and sick and tired of Brits being tarnished. He may have Scots, Irish and Welsh ancestry, same applies. Got it, lets just describe him as a stupid Farlang, then everyone`s happy all round.



7 minutes ago, tropo said:
17 minutes ago, robblok said:

True.. come on the age is irrelevant here in my opinion. If you do something like this then don't hide behind your age. I don't care how old someone is if he deliberately runs me over and threatens me with a machete id get angry. I might lose my cool and deck him sucker punch or not. Why would i have to be polite and stand up after being run over by a car and attacked with a machete. 


Seriously this is not about age at all.. just about a stupid act from an idiot. 

Your comment that I replied to was all about age. You said he should "act his age"... suggesting that all 77 years olds are of sound mind and mental deterioration at that age is irrelevant.


You're a hard man with a very harsh point of view. Let's hope you keep all your mental faculties until a ripe old age.


Someone who has mental issues, young or old, shouldn't be driving a car

17 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes and the level of proof a video provides is much higher as a statement from the farang without any evidence supporting it. But your right its for the courts to decide. The guy is a total tool and the Thai has every right to be angry. If someone runs me over with a car and threatens me with a machete id get pretty pissed and might have decked the guy too. (not sure how i would really react as I am usually quite cool but this is a quite extreme action of the farang. 

Well, if I was the farang's lawyer and your were the judge, I'd move to have you recused from the case for obvious bias.  You have consistently taken the position that the Thai man's actions in hitting the Brit should be mitigated on the 'video' of the previous confrontation. However, you have already decided that the farang man's statement can't be credible because there is no video. Why?  Maybe there are witnesses, right?  Road rage incidents in Thailand are truly over the top. 

6 hours ago, BEVUP said:

well,well,well This is one for the books

So now that everyone has dragged the Assies over the coals, they can now have a crack at the Poms' 

& this Pom is now in it up to his neck

I knew he was a Pom, us Aussies are far too sophisticated to use a machete, these are reserved for thugs, which no doubt this guy is.  Our crims use guns.  Now that everyone has slung off at us Aussies, would you please give some to the Poms.


Now just thinking out loud, wonder what else is lurking in this little dear's background given his immediate actions?  I think maybe a few things could come to light over the next few weeks. He didn't hesitate to get a weapon and then used a bigger one, his pickup, in an attempt to eliminate his opponent.  He deserves all he gets and more.  No sympathy for idiots.  :wai:

3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Now just thinking out loud, wonder what else is lurking in this little dear's background given his immediate actions?

well if he was trying to hide a criminal past he has now blown it

16 minutes ago, isitworthit said:

Well being Aussie and reading this that he is British  Not Australian yet they keep saying he's Australian he's not.

The issue is both should be spoken to and treated as both being guilty him for garden too the Thai man for the punch in the face.

The fact one was 77years old and other 28 year old is mind blowing that this young man had the balls to hit an elderly man is beyond belief.

And yet it happened but then he is a foreigner in someone elses country and he will be in the wrong he will never win 

The fact that he was 77 years old and hit by a 28 year old is not beyond belief at all! The same thing happened in Hua Hin not so long ago, and the victim was an elderly WOMAN, who was decked by a Thai man, and then as she was sitting semi conscious on the ground, was kicked in the head by another younger Thai man.


The Queensberry rules seem to apply less here than anywhere else in the world!

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