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AIS is it good enough for a smart tv?


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Hi All,


Probably been covered a million times so apologies...


Someone mentioned the AIS internet 4G unlimited package, I am aware that reality is they are not unlimited and obviously a smart TV streaming HD youtube would use the limit probably in less than a day however someone did say it 100% was unlimited bar it caps the speed off, well my mobile (true caps it and its virtually unusable, certinally wouldnt be able to stream HD) however I am wondering does the AIS have a faster speed when capped meaning it really is unlimited? I want to get unlimited internet sorted and the portable 4G if truely could stream TV`s etc would be a good option, anyone using 4G here to stream the TV?



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AIS prepaid has true unlimited. I use 4Mbps and get 720 P video. If you sign up for 6Mbps at 550 baht per month...you likely can get 1080p video.


I only use my laptop so cannot comment on TV but for me 720 is more than adequate but I know most people want to see the genital warts on actors privates so maybe need to test and see if it works for you.



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AIS prepaid has true unlimited. I use 4Mbps and get 720 P video. If you sign up for 6Mbps at 550 baht per month...you likely can get 1080p video.


I only use my laptop so cannot comment on TV but for me 720 is more than adequate but I know most people want to see the genital warts on actors privates so maybe need to test and see if it works for you.



Thanks mate, ill go grab one, thanks again... im can live without the genital warts lol

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I am using AIS unlimited for all my internet uses,  including smart TV and running Netflix.  Works great,  no issues at all.  I can run it all as a local hot-spot off my mobile and run 8 devices  at once,  although I've only ever tried 4 

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Used AIS FIBER in to a Android box to turn old TV smart, tethered 4 different devices without any problems....their TV box is a preprogrammed Android box.

AIS FIBER is actually ADSL, so do not expect super speed, but you can expect a good strong constant signal with unlimited data.

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AIS is the best option in Thailand for smart TVs actually there is no companies here that can compete with AIS.  I use AIS with my smart TV and it works great.  I don't stream very much TV though I mostly just watch all of the American television channels like HBO and all the other channels they offer.  AIS by far offers the best service in all situations.  And the internet speed is amazing with AIS.  Before I discovered AIS I tried one of those Android Boxes what a piece of junk, the only thing the Android Box is good for is if you want porn.  AIS is slowly taking over True's place here in Thailand.  

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19 hours ago, tonray said:

AIS prepaid has true unlimited. I use 4Mbps and get 720 P video. If you sign up for 6Mbps at 550 baht per month...you likely can get 1080p video.


I only use my laptop so cannot comment on TV but for me 720 is more than adequate but I know most people want to see the genital warts on actors privates so maybe need to test and see if it works for you.



Genital warts? Damn that 720p!  

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Cheers all, got the 6mbps today, on a speed test it got 15mb dls and 40ping plus I've been streaming hd on the tv, mac and the lads kindle most of the day, I was not aware it was possible to get uncapped 4g here always been with true and when you hit the 12gb it's it usable, anyway really impressed so far thanks for the head up

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Am I taking the biscuit? I have been downloading films using a torrent app on the smart TV plus generally none stop streaming HD sometimes even the TV gets left on for hours, I think I must be over the 200GB mark in under a week... funny thing is the next door condo/hotel has is litterally just finishing off fitting a massive antenna which is in direct view of my old android phone im using as my 4G modem, I assume that is a phone antenna anyway so when they activate that I should get even better speeds... question is if I continue to download torrents and generally use 1000`s of gbs I wonder if they do anything or anyone else is downloading torrent films?

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Hmmm reading all this I might swap to AIS depending on towers.

I'm currently on the 4MB unlimited 30days 500B with DTAC and a 2MB speed increase might be good for another 50B :)

Although, been using the 4MB DTAC to stream Netfix Australia HD ($13.99 one) and it works great. Not seen any buffering. The 4MB seems consistant.

Edit: BTW really like the Thai mobile plans how you choose based on a speed limit. Cheap data compared to Oz where I don't know of any unlimited 4G.

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On 10/14/2017 at 11:30 PM, serpent32 said:

AIS is the best option in Thailand for smart TVs actually there is no companies here that can compete with AIS.  I use AIS with my smart TV and it works great.  I don't stream very much TV though I mostly just watch all of the American television channels like HBO and all the other channels they offer.  AIS by far offers the best service in all situations.  And the internet speed is amazing with AIS.  Before I discovered AIS I tried one of those Android Boxes what a piece of junk, the only thing the Android Box is good for is if you want porn.  AIS is slowly taking over True's place here in Thailand.  

I use 3bb fiber optic for my Sony Android smart tv with no problems.  I have 4 devices hooked to the 3bb router with LAN cables.  Why would AIS be better.  I thought LAN was better.  I have TrueVision satellite for TV and 3bb for computer and streaming stuff on a LAN.  I also have AIS available but rarely use it.  Is the AIS better? I use a VPN because I like USA Netflix content. Downloading now at 60 to 67 Mbps with the VPN

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Is that common to get higher speeds than advertised on AIS? My DTAC is just over 4Mbps download and upload.

I’m not sure tbh, Bare in mind in putting my tablet with is 4G pretty much in direct sight of what I believe to be the antenna, plus it’s quite around here so doubt many others will have the same setup all hogging it, I haven’t experienced a buffer though at all on YouTube hd, also I notice the tv app version of YouTube you don’t get any real adverts which is odd. After being with true, 3bb I would recommend it, when I first arrived in Thailand 7 years ago true was always the fastest for me 3G wise but now it seems AIS have stepped things up on the 4G front. Cheers
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22 hours ago, amvet said:

I use 3bb fiber optic for my Sony Android smart tv with no problems.  I have 4 devices hooked to the 3bb router with LAN cables.  Why would AIS be better.  I thought LAN was better.  I have TrueVision satellite for TV and 3bb for computer and streaming stuff on a LAN.  I also have AIS available but rarely use it.  Is the AIS better? I use a VPN because I like USA Netflix content. Downloading now at 60 to 67 Mbps with the VPN

I guess it depends on what you want as far as service for me I get HBO and ALL the United States TV channels that I could possibly want.  For my needs AIS is absolutely the best service that Thailand has to offer.  Before AIS I tried an Android box and that's a worthless piece of equipment all it's good for is if you want to watch porn.  I had heard all these great things about the Android Box before I mistakenly bought one and it turned out to be an absolute piece of junk.  As far as True's service they suck period.  True has become a scam company.  I switched all my services to AIS after True screwed us all out of our HBO and all the US TV channels.  I use AIS for our iPhone service, cable service, and internet and I absolutely couldn't be happier with AIS.  AIS is currently the best service that Thailand offers and not just for us foreigners after I switched to AIS my wife's family saw how great their service is and even they switched their internet service to AIS.  Currently for my needs anyway AIS is the ONLY OPTION.  


True is a scam, and I tried that Android Box and what a piece of junk that is all the Android Box is good for is accessing uncensored porn.  Right now AIS is the top company in Thailand they have taken True's place.  I use AIS for our iPhones, internet, and cable service and I couldn't possibly be happier with them.  I'm sticking with AIS and I encourage others to dump True and switch to AIS.  I tried Netflix for a while on VPN and I wasn't very impressed with it.  AIS is the best option if you actually want GOOD service anyway and reasonably priced depending on your budget.  

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So how does that work?


At the moment on True I get movies, football, rugby, wildlife progs, docos etc...................If I use AIS does it come with a package or do I have to search the net for programs? And if so, getting NZ Rugby and EPL football live might be a problem.

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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:

So how does that work?


At the moment on True I get movies, football, rugby, wildlife progs, docos etc...................If I use AIS does it come with a package or do I have to search the net for programs? And if so, getting NZ Rugby and EPL football live might be a problem.

Yes AIS comes with multiple packages to include A LOT of movie channels like HBO and many others.  Personally I don't watch sports but I have all kinds of sports channels that I never watch.  The movies you're getting with True is all crap ever since they lost their contract with HBO.  Now with AIS I get all my old channels back such as HBO and several additional channels that True never had in the first place before they lost their contract.  So I'm actually glad that it worked out the way it did because now my services are so much better oh and cheaper. I get more for less with AIS.  


Just go to the AIS shop and tell them which package that you want they can accommodate pretty much everyone's needs they have multiple packages you just tell them what you want.  I went for the works so I get pretty much everything with more channels than True ever had for a lot cheaper.  AIS is crushing True right now ever since they lost their contract and then AIS acquired it.  True really screwed themselves back in January lol.  


Before I discovered AIS after True lost their contract I got a lot of bad advice on this forum but I eventually figured it out for myself.  Unfortunately I made the mistake of spending money on that stupid little Android Box before I discovered AIS and what they now offer.  Although the Android Box does get uncensored porn lol, at least it's good for something not much else except for watching very old movies all in Thai.  That Android Box is useless.  AIS offers multiple packages for just about anyone's needs.  When I watch the cable channels I have with AIS I feel like I'm in the United States watching direcTV except it's streamed very rapidly through the internet no satellite dish is required.  Right now I'm watching the last season of Homeland that came out Season 6.  It's great sometimes I can't decide what to watch.  

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1 hour ago, serpent32 said:

I guess it depends on what you want as far as service for me I get HBO and ALL the United States TV channels that I could possibly want.  For my needs AIS is absolutely the best service that Thailand has to offer.  Before AIS I tried an Android box and that's a worthless piece of equipment all it's good for is if you want to watch porn.  I had heard all these great things about the Android Box before I mistakenly bought one and it turned out to be an absolute piece of junk.  As far as True's service they suck period.  True has become a scam company.  I switched all my services to AIS after True screwed us all out of our HBO and all the US TV channels.  I use AIS for our iPhone service, cable service, and internet and I absolutely couldn't be happier with AIS.  AIS is currently the best service that Thailand offers and not just for us foreigners after I switched to AIS my wife's family saw how great their service is and even they switched their internet service to AIS.  Currently for my needs anyway AIS is the ONLY OPTION.  


True is a scam, and I tried that Android Box and what a piece of junk that is all the Android Box is good for is accessing uncensored porn.  Right now AIS is the top company in Thailand they have taken True's place.  I use AIS for our iPhones, internet, and cable service and I couldn't possibly be happier with them.  I'm sticking with AIS and I encourage others to dump True and switch to AIS.  I tried Netflix for a while on VPN and I wasn't very impressed with it.  AIS is the best option if you actually want GOOD service anyway and reasonably priced depending on your budget.  

3bb fiber optic download 200 Mbps 1200 baht per month.  AIS fiber optic download 200 Mbps 1999 per month. 


Up to you.

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

3bb fiber optic download 200 Mbps 1200 baht per month.  AIS fiber optic download 200 Mbps 1999 per month. 


Up to you.

Ah, that is more expensive than I currently pay (699 B) and as I only really want it for football and NZ Rugby, will have to weigh that up.......

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16 hours ago, serpent32 said:

Normally the bill has been 1200 Baht a month.  

Which package do you have and do you pay extra for movies like in HOOQ?  Seems to me HOOQ only gives you one free movie per month.  I got it free for a year but no content I found interesting.  I have Netflix and Kodi. Anything anyone can contribute about HOOQ I'd be interested.  My package is difficult to understand. 


AIS 4G Max Speed Package 688 Baht (Convert)
Monthly fee 688B.(Bill 1-6: 344B.), Voice/VDO call 300mins, Total Net 20GB(4G/3G =16GB, 4G =4GB) stop automatically afterward, AIS SUPER WiFi, Exceed: Voice/VDO call 1.5B/min, SMS 3B, MMS 4B, Net 99 B/GB. 6 BillCycles


It is just me or does anyone else find that confusing?

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11 hours ago, amvet said:

Which package do you have and do you pay extra for movies like in HOOQ?  Seems to me HOOQ only gives you one free movie per month.  I got it free for a year but no content I found interesting.  I have Netflix and Kodi. Anything anyone can contribute about HOOQ I'd be interested.  My package is difficult to understand. 


AIS 4G Max Speed Package 688 Baht (Convert)
Monthly fee 688B.(Bill 1-6: 344B.), Voice/VDO call 300mins, Total Net 20GB(4G/3G =16GB, 4G =4GB) stop automatically afterward, AIS SUPER WiFi, Exceed: Voice/VDO call 1.5B/min, SMS 3B, MMS 4B, Net 99 B/GB. 6 BillCycles


It is just me or does anyone else find that confusing?

I don't recall exactly what the package was called but I got the works.  I got the best package they offer and it's great.  It's almost as good as watching DirecTV back in the states.  It's like when I'm home watching TV I forget I'm in Thailand until I go outside.  I'm not sure what HOOQ is I just have almost all the American television channels.  I have every American channel available in Thailand anyway which is almost everything I had in the States, as well as a lot of other channels that I never watch.  Also the speed is just as fast as regular cable TV even though my television channels are streamed through the internet.  


I don't pay for individual movies it's not like Netflix I just get the channels and just watch TV.  I do have a bunch of apps where I can order movies but I never use them.  The only thing I don't like is the censorship sometimes they edit or cut out particular scenes in movies.  I couldn't even get service like this when we lived in Japan so I never thought it would be possible to get American television like the HBO channels etc here.  I'm very happy with it and regardless of the bill it's still cheaper than the most basic cable service in the states.  I pay less than a quarter of what I paid for cable, phone, and internet service in the states, but that goes for pretty much everything here in Thailand.  That was my main incentive for retiring here.  

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4 hours ago, serpent32 said:

I don't recall exactly what the package was called but I got the works.  I got the best package they offer and it's great.  It's almost as good as watching DirecTV back in the states.  It's like when I'm home watching TV I forget I'm in Thailand until I go outside.  I'm not sure what HOOQ is I just have almost all the American television channels.  I have every American channel available in Thailand anyway which is almost everything I had in the States, as well as a lot of other channels that I never watch.  Also the speed is just as fast as regular cable TV even though my television channels are streamed through the internet.  


I don't pay for individual movies it's not like Netflix I just get the channels and just watch TV.  I do have a bunch of apps where I can order movies but I never use them.  The only thing I don't like is the censorship sometimes they edit or cut out particular scenes in movies.  I couldn't even get service like this when we lived in Japan so I never thought it would be possible to get American television like the HBO channels etc here.  I'm very happy with it and regardless of the bill it's still cheaper than the most basic cable service in the states.  I pay less than a quarter of what I paid for cable, phone, and internet service in the states, but that goes for pretty much everything here in Thailand.  That was my main incentive for retiring here.  

Fiber optic cable or regular cable or are you using your phone as a hotspot?  Post paid or pre paid? 

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21 hours ago, amvet said:

Fiber optic cable or regular cable or are you using your phone as a hotspot?  Post paid or pre paid? 

None of the above.  I'm using AIS internet.  AIS TV is streamed through the internet.  I pay a monthly bill and have an AIS account. The AIS TV is just like regular cable though.  That's one of the reasons why it's so great.

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1 hour ago, serpent32 said:

None of the above.  I'm using AIS internet.  AIS TV is streamed through the internet.  I pay a monthly bill and have an AIS account. The AIS TV is just like regular cable though.  That's one of the reasons why it's so great.

How does the AIS internet get into your house?  Is it fiber optic cable or copper cable?  When you say monthly bill I assume you mean post paid.  Is it in your name? 

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3 hours ago, amvet said:

How does the AIS internet get into your house?  Is it fiber optic cable or copper cable?  When you say monthly bill I assume you mean post paid.  Is it in your name? 

I don't remember if it was in my name or my wife's.  I think it's in my wife's name.  I pay the monthly bill in person at the local AIS shop.  I just type in the 2 phone numbers and the AIS Fiber account number into their machine and pay cash and get receipts from the machine.  I assume it's fiber because it's called AIS Fiber for the internet/cable service.  All I know is it's a cable running into my house.  When I got the service they just sent an installation guy out to the house and he hooked it up just like any other cable or internet service.  My nephew borrows my internet service almost every day because I got the upgraded package and they didn't.  Why are you interested in it so much?  

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4 hours ago, serpent32 said:

None of the above.  I'm using AIS internet.  AIS TV is streamed through the internet.  I pay a monthly bill and have an AIS account. The AIS TV is just like regular cable though.  That's one of the reasons why it's so great.

And it's definitely not prepaid.  Why are you so curious?

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5 minutes ago, amvet said:

I was trying to figure out what package you had and compare it to mine.

I don't know what you have but I'm really happy with my service.  I think you said that you have True.  I dumped True when they downgraded our service and still expected me to pay the same monthly bill.  

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24 minutes ago, serpent32 said:

I don't know what you have but I'm really happy with my service.  I think you said that you have True.  I dumped True when they downgraded our service and still expected me to pay the same monthly bill.  

I have True satellite, 3bb fiber optic and AIS multi sim post paid phones and DTAC phones.  Is this what the back of your router looks like? Do you have an AIS playbox? Or the bottom one?  The bottom router is a EDIMAX BR-6208AC which looks great.




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