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Woman accusing Trump of misconduct subpoenas presidential campaign

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13 hours ago, DM07 said:

He admitted to "grab them by the pussy" and said "I don't even wait! I move on them like a bitch!

At least with Clinton and the fat chick, it was consensual!

Meanwhile, back under your bridge... 

What about all the other girls that Clinton assaulted, without consent, and the ones he allegedly raped?


As for that tired old hot mike recording, he denied that he ever put the words into practice and it was never proved that he did either, it wasn't even investigated because there were no cases brought against him.

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14 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

As an experienced face reader, I would say from the photo that this is not a pleasant woman.

As an experienced text reader, I would say your claim to reading faces is suspect. But I bet you'd give those folks who see Jesus' face in pancakes a run for their money.

11 hours ago, radiogeneris said:

President Trump is the best president america ever had. Deep state and fake news are constantly coming up with fake news and trying to discredit him. I tell you, it is all fake! CNN is total rubish to the point that is is just ridiculous. NBC is even worse! All these media companies are controlled by BIG interest groups, aka Deep State. They feel threatened by Trump, but they are constantly loosing. Example: latest Hollywood scandal... Follow Trump on twitter to know the truth. Stock market is up, unemployment lower. The guy is a super genius and he will drain the swamp eventually. Expect BIG news coming tomorrow. Aee Sean hannity show on Fox news...

Sarcasm? :stoner:


Folks -- this topic has nothing do with Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton.


Expect more attention now on the sexual crimes of trump. At least for awhile. They deserve a fresh look. 


If all the Fox perverts were forced out, and Weinstein was forced out (all well deserved regardless of political affiliations), for such sexual crimes, why does the president stay in office? 

22 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Half his voters have turned away from him since the election.  Trump voters who claim to still like him, will never admit they made a mistake. I have an elder brother who is a die-hard Trump voter. He's also a Bible-Thumper and has an unlicensed automatic weapon (former military guy, dishonorably discharged). He's been married 8 times, has several kids who he's never paid a penny for support.  Is he the typical Trump supporter?  Probably not.  But he's such a Trump fan, that he publishes photoshopped pics of Obama and Michelle ....with their gender switched.   My brother is not an anomaly.  There are many Americans like him.  They're all Trump supporters.   

And 45's defenders will also refute:


When will Americans put America first? Or is prejudice/bigotry too ingrained to restore principled America?

10 hours ago, Just Weird said:

What about all the other girls that Clinton assaulted, without consent, and the ones he allegedly raped?


As for that tired old hot mike recording, he denied that he ever put the words into practice and it was never proved that he did either, it wasn't even investigated because there were no cases brought against him.

True.  You're wasting your time here though...


10 hours ago, Just Weird said:

What about all the other girls that Clinton assaulted, without consent, and the ones he allegedly raped?


As for that tired old hot mike recording, he denied that he ever put the words into practice and it was never proved that he did either, it wasn't even investigated because there were no cases brought against him.

Very fitting nickname!

So you are attacking Bill Clinton on "alleged" crimes, but you give il Duce a pass, because he said so!

Makes total sense....on the planet, you come from!


6 hours ago, DM07 said:

Very fitting nickname!

So you are attacking Bill Clinton on "alleged" crimes, but you give il Duce a pass, because he said so!

Makes total sense....on the planet, you come from!


No, the two situations are completely different.  With Trump some women made accusations once, at the time of the Presidential debates, and then disappeared back into the woodwork and were never heard of again, let alone be involved in further investigations. 


Clinton's activities have been investigated because there was something to investigate and many women made similar claims.  Paula Jones was paid $850k by Clinton to shut her up.   Clinton has never made any moves to bring legal action against those who have publicly accused him of being a rapist.  I wonder why?


All that happened here on earth.

On 10/17/2017 at 8:57 AM, phantomfiddler said:

As an experienced face reader, I would say from the photo that this is not a pleasant woman.

Mr. "experienced face reader" give us your esteemed view of this picture:

not a happy camper.jpg


I keep waiting on video footage of a kitchen sink being hurled at President Trump. They've thrown everything else at him. Meanwhile, the wall is getting built, Obamacare is failing and falling apart, tax cuts and reforms are being worked on... *yawn* :coffee1:

19 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

I keep waiting on video footage of a kitchen sink being hurled at President Trump. They've thrown everything else at him. Meanwhile, the wall is getting built, Obamacare is failing and falling apart, tax cuts and reforms are being worked on... *yawn* :coffee1:

The wall is getting built? In which parallel universe is that?

On 17/10/2017 at 9:06 AM, boomerangutang said:

Half his voters have turned away from him since the election.  Trump voters who claim to still like him, will never admit they made a mistake. I have an elder brother who is a die-hard Trump voter. He's also a Bible-Thumper and has an unlicensed automatic weapon (former military guy, dishonorably discharged). He's been married 8 times, has several kids who he's never paid a penny for support.  Is he the typical Trump supporter?  Probably not.  But he's such a Trump fan, that he publishes photoshopped pics of Obama and Michelle ....with their gender switched.   My brother is not an anomaly.  There are many Americans like him.  They're all Trump supporters.   

I take it you edited the last two words to prevent a posting ban?


On 10/18/2017 at 4:45 PM, Just Weird said:

Clinton's activities have been investigated because there was something to investigate and many women made similar claims.  Paula Jones was paid $850k by Clinton to shut her up.   Clinton has never made any moves to bring legal action against those who have publicly accused him of being a rapist.  I wonder why?

And despite his barking, Trump has never made any moves to take the legal action he promised he would take against the women accusing him of sex crimes. I wonder why? If Paula Jones accepted 850K then it really wasn't rape was it. (And Trump paid 25 million for the Trump University scandal to 'shut them up'). Trumps activities have not been investigated because of some high paid, clever and very wicked lawyers.


Now, a request please. If Clinton is guilty of anything then I hope the due process of law will see him pay for any crimes if he is guilty BUT BUT BUT, whatever Clinton has done is NOT an excuse to give Trump a pass. Just because for some reason you support the dreadful man does not mean he can be allowed off scott free for crimes he has committed because you think others have done them also.


Weinstein has only been accused, there has been no evidence, yet on the strength of the spoken and tweeted word the world has ostracised him. Trump has claims made against him, backed by more and more women and yet for him, his supporters say it's rubbish and the women are liars. People say, why does the woman only make the claim now after so many years - well why does a Hollywood A list celeb only make the claim now about Weinstein after so many years? - Fear of consequence !!


I believe there will be a court hearing on Oct. 31 to see if the case against 45 will proceed. Is there justice in America? Humnnnn if there is/was there is much less under 45. He is anti rule of law and therefore anti democracy. 45 has no redeeming qualities. 


shameful parents.jpg

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