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UK facing most severe terror threat ever, warns MI5 chief


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23 hours ago, Morch said:


Hard to tell if you actually fail to grasp what's posted or just pretending to.


The leap you suggest, as in between anecdotal reference and strong claim such as "vast majority" doesn't hold water. It doesn't take into account the total population in question, it tends to be overly focused on easily accessible reports (as those appearing in English), it does it's best to belittle or deny anything that runs contrary to the wished for answers.

21 hours ago, Opl said:


Muslims living in western non muslim countries - because they choose to migrate for economic reasons ( not because they dreamed of western way of life and culture) - maybe, as you say and repeat "condemn Islamic terrorism"  - BUT - they rather should condemn clearly the ideology behind - and  denounce and boycott the places where this ideology is taught and spread, and avoid keeping a blind eye when family members, relatives, friends are involved in suspicious or delictual activities .

But they are more active at speaking up against islamophobia. It's easier. 

You can (and I'm sure you will) go on posting such nonsense, but there is no empiric data unequivocally supporting your strong claim. 

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On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 2:32 PM, Morch said:

Hard to tell if you actually fail to grasp what's posted or just pretending to.


The leap you suggest, as in between anecdotal reference and strong claim such as "vast majority" doesn't hold water. It doesn't take into account the total population in question, it tends to be overly focused on easily accessible reports (as those appearing in English), it does it's best to belittle or deny anything that runs contrary to the wished for answers.


You can (and I'm sure you will) go on posting such nonsense, but there is no empiric data unequivocally supporting your strong claim. 

 There is plenty of evidence to support the claim; for those who care to look. For every person making a statement, video etc., whether in English, Arabic or any other language, which supports Islamic terrorism, you will find at least 100 people condemning it.


But, as ever, I am wasting my time attempting to have a rational discussion with you because, as ever, you simply dismiss all evidence which conflicts with your opinion.


You no doubt will yet again feel the need for the last word; go ahead.

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On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 5:16 PM, Opl said:


Muslims living in western non muslim countries - because they choose to migrate for economic reasons ( not because they dreamed of western way of life and culture) - maybe, as you say and repeat "condemn Islamic terrorism"  - BUT - they rather should condemn clearly the ideology behind - and  denounce and boycott the places where this ideology is taught and spread, and avoid keeping a blind eye when family members, relatives, friends are involved in suspicious or delictual activities .

But they are more active at speaking up against islamophobia. It's easier. 

 I wonder how many Westerners living in Thailand are there because they dreamed of a Thai way of life and culture as opposed to those who are there for economic reasons?


The ideology behind Islamic terrorism is a perversion of Islam and that ideology is roundly and frequently condemned by Muslims worldwide, not just those living in the West.


British Muslims certainly play their part in helping the security services as well as ejecting extremists from their mosques.


For example, one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Shazad Butt, had previously been reported to the police by Muslim neighbours and expelled from his local mosque for his attempts to radicalise others. Butt sometimes manned the desk of the Ummah Fitness Centre gym, where he prayed regularly.CCTV footage of Butt, Redouane and Zaghba (the other two attackers) meeting outside the gym days before the attack, has been released. A senior figure at a local mosque had reported the gym to police some time previously.

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On ‎23‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 2:19 PM, joeyg said:

 Ah, Pamela Gellar; a woman who claimed a fatal road traffic accident in S.E. London was an Islamic terrorist attack because one of the four drivers involved was Muslim!


She since had to climb down, admit her claim was baseless and remove it from her website.


There have been reports that security services suspect that ISIS may be planning one or more gas attacks in Europe in some papers, but no confirmation from any security service. As usual Gellar's report is short on facts and long on hype. 

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 I wonder how many Westerners living in Thailand are there because they dreamed of a Thai way of life and culture as opposed to those who are there for economic reasons?


The ideology behind Islamic terrorism is a perversion of Islam and that ideology is roundly and frequently condemned by Muslims worldwide, not just those living in the West.


British Muslims certainly play their part in helping the security services as well as ejecting extremists from their mosques.


For example, one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Shazad Butt, had previously been reported to the police by Muslim neighbours and expelled from his local mosque for his attempts to radicalise others. Butt sometimes manned the desk of the Ummah Fitness Centre gym, where he prayed regularly.CCTV footage of Butt, Redouane and Zaghba (the other two attackers) meeting outside the gym days before the attack, has been released. A senior figure at a local mosque had reported the gym to police some time previously.


How do you deal with this risk ?

- " Muslim school 'says UK culture is poisonous': Privately-run madrassah accused of 'dividing' communities by teaching children extreme form of Islam"

Do you think this kind of propaganda is limited to school or do parents  - for instance -  share  their préjudices towards Jews  with their children  at home?


  • The Islamic Tarbiyah Academy in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, under investigation
  • Privately-run madrasa teaches 140 primary age children as well as over-16s
  • Mufti Zubair Dudha, centre’s founder and head, compiled leaflet quoting anti-Semitic document that claims Jews are engaged in a global conspiracy
  • Cleric also claims pop culture is part of conspiracy to ‘poison minds' 


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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 There is plenty of evidence to support the claim; for those who care to look. For every person making a statement, video etc., whether in English, Arabic or any other language, which supports Islamic terrorism, you will find at least 100 people condemning it.


But, as ever, I am wasting my time attempting to have a rational discussion with you because, as ever, you simply dismiss all evidence which conflicts with your opinion.


You no doubt will yet again feel the need for the last word; go ahead.


Why is it that you feel the need to exaggerate? There is nothing to support your 1 to 100 ratio claim, certainly not when including all languages. And anyway, it would apply only to those people active on social media.


When you make a rational argument, instead of nonsense claims - do let me know. And I am not dismissing all "evidence", but pointing out that it doesn't quite fit you statements. The one who relies on opinion and faulty logic is yourself.

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 I wonder how many Westerners living in Thailand are there because they dreamed of a Thai way of life and culture as opposed to those who are there for economic reasons?


The ideology behind Islamic terrorism is a perversion of Islam and that ideology is roundly and frequently condemned by Muslims worldwide, not just those living in the West.


British Muslims certainly play their part in helping the security services as well as ejecting extremists from their mosques.


For example, one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Shazad Butt, had previously been reported to the police by Muslim neighbours and expelled from his local mosque for his attempts to radicalise others. Butt sometimes manned the desk of the Ummah Fitness Centre gym, where he prayed regularly.CCTV footage of Butt, Redouane and Zaghba (the other two attackers) meeting outside the gym days before the attack, has been released. A senior figure at a local mosque had reported the gym to police some time previously.


Not that BS again, please.


When Westerners living legally in Thailand start carrying religiously-motivated terrorist attacks targeting civilians, you may have a point.


And in very much the same way that there are Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism, there are Muslims supportive of such actions. That you insist on a one-sided presentation doesn't change things one bit.

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19 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Ah, Pamela Gellar; a woman who claimed a fatal road traffic accident in S.E. London was an Islamic terrorist attack because one of the four drivers involved was Muslim!


She since had to climb down, admit her claim was baseless and remove it from her website.


There have been reports that security services suspect that ISIS may be planning one or more gas attacks in Europe in some papers, but no confirmation from any security service. As usual Gellar's report is short on facts and long on hype. 

Hummmm... Maybe I should just stick to CNN for news...  Thank you for your opinion.

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18 hours ago, Morch said:


Not that BS again, please.


When Westerners living legally in Thailand start carrying religiously-motivated terrorist attacks targeting civilians, you may have a point.


And in very much the same way that there are Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism, there are Muslims supportive of such actions. That you insist on a one-sided presentation doesn't change things one bit.

Well, those supportive Muslims apparently aren't supportive enough sincem given the millions of Muslims who now live in Western Europe, there are so few terrorist attacks. Maybe they should start organizing bake sales.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, those supportive Muslims apparently aren't supportive enough sincem given the millions of Muslims who now live in Western Europe, there are so few terrorist attacks. Maybe they should start organizing bake sales.


Guess asking to avoid BS comments was futile.

When Westerners living legally in Thailand start carrying religiously-motivated terrorist attacks targeting civilians, you may have a point. Until then just more of your petty, pointless argumentative style.


There was nothing said corresponding to what you posted. Acknowledging that there are Muslims condoning such terrorist attacks isn't the same as denying that there are Muslims condemning them. It's not a zero sum game, not an either/or question.


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


Guess asking to avoid BS comments was futile.

When Westerners living legally in Thailand start carrying religiously-motivated terrorist attacks targeting civilians, you may have a point. Until then just more of your petty, pointless argumentative style.


There was nothing said corresponding to what you posted. Acknowledging that there are Muslims condoning such terrorist attacks isn't the same as

denying that there are Muslims condemning them. It's not a zero sum game, not an either/or question.


My point had nothing to do with Westerners living in Thailand. Nor does this thread. And your reference to" just more of your petty, pointless argumentative style" is clearly a diversion since to properly reply to it would be require citing other threads. Please try to focus on the topic at hand. Your attempt at diversion is obvious and sad,  And if anyone is making an irrelevant comment here it's you. Let me remind you of the subject of the thread:

UK facing most severe terror threat ever, warns MI5 chief

Britain is facing its most severe ever terrorist threat and fresh attacks in the country are inevitable, according to the head of Britain’s normally secretive domestic intelligence service in a rare public speech.


Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, said the UK had seen “a dramatic upshift in the threat” from Islamist terrorism this year, reflecting attacks that have taken place in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge.


The spy chief said: “That threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before.”



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22 hours ago, Opl said:


How do you deal with this risk ?

- " Muslim school 'says UK culture is poisonous': Privately-run madrassah accused of 'dividing' communities by teaching children extreme form of Islam"

Do you think this kind of propaganda is limited to school or do parents  - for instance -  share  their préjudices towards Jews  with their children  at home?


  • The Islamic Tarbiyah Academy in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, under investigation
  • Privately-run madrasa teaches 140 primary age children as well as over-16s
  • Mufti Zubair Dudha, centre’s founder and head, compiled leaflet quoting anti-Semitic document that claims Jews are engaged in a global conspiracy
  • Cleric also claims pop culture is part of conspiracy to ‘poison minds' 


 If you actually read the articles rather than just the headlines, you would see what measures are being taken to deal with the risk of radicalisation presented by such institutions which preach and teach extremism.


Ofsted do take their responsibilities seriously when faith schools preach and teach extremist views which undermine British values; here's another example: Teaching at ‘driving ban’ school criticised by Ofsted


Both schools received emergency inspections last summer ordered by the Department for Education after Belz leaders proposed barring pupils of mothers who drove cars on the grounds that this contravened traditions of modesty.........

Careers guidance focused on pursuing study at religious institutions and none was made for boys who wished to go on to other occupations, Ofsted reported.

 None of which is relevant to the point I made in the post you quoted and therefore, presumably were replying to. Namely that it is often members of the Muslim community who report such problems to the police or other authorities, as in the case of the London Bridge murderer Butt; where concerns over him and the place where he worked and prayed were reported to the police by members of the Muslim community where he lived.

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21 hours ago, Morch said:

Why is it that you feel the need to exaggerate? There is nothing to support your 1 to 100 ratio claim, certainly not when including all languages. And anyway, it would apply only to those people active on social media.


When you make a rational argument, instead of nonsense claims - do let me know. And I am not dismissing all "evidence", but pointing out that it doesn't quite fit you statements. The one who relies on opinion and faulty logic is yourself.

 Some of the evidence I am relying upon is from people active on social media; but most of it is from statements issued to the press or made on broadcast media by Muslim political leaders, religious leaders and representative groups.

The 712-page Google doc that proves Muslims do condemn terrorism


Of course, it is better for your self esteem to dismiss all that, and so much other, evidence as 'nonsense claims' and 'faulty logic' than actually check them for yourself; because if you did you would find that you are wrong and that would be an anathema to you.


Though you would never admit to it publicly.

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21 hours ago, Morch said:

Not that BS again, please.


When Westerners living legally in Thailand start carrying religiously-motivated terrorist attacks targeting civilians, you may have a point

 Well done on using the old quoting out of context ploy yet again.


My comment " I wonder how many Westerners living in Thailand are there because they dreamed of a Thai way of life and culture as opposed to those who are there for economic reasons?" was a direct response to the comment made by Opl; "Muslims living in western non muslim countries - because they choose to migrate for economic reasons ( not because they dreamed of western way of life and culture)."


Nice try; but failed; again.


21 hours ago, Morch said:

And in very much the same way that there are Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism, there are Muslims supportive of such actions. That you insist on a one-sided presentation doesn't change things one bit.

It is not my presentation which is one sided; which anyone with an ounce of intelligence who has read my posts can see for themselves.


You have more than an ounce of intelligence, far more.


So your misrepresentation of my posts, your ignoring of my frequent acknowledgments of the problems of Islamic terrorism and radicalisation, my frequent condemnation of same; all this must be a deliberate ploy on your behalf.


What, exactly, is your agenda?

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 If you actually read the articles rather than just the headlines, you would see what measures are being taken to deal with the risk of radicalisation presented by such institutions which preach and teach extremism.


Ofsted do take their responsibilities seriously when faith schools preach and teach extremist views which undermine British values; here's another example: Teaching at ‘driving ban’ school criticised by Ofsted

 None of which is relevant to the point I made in the post you quoted and therefore, presumably were replying to. Namely that it is often members of the Muslim community who report such problems to the police or other authorities, as in the case of the London Bridge murderer Butt; where concerns over him and the place where he worked and prayed were reported to the police by members of the Muslim community where he lived.


Don't imagine I did not read these articles . What they reveal is the threat to our values, rights, heritage and culture. And it's corrosive.        

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2 hours ago, Opl said:


Don't imagine I did not read these articles . What they reveal is the threat to our values, rights, heritage and culture. And it's corrosive.        

Easy to imagine you didn't read them as you don't seem to know their contents! Otherwise you would know what steps have been taken against those two institutions.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that similar institutions have been, rightly, criticised and dealt with; such as the one I linked to.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that very often such institutions are reported to the relevant authorities by others of the same religion.


I mean all UK news, not just that thrown up by a Google search for specific terms.

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19 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

My point had nothing to do with Westerners living in Thailand. Nor does this thread. And your reference to" just more of your petty, pointless argumentative style" is clearly a diversion since to properly reply to it would be require citing other threads. Please try to focus on the topic at hand. Your attempt at diversion is obvious and sad,  And if anyone is making an irrelevant comment here it's you. Let me remind you of the subject of the thread:

UK facing most severe terror threat ever, warns MI5 chief

Britain is facing its most severe ever terrorist threat and fresh attacks in the country are inevitable, according to the head of Britain’s normally secretive domestic intelligence service in a rare public speech.


Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5, said the UK had seen “a dramatic upshift in the threat” from Islamist terrorism this year, reflecting attacks that have taken place in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge.


The spy chief said: “That threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before.”




More of your usual trolling. May want to pay attention as to who posted what.

As for your other bogus point, it was addressed.

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18 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Some of the evidence I am relying upon is from people active on social media; but most of it is from statements issued to the press or made on broadcast media by Muslim political leaders, religious leaders and representative groups.

The 712-page Google doc that proves Muslims do condemn terrorism


Of course, it is better for your self esteem to dismiss all that, and so much other, evidence as 'nonsense claims' and 'faulty logic' than actually check them for yourself; because if you did you would find that you are wrong and that would be an anathema to you.


Though you would never admit to it publicly.


There is a gap between the claims you make ("vast majority", "1-100" etc.), and what you can actually demonstrate. For some reason you cannot abide views which do not fully accept your hyperbole claims. There is no argument that there are Muslims who condemn Islamic terrorism. There's not even an argument that there are many who do. What is repeatedly pointed out is that the leap you make asserting the sort of statements above is not soundly supported.


I'm not wrong in the slightest, and I'm not even making the argument you imagine I do...

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18 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Well done on using the old quoting out of context ploy yet again.


My comment " I wonder how many Westerners living in Thailand are there because they dreamed of a Thai way of life and culture as opposed to those who are there for economic reasons?" was a direct response to the comment made by Opl; "Muslims living in western non muslim countries - because they choose to migrate for economic reasons ( not because they dreamed of western way of life and culture)."


Nice try; but failed; again.


It is not my presentation which is one sided; which anyone with an ounce of intelligence who has read my posts can see for themselves.


You have more than an ounce of intelligence, far more.


So your misrepresentation of my posts, your ignoring of my frequent acknowledgments of the problems of Islamic terrorism and radicalisation, my frequent condemnation of same; all this must be a deliberate ploy on your behalf.


What, exactly, is your agenda?


Quoting out of context how? What do Westerners living in Thailand got in common with the situation as described in the OP? Are Westerners here involved in religiously-motivated terrorism? Do Westerners here have political rights or are granted citizenship etc? Most are here contingent on being able to support themselves and are not eligible for benefits. Bringing in this comparison, no matter how much you want to spin it, is utter BS.


I do not misrepresent your posts, but address direct quotes from them - "vast majority", "1-100" are your phrases, not something made up. Your presentations often minimize or dismiss references to Muslims acting other than you claim - quite obvious if applying the aforementioned statements. Your "frequent" acknowledgment and condemnation of such issues are, to borrow another one of your favorite phrases, a "tiny minority" when it comes to the amount of words spewed claiming otherwise.


Other than rejecting your hyperbole claims and one-sided presentation, not much of an "agenda".

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14 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Easy to imagine you didn't read them as you don't seem to know their contents! Otherwise you would know what steps have been taken against those two institutions.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that similar institutions have been, rightly, criticised and dealt with; such as the one I linked to.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that very often such institutions are reported to the relevant authorities by others of the same religion.


I mean all UK news, not just that thrown up by a Google search for specific terms.


As it keeps cropping up, it seems to be a persistent issue. To say that there are reports and government response is one thing, to understand if or how measures taken have a positive effect is another. I have no idea  if there is progress on this front or by what metrics such progress is being evaluated.

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On October 22, 2560 BE at 11:56 AM, joeyg said:

I first started traveling to India in 1974, for yoga and meditation.  I didn't even know what a muslin was at 22 y.o.  what I did see was everywhere I went they were always the ones starting trouble and putting us, travel companions in danger.  It's only gotten worse.  We're on the same page with this one.


You are aware that India is 80% Hindu rather than muslim? 

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15 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Easy to imagine you didn't read them as you don't seem to know their contents! Otherwise you would know what steps have been taken against those two institutions.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that similar institutions have been, rightly, criticised and dealt with; such as the one I linked to.


If you paid attention to the UK news you would also know that very often such institutions are reported to the relevant authorities by others of the same religion.


I mean all UK news, not just that thrown up by a Google search for specific terms.


So as it's ok for you , do not change anything, it's a just a tiny minority that's got no support.


Try to get a larger picture and understand where the threat comes from.   

I picked up these "old" examples on purpose - they show that the issue of terrorists breeding rooms is not new.      

If you paid attention to the last results in european élections not just in the UK , then you might realize that far-right anti-immigration parties are slowly making their way - only because voters more and more openly express their rejection of "Islamisation."


Muslims living in non muslim countries would benefit of showing off their opposition of Islamisation too, and the folklore that goes with it. 



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5 hours ago, Morch said:


There is a gap between the claims you make ("vast majority", "1-100" etc.), and what you can actually demonstrate. For some reason you cannot abide views which do not fully accept your hyperbole claims. There is no argument that there are Muslims who condemn Islamic terrorism. There's not even an argument that there are many who do. What is repeatedly pointed out is that the leap you make asserting the sort of statements above is not soundly supported.


I'm not wrong in the slightest, and I'm not even making the argument you imagine I do...

 More repetitive self justification from you.


5 hours ago, Morch said:

Quoting out of context how? What do Westerners living in Thailand got in common with the situation as described in the OP?

Nothing; but they have a lot to do with the comment of Opl's about integration which I was directly addressing; as already explained to, but ignored by, you.


The rest of that post is more repetitive self justification from you.


I have presented much evidence to support my claim; you have presented none to support your disparagement of that claim; nothing at all.


Maybe a challenge is in order?


You find as many statements from different Muslims, whether they be political leaders, religious leaders, representative groups or simply individuals, supporting Islamic terrorism as you can.


Let's see how that figure matches up to the ones denouncing Islamic terrorism already produced by myself and others.

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5 hours ago, Morch said:


As it keeps cropping up, it seems to be a persistent issue. To say that there are reports and government response is one thing, to understand if or how measures taken have a positive effect is another. I have no idea  if there is progress on this front or by what metrics such progress is being evaluated.

At least this is one subject you are prepared to admit to knowing nothing about!


4 hours ago, Opl said:

So as it's ok for you , do not change anything, it's a just a tiny minority that's got no support.


Try to get a larger picture and understand where the threat comes from.   

I picked up these "old" examples on purpose - they show that the issue of terrorists breeding rooms is not new.

Where did I say it's OK?


Where did I say do not change anything; even though it is a tiny minority with little support?


The extreme teachings of faith schools is a problem, one which Ofsted has, regrettably, ignored to much in the past. But as the two examples you gave, plus the one I gave, show, this is changing.


Here's more on this: Is Ofsted scrutinising faith schools properly?


Of course, if any faith school is acting as a 'terrorists breeding room' as you put it, then the police and security services should, and do, become involved. For example: Inside abandoned UK Islamic school shut down after terror raid that was ‘almost bought by Abu Hamza to use as a jihadi training camp’


4 hours ago, Opl said:

If you paid attention to the last results in european élections not just in the UK , then you might realize that far-right anti-immigration parties are slowly making their way - only because voters more and more openly express their rejection of "Islamisation."

Yes, far right parties are gaining more support; because more voters are falling for the propaganda about 'Islamisation' just as you have.


5 hours ago, Opl said:

Muslims living in non muslim countries would benefit of showing off their opposition of Islamisation too, and the folklore that goes with it. 

They do; and the majority, certainly in the UK, simply want to live peacefully with their neighbours and co9llegues, of all faiths or none.


BTW, do you also expect Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., etc., to reject the 'folklore' behind their religious beliefs?

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

BTW, do you also expect Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., etc., to reject the 'folklore' behind their religious beliefs?

Does their religious books say kill the infidel too in or is that propaganda.:biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Does their religious books say kill the infidel too in or is that propaganda.:biggrin:

And, yes, kill infidels is their too inLeviticus 24:16     "And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death."

Disobedient children should be put to death. Leviticus 20:9 For zanyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother; ahis blood is upon him.

Among other things the Jewish Bible says it's okay to sell your daughters into slavery. "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do."

There are also stories in the Jewish bible about the Jews slaughtering their enemies including women and children at God's behest:

Violence is part the context of the story of the conquest of Canaan.[21]:319–320 For example, in Deut 20:16-18 God orders the Israelites to "not leave alive anything that breathes… completely destroy them …".[22][23] thus leading many scholars to characterize the exterminations as genocide.[24][25] Other examples include the story of the Amalekites and the commandment to exterminate them,[26] the story of the Midianites,[27]:245 and the battle of Jericho.[27]:289–296


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