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Congresswoman says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'


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3 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

It's pretty awful when a widow abuses her awful situation to attempt to score political points for the left.

It’s actually Trump and Kelly’s own goals that “score political points for the left”

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15 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

You have the same mental capacity as Trump.

As have many of his supporters...........an American guy I know here pretends not be a Chump supporter but goes out of his way to defend his actions.


Discussing this subject yesterday and he said well the widow would say that because she's a ni**er (don't know that the word is allowable here). So when I said that it was also overheard by a congresswoman, he gave the same reply.


He, like many Chump supporters, has the mental capacity of a pickled squid.

Edited by xylophone
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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

It's pretty awful when a widow abuses her awful situation to attempt to score political points for the left.

You have no idea how morally reprehensible and truly disgusting your post is.

Edited by Andaman Al
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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You have no idea how morally reprehensible and truly disgusting your post is.


“Boys will be boys” and deplorables will be deplorable. 

How long before support of Whatever Trump says/does is the only criterion for “patriotism.”

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You have no idea how morally reprehensible and truly disgusting your post is.

Thanks for sharing and the personal attack, your obnoxious reply is merely for the love in crowd which dominate these threads.





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1 minute ago, Luckysilk said:

Thanks for sharing and the personal attack, your obnoxious reply is merely for the love in crowd which dominate these threads.





There is no personal attack, you did a good job of attacking your self by writing such disgraceful comments.

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22 hours ago, xylophone said:

As have many of his supporters...........an American guy I know here pretends not be a Chump supporter but goes out of his way to defend his actions.


Discussing this subject yesterday and he said well the widow would say that because she's a ni**er (don't know that the word is allowable here). So when I said that it was also overheard by a congresswoman, he gave the same reply.


He, like many Chump supporters, has the mental capacity of a pickled squid.

Because most bone-spur bozo defenders are bigots - like him.


LIAR v facts.jpg

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19 hours ago, xylophone said:



I bet Trump didn't know that HE had signed up for this.............but brings out his best points, don't you think!!






I believe what 45 knows/knew/ or will know is almost non-existent.  He is an exceedingly ignorant man despite his bragging to be so intelligent. 

IQ request.jpg

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U.S. Forces in Niger Were Denied Armed Drone

U.S. military officials sought permission to send an armed drone near a patrol of Green Berets before a deadly ambush Oct. 4 in Niger, but the request was blocked, raising questions about whether those forces had adequate protection against the dangers of their mission.

New information shows the Green Beret team was part of a larger mission, one potentially more dangerous than initially described, and one believed to merit an armed drone. But the request was blocked in a chain of approval that snakes through the Pentagon, State Department and the Nigerien government, according to officials briefed on the events.


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As for Kelley's praise of Robert E. Lee, like lots of people I've been inclined to believe that Lee was an honorable, decent man.  Then I read this:

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed

The strangest part about the continued personality cult of Robert E. Lee is how few of the qualities his admirers profess to see in him he actually possessed.



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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

As for Kelley's praise of Robert E. Lee, like lots of people I've been inclined to believe that Lee was an honorable, decent man.  Then I read this:

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed

The strangest part about the continued personality cult of Robert E. Lee is how few of the qualities his admirers profess to see in him he actually possessed.




One wonders how Kelly could call a man who took and then completely violated the same oath he took an " honorable" man. Just shows how completely the Lost Cause propaganda has taken over our history.


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