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Thai man sitting across ro


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We rent a house in one of the best streets in town with a water canal (reservoir) in front of our house that has concrete seating for the public to enjoy.


Last week we noticed a guy sitting there each morning staring at us when we get in the car etc. It was a full on stare with the Thai smile. It was creeping the wife and I out a bit and we asked my wife’s father to go and speak to him. Before FIL arrived I lost my cool and took a photo of him and gave him an angry look and waved him away with my hand. I wanted him to know that it was unacceptable to do this and that he should <deleted> off.


We then went away for the weekend.  This morning the guy is now back sitting further away under a tree. But he sits with his back to us, looking in the opposite direction.


I’m suspicious that one of our neighbours sent this guy. We’ve had a problem with their 2 dogs coming to our gate all the time and coming inside our yard and biting our dog. We’ve had multiple visits to the vet. A month ago we had to get the police to talk to them but they didn’t answer the door bell.


Interestingly enough since the guy started stalking us their dogs have never been down to our gate since. It’s the first time they have not been annoying us.


Maybe Im thinking too much about all this….Last week we were genuinely worried about this guy as he was staring so much at us and wouldn’t look away. He looks like he could have mental health problems.


Should I just ignore this problem and see what happens. It’s a bit worrying that he sits there this morning with his back to us. An act of defiance? Or is he making the point that it’s a public area and he will do what he wants. If he was under the tree looking in our direction then I would be tempted to call the police again. But I think I should just ignore it. I don’t want to end up bashed or worse. This is amazing Thailand and thus anything could happen. My wife is a good sort and a medical professional where we live. I worry he could be obsessed with her. Should I do nothing until things change- i.e. if he starts staring at us again? Do you agree?


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You should have waited for your FIL to get there and talk to him, you might have got some answers - but you chased him away.


Now he is sitting in a public place, not near to you and not even looking in your direction, but you are still guessing that it is an act of revenge, or defiance, or he is obsessed with your wife.


IMHO - You (or your FIL) need to approach him in a reasonable manner and talk to him.


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On 10/19/2017 at 8:16 PM, chickenslegs said:

You should have waited for your FIL to get there and talk to him, you might have got some answers - but you chased him away.


Now he is sitting in a public place, not near to you and not even looking in your direction, but you are still guessing that it is an act of revenge, or defiance, or he is obsessed with your wife.


IMHO - You (or your FIL) need to approach him in a reasonable manner and talk to him.


Im sorry but if you were in my situation and had a weird looking guy sitting outside your gate blantantly staring and smiling at you and not losing eye contact then you might have done the same as me. I cant speak thai and thus cant communicate with him. I didnt want my wife going there in case he is obsessed. Sending the FIL was the best option. He is there again this morning but not looking in our direction. I hope this issue is nothing and goes away. 

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Yer that staring business can get to you.... I am in an internet Coffee shop at the moment, and I noticed that this big ugly black guy is looking at every word I am typ..//#...in....&%#$.....



Edited by oxo1947
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A positive out come is the other dogs have not come to your house again. Suggest you get a CCTV around the house, always reassuring especially when you are not at home. Also keep the gate closed to keep the dogs out and why not buy a sling shot and when the dogs come around fire a few stones at them. Once they have been hit a few times then they will not come around.


And if your dogs are female then get them fixed, that will all so stop other dogs coming around. As for the man, either take no notice of him at all or just smile and wave every time you see him. Public place you cannot do anything else. 


A thai person who lives around the corner had a problem with a neighbors dog chasing his kids, He went and saw the neighbors and said if they do not sort the dog out he will come back and shoot the dog and the owners! Problem was fixed very fast. I do not recommend this answer though.

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Sound like you are the only entertainment for this guy, who really must have a very boring life.


Unless you are a newbie, maybe the other posters are right when they say to check your drug/drink/medication intake.


I know when having down time and dream up different weird stuff the gf will comment "bah ruplao?" or the like, so then i will know to snap out of it.


If you have issue with these starers usually a Thai will tell you  "up to him" or "you think to mutt"

Unless he on ya-bah i think its harmless.


If you choose to live joining onto a public place you probably gotta accept you are also part of the scenery.


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On 10/19/2017 at 3:53 PM, davidst01 said:

Interestingly enough since the guy started stalking us their dogs have never been down to our gate since. It’s the first time they have not been annoying us

I think the dogs are creeped out by the guy too.


But seriously this is Thailand man...trying to dissuade someone (a Thai no less) from sitting in a public space is pushing your luck. Move and find a more private situation....Thailand is no place for the western "cave" mentality.

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1 hour ago, tingtongtourist said:

Sound like you are the only entertainment for this guy, who really must have a very boring life.


Yes, hes just probably happily sitting there watching a real life reality TV show , as in the OPs house

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On 10/19/2017 at 3:53 PM, davidst01 said:

This morning the guy is now back sitting further away under a tree. But he sits with his back to us, looking in the opposite direction.


I’m suspicious that one of our neighbours sent this guy.


They make Valium and Xanax for people like you. Try it.

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Maybe the guy just likes your dog? Is it an interesting breed that Thai wouldn't have seen before? We have a few people come and one guy in particular bothers switching of his motorbike on the other side of the road and just watches our dogs. Before he stopped on our side of the road but he got too close to the gate so the dogs let him know (dogs are taller than Thai men when they stand up). Sometimes he brings his kid to watch them too. Usually when I feed them. 

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Maybe he likes sitting in one of the best streets in town with a water canal (reservoir) in front of a house that has concrete seating for the public to enjoy.


I have found the best way to drive people away is to run up and down on my hands and knees in front of my house barking like a dog.

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