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Suspected German pedophiles arrested in Pattaya

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3 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

Just because it's happening on a greater scale in Africa doesn't mean its under control in Thailand.... 


For some reason, foreign pedophiles with multiple previous convictions can sometimes manage to get jobs teaching Thai children 


Thankfully thai police are  quick to arrest them but usually its only after the request of interpol or fbi etc and no action taken against the 


Maybe a passport ban is the way to go so they are not free to move around 3rd world countries and get near vulnerable children? 



Its not undet control satisfactorily in most places other than Thailand. It is far more undet control in Thailand than many other countries. The cliched continuous slander of Thailand is lazy thinking. People like you and other Thai bashers should be more concerned with your own countries. Not to do so is hypocritical.  Nothing with regards to the problem being discussed is any worse inThailand than many other western countries. I have given you two lists of other countries and professions where the problems are fat worse. Continuing to smear Thailand is false and damaging. It is quite simpy a knee jerk reaction both disproportionate and unbalanced. It is tantamount to falsehood. 

15 hours ago, The manic said:

Its not undet control satisfactorily in most places other than Thailand. It is far more undet control in Thailand than many other countries. The cliched continuous slander of Thailand is lazy thinking. People like you and other Thai bashers should be more concerned with your own countries. Not to do so is hypocritical.  Nothing with regards to the problem being discussed is any worse inThailand than many other western countries. I have given you two lists of other countries and professions where the problems are fat worse. Continuing to smear Thailand is false and damaging. It is quite simpy a knee jerk reaction both disproportionate and unbalanced. It is tantamount to falsehood. 

your going to get more of it in places that have a reputation and lax enforcement

15 hours ago, The manic said:

Its not undet control satisfactorily in most places other than Thailand. It is far more undet control in Thailand than many other countries. The cliched continuous slander of Thailand is lazy thinking. People like you and other Thai bashers should be more concerned with your own countries. Not to do so is hypocritical.  Nothing with regards to the problem being discussed is any worse inThailand than many other western countries. I have given you two lists of other countries and professions where the problems are fat worse. Continuing to smear Thailand is false and damaging. It is quite simpy a knee jerk reaction both disproportionate and unbalanced. It is tantamount to falsehood. 

Slander would imply that something is not true

However, the facts says that western pedofiles DO come to Thailand and often manage to get themselves arrested by the Thai police 





Are you really trying to argue that no  foreign pedofiles come to Thailand on a news thread where two German pedofiles have just been arrested IN Thailand ?? 


Plz send me some of the stuff you're smoking.... It must be high quality.. ? 





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So, anyone living outside of Thailand and thinking that Pattaya has a bad reputation for harboring paedophiles and other perverts is a fool in your opinion. But, like it or not, Pattaya does have that reputation and not only 'outside' Thailand.

Furthermore, for Pattaya Court to have just let those men off with a 'suspended' one month sentence and one year's probabation following a Guilty verdict for being in possession of child pornography, proves it. They're guilty of being interested in child sex, but still allowed to roam the streets of Pattaya.
I rest my case.

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Not only were these men discovered as having Child pornography on their personal computers but the devices in question were amongst the items taken as evidence when they were arrested following accusations of actual child molestations, but Pattaya court still let them off lightly.
Doesn't sound to me that the authorities in Pattaya have such things under control. Sounds more like the paedo's and their lawyers have control.
Or is it a way not to discourage such quality tourists to come to Pattaya.

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On 10/19/2017 at 6:10 PM, snoop1130 said:

Officials from the German embassy in Bangkok were also present.

did they supply the info about these two to the Thai police? Maybe selling child porn in Germany?


I like your suggestion of sending a warning to the police in their çountries of origin. But firstly; I am not absolutely sure that I do know their actual names because many of the articles I have read give different spellings of their names.
And secondly, I don't think the relevant authorities in German &/or Switzerland would take any action following information supplied by a lay person.
But, just maybe if the RTP (Immigration Dept.) in conjuction with the DSI and others, should inform Interpol &/or the German &/or Swiss police, something 'might' be done.
Although, I gather that these men were already on the radar of these authorities but were still allowed into Thailand.

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When I first decided upon early retirement and chose Thailand as a location in which I could happily spend my life without working, my intention was to live in Phuket but having spent five weeks on the island looking around the place with it raining nearly every day, I decided that perhaps the weather on any island would be no better than England. And, when someone suggested Pattaya as an alternative destination where I was told everything would cost about two-thirds of that in Phuket, I decided to go and have a look around.

Not wanting to rent anywhere close to where the night-life was going to prevent me from sleeping and result in me waking up too late to get to the golf-links on time, I chose a place in North Pattaya. Then, after I was reunited with my ex-wife who joined me out here and we had two daughters, I was even more glad to be well away from the seedy bars & go go's of South Pattaya.

I had never paid too much attention to what people were saying about the reputation of Pattaya and told myself, that it was just unfounded rubbish, and felt lucky to have avoided the Tsunami in Phuket and most of the rain by choosing Pattaya instead.

However, I now realise that I have for many years been wearing rose-tinted glasses, and deluded myself into thinking that North Pattaya was a safe place for my children to grow up in if I sent them to international schools and did not allow them too much freedom when not at school.

But when I hear how this case involving the two German paedophiles and my friend's young daughter has turned into a disgraceful show of indifference by their neighbours towards the child by ostracising her for speaking to the authorities about her unfortunate experiences at the hands of these men, with some of them actually appearing in court to help to try to defend these men for their indefensible behaviour, by discrediting the child and her testimony implying her to be a liar and a trouble-maker based on nothing other than another man's opinion and his friendship towards the two accused men.
I now feel that I should consider moving elsewhere with my family and have strongly advised my friend and his unfortunate daughter to do likewise. But the problem is where to go. We are all used to the tropics now and to the food and the cost of living here.

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All this has been a real eye-opener for me, as to how some people can choose to deny to believe that some other people who appear normal in other ways can actually be paedophiles living in their community, even when confronted with knowing that they have been found guilty of having child-pornography on their personal computers. And still believe that the child is not telling the truth, or are they just too proud to admit that they have made a big mistake in judgement.
Or, is it that they do not want to believe that they lived amongst such perverts and do not want the reputation of Pattaya and all of us that live here brought down any further.
If so, it would be a big mistake to side with such men against a prepubesant girl as it woukd only go to prove that a strange attitude exists amonst a number people in Pattaya towards Paedophilia.
If one were to ask anyone (outside of Pattaya) if they would defend two men (of any nationality)
that have been accused of interfering with a ten year old girl, and at the same time persecute her for being a victim by insinuating that she made up the story's of her molestations.
I would be willing to bet that 99% of them (especially men who have daughters or sisters) would say that they would not want to be associated in any way with men accused of being interested in child sex nor agree with persecuting a child for speaking out.
But, in Pattaya it happens.
Is it because the men are nearly all married to, or have girlfriends, who are Thai women much younger than they are?

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Western women, who are the majority of western voters and consumers of western media, created the myth of Thailand, and some other Asian countries, being a paradise for pedophiles in order to demonize western men who come to Thailand for sex and/or love. The availability of nice women breaks western women's "business model."


Pedophiles, those interested in pre-pubescent children, are very rare. Stories of actual pedophilia in Thailand, and incendiary stories with nothing but innuendo, make Thailand a magnet for people with this mental illness.


The age of consent in Mexico, and many other Spanish heritage countries, is just 12 years old. The age of consent in China is just 14. If you embrace Islam you can marry an underage girl in the UK, and many other countries, where the local community will shield you. Over the past decades it is estimated up to a million little girls have been raped in the UK by mostly Pakistani origin Muslims. 


Considering what is happening elsewhere, Thailand's reputation for this sort of thing is undeserved. The local press and police could do a better job of keeping this in perspective.


I appreciate that some people online want to argue a point because they are very lonely or mentally disturbed. So I'm not going to argue back and forth.


Re: Memo #38
I have to agree that Western women do often like to poke fun at older men who come to Thailand to get the sex that is denied them in their home coutries, and because they are able to do so with far better looking and much younger women than they would ever have had a chance with even when they were the near the ladies' age.

And, I am sure you agree that there are also many strange looking men around that deserve some of this redicule (or is that cruel). As for them being mentally disturbed, I am not sure that this is generally true, but some men do turn out to have very strange sexual interests which might be why they come to Thailand where all sorts of weirdos and unfortunates seem to be catered for by the Thai's one way or another, provided that the punter has enough money to pay for the services required;

Bum-boys or lady-boys or just prostitute girls of all shapes & sizes, colours and ages are available everywhere. There is no excuse for anyone to actually be lonely out here (unless they cant abide tatoos), and I have never known anyone to be lonely in Pattaya.

But, obviously this is not enough for some men who are actually mentally sick as in the case of these two German paedophiles.
Whom, despite having been arrested more than once in relation to their strange interests in sex with children, are still able to prowl around in Pattaya, which unfortunately, is helping to continue to give the place its otherwise undeserved bad name.
It is irrelevant to say its worse elsewhere. That sort of thing should not go on anywhere in the world, and it should be stopped in Thailand by deporting such perverts and allerting interpol (if they are not already aware) of the reason for their deportation, in the hope that they will be monitored in their countries of origin. Its not exporting the problem, its getting rid of vermin.

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