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14 Arrested In More Raids Targeting ‘Black People’ In Bangkok


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How many people tell you to bugger off back to your own country if you don't like the way Thai's run their country.

Mention the word Black and they are all up in arms telling the Thai's that's not how you should run your country.

Well do as you say, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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Black guys hanging round a place like Sukhumvit Road during the day in large numbers trying to sell "stuff" to passers by are not tourists and deserve to be scrutinized. Secondly, anyone overstaying their visas should be rounded up and tossed out.

These bottom feeders make things harder for the rest of us expats/visitors to be here that are not into shadiness. These men/hookers are not here to contribute anything to Thailand, rather just here to leech/bottom feed and continue along with their pathetic existences...send them back.

The total headache I have to go through each year to be here completely legally is a lot (from valid visa/wp/driving license/90 day report and so on), not to mention paying taxes/buying high value items/learning the language/not committing any crime/bringing money into the country/not sending remittances out to another country etc. etc. etc. and these pricks just turn up and loiter around as if they are waiting for an opportunity to go looting. 

Cops are doing the right thing and it has nothing to do with racism as they should/would round up anyone else doing it too. OK, rant over...haha.



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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Yeah, and somebody has to start.  Let the government start and show a good example. 

The government made a very good start and showed a huge amount of respect for the general public by arresting these people who were all committing offences who happened to be black.  What do you want the government to do, show respect to offenders by ignoring their crimes and allow them to continue to do their nefarious work on the public?

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On 10/23/2017 at 10:33 AM, PremiumLane said:

Ah the good old racists of TVF. Looking forward to when the RTP go after certain 'white' sections of society and then watch these lot squirm :) 


It ain't the white section doing most of the crime. Locking the Africans in cages and shipping them back to their continent cleans up a lot of scams and street crime.

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33 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

The government made a very good start and showed a huge amount of respect for the general public by arresting these people who were all committing offences who happened to be black.  What do you want the government to do, show respect to offenders by ignoring their crimes and allow them to continue to do their nefarious work on the public?

I want them not to generalize. 

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23 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

I want them not to generalize. 

They're not generalising, they are being specific!  The police were arresting suspected criminals (soon confirmed) that were targeted because of information they had been given implicating them in crimes.  What is wrong with that plan?

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On 10/23/2017 at 11:34 AM, PremiumLane said:

what other than it is bs that certain 'races' commit more crime that others

there is profiling, then there is rounding up of known drug dealers and scammers, im not certain how you cant see this.

lower sukhumvit is crawling with African drug dealers and prostitutes, openly soliciting business.

if arrested for keeping poor company erroneously, a vaild visa and legal  entry should not be that difficult to prove.

it aint rocket science.

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

They're not generalising, they are being specific!  The police were arresting suspected criminals (soon confirmed) that were targeted because of information they had been given implicating them in crimes.  What is wrong with that plan?

Yeah, targeting Africans or blacks.  They can just say they are targeting overstayers.  The article made it sound like they are targeting a racial group. 

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On 10/23/2017 at 8:04 AM, webfact said:

They resulted in the arrests of nine people, seven from Somalia and two from Nigeria, accused of being in the kingdom illegally. Another four Nigerians and an American were charged with overstaying their visas.

What is the difference between being in the Kingdom illegally and overstaying their visa?


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Well the Africans were still standing on the corner of Soi 13 last night hassling people walking past...."pssst hello my friend"....what can I do to I get some money out of you...and if you object I'll threaten you with violence.  With a police on a motorbike parked up watching them.  


What a dumb situation. African criminals hustling people in full view of the law. And then they come on TV crying about racism. 


But these street hustlers, rent boys, pimps and drug dealers are creating racism. They put themselves at the very bottom of society. In fact outside of society..... creating the bad image that normal people of African heritage then have to deal with.

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11 hours ago, Ketyo said:

Well the Africans were still standing on the corner of Soi 13 last night hassling people walking past...."pssst hello my friend"....what can I do to I get some money out of you...and if you object I'll threaten you with violence.  With a police on a motorbike parked up watching them.  


What a dumb situation. African criminals hustling people in full view of the law. And then they come on TV crying about racism. 


But these street hustlers, rent boys, pimps and drug dealers are creating racism. They put themselves at the very bottom of society. In fact outside of society..... creating the bad image that normal people of African heritage then have to deal with.

This is exactly my point. If the police want to get rid of these street hustlers, they can. Like someone said, they stick out like a sore thumb. But the police don't want to, for whatever reason. So they pretend to go after them by doing stuff that creates racist headlines but in reality they just harass the largely innocent Africans or relatively minor  criminals like overstayers. The street hustlers seem to have some form of immunity and no matter how much you applaud the police actions on TV, the hustlers will be there today, tomorrow and the next day, just like they were there yesterday. It is these black people who should be targeted. Targeting every other black person is a lazy excuse to appear like you are doing something. It makes people on TV happy, but it does not solve the problem.

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On 10/25/2017 at 10:05 AM, Ochomo said:

It makes people on TV happy, but it does not solve the problem.

Yes, but considering many of those commenting don't actually frequent the area and never actually see the Africans, they don't give a rat's arse if the dealers are back the next day or not.


These threads simply provide justification for the racists to vent in an environment in which their bigotry won't culminate in them being summarily banged out cold on a hot Sukhumvit pavement.

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On 10/23/2017 at 10:20 AM, sweatalot said:

Nothing wrong with targeting a special race if they have a record of crime that is remarkably higher than that of another race - at least in the location of the raid.

So does this mean that you're ok with white guys being targeted and pulled out of taxis and searched (for drugs that the police know are mostly bought by farangs)?

Is it ok to target white people and demand they piss in a cup?


Now, before you or anyone else says it's the Thais who are buying the drugs, Thais buy off other Thais who deliver to the door of their slum dwelling.

Furthermore, the Africans mostly sling coke, not ice or yaba.

Very few Thais are into coke; it's seen as a relatively expensive farang drug.

Thais won't risk a pilgrimage to Lower Sukhumvit to buy off an African.

The dealers are there with the tacit approval of some elements of the police who insist that they do not, under any circumstances, sell to Thais.

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Ok clearly, I need to communicate with you n the same level as I would a six year old.


Look at the photographs of the perp. Always, always white.


Oh and yes, the Thai press do mention skin colour in their headlines but you'd know that if you looked at media outlets like Khaosod instead of getting all your news by carrier pigeon.

Show me one link that starts with "white man"


Seriously your batting for the wrong team. However just like many farang would like to pretend they are thai, others like you would love to be black. Don't kid yourself, thousands of black pedos and not just in Thailand but hey keep the pink glasses on


You obviously are clueless how you the brides are in Africa



Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk




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On 10/23/2017 at 1:16 PM, farang1979 said:

You must have Trump 2020 and a big Confederate flag up on your house.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with scooping up a large number of people based on their skin colour then you've been watching Fox News for too long.


Generalising and persecuting people based on their race and ethnicity  has historic connotations with ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, apartheid and just about every other blood stain on the human conscious. 

A lot of people on TV are crying day after day to scoop up large numbers of people in Pattaya and Bangkok based on their dress* and no one says anything.  Isn't part of expat culture.  And not a nice part.  


*Men dressed as women.

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It's shameful how you protect black pedos https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/region/sub-saharan-africa/
First Google search. There are thousands more
Millions of girls. How you gonna turn this into a positive?
Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Man in denial with clumsy, amateur attempt to deflect attention away from that which he can't bear to admit.

Fully grown man. Pretty pathetic really.

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7 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

So does this mean that you're ok with white guys being targeted and pulled out of taxis and searched (for drugs that the police know are mostly bought by farangs)?

Is it ok to target white people and demand they piss in a cup?


Now, before you or anyone else says it's the Thais who are buying the drugs, Thais buy off other Thais who deliver to the door of their slum dwelling.

Furthermore, the Africans mostly sling coke, not ice or yaba.

Very few Thais are into coke; it's seen as a relatively expensive farang drug.

Thais won't risk a pilgrimage to Lower Sukhumvit to buy off an African.

The dealers are there with the tacit approval of some elements of the police who insist that they do not, under any circumstances, sell to Thais.

Some racist generalisations you're peddling there

... based on your absurd, third-rate research. :clap2:

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I don't mind a little targeting for investigation, especially when the statistics are massively directed in their direction.  I do have a problem if they are prosecuted unfairly or in a prejudicial way. It is easy to pick out somebody by their obvious physical distinction, Caucasian in an Asian population or of course black.

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On 10/27/2017 at 12:02 PM, Thai Ron said:

So does this mean that you're ok with white guys being targeted and pulled out of taxis and searched (for drugs that the police know are mostly bought by farangs)?

Is it ok to target white people and demand they piss in a cup?


Now, before you or anyone else says it's the Thais who are buying the drugs, Thais buy off other Thais who deliver to the door of their slum dwelling.

Furthermore, the Africans mostly sling coke, not ice or yaba.

Very few Thais are into coke; it's seen as a relatively expensive farang drug.

Thais won't risk a pilgrimage to Lower Sukhumvit to buy off an African.

The dealers are there with the tacit approval of some elements of the police who insist that they do not, under any circumstances, sell to Thais.

Too many howlers to highlight and ridicule there. :clap2:

Amateur armchair sociologist and his sloppy research. ... Anything to exonerate your saintly African buddies.

Just because you bought an online degree in sociology from Kinshasa University, doesn't mean you can borrow mommy's laptop and spout incoherent hallucinations on this forum. :clap2::clap2:

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18 minutes ago, chippendale said:

Too many howlers to highlight and ridicule there. :clap2:

Amateur armchair sociologist and his sloppy research. ... Anything to exonerate your saintly African buddies.

Just because you bought an online degree in sociology from Kinshasa University, doesn't mean you can borrow mommy's laptop and spout incoherent hallucinations on this forum. :clap2::clap2:



Where did I say they were saintly?

I'm just telling it how I see it after 10 years living in this area, having spoken with several dealers over that time and seen countless farangs disappearing down towards the Trendy condo on soi 13 to rendezvous with the runners after handing over the cash.

You don't offer any argument to refute what I'm saying, you just sling insults.


Thais do buy off Thais or perhaps you think there were no drugs in Thailand until the Africans showed up on soi 13


Africans can sell ice but they "order" it in. Coke or crack is where they make most of their money


Check the inventory of drugs seized after raids on Thai clubs - when  the media reports them, it's always predominantly ice, yaba, occasionally ecstasy and only now and again, coke.


Some of what the Africans sell is actually supplied to them by the crooked cops provided they don't sell to Thais.

They usually won't sell to Thais because they might be police.


In nay case, if you're a Thai meth head, why go to Sukhumvit to buy off a highly visible African on the street when you've got a regular Thai supplier you probably trust?

The Africans sell on the street for the simple reason that they know farang tourists don't have contacts here if they want gear.


Either offer a counter argument or pipe down with the insults



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