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North Korea diplomat says take atmospheric nuclear test threat 'literally'

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22 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And how do you know that?  Can you guarantee that?  Impossible.


Nuclear blackmail at it's worst.

Who's Blackmailing WHO? So far the US is doing that...They US say the same that if someone start than they do the same ,Nuke the shit out of the one who started.No one can Guarantee anything for 100% sure.  :1zgarz5:

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You don't research things very well do you.  Between 100k and 300k have defected from NK since 1953.  You don't have numbers like that unless things are really bad in a country.  Seems to be quite bad to live in NK.

Taking the higher number (300,000) that works out to about 5000people per year. About 0.02% annually.


Almost 10% (5.5-ish million) of UK citizens live abroad... by your logic can I say, "Seems to be quite bad to live in UK"?

21 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

Yeah but what about the threat of the Domino theory??  oh thats right, it was proven to be a load of rubbish (same as the Tonkin gulf incident) :cheesy::cheesy:

Yea I read that. It was  rubbish :clap2:

1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

Darn, I thought the whole idea of the US starts first was so that NK would not be able to at all, ever.


What island does NK have in order to do this test? None. So they'll load a bomb on a ship and set it off. OK,then what's to stop them from anchoring several of these bomb ships off the west coast of America? Just the radio active fallout would play hell with California Growers Association.

Well if the US stats first, they will be sorry .Kim might be a Block head but he'll be ready to kick ass. The US did tests before It doesn't matter where they do them the fallout was and will be same for NK and  what it was for the US .If it's good for the Goose than it's good for the Ganda.Leave it alone.

56 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Who's Blackmailing WHO? So far the US is doing that...They US say the same that if someone start than they do the same ,Nuke the shit out of the one who started.No one can Guarantee anything for 100% sure.  :1zgarz5:

You're delusional.    WHICH country has flatly declared, against some significant domestic opposition to doing so, that it will NEVER be the first party in any conflict to use nuclear weapons?   Here's a hint:  it's NOT N. Korea.  And here's a clue: it's the one you seem to have an irrational, borderline psychotic, fear and hatred of...


Brother, when you get it wrong, you take the prize.  The U.S. isn't blackmailing ANYBODY.  And it's not U.S. prohibitions N. Korea is violating!   NOR is it the U.S. that's committing acts of war against N. Korea.  We're not carrying out cyberattacks on N. Korean interests.  We're not counterfeiting their currency.  We're not sinking their ships and killing their seamen.  We're not firing artillery rounds into their territory.  We're not sending hit squads to take out their presidential residence.  We're not sending missiles through their airspace.  We're not brutalizing their citizens and sending them home with a day or so to live.   N. Korea, on the other hand, has done all these things AND been using nuclear coercion to obtain foreign aid for decades.  Now that some more serious sanctions are kicking in, and even fatboy can pretty clearly see that his tried & true intimidation tactics aren't working anymore (thanks to a new tenant at 1600 Pa. Ave.,), he's getting desperate and acting that way.   Those now sympathizing with this thug might just need a dose of the same treatment he gets when the balloon finally goes up and innocent people have to pay the price...



1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

1. Anyone who compares what North Korea is doing to the US is filled with a hatred to the US that is based upon misinformation.


2. America and people are free to live wherever they desire.


3. North Korea is counterfeiting currencies; selling drugs ; kidnapping people and murdering abroad whenever it sees fit. 

The US Government has no such policy.


4. National policy in N.Korea is to subjugate its own people; establish a dictatorial regime; and pursue nuclear weapons while its people starve.

America has no such policy and never has.


5. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but some of the posters are using their hate of America to distort what is actually happening and what has happened in the past


6. America seeks only peace and a denuclearized Korean peninsula.


7. At no time have I ever seen or heard of anyone in the American military establishment that wanted war with N.Korea or anyone else.

My 2 bahts-worth in ans on some of your points.

1. Well that's the pesky Russians fault again. :laugh: 

2. Except the people of origin even to this day. :sick:

3. That's a laugh :biggrin:  especially when they hold the record for bombing the most countries in the world.

4. Oh dear back to the red Indians and American black people. :sick:

5. Agree some but the facts of the past are there, maybe it's those pesky Russians again. :biggrin:

6. So why doesn't it let South Korean, China & Japan deal with it. :blink:

7. That's because they already fought against N.Korea and got their arse kicked. :sorry:

13 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Clearly, if your analysis is right,we should all thank our lucky stars and stripes that world's largest miliary superpower (and the only nation ever to have used nuclear weapons) has such a paragon of rationality as its Commander in Chief.


(Or do you think the fiendishly clever Russians got him elected to provoke a war with North Korea which would draw in China and kill three birds with one multi-megaton stone?).


Clearly trolling. Trump is temporary fixture, Kim isn't. USA got checks and balances, Kim...not so much.

2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Taking the higher number (300,000) that works out to about 5000people per year. About 0.02% annually.


Almost 10% (5.5-ish million) of UK citizens live abroad... by your logic can I say, "Seems to be quite bad to live in UK"?


UK citizens are free to move out of the country and back. NK citizens aren't. Apples and oranges.

3 minutes ago, Morch said:


UK citizens are free to move out of the country and back. NK citizens aren't. Apples and oranges.

The point was not a direct comparison but an illustration of the minuscule numbers of PDRK defections and the conclusion(s) drawn from that.

5 minutes ago, mikebike said:

The point was not a direct comparison but an illustration of the minuscule numbers of PDRK defections and the conclusion(s) drawn from that.


Still not clear how one "illustrates" the other. Running away or "defecting" is not a normal course of action, but an extreme one. Don't recall all that many doing the same in the opposite way.



An off topic post containing text of a PM has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It is the South Korean Border.


And the North Korean forces are in their own country, which is at war with the South.


5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

How dare the South Koreans have troops and allies there.

Then it is only fair that the 'allies' are just as open to attack, as the North is to them.


Fair is fair.


30,000 North Korean troops and nuclear weapons just off the American coast. Let's have things equal, instead of uneven American aggression. 



6 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Same could be said of the US , but much bigger than just one person dictator.


6 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

The US could also fit with most of what is in your last paragraph.

The above are totally inaccurate and utterly absurd statements.


Common knowledge that the USA is a Democratic Republic and as far from a dictatorship as possible. The USA is one of the wealthiest, most successful, productive, innovative and charitable countries. #1 in Foreign Aid. Over 40% of North Koreans live in extreme poverty...in a country of 25 million. The USA's poverty rate is around 13%, in a country of 323 million. 


NO one, including me, is claiming the USA is perfect...but it has by far done more for world "good", than "bad". 

2 hours ago, Morch said:


Still not clear how one "illustrates" the other. Running away or "defecting" is not a normal course of action, but an extreme one. Don't recall all that many doing the same in the opposite way.


And the numbers probably don't refect all those who've been caught.  Killed in the process (many). Or would like to but are too afraid.


As you say, defecting is not normal and only happens is a very small number of countries.

5 hours ago, digger70 said:

Who's Blackmailing WHO? So far the US is doing that...They US say the same that if someone start than they do the same ,Nuke the shit out of the one who started.No one can Guarantee anything for 100% sure.  :1zgarz5:

How is the US blackmailing NK?  They are working with the UNSC on this.  Some 50 nations are behind this.  This is NK using nuclear warfare to be left alone so they can continue their illegal activities on a global basis. And threaten their neighbors.


FYI...since the late '60s, North Korea has repeatedly attacked (and provoked) South Korea killing nearly 200...including civilians. In an assassination attempt by a suspected N Korean agent on S Korean Prez Park Chung-hee in 1974, Park survived but his wife was killed. 

1 hour ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Then it is only fair that the 'allies' are just as open to attack, as the North is to them.


Fair is fair.


30,000 North Korean troops and nuclear weapons just off the American coast. Let's have things equal, instead of uneven American aggression. 



Would you agree or disagree that this is fair, craig?


21 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

FYI...since the late '60s, North Korea has repeatedly attacked (and provoked) South Korea killing nearly 200...including civilians. In an assassination attempt by a suspected N Korean agent on S Korean Prez Park Chung-hee in 1974, Park survived but his wife was killed. 

But, but, but....they're just trying to protect themselves from Western provocations. LOL


2 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:


And the North Korean forces are in their own country, which is at war with the South.


Then it is only fair that the 'allies' are just as open to attack, as the North is to them.


Fair is fair.


30,000 North Korean troops and nuclear weapons just off the American coast. Let's have things equal, instead of uneven American aggression. 



Who started the war?  Hint: North Korea invaded the south.  And almost took over the entire territory.  Who's the aggressor?  Who's trying to defend themselves?  Seems pretty clear to me.


America aggression?  Seriously?

56 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Who started the war?  Hint: North Korea invaded the south.  And almost took over the entire territory.  Who's the aggressor?  Who's trying to defend themselves?  Seems pretty clear to me.


America aggression?  Seriously?

The North Koreans invaded the South with the aim of creating a single Korean nation.


They did not invade America. 


Yet American troops are along their border in the tens of thousands.... American nuclear bombers, fighter jets and nuclear subs at the ready off their coast... doing war drills.... the Commander in Chief talking of wiping out their country.... whilst flying fighter jets and nuclear bombers off their coast......



And America is not the aggressor!! :laugh: 

1 minute ago, Happy Grumpy said:

The North Koreans invaded the South with the aim of creating a single Korean nation.


They did not invade America. 


Yet American troops are along their border in the tens of thousands.... American nuclear bombers, fighter jets and nuclear subs at the ready off their coast... doing war drills.... the Commander in Chief talking of wiping out their country.... whilst flying fighter jets and nuclear bombers off their coast......



And America is not the aggressor!! :laugh: 

At least you admit NK started the current aggression.  Good start.  American troops are there at the request of the SK government for their protection.  You are aware of that?  So I guess you could blame SK as the aggressor?  No wait.  They didn't start the war.


You're losing it....

44 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

At least you admit NK started the current aggression.  Good start.  American troops are there at the request of the SK government for their protection.  You are aware of that?  So I guess you could blame SK as the aggressor?  No wait.  They didn't start the war.


You're losing it....

Yes, it begun 3 generations ago. Before nearly everybody on Earth today was born. 


So today..... this age.... who is the aggressor... the army defending their nation of North Korea, or the regime 10,000km away that has 30,000 troops along their border that is threatening them with annihilation whilst flying bombers and fighter jets off their coast? 

On 10/26/2017 at 7:28 PM, shoupy said:

Meanwhile, a North Korean Romeo Class submarine which left port three weeks ago with 20 suicide commandos slowly makes its way toward the Potomac River.

Surely joking.................  Never will happen.............. LOL..............

13 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Yes, it begun 3 generations ago. Before nearly everybody on Earth today was born. 


So today..... this age.... who is the aggressor... the army defending their nation of North Korea, or the regime 10,000km away that has 30,000 troops along their border that is threatening them with annihilation whilst flying bombers and fighter jets off their coast? 

It's been shown who the aggressor is.  But you won't accept it.  Links have been provided that show the list of incursions by the North into the South.  The deaths they've caused, etc. But you think flying near a country in international airspace is worse?  Pretty sad.

14 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Yes, it begun 3 generations ago. Before nearly everybody on Earth today was born. 


So today..... this age.... who is the aggressor... the army defending their nation of North Korea, or the regime 10,000km away that has 30,000 troops along their border that is threatening them with annihilation whilst flying bombers and fighter jets off their coast? 

Having read your posts I decided not to try discussing with you. You will never change your mind.

You seem unable to see reality

5 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Having read your posts I decided not to try discussing with you. You will never change your mind.

You seem unable to see reality


What is unreal about the facts?


Number of US troops along the border of NK - 30,000 battle ready.

Number of NK troops along the border of the US - None. 


Flying bombers and fighter jets off the other's coast in order to aggressively intimidate:

US: Yes.

NK: No.


Practicing aggressive war drills and war games off the other's coast:

US: Yes.

NK: No.





7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Links have been provided that show the list of incursions by the North into the South. 

Into the South??... The Southern states?.... Texas?


No, into South Korea.


If the US wants to ally itself with the South, then it is only fair that they are open to attack by NK to the same degree that NK is from them.


Fair is fair. 


30,000 NK troops next to the US border, with bombers and fighter jets off the coast doing war games and war drills.



Would that be viewed as aggressive behavior?




I made a bet today with an 19yo employee if any major military action against NK occurs i'll pay him $100/hour for a day, i laugh everytime people think something is going to happen



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