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Non O extension with workpermit

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You cannot extend a Non Imm O Visa.

You are extending your permission to stay based on marriage to a Thai.

The financial requirement is 400,000 baht deposited in a Thai bank for 2 months prior to the date of application, or proof of income of 40,000 baht per month.

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thanks for your comment and correction, you are correct I should have been more carefull as I was probably throwing off a lot of readers with my suggestion.

My real question however related to the work permit and income. Do I need to bring salary slips and work permit.

I prefer to see a link from immigration instead of receiving answers of individual members, however good their intentions are


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If your applying for an extension based on marriage (which entitles you to work and obtain a work permit), then there is absolutely no need to advise Immigration of working, or proof thereof.

You apply under section 2.18 of Immigration Orders 327-2557.


Sorry, the site won't allow me to upload the file.

Google Thai Immigration Orders 327-2557.


(1) The alien must have been granted a nonimmigrant
visa (NONIM).
(2) The alien must have proof of relationship.
(3) In the case of spouse, the relationship must be de jure and de facto: or
(4) In the case of children, adopted children, or spouse's children, said children, adopted
children, or spouse's children must not be married, must live with the alien as part of the

family, and must not be over 20 years of age except in case of the person hereof is of illness
or disability and cannot live without support of father or mother: or
(5) In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income
of no less than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of
no less than Baht 400,000 to cover expenses for one year.
In case the father of mother requests to be under maintenance of children, the age of
father or mother must be 50 years of age or over.
For other necessary cases, the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of
Immigration Bureau is granted the authority to make decisions regarding approval on a
(6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual
income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a
bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year.

Edited by Tanoshi
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I already have a work permit and will need to show income for the extention of stay related to my non o visa, thai spouse

What do I need to show at immigration when applying for the extension, slips and work permit or do I need to show more?

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9 minutes ago, jumbo said:

I already have a work permit and will need to show income for the extention of stay related to my non o visa, thai spouse

What do I need to show at immigration when applying for the extension, slips and work permit or do I need to show more?

You will need past 3 months of tax payment receipts and your work permit. If you were working last year you will also need your tax return for last year.

Some offices will also want company registration  and other documents. You really need to check with your local office to find out what they require since it varies from office to office.

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7 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

If it's based on income, you'll need a letter of proof of Income from your Embassy.

That is only needed for income earned outside the country. He is legally working here and will need proof of tax payments to prove his income.

5 minutes ago, jumbo said:

Really do I need to verify my thai income at my embassy?? That sounds pretty ridiculous??

No you don't.

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1 minute ago, jumbo said:

thanks Ubonjoe

Company pays the taxes included of 1.700 other employees so the tax payment receipt would be kind of diffult.... I guess


I am sure the company can give you a copy of the page showing the payments to the revenue department that has your tax payments on it.

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17 minutes ago, jumbo said:

Really do I need to verify my thai income at my embassy?? That sounds pretty ridiculous??

No, you don't.


Bangkok Requirements:


-3 month Por NGor DOr 1 for the last 3 months, Por NGor DOr 91 - from the last year if you have it. These must be stamped by the local tax office ( a copy from your company will not be accepted.)


-Tabien Baan of the owner of the property you stay at.


-Map to property


-Photo of you and your wife at property


-Photo of you at work


-Letter of Employment from your company stating your salary.


-Employment Contract.


-Wok Permit


-Company registration documents (Not an official requirement but part of the last point of the list they give you which says something along the line of "any additional documents that may be required) translation: the Officers will make up the regulations as they see fit.


Of course you could just go to extend based on Working instead which is far less documents. Basically just your employment letter and the Work Permit. (You do lose the "benefit" of not having your extension tied to your work permit, but considering you are married, if you ever wanted to stop working you could just ge a multiple entry Non-O between jobs).


EDIT TO ADD: You also need a copy of your rental contract (if you have one) - if you live at the same place as your wife's Tabien Baan you just need a letter from her stating that you live there.

Edited by SABloke
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14 minutes ago, SABloke said:

Of course you could just go to extend based on Working instead which is far less documents. Basically just your employment letter and the Work Permit.

You are wrong there on the paperwork point. For him it might not mean less documents but for the company it is much more. Plus a minimum salary of 50k baht and etc. Have a look at this page on the immigration website that only show part of the paper work. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_1

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19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

You are wrong there on the paperwork point. For him it might not mean less documents but for the company it is much more. Plus a minimum salary of 50k baht and etc. Have a look at this page on the immigration website that only show part of the paper work. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_1

When I went to get my Non-O extension based on marriage using my work permit and salary the immigration officer asked for all the same documents from the company as is required by the Non-B extension and then I had to supply all the additional documents for myself. The company had to supply the exact same documents: this is not an official requirement but it is how they are doing it in Bangkok as of the last time I was there in  August.


EDIT TO ADD: The requirement of the company documents was sprung on me at the last minute. I pointed out that it was not a requirement, but the Immigration Officer said she wanted it. I then told her that I would rather just get an extension based on working. She told me that I couldn't because I had a Non-O visa - I stood up, went to get a ticket for N counter and left an hour later with an extension based on work.


The point is that what is official required and what is required in reality are two different things. :smile:

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For 'support thai wife' it is correct. For 'renewing with work permit' I don't know if accurate.

For renewing 'thai wife' its show b400k in YOUR OWN THAI bank account, not shared account, seasoned 2 calendar months before application date. Bank letter as proof confirming the amount and up date your bank book for showing on application date.

For 'work permit' type application it's show last 3 monthly tax receipts - shouldn't not be a problem for your company to provide documentation for you (if they don't, tell them you won't be able to renew WP).

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5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Some offices will also want company registration  and other documents. You really need to check with your local office to find out what they require since it varies from office to office.

Immigration advised me it was far easier to keep the extension and work permit as separate issues when married.


Apply for extension based on marriage with standard documents (they don't want to know if your working).

Apply for work permit with company documentation and marriage extension.


A number of local expats do it that way then if they stop work it has no effect on their extension.

If you can enlighten on that Joe, I'd be grateful.

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20 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

A number of local expats do it that way then if they stop work it has no effect on their extension.

If you can enlighten on that Joe, I'd be grateful.

The only way to keep them separate is to have 400k baht in a Thai bank. Or a income from outside the country to meet the 40k baht income requirement proven by a income letter from a embassy.

A income letter from an embassy cannot legally be used for proof of 40k baht income earned within the country.

An extension of stay based upon marriage obtained by using income earned here would not end when the job ends since it is not tied to the job. Income only has to proven on the date of application.

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18 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

Immigration advised me it was far easier to keep the extension and work permit as separate issues when married.


Apply for extension based on marriage with standard documents (they don't want to know if your working).

Apply for work permit with company documentation and marriage extension.


A number of local expats do it that way then if they stop work it has no effect on their extension.

If you can enlighten on that Joe, I'd be grateful.

If you are extending based on marriage and use income in Thailand, I can assure you immigration wants to see a work permit 


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7 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

He only needs to show a minimum wage of 40k as the OP is extending based on marriage. 

50k if extending based on employment. 

I was replying to this post.

6 hours ago, SABloke said:

Of course you could just go to extend based on Working instead which is far less documents. Basically just your employment letter and the Work Permit. (You do lose the "benefit" of not having your extension tied to your work permit, but considering you are married, if you ever wanted to stop working you could just ge a multiple entry Non-O between jobs).

Full content of my post.

5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

You are wrong there on the paperwork point. For him it might not mean less documents but for the company it is much more. Plus a minimum salary of 50k baht and etc. Have a look at this page on the immigration website that only show part of the paper work. https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_1


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20 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

The only way to keep them separate is to have 400k baht in a Thai bank. Or a income from outside the country to meet the 40k baht income requirement proven by a income letter from a embassy.

A income letter from an embassy cannot legally be used for proof of 40k baht income earned within the country.

An extension of stay based upon marriage obtained by using income earned here would not end when the job ends since it is not tied to the job. Income only has to proven on the date of application.

Thanks UJ, fully understood.


I wrongly assumed the OP was using an income other than his Thai income until his post in 7.

Apologies to Jumbo.

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Thanks all

I think I got it

I will take slips, work permit, letter from employer confirming salary, picture from me at work, employment contract and paid taxes over past three months sealed by company

Plus the other usual requirements for Non 0 based on marriage

I normally extend on Non B, this is a first time for me..

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Just one more question

I noticed the requirement of 'photo of me at work'

Does it have to be just one or a specific photo, now I have a picture of me sitting at my desk, will that do in your experiences?


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4 hours ago, jumbo said:

Just one more question

I noticed the requirement of 'photo of me at work'

Does it have to be just one or a specific photo, now I have a picture of me sitting at my desk, will that do in your experiences?


Whenever I have had to do photos for extension purposes (though based on work, not marriage) then it has been several photos.

A couple at the desk, one with at least 4 Thai fellow workers, one with at reception showing the company name, one outside with the office building in the background.

Always best to be OTT than not have enough.

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