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NCPO claims flood-management win


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13 hours ago, Thian said:

I think they did a great job, BKK didn't flood like in 2011 and that's a big achievement.


Now of course you think the ricefields are far more important than BKK but priorities first.


Bangkok did not flood much in 2011.

Most of the heavy flooding was to the west in Nonthaburi , north Pathum Thani and also to the east of the city , Lat Grabang area.


This was because the then Democrat governer of the city would not open the flood gates to allow the water to pass through the city. Downtown areas like Silom etc were dry except from what they got from rainfall.


The Yingluk government tried to override him to have some water run through the city which would have alleviated some of the flooding in the areas mentioned but he would not allow it. He did this he said to look after the interests of the Bangkokians who voted for him. As for those suffering from floods like poor Robblok and myself ..

...he advised moving our homes to higher ground.


Fortunately , he is gone having misused funds for an extravagant light show. Good ridence too.

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6 hours ago, Denim said:


Bangkok did not flood much in 2011.

Most of the heavy flooding was to the west in Nonthaburi , north Pathum Thani and also to the east of the city , Lat Grabang area.


This was because the then Democrat governer of the city would not open the flood gates to allow the water to pass through the city. Downtown areas like Silom etc were dry except from what they got from rainfall.


The Yingluk government tried to override him to have some water run through the city which would have alleviated some of the flooding in the areas mentioned but he would not allow it. He did this he said to look after the interests of the Bangkokians who voted for him. As for those suffering from floods like poor Robblok and myself ..

...he advised moving our homes to higher ground.


Fortunately , he is gone having misused funds for an extravagant light show. Good ridence too.

Actually most of Bangkok was indeed flooded (Bangkok is much larger than downtown area) and the water did pass through and around Bangkok but southern area was spared by natural road blockage and fact they were last in line and water was able to run into klongs and river.  The real not allowing water flow was by a province to the West of Bangkok which would have allowed a great deal of the water to bypass Bangkok.  Once 2011 water was allowed to accumulate to the extent it was in Northern Thailand there really was no way to avoid massive flooding.  Even running through Bangkok without any obstructions would not have helped that much as the flow is so slow at these elevations and the economic toll would have vastly increased.  

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To claim a victory only because it *could* be worse is not a victory. 


And a victory over who, more importantly, is the key to this pathetic assertion. *we did better than the other administration*


Careful Now, famous last words.....touch wood etc etc 



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8 hours ago, Denim said:


Really ? And from which PM and government did you get this benign handout ?

YL, after first making the flood worse she gives me a pittance of money. I am happy they got her for 5 years on an other case.


It was her and her overriding the dams (her minister) not the BKK mayor who was responsible. 


Had she let water out in august / sept things would not have been so bad, she cant be held responsible for the flooding just for making it worse.

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10 hours ago, Denim said:


Bangkok did not flood much in 2011.

Most of the heavy flooding was to the west in Nonthaburi , north Pathum Thani and also to the east of the city , Lat Grabang area.


This was because the then Democrat governer of the city would not open the flood gates to allow the water to pass through the city. Downtown areas like Silom etc were dry except from what they got from rainfall.


The Yingluk government tried to override him to have some water run through the city which would have alleviated some of the flooding in the areas mentioned but he would not allow it. He did this he said to look after the interests of the Bangkokians who voted for him. As for those suffering from floods like poor Robblok and myself ..

...he advised moving our homes to higher ground.


Fortunately , he is gone having misused funds for an extravagant light show. Good ridence too.

I also live in Nonthaburi and that's also BKK for me.


I've seen some underpasses next to the river being flooded and some roads as well this year but nothing serious. With all the klongs it will be hard to protect nonthaburi.


All new built houses are on elevated land these days, i see dumptrucks with sand all the time. But also all the swamps are being filled now which is not good, we need them to store water during hard rains.


I'm happy they protect the city very well, would be terrible to have the subway under water...

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

YL, after first making the flood worse she gives me a pittance of money. I am happy they got her for 5 years on an other case.


It was her and her overriding the dams (her minister) not the BKK mayor who was responsible. 


Had she let water out in august / sept things would not have been so bad, she cant be held responsible for the flooding just for making it worse.


23 hours ago, candide said:

Thank you Roblock for providing figures. 

I found an article which provides other interesting figures about the amount of water released. It streses that "In fact by August 2 – when 2.838 billion cubic metres had been discharged – the amount of water discharged in 2011 slipped below 2005 and became the lowest amount of accumulated discharge of water in any of the 7 years at that point. This is despite the fact that you also had more water, at this point, going into the dam than in any of the previous years. Then, of course, it quickly accelerated form August 2 onwards which was likely done to keep the capacity of the dam under 100%."

So as already noticed by Andersonat, Yingluck started office in August 2011. How can the insufficient water release be caused by a rice scheme that was only launched in October 2011? :coffee1:

water release.jpg

Dear Rob. It seems you have not noticed my post which shows that the amount of water released quickly increased from August 2011, as opposed to low amount of water released before this date. 

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35 minutes ago, candide said:


Dear Rob. It seems you have not noticed my post which shows that the amount of water released quickly increased from August 2011, as opposed to low amount of water released before this date. 

 Maybe he and Prayut's water diviner are drinkin' buddies . . . just a thought and no offence, Rob. I know you mean well :smile:

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On 10/30/2017 at 8:20 AM, robblok said:

The junta was releasing water early on (people were not happy about it as it did cause some flooding). But a far greater disaster was averted. YL her minister kept it closed only thinking of the rice (rice program was already active then). Now we see the difference between real bad planning (YL) and better (but far from perfect) planning.



I previously asked you a question about the Rice Scheme ... and then I was met by ... silence.

And so I'll try again.


During which ("earlier") months do you think that water should have been released from the dams, and which Rice Program was in force during those months ?




And if it's not too much trouble, could you please provide a source that confirms that "everyone's do-nothing, say-nothing" Prime Minister Yingluck overrode the recommendation from Agricultural Minister Theera to open the dams "earlier" (whenever that might have been).

It would be a very "useful" piece of information (at least for me, to add to my ongoing "dossier" about the 2011 floods).

I've looked for it on the Internet, and I can't find anything -  but then, your Google-search skills are superior to mine.



Edited by andersonat
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1 hour ago, Ossy said:

 Maybe he and Prayut's water diviner are drinkin' buddies . . . just a thought and no offence, Rob. I know you mean well :smile:

I have no love for the man, despite what you guys think. I just feel YL handled the floods worse. 




Of course.. you are first going to fill the dams before your going to release... but YL her fail was not releasing enough. You got her agricultural minister stating that. 


Anyway I do blame Prayut for canceling YL her water plans. Though the ones Prayut proposes are more expensive and better (but someone will cancel them as they want brown enveloppes)


This is one of those cases Prayut should put in law that a certain amount of the budget should be set aside for flooding per year.

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10 minutes ago, andersonat said:



I previously asked you a question about the Rice Scheme ... and then I was met by ... silence.

And so I'll try again.


During which ("earlier") months do you think that water should have been released from the dams, and which Rice Program was in force during those months ?




And if it's not too much trouble, could you please provide a source that confirms that "everyone's do-nothing, say-nothing" Prime Minister Yingluck overrode the recommendation from Agricultural Minister Theera to open the dams "earlier" (whenever that might have been).

It would be a very "useful" piece of information (at least for me, to add to my ongoing "dossier" about the 2011 floods).

I've looked for it on the Internet, and I can't find anything -  but then, your Google-search skills are superior to mine.



You and others seem to want to begin the rice program when the laws were enacted to enable it. I start the rice program the moment it was touted as an election promise. Because from that moment on farmers depended on it. 


Water should be released from august onward in my opinion before that you have no clue if you have enough.. Prayut released the water from that period (to the displeasure of those flooded but by doing so preventing an other 2011)


My google skills are not that great.. but i lived through those floods.. was flooded for 1 1/2 month and spoke with a lot of Thais during that time. I now try to make dossiers on topics. But in the end its not worth it. 


There are no good parties for me to support just bad ones. I am against corruption hence I am against the Shins. But at the same time am i against the corruption of the junta and have said many times. Now that sham of radar guns.... to cry about.


I wil give you a link that will help you.. i use it to keep check on the dams you can see per dam how much water there is and graphs from the past.



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On 10/30/2017 at 10:52 AM, robblok said:

The reservoirs were NOT full in may do show the graphs and when YL came to power the flooding was not happening she had time to release water but did not. Love to see full reservoirs in May as its one of the first months of the wet season.




Further research has revealed that a source had opined that at the start of the Rainy Season in 2011, the reservoirs were "over-filled" (ie that their levels were higher than they should have been at that time).

This "fact" then evolved through various iterations by various writers from "being over-filled" to "being-over-full" to "being full".


 - I apologise for my "misquote", ie in quoting an incorrect "fact".


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4 hours ago, andersonat said:




Further research has revealed that a source had opined that at the start of the Rainy Season in 2011, the reservoirs were "over-filled" (ie that their levels were higher than they should have been at that time).

This "fact" then evolved through various iterations by various writers from "being over-filled" to "being-over-full" to "being full".


 - I apologise for my "misquote", ie in quoting an incorrect "fact".


No problems things like that happen.

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On 10/30/2017 at 9:36 AM, Lupatria said:

I’m sure members of 100.000 affected families in 16 provinces must be bubbling over with joy and celebrate this “win”.

Several million were displaced in 2011. I was one of them. The difference was water management, as others have mentioned. Many of those families get flooded in even an average year of rainfall. Anyone living that close to the river or in or close to a water retention basin, has a good chance to get flooded. If they are rice farmers, they will take the good with the bad. 

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