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The gruesome story of a Brit who boxed his way out of a hellhole Thai prison – and is now having a film made about his life


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3 hours ago, Italian guy said:

Do you really believe all the novels and movies out there that claim to be based on real stories are documentaries?

There's always somewhere a line between reality and fiction in these sort of stories. Where such line really is is beyond most people's knowledge, unless they've been personally involved. 

I surely wouldn't like to end up in the Bangkok Hilton to have first hand experience of what happens in there.

Anyway some stories are better than others, on this I do agree with you. The trailer looks good and I wouldn't mind watching the movie once it's released.


I agree there is a line.  But by all accounts this is total fiction.  I just think it's misleading to pretend that the book / movie is loosely based on real events when it's not at all. 80% truth and 20% fiction is fine.  50/50 is fine. Even 30/70 is fine. But this sounds more like 2% truth and 98% made up.

He continues with the deceit on videos.  So he's lying basically. 

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13 hours ago, Stubby said:


I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault and it can happen to the best of us. He's can't help having an addictive personality. It's no more avoidable than someone who acquires depression or a physical illness. Sh*t happens!


What addicts and alcoholics are responsible for, though, is their recovery. Alas, most don't get it overnight, in fact, most don't get it at all (George Best was a prime example). But in Billy's case, he took charge of his problem—eventually. He worked on solutions and I assume continues to work on living a clean and sober life. In other words, he brought himself back from the brink and changed his ways. Anyone who's been where he was will know that's no easy feat. But he did it despite the odds.


Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.


tv is no place to get sympathy....this place is full of lonely sad pathetic individuals who just love to put people down

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14 hours ago, impulse said:


Yup.  Bonk a tourist over the head because he gave you a funny look and be back out to do it again in a day or two- albeit perhaps 500 baht poorer.


Handle a stolen mobile and spend 3 years in hell. 


He's got my sympathy, even if he was guilty.  If only for the randomness of it and the fact that any one of us could get caught up in some ridiculous legal problem.


One way to make money out of the country, most come here and loose it hand over fist, hope he can now stay on the straight and narrow.


But impulse is correct on what he said, why on earth do Farangs stay here these days, its a one way shop on racialism here and being treated like >hit is not my idea of a fair society, immature silly little country.

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19 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

No, expecting to make some dosh from the movie.

And hopefully that will occupy him and he will be a law abiding citizen!

Although after 15 years and 22 prisons he seems to prefer that lifestyle.

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21 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



This guy I know personally and met him on several occasions due to my connections with Klong Prem hospital, and he didn't do anywhere near do three years, closer to 18 months!


He certainly did less than 20 months in Thailand and that includes his eight months in Chiang Mai.


He then went back to the UK, where you do ' half the balance to serve ' so if he did eight months in the UK, that is 16 months UK prison because the other eight is outside in the community ' on licence ' That means his total prison time was just over two years! .........and they make a movie about this??????


He certainly WAS NOT boxing in Klong Prem.He was a total drug addict.


He was in and out of the hospital at every opportunity possible. He was thrown out of the hospital for stealing inmates supplies from their lockers and prescription drugs in the hospital. He was a complete nuisance and waste of space.


He then resorted to hanging out with the Thai Muslims or anybody who would tolerate him and pretending he had converted so he could join  the group and get a free ride with food.He was permanently looking for funds to ' support his habit ' and even managed to get money from the charity ' Prisoners abroad ' It's a shame there is no vetting before they give out funds.


Not a nice person.This guy typifies actually, the lowlifes that TV members are always complaining about that come to Thailand and give their home countries a bad name.

The gruesome story of lies from a Brit who  never boxed his way out of a hellhole Thai prison – and is now having a film full of lies made about his life

Thanks for sharing. One MORE reason not to watch this movie. Junkies are good liars, aren't they?

Edited by jenny2017
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30 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

The gruesome story of lies from a Brit who  never boxed his way out of a hellhole Thai prison – and is now having a film full of lies made about his life

Thanks for sharing. One MORE reason not to watch this movie. Junkies are good liars, aren't they?

Wow. Jenny, just read this. If the movie company read this the movie should be off their list.

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11 minutes ago, shaurene said:

Wow. Jenny, just read this. If the movie company read this the movie should be off their list.

I don't think that member Scouse 123 had a reason to lie about the guy.

   So, if it's true that he's never into Muay Thai when he's in prison the whole story becomes a big joke. 


   Based on a true story doesn't make sense. The only true story is that he is a criminal. 


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It gets better.


The movie company are now admitting that the fight scenes never took place and are part of their ' artistic licence '  and a lot of the inmate scenes were filmed in the Philippines!! well regards the prison scenes,  that would be about right, ( if his presence was required), as he is blacklisted from Thailand.


This scally is no Pablo Escobar, the guy is in for theft of a phone and receiving stolen goods. A three year prison term is absolutely nothing in Thailand.


You basically are left with a junkie that was a thorough nuisance throughout his prison time and went back to the UK at the earliest opportunity, when he was eligible to apply; one year in his case, the law was one third of sentence or four years of the sentence whichever is the sooner, unless serving life sentences,, then for countries with treaties it is eight years.


In his case, he has applied via the British Embassy after one year to the Thai authorities and the rest of the time is awaiting Thai  approval from the panel that sits every three months, transfer,  and prison officers from the UK to come and collect him and take him to Wandsworth which is the main intake prison in London for all prisoners returning and those being deported out of the UK, considered unsuitable for detention centres.


There is absolutely no animosity from me, I am just stunned that he has got away with these outlandish claims and they have been accepted at ' face value '  I cannot believe we are talking about the same person it is just so ridiculous.


He did get into a fight with Thais in the hospital, that is true, but it was nothing to do with Muay Thai, it was the fact he was caught helping himself to foodstuffs from their lockers, and stealing prescription meds and sent back to the prison section.


If he deserved an award, it is for ' pulling the wool ' over the media!

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2 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

It gets better.


The movie company are now admitting that the fight scenes never took place and are part of their ' artistic licence '  and a lot of the inmate scenes were filmed in the Philippines!! well regards the prison scenes,  that would be about right, ( if his presence was required), as he is blacklisted from Thailand.


This scally is no Pablo Escobar, the guy is in for theft of a phone and receiving stolen goods. A three year prison term is absolutely nothing in Thailand.


You basically are left with a junkie that was a thorough nuisance throughout his prison time and went back to the UK at the earliest opportunity, when he was eligible to apply; one year in his case, the law was one third of sentence or four years of the sentence whichever is the sooner, unless serving life sentences,, then for countries with treaties it is eight years.


In his case, he has applied via the British Embassy after one year to the Thai authorities and the rest of the time is awaiting Thai  approval from the panel that sits every three months, transfer,  and prison officers from the UK to come and collect him and take him to Wandsworth which is the main intake prison in London for all prisoners returning and those being deported out of the UK, considered unsuitable for detention centres.


There is absolutely no animosity from me, I am just stunned that he has got away with these outlandish claims and they have been accepted at ' face value '  I cannot believe we are talking about the same person it is just so ridiculous.


He did get into a fight with Thais in the hospital, that is true, but it was nothing to do with Muay Thai, it was the fact he was caught helping himself to foodstuffs from their lockers, and stealing proscription meds


If he deserved an award, it is for ' pulling the wool ' over the media!

And would he still be allowed to come to Thailand he'd only make the "headlines" being another bag snatcher. This guy openly lies about his whole life. But well, he's a junkie. No more to add. 

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Warren Fellows 'The Damage Done I read before I came in 1995. Incredible imagery. Especially the part where he was chin deep in the cesspit!!!

I couldn't last 3 minutes let alone 3 years!

Been scared ever since ?


I bet he's certainly an interesting bloke to have a cuppa with!

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Was he smoking an e-cigarette on the beach before he got busted ?:cheesy:


More seriously, he should rather use his bitter experience in jail to act as a deterrence towards questionnable behaviour and not make a movie to feed his ego and his boxing talent !



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Fame, it doesn t matter how you get it, as long as you got it.  I can hardly wait until his movie, a cross between Midnight Express and Rocky comes out.  Then he'll make a sex tape, go on Big Brother or Geordie Shore and he'll be accepted by the UK Royal Family, The Beckhams.


It's a shame there is no shame anymore.

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11 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

Fame, it doesn t matter how you get it, as long as you got it.  I can hardly wait until his movie, a cross between Midnight Express and Rocky comes out.  Then he'll make a sex tape, go on Big Brother or Geordie Shore and he'll be accepted by the UK Royal Family, The Beckhams.


It's a shame there is no shame anymore.

And very soon he'll be a Knight........

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I am surprised that no-one ever brings up the point that impressionable youngsters who watch these kind of movies start to believe it's ok to get involved in drugs or criminal behaviour because a few years down the line they can write a book about it or someone will make a movie of their life and they will end up with lots of money in the bank.

Don't even know if I can get the name right, Ricky Gervais?? on stage one night asked the audience why is that one person can stand on stage and state ' I have been off drugs for 6 months now' and the audience cheer, clap their hands and jump up and down in some sort of celebration but if someone states ' I have never used any kind of drug ' there is a kind of stunned silence.

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4 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... 


What he done is still an accomplishment, whether you think he's garbage or  not .... 


Apparently thats a lie, he spent his time inside using drugs, Not boxing.

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2 hours ago, speedtripler said:

A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... 


What he done is still an accomplishment, whether you think he's garbage or  not .... 


He didn't win a boxing tournament and he didn't get pardoned from jail,........................ where are you getting your information to arrive at this conclusion???


Have you any idea how long it takes to learn Muay Thai?


Yes, there were contests for Thais to get sentence reductions for winning Muay Thai tournaments. This was a "pilot scheme" run by the Department of Corrections. I am unsure if it's still running as there were complaints about this scheme.


I can tell you categorically he was not in any!


 Furthermore,nobody can pardon prisoners, only the King, and that takes years and years even to fulfill the criteria, offices to clear for all relevant documentation,  necessary paperwork, and for it to reach his office.


Judging by the fact he was only in a Thai prison 18 months in total, and that includes Chiang Mai and Klong Prem, I think it is safe to say he didn't get one, nor do you learn the art of Muay Thai, practice, go through the preliminaries, and win tournaments in eight months, which is the amount of time he had in Chiang Mai to do this, which I cannot believe because he was an addict when he arrived at Klong Prem and certainly participated in no Thai boxing there.


Just ponder a moment and give it a little thought regards timescales before jumping to the defence and clicking on the keyboard!


I find some of the responses on here with no knowledge of the system whatsoever, simply ill informed and others downright silly in their content and conclusions.

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2 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


He didn't win a boxing tournament and he didn't get pardoned from jail,........................ where you getting your information to arrive at this conclusion???


Have you any idea how long it takes to learn Muay Thai?


Yes, there were contests for Thais to get sentence reductions for winning Muay Thai tournaments. This was a "pilot scheme" run of the Department of Corrections.


I can tell you categorically he was not in any!


 Furthermore,nobody can pardon prisoners, only the King, and that takes years and years even to fulfill the criteria, offices to clear for all relevant documentation,  necessary paperwork, and for it to reach his office.


Judging by the fact he was only in a Thai prison 18 months in total, and that includes Chiang Mai and Klong Prem, I think it is safe to say he didn't get one, nor do you learn the art of Muay Thai, practice, go through the preliminaries, and win tournaments in eight months, which is the amount of time he had in Chiang Mai to do this, which I cannot believe because he was an addict when he arrived at Klong Prem and certainly participated in no Thai boxing there.


Just ponder a moment and give it a little thought regards timescales before jumping to the defence and clicking on the keyboard!


I find some of the responses on here with no knowledge of the system whatsoever, simply ill informed and others downright silly in their content and conclusions.

<A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... >?????


"based on a true story"...lol



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4 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

<A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... >?????


"based on a true story"...lol





Haven't you noticed these days they are moving away from ' based on a true story ' and now starting to use  the term ' inspired by a true story ' which is a catch all phrase??


When we going to have "Don't let the truth get in the way of a great story! "


It's like the days when we bought football shirts. " Made in England " to ' Created in England ' and now we have ' An English design ' or ' Designed in England ' which means made and produced cheaply in Cambodia or the Philippines!!......I know, I know, I am now.... :offtopic:  BUT then they tell us we shouldn't buy copies!!!!

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9 hours ago, speedtripler said:

A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... 


What he done is still an accomplishment, whether you think he's garbage or  not .... 

So, being a person who has spent years of his life behind bars and learns a violent skill to get out from behind bars is something to aspire to.


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So, being a person who has spent years of his life behind bars and learns a violent skill to get out from behind bars is something to aspire to.  


Maybe in the same way that winning the lottery is something to aspire to. For every loser who has a movie made about him there are a million who unceremoniously spiral down the drain.




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1 hour ago, speedtripler said:

No, nothing to aspire to

But I bet you couldn't do it

And neither could I 

You would win that bet as I've never had the desire to use drugs, I like beer though, or the desire to go around punching and kicking people.

As Billy Connelly said when a friend was talking about pub fights. Give him the old 1-3 Billy.

What happened to 2 Billy asked? 

Oh you get that he answered.

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23 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



Haven't you noticed these days they are moving away from ' based on a true story ' and now starting to use  the term ' inspired by a true story ' which is a catch all phrase??


When we going to have "Don't let the truth get in the way of a great story! "


It's like the days when we bought football shirts. " Made in England " to ' Created in England ' and now we have ' An English design ' or ' Designed in England ' which means made and produced cheaply in Cambodia or the Philippines!!......I know, I know, I am now.... :offtopic:  BUT then they tell us we shouldn't buy copies!!!!

It's incredible how the story has changed so far. From a hero who boxed his way out there's not much left. Mr. Crybaby on junk doesn't sound fascinating, so better make him to a hero on heroin. Shame for the Muay Thai sport!!


A junkie who took drugs in prison, who never ever had a real Muay Thai fight in his life. ( Wouldn't you find a fight on youtube then?) Fake.


From  "The movie was made in a Thai prison" it was changed into a place in the  Philippines, because Mr. Superstar was denied entry to Thailand? Fake, fake


   "With real Thai prisoners as actors, turns out that they weren't Thai, nor were they "real prisoners." Fake.


   So, yes. your story is so true and based on a true event, or was it a true story? Well, let's put it this way: " It was created by a human French being who sniffled a lot of money coming in by changing a few little facts. Fake.


What a fake story, fake location, fake Muay Thai boxer, fake everything. They deserve fake money for their fake film. 


  The film where all details are faked to attract more paying customers. Lies sell better than the truth? 


After watching this trailer you can't blame women for faking an orgasm, or two....

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