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Is there an app yet that translates Thai from photos?


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I use google translate often to translate Chinese text to English with photos. Mostly menus and signs.

Google translate doesn't support that for Thai.

There's at least one other dedicated app to do that with Chinese.

Is there an app yet to do that with Thai?

I know it would be near useless for complex blocks of text, but I was thinking more menus and short signs.


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What I'm really talking about is a phone app. I have android.

So you point your camera at blocks of text when you need them, like at restaurants.

That OCR program doesn't seem to be anything like that.

Google translate phone app already does that for many languages. But not THAI!





Edited by Jingthing
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I've yet to find an app that works as you described for Thai.  Google for 'images to text app' and I've had some luck with an app called Image to Text (ocr scanner), but it's not really smooth. 

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What I'm really talking about is a phone app. I have android.

So you point your camera at blocks of text when you need them, like at restaurants.

That OCR program doesn't seem to be anything like that.


Take a picture with your phone and upload it in step two. You may need to crop out the unwanted parts.


I'm not saying that it works, just that you could try it.


Any programme that takes images of text and converts to another language will be using some sort of OCR to do so.

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Google Translate works on the iPhone..


In the App you take a photo of the Thai Script (a label etc)

The App then identifies the Thai script, with your finger you highlight the specific area script you want translated. 


(start the App off in an English > Thai Translation, open up the photo part, then switch to Thai > English).




It does work with Thai, although as with any language translation software there will always be a few errors. 



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Not gonna happen. If you cut and paste clear block lettering in Thai to a translate app the response is usually awful. Add the fact that Thai text is often highly stylized in various fonts making any app design extremely challenging. Learning to read Thai is not difficult. Mastering vocabulary is another issue. 

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6 minutes ago, billinparadise said:

Hi ,,,got Google translate on my Samsung J7 ,,,there is a small camera symble on the left when you open it ,,just take photo and it translate .

Yes, I use it often for CHINESE.

It doesn't support THAI.

Not for ANDROID anyway.

That's why I opened this thread. To see if there is an app that does. 

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The app you want doesn't exist and unlikely to be created in the future. Recently I read an article about OCR for Thai characters. It comes out that the Thai letters are written in many variations and styles and an "artificial intellect" fails to workout a workable algorithms.

But I do use Google Translate on my Android phone as well as other similar apps. I do it in an old fashion way of manual entry to phone on-screen keyboard. Believe me, it's easy and fun way to learn Thai language.

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah I meant a phone app.

You just use the camera function to point at the text. You don't actually snap a pic. 



My niece used it when I took her away on a business trip over the summer whilst in Europe. Fantastic


I deleted the part of if it does Thai (sorry) but a lot of Thai just does not translate. One word is generally OK and to a large degree so are two but more than that starts to get somewhat rocky. If I need something translated then I'm very fortunate to have three friends who are well educated and fluent in both languages to consult with. Swiss fella who has been here for 30+ years is my go to local man and I introduced a Thai friend of mine to him a year or two back. He was amazed and said that if he were to close his eyes he would believe it was Thai person talking. Another one is an American fella in Oregon who has spent a considerable amount of time here over many years.and unlike the Swiss fella, speaks English as a first language. Third is a Thai restauranteur in town and she probably knows more idioms than myself. 34, been married to a Brit for 10 years and does traditional British food. But all this is beside the point which is about an app so sorry for going off on one


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1 hour ago, WorriedNoodle said:

You must have been scanning different text to me then. Couldn't get anything to translate besides the simplest and shortest of words .. uninstalled.

Scanned of an image of a document.  Google translate then translated it to a point I could understand. Not perfect though good enough.

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