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Health team sent to help Thai villagers frightened by ‘deadly ghost’


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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" The villagers believe the ghost has eaten the internal organs of the four men, causing them to die."


they have just been drinking the local water. it just about killed me in Hua Hin.

Are you talking about the fire-water they sell in small bottles labeled "40% alcohol"?

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Science can prove they don’t exist. Of course they don’t exist. Just because you can’t definitively prove something doesn’t exist, doesn’t make it a 50/50 chance. 


The problem with spirituality and ‘beliefs’ is it stops you from understanding the real world. That can be detrimental to your own health. But more importantly, it can be detrimental to others. 

    "Science can prove they don’t exist."      How can they do that ? ?  How do you prove or disprove existance of something not of the physical universe?    That would be a neat trick...  

           Ghosts.. are obviously not of the physical world.... 

The fact is....Science can NOT prove they don't exist.  But by the same token..... can not prove that they do exist either since  you can't weigh their mass, determine their density, height, weight etc.

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6 hours ago, masuk said:

I think that comment is a bit unfair.   These are village people, possibly never had a good education, and no doubt poor access to modern medicine.

Look at London a century or more ago.  No one had any idea that their village pump was killing so many.

The Government has done the right thing bringing in a team of experts.

Are you writing about the same "experts" that performed exorcism rites at government house in Bangkok to get rid of a ghost? In that case there must be some high ranking officials  who possibly never had a good education, and no doubt poor access to modern medicine.

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thai people are afraid of the ghost or someone who died in house or room.this is well known fact.they will never say a person died in a room or house because a thai person will not buy or rent.a place in cm i know a farang died the thai owners cleaned up the room did not need much,but they would keep it quiet to thais a farang  may have found out but was ok with it.this is their belief

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7 hours ago, Catoni said:

    "Science can prove they don’t exist."      How can they do that ? ?  How do you prove or disprove existance of something not of the physical universe?    That would be a neat trick...  

           Ghosts.. are obviously not of the physical world.... 

The fact is....Science can NOT prove they don't exist.  But by the same token..... can not prove that they do exist either since  you can't weigh their mass, determine their density, height, weight etc.

Science can prove they don’t exist. Whatever a ghost is supposed to be, it defies the laws of science, logic and common sense. 


People get confuaed because it can’t definitively prove it. It also can’t do the same with unicorns. At least with unicorns, there’s more of a chance they exist than ghosts do. 


Don’t confuse ghosts with questions we don’t know the answers to (yet). 

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10 hours ago, rkidlad said:

No. There are no such things as ghosts. If people wanna believe that then go nuts. But don’t preach that nonsense to others. 


It’s 2017. 

You were conditioned up to not believe in ghosts by your upbringing as the villagers were conditioned to believe in them . As I said YOU have no idea if ghosts exist or not . 

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I know for sure ghosts exist. I used to read true stories about one in particular when I was young. He was a farang ghost called the Ghost who Walks and lived deep in the woods in a Skull Cave. He had a horse named Hero and a dog called Devil. He also had a farang gf name Dianne who he used to chase around the cave.

But I don't recall him eating human organs or drinking Lao Khao.


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54 minutes ago, sklmeeera said:

You were conditioned up to not believe in ghosts by your upbringing as the villagers were conditioned to believe in them . As I said YOU have no idea if ghosts exist or not . 

I haven't been conditioned - I've been educated. Take the laws of gravity. If you jump of a very high building the chances are neigh on certain you will die. This outcome will happen every time. It's a scientific theory that can't be argued.


There are no such things as ghosts. The reason we can't measure them, weigh them, or whatever you think forms a scientific conclusion, is because they don't exist. The burden of proof is not on me or others. The burden of proof is on the people making the claim. If they can't in any way prove it, it gets dismissed. You can have it as your personal belief, but it has no place in society affecting or governing the way we live or the things we do. It's nonsense. 


Now, if four men have died, let's get a qualified coroner in to see how. I'm 99% sure that the coroner can explain in scientific terms how these men died. Maybe food poisoning, maybe a bad diet or drinking too much local moonshine. Maybe if the dead men had the aforementioned information, they wouldn't have died because they had the knowledge and understanding of how the real world works. And instead of simply saying, "well, they don't know any better. Who are we to tell them otherwise", we actually do tell the locals the facts. Who knows - with this new found knowledge it may just save some lives. That's what I care about. It's not about hurting other people's feelings. 


Oh, and if the coroner can't explain why, you keep on researching and learning as to make other people's lives better. You don't just make up supernatural entities. The universe is not obliged to make sense. 



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11 hours ago, Catoni said:

    "Science can prove they don’t exist."      How can they do that ? ?  How do you prove or disprove existance of something not of the physical universe?    That would be a neat trick...  

           Ghosts.. are obviously not of the physical world.... 

The fact is....Science can NOT prove they don't exist.  But by the same token..... can not prove that they do exist either since  you can't weigh their mass, determine their density, height, weight etc.

There was a $1 million reward set up by the James Randi Educational Foundation in America for anyone who could prove scientifically that paranormal activity was real. This was in 1964. 

It was terminated in 2015 as not one single case was ever presented that passed close scrutiny. Not one. Out of the thousands upon thousands of people claiming ghosts or other paranormal activity not one single one could be proven in 50 years.

Still believe in ghosts?

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17 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

There was a $1 million reward set up by the James Randi Educational Foundation in America for anyone who could prove scientifically that paranormal activity was real. This was in 1964. 

It was terminated in 2015 as not one single case was ever presented that passed close scrutiny. Not one. Out of the thousands upon thousands of people claiming ghosts or other paranormal activity not one single one could be proven in 50 years.

Still believe in ghosts?

     Ghosts can not be proven.....and they also can not be disproven.    Neither side can prove their case.   It's an unknown.  

    Now.... how are the scientists going to prove the existance of black holes, dimensions beyond the four we are aware of, multiple universes, and endless, countless time lines constantly splitting off our own ? ? 

   I'm waiting....  

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he has instructed team members to avoid saying anything that would ridicule or belittle the villagers’ beliefs.


Education, education, education.


Could anything more graphically illustrate the successive Thai governments' failure to give rural areas their fair share of the nation's huge education budget, typically around a fifth of public spending.

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Science can prove they don’t exist. Whatever a ghost is supposed to be, it defies the laws of science, logic and common sense. 


People get confuaed because it can’t definitively prove it. It also can’t do the same with unicorns. At least with unicorns, there’s more of a chance they exist than ghosts do. 


Don’t confuse ghosts with questions we don’t know the answers to (yet). 

 "Science can prove they don't exist."       Okay... how ? ?    Cite please...  How do they prove ghosts don't exist?  Don't just make a claim.   Tell us how they prove they don't exist ! 


    I don't believe either side can prove anything about ghosts .....about them existing or not. 

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13 minutes ago, Catoni said:

 "Science can prove they don't exist."       Okay... how ? ?    Cite please...  How do they prove ghosts don't exist?  Don't just make a claim.   Tell us how they prove they don't exist ! 


    I don't believe either side can prove anything about ghosts .....about them existing or not. 

Very simple - do you believe in Santa Claus, Thor or the tooth fairy? We also can't 'definitively' prove they don't exist either. Should I concede that they might exist? What we can do is use science as a measurement to draw a conclusion. Also, lets apply common sense. Science doesn't temporarily suspend itself so something like a ghost can pop out to scare us from time to time. 


Like I've said twice now - the burden of proof is not on me to disprove claims people make. That's not how life works. They have to back up their claims and they never do. It would be like me saying that I saw a unicorn and you having to give me some credit simply because you can't prove 100% sure that I didn't. 


Be open-minded but don't be deluded. 

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I was one of those who laughed when people talked about ghost until I experienced it myself and no longer laughed but listen and try to understand the situation.

I moved into an apartment on the 17th floor. At 3 am in the morning this entity even touched me( not on sex organ, my forearm and chest). I stayed alone and locked the room when I slept. My house mate slept in the other room was left alone. When I told him about my experience he said I needed to talk to someone insinuating I was going nuts which really get on my nerves.

I don't smoke or drink alcohol so no way my mental faculty was affected by anything. Finally I decided to give up the apartment and moved somewhere else.

I don't say it's a ghost because I don't know what it was, this entity was capable of making loud noise yet my housemate couldn't hear it. I couldn't understand this at all.

I even got a spirit medium recommended by my friend. He was honest because he made no attempt to bullshit me to try to sell his amulets, he didn't even wear amulet himself. My friend told me he would accept any amount I was willing to give because he is not a professional he is doing this to help people. I need to pay for his taxi fare to come to my apartment because he doesn't own a car (fair enough).

He told me he couldn't do anything because during the day time when he came nothing was there. I seldom see such honest spirit medium.

I believe there is a lot of confusion when people simply lump together mental illness, drugs,illusion, hallucinations and say "look this is all mumbo jumbo". No, not all are mumbo jumbo.

The difference is when you personally experienced it. On the 17th floor nobody can play a joke on you when you locked the door to your room no way your housemate can play some jokes on you. You are alone with the entity to put it that way.

I wasn't afraid during that time the entity was bothering me, I was very curious, because I believe in science not some tales of spirits or ghosts. But I moved away because it began to disturb me mentally. I don't want to jump out of the building that's what worried me.

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Very simple - do you believe in Santa Claus, Thor or the tooth fairy? We also can't 'definitively' prove they don't exist either. Should I concede that they might exist? What we can do is use science as a measurement to draw a conclusion. Also, lets apply common sense. Science doesn't temporarily suspend itself so something like a ghost can pop out to scare us from time to time. 


Like I've said twice now - the burden of proof is not on me to disprove claims people make. That's not how life works. They have to back up their claims and they never do. It would be like me saying that I saw a unicorn and you having to give me some credit simply because you can't prove 100% sure that I didn't. 


Be open-minded but don't be deluded. 

I used to work with someone who used to say "I know 100% that when I die I am going to go to Heaven". My answer to that was "OK, let me see some proof, e.g. a postcard, or letter". Of course, none was forthcoming, so I said "You can not know 100%  that you are going to Heaven, but if you say that you  believe 100% that you are going to Heaven, then I'll go along with it.


The same logic applies to ghosts


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So public officials sent ...hmmm, taxpayers money, umm my money. But hey a drop in the ocean to that of successive governments wasting taxpayers money. But I suppose many members believe in this kinda stuff ...Toxin Shinawaster did and I remember many years ago him cancelling an important cabinet meeting because 'The planets were not favourably aligned' and lol that was good enough reason to do so. Thailand 4.0 on 0.4 at present.

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42 minutes ago, sambum said:

I used to work with someone who used to say "I know 100% that when I die I am going to go to Heaven". My answer to that was "OK, let me see some proof, e.g. a postcard, or letter". Of course, none was forthcoming, so I said "You can not know 100%  that you are going to Heaven, but if you say that you  believe 100% that you are going to Heaven, then I'll go along with it.


The same logic applies to ghosts


I couldn’t care less about people’s ‘personal beliefs’. That’s their right. That’s their prerogative. If someone wants to believe in something with zero evidence that defies the laws of physics, that’s up to them. My problem is when this thinking is preached and people try to spread it like it has any place in modern society.


Four men died and we have people believing it was ghosts. No. It wasn’t. Bring in the coroner and end this nonsense. People still wanna believe it was ghosts then go nuts. But don’t go round telling people ghosts eat the insides of people because that’s ridiculously stupid and this kind of thinking can be harmful to others. 



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17 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

I couldn’t care less about people’s ‘personal beliefs’. That’s their right. That’s their prerogative. If someone wants to believe in something with zero evidence that defies the laws of physics, that’s up to them. My problem is when this thinking is preached and people try to spread it like it has any place in modern society.


Four men died and we have people believing it was ghosts. No. It wasn’t. Bring in the coroner and end this nonsense. People still wanna believe it was ghosts then go nuts. But don’t go round telling people ghosts eat the insides of people because that’s ridiculously stupid and this kind of thinking can be harmful to others. 



I'm agreeing with you!

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Maybe it's all a misunderstanding and dodgy reporting?  When I was a kid going to a Catholic school it was always The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.  In later years it became The Holy Spirit.  We have arguably all heard of rotgut spirits so maybe the four deceased persons drank spirits which ate (rotted) some internal organs.  In the telling of why they died the spirits became ghosts, something that many Thais are afraid of.  Anyhow, I do not pile excreta on people that believe in the supernatural.

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