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Import household items Switzerland to Thailand Thai Wife

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My Thai Wife and me will move from Switzerland to LOS end of April 2018 and bring used equipment (kitchen appliances, range of electronics like guitar effects, amps, PCs, guitars, CDs, clothes, books etc.) worth at CURRENT value of appr.  CHF 35’000.— with us. Some of the material is really old, more then 10 years or more, some only 1-2 years old.


I have contacted 2 Shipping companies for an all inclusive door-to-door delivery Switzerland – Thailand. With ALL I meant shipment, insurance and possible fees of WHATEVER kind incl. Duty, VAT and others that is necessary to release the stuff once and for all at the port and have it delivered to my doorsteps. One of them stated, that they may not offer an all inclusive price door-to-door from Switzerland, saying that Custom Duties might be billed separately from the Thai authorities and they said that no shipping company would give me a really ALL inclusive price - even if I provided a detailled shipping list.


Is this really true ? I suspect that shipping companies have affiliates in Thailand with the best connections. Apart from that my wife is repatriating after 13 years (although she never worked, only housewife), and this should be duty-free anyway. It is unavoidable that the container would as well contain men shoes and some items definitely not belonging to her. I will most probably enter the country on a Thai Elite Visa - if this makes a difference.


I definitely need now some advice. Shipment is from Switzerland. Does anybody has good experience with shipping agencies operating from here an which one may I consider ? I need to act quickly, since time is running. And I really want to get a real ALL inclusive offer which may be expensive but excludes any surprizes, if possible. Thank you very much for you help. I am a bit worried since I really want to bring in the stuff under all circumstances. I will be retired and the multimedia / music environment will enhance my future life. And we like to cook. Some of the appliances are simply not available in Thailand or are extremely expensive (try to find out what a Le Creuset Cooking Pot costs - you will be surprized).


Shipping companies are not part of the Customs department and they cannot decide what duty is payable on imports, no shipping company will cover your duty costs, why would they and how could they?  Unless, of course, you make them an offer that is so far over the top that they would be daft to break their own rules and refuse it but who's going to do that?


By the way, Le Crueset is stocked by a number of shops in Thailand and is not that expensive for cast iron products.


the shipping company can actually forward all your stuff through Thai customs, as long as the shipping list of goods doesn't raise any eyebrows at the thai customs.


The price for a shipping company always is for the transport from doorstep to doorstep, and they will guarantee this price.  What they cannot guarantee is the probability of customs fees charged by thai customs authorities.  I hope this meets your understanding !


i have a recommendation for an experienced  german shipper who will probably can offer you a deal for Switzerland to Bangkok and beyond via a german port . . . I suggest you call for more information 


check their site








Thank you all


What would raise eyebrows at the thai customs  ? We dont bring anything extraordinary or have something to hide. From the 1700 CD I have I will already discard 1000 or so. Still 750 remaining for example.


But what can I do I have a lot of electronics, guitars etc. This is my hobby. I somehow understand the shimpment agency cannot know if thai customs will charge something - but only unless they ask. Nobody prevents them to forward my shipping list beforehand to them and then make me an offer based on the answer they get. If something needs to be paid - so be it. It just has to be fair. To some degree my wife reimports things that we even have bought in Thailand before - like her numerous handbags. And things 10 years old or older are substancially reduced in value. Would be unfair to charge anything for those things.


I will contact pangaeacargo as well and see what they say. There is also a company called Interdean. Has anybody experiences with them ?




Your duty is based upon which Custom Officer is assigned to your shipment and no shipping company can anticipate who that will be so they cannot give you an estimate on what is going to happen in Thailand so that is why they can't give you an all inclusive quote


How much you are going to pay for the guitars is once again completely dependent upon who is assigned to the shipment.  The value assessed by customs will bear no relation between old or new, it will be based upon how much the individual officer can get away with


Yes, you can appeal what value is assigned and the duty, but while you are appealing , bonded customs warehouse storage fees will eat you alive 


Go through post here at Thai Visa and you will find out one thing; some people pay a lot of customs duty to bring stuff back, some pay nothing, it's all the luck of the draw

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