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Video: Thai cop has both legs broken as drunk motorcyclists ignore nighttime checkpoint

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3 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

I count about 8 seconds from when you can first see the bike headlights, BIB flashing torch/flashlight, to when the collision occurs. You could stop a truck in that distance.

And when do you think the boys on the bike actually saw the flashlight? Looks to me about 3 seconds out and they were clearly swerving to the right to go round him and have about a second, maybe two when the cop they flattened comes into view. Remember, they were drunk, so no way they were paying enough attention to understand what was ahead 8 seconds before impact. By the time they realised someone was there, they were on top of him. The cop with the broken legs tries to knock them off with a truncheon, so he got what he deserved, as at that speed they could easily have been killed, for what, trying to dodge a tea money stop? Clearly he had no idea about the effects of travelling mass and impact, but he will have a while in hospital to study up on that one. I repeat from my initial comment, the cop caused the crash and injuries to all three.

I add, I do not condone drink driving, but I also can't condone idiotic and dangerous policing.

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

These illegal police checkpoints need to stop

1 hour ago, saminoz said:

It didn't look like a legal checkpoint and was probably just fishing for easy tea money from the slower drunk drivers.



Read the article. It was a legal checkpoint:


9 hours ago, webfact said:

Fifty year old Sombat Reuangsri and colleague Apichart Pangrat had permission to set up the checkpoint.


Next issue, could they have stopped?


3 hours ago, lucjoker said:

But then out of the dark  2 cops step in front of them ,they could not stop even if they wanted , a child could see this .


Partly correct. They knew it was a checkpoint and could have slowed and stopped. They intended to run it no matter what. The cop wrongly assumed they would slow and stop as they could have. Bad assumption, all in all.


9 hours ago, webfact said:

They were worried about being arrested so decided not to stop.






Check point?  Wow.  How about some real flashing red lights and some cones? Sorry about the injuries, but, that check point made about as much sense as those annoying traffic whistles.   wow

30 minutes ago, bkkflynnsta said:

Okay, sorry, but 

Youths? Really? At what age do Thai males actually become adults?  Apparently not by 20 in this case...

Apparently they never really become adults, in the true sense of the word!

4 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

And when do you think the boys on the bike actually saw the flashlight?

Impossible to tell. For me I think the rider saw one cop, thought I'm doing a runner (doesn't slow down at all) and then smashes into the cop who he hasn't spotted and who tried to bring them down with his truncheon. Let's face it. If there wasn't a speeding drunken motorcyclist it would not have happened. Also, if the BIB (probably after tea money) weren't lurking in the dark to nab said speeding drunken motorcyclists it would never have happened. 


It's clear plod was trying to knock them off with no thought whatsoever for the consequences & without a backup plan for when he actually succeeded.


You couldn't make that up :(


Well indeed its sad to see the cop got hurt by the accident but also sad that they gave a damn to the bikers who were riding them. As if they were surely not human.


I applaud the policeman here for at least trying to stop the guy riding the wrong way down the road rather than turning a blind eye to such a dangerous act. People are quick to criticize that the police ignore things like this yet the guy tries here and gets more criticism. I hope the policeman recovers well. The other idiots I don't care what happens to them.

2 hours ago, MartinBKK said:

If you are going to have a checkpoint then please set up a safe one using cones and proper warning lights. Running out in front of a speeding motorbike (going in any direction) is an accident waiting to happen and unfortunately it did in this case.

How do you know there were not there?.  The rider was going the wrong way and that was where the helmet cam was pointing ,  where there would be no cones. 

4 hours ago, DurianBreath said:

As if the accident wasn't bad enough, the guy filming it just carries on filming with little or no regard for the 3 injured people...


I think it's fairly obvious he's wearing a head or body camera.  They don't turn off until you switch them off and there is no reason for him to switch it off because it will be used as evidence.

51 minutes ago, evadgib said:

It's clear plod was trying to knock them off with no thought whatsoever for the consequences & without a backup plan for when he actually succeeded.


You couldn't make that up :(

Good ! 

13 minutes ago, alien365 said:

I applaud the policeman here for at least trying to stop the guy riding the wrong way down the road rather than turning a blind eye to such a dangerous act. People are quick to criticize that the police ignore things like this yet the guy tries here and gets more criticism. I hope the policeman recovers well. The other idiots I don't care what happens to them.

Nonsense. The police do nothing to stop this stuff in daylight hours when it is a danger to other road users and pedestrians, but more noticeable to their chronic bribe taking.

At that time of the morning,the road was pretty much empty and the two idiots a danger mostly to themselves.

The policeman's actions were incredibly unprofessional, stupid, illegal and very dangerous - as he rightly found out.

I would find it very hard to believe that the supposed "check point" was nothing more than a tea money collection point.

3 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

How do you know there were not there?.  The rider was going the wrong way and that was where the helmet cam was pointing ,  where there would be no cones. 


The helmet cam points both ways, watch the video again.

36 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

How do you know there were not there?.  The rider was going the wrong way and that was where the helmet cam was pointing ,  where there would be no cones. 

Proper VCPs are sited in places where they'll be seen in good time from either direction and have stops/cut offs preventing anyone getting away.


Knocking riders off in darkness doesn't cut the mustard...even when doubling as their airbag :smile:


Perhaps a crash course in making proper roadblocks (that are well lit, with proper signs and stopping distance) would be helfpul to the boys in brown ?


On the other hand the 2 bikers were drunk, so I would refrain from any over ranting against the cop in this case.


"The drunk drivers are afraid to get arrested and face charges ?"....of course they will face utter most charges as they did not drink Redbull on that night !!  :sorry:


Wish the poor cop a fast recovery.


No drugs were found in their systems? BS, it said they were drunk, alcohol isn't a drug on this part of the world?


We all know the next steps: If the parents are rich, influential or both this brat will get away with it. Red Bull repeated since no reforms of anything has been done, especially the last 3.5 years though promised


its simple , try to follow logic.


A "youth" whilst drunk, rides a motorcycle at high speed on the wrong side of the road.


he is doing wrong and breaking the law, plain simple fact.


The "youth" is @ 20 years old so he is able to make a choice as to his actions, he can decide to be either a lawbreaker or be law abiding.


He chooses to break the law, so he is now responsible for this choice and any consequences of this choice.


he is caught breaking the law by police, who choose to intervene , which is their job.


at any stage the "youth" could have chosen a different action and then we would not have three people injured.


he could have not gotten drunk or not ridden the bike or not speed or not drive on the wrong side of the road or maybe even something as simple as stopping at the "roadblock"


his bad decision means it is his fault. if he was my son i would kick his arse for a month.




Well. Being Police doesnt mean being smart....   To just go out and stand in the middle is to ask for it and as stupid as it can be. 

13 hours ago, trogers said:

Ahhh...the driver was drunk and unlicensed and driving on the wrong side of the road. Small matter.


Just let him off with a pat on his back, saying good luck.


Would just be unlucky should he injury some passerby further on, or got run over by a truck...


The police should be soft and gentle with such drivers. They are human beings after all...

The  incident was due  to  a combined lack  of  wisdom  by the   officer and  the  apparently  drunk  driver which  also  probably   caused  injury  to  all  including  the virtually unmentioned  pillion passenger..

I  more  amazed  at the  fact the  video  taker  continues  without  pause!

9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I totally disagree with you, he had time, he actually slowed, then throttled it, he knew he was being flagged to stop by the other cop long before, and I fail to understand how you can blame the cop, he was doing his job, that is STOP them, if it was me, I would have used my gun and put a couple of rounds in the air, and if he didn't stop within cooee, he would have taken one, where it would have landed is any ones guess, as he should be up for attempted murder.


Personally I don't give a rats arssss about the two drunks who came off the bike, they have breaks and could have stopped, no one told them to run over the cop, he though he could escape, he knew what he were doing, suffice to say, I don;t believe he was that drunk.


Point blank, he failed to stop, from my observations this is the same bike that flew past moments earlier and must have been told to stop further along at what would have been the check point, i.e. the cops would have been either flashing their torches to the check point, or radioing in, I didn't hear any sound to that effect, but this is what they normally do.


The rider noticed the check point and turned back around to get away, the cop that got bowled over noticed that they did a u turn as did his friend with the torch, signalling them to stop, hence the reason the cop ran out in the road, but the rider wasn't having a bar of it and bowled the cop over as he throttled it.


The cop was just doing his job, bet you the rider was not only drunk, probably unlicensed and uninsured, not only did he put the cops life in danger, he also put his friends life in danger, total halfwit.


Hope the cop has a speedy recovery, as for two drunken idiots, like I said, don't give a rats and hope the rider goes away for a long time, as for his friend the pillion passenger, well there wasn't much he could do. 

The cop's a hero, if that bike continued on into the intersection he could have hit another vehicle with maybe  one of our family in 


Here's another video from a few months ago in Ratchaburi province, where 2 policemen try to stop two teens on a motorcycle.
At the start of the video, they kick 2 teens off their bike for failing to stop.
The police then do a U-turn and come back to take a look at the injured bikers before racing off and leaving them!



It actually looked like the biker was trying to avoid the cop.  As the cop moved across the road the biker made a slight turn to the right, anticipating that the cop would keep walking but then the cop stopped and the bike went straight into him.  Obviously road checkpoints needs some traffic cones, more lights etc.  I am sure the cops were laying in ambush, hoping to catch speeders or drunks and didn't want to announce and reveal their presence.  I get that.  But when you decide to pounce, you got to do a better job than what they did

16 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

That does not look like a legal checkpoint to me at all.

looks like soneone jumps out on the road  with a tiny flashlight i would not stop either that's dangerous at night.

and the cameraman was on the other side, and I think the biker was anticipating that the cop was going to continue to move to the right but then the cop stopped. Yes the biker may have been drunk and reacted slowly so this comedy of errors happened.  But still not a good checkpoint or whatever they want to call it

4 hours ago, buvsofia said:

kuddo's for the cameraman who keeps rolling instead of trying to give someone a hand :passifier:

I think you will find the filming was on a go-pro camera attached to the other police officer, many of them have mounted to their helmets now.

8 hours ago, Next stop NK said:

We all know the next steps: If the parents are rich, influential or both this brat will get away with it. Red Bull repeated since no reforms of anything has been done, especially the last 3.5 years though promised

if the parents were rich they would be in a car not a bike.

41 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

It actually looked like the biker was trying to avoid the cop.  As the cop moved across the road the biker made a slight turn to the right, anticipating that the cop would keep walking but then the cop stopped and the bike went straight into him.  Obviously road checkpoints needs some traffic cones, more lights etc.  I am sure the cops were laying in ambush, hoping to catch speeders or drunks and didn't want to announce and reveal their presence.  I get that.  But when you decide to pounce, you got to do a better job than what they did

There probably was traffic cones, lights etc. clearly visible......to those driving in the correct direction.

This action took place at the back of the checkpoint against somebody travelling the wrong way.....

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