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Steven Seagal faces sex harassment claims


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Well, all that we know from the OP and the allegation made by Ms de Rossi is that suggestive words were said and Seagal unzipped his pants.


As far as we know (from this article) there was no physical assault, no threats of violence, no blackmail or coersion. She did not agree to have sex with him, and (as far as we know) there were no negative consequences from her refusal.


Of course, Seagal is shown to be a complete pratt - but we knew that already. I just don't see what all the fuss is about, unless there is much more to this story that we have not been told.  


Now, if it transpires that he was raping or coersing women to have sex with him, that is a different matter.



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I think that more actors and maybe a few actresses will be outed as not being the great respectable crowd, that their fans think they are. More will be accused and more will be in denial. Oh the Irony!

Actors actually acting without having written script, except to say stuff like,  No I am innocent!  Innocent... I tell you. ( sweat, sweat)


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10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Well, all that we know from the OP and the allegation made by Ms de Rossi is that suggestive words were said and Seagal unzipped his pants.


As far as we know (from this article) there was no physical assault, no threats of violence, no blackmail or coersion. She did not agree to have sex with him, and (as far as we know) there were no negative consequences from her refusal.


Of course, Seagal is shown to be a complete pratt - but we knew that already. I just don't see what all the fuss is about, unless there is much more to this story that we have not been told.  


Now, if it transpires that he was raping or coersing women to have sex with him, that is a different matter.



Would you get yours put in front of a woman if you were in a position of power? What would you do if you were after your big job and the interviewer started fondling you or got his dick out? And now you're saying it's ok to get your dick out as long as you don't rape the girl? Do that to my daughter matey and I'll be seeing you.
I don't think people should be condemned on someone else's first word. But all of the stories coming out now are about people who have been repeat offenders over many years. Remember how many people people told Savile's victims to keep quiet. The culture should be one where people can report things that happen like this. Not a culture where you are forced to keep quiet until someone is brave enough to speak out and you have to put up with the morons saying you're only after the money or have waited too long.

Unfortunately I believe there will be innocent people dragged into all this but that's going to be the price to pay for a complete change in culture. 

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2 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

 What would you do if you were after your big job and the interviewer started fondling you or got his dick out?

How much were they thinking of paying me?

And for how long.


1 movie, $1M, no problem!

(Just asked my wife and teen daughter, they said no problem too)

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2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

How much were they thinking of paying me?

And for how long.


1 movie, $1M, no problem!

(Just asked my wife and teen daughter, they said no problem too)

What would you say if it happened your wife or daughter? Your daughter's probably a lovely girl and any interviewer might find it difficult to control himself. But if he's using a position of power to impose himself, I would never teach my daughter that it's acceptable behaviour. Would you behave like that yourself? If not, why not?

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Just now, car720 said:

Revenge of course.  I am just leaning on my own experiences with women and how we, as men, have become so afraid of them that we take their word as gospel and more often than not crucify men without any, or little at best, proof.  Trial by media at its best.

I don't agree with trial by media. But that works both ways. And "we as men have become so afraid"? Really? I've never been in a situation where I've had to feel afraid of anything like this. Please share your experience of feeling afraid of how you've treated a woman.

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1 hour ago, car720 said:

Aha!  Exactly the type of loaded question that a woman would ask.  Unless one has lived an entirely sheltered life they cannot avoid observance.  I am not afraid of how I have treated them.  I am afraid of their openly exhibited ability to mistreat me.

To underestimate them is a mistake that so many have made at their own expense. 

Simply reading anything that is written by a man who has suffered will surely show that.

My question is why do we so quickly run to their defense when they have shown that they are not always the little angels that we are led to believe.  I remember my oldest daughter saying to me once ............"Dad, never ever trust a woman."

So life is Men v Women.
I kind of understand that as I have friends where life is all about 'us' and 'them'. I can maybe count myself lucky that I don't have to see life through that prism. (My daughter doesn't agree with your daughter).

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at the workplace there was a female colleague that was not my subordinate nor me her boss. always mutually cordial and she joked with me at times.I knew she was married and  additionally did not have any romantic interest in her. something I said to her that was intended purely as a compliment was interpreted by her as different. what did I say?  you are intelligent, educated and attractive, if you ever break up with your husband, don't forget my name.



she filed a written report that I had to respond to formally. management did not see anything grave in what happened but told me it is best to say as little as possible unrelated to work even if it is well intentioned.


this is not to say real abuse does not occur but its gotten to the point where people carry their feelings on their shoulders and it is best to not talk.

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2 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Would you get yours put in front of a woman if you were in a position of power? What would you do if you were after your big job and the interviewer started fondling you or got his dick out? And now you're saying it's ok to get your dick out as long as you don't rape the girl? Do that to my daughter matey and I'll be seeing you.

I thought I made it quite clear in my post that I was basing my comments on the information in the article.


In the article there is no fondling and no exposure of his penis - he pulled down his zip - she did a runner. If there had been fondling or exposure I guess she would have mentioned it.


So, I did not say that "it's ok to get your dick out as long as you don't rape the girl". That is something you have made up.

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19 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I have a solution to every man who wishes to avoid accusations: steer well clear of western women. Treat them like lepers, change to the other side of the street or run away screaming. Never, ever, employ one. 


Luckily they are only about 1/3 of the world's female population. Go Asia.

Not so sure that relationships with Thai women are necessarily immune from this sort of risk, though, if this recent thread on the Visa and Immigration Forums is to be believed:-


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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 8:10 AM, lopburi3 said:

That may indeed be the trigger for reporting but it does not make such reporting untrue.  

Image result for sexual harassment in the workplace

If drunken advances were considered "worthy of going to the press years and years and years later" probably almost every man in western countries would be found guilty of sexual harassment.

Come to it, probably every young man in western countries has let hormones overcome sense at some stage in their lives, and that has been a fact of life as long as humans have existed.

It is obvious that the present tidal wave of accusations of things long past is just a fad, and will pass just as every other political fad has done and will do, to be replaced by some other great cause for the chattering classes with nothing better to do.

Remember when it was all about women's lib ( long consigned to the dustbin of history ), then PC, then gender equality, then LGBT+ whatever they want to invent, then toilet designation, then the right to be whatever of 18 or so genders they want to be, then homosexual marriage etc etc etc.

This present furore will pass, too.


BTW, the most obvious examples of "sex abuse" I have witnessed were by women using sex as a weapon.


I do feel sorry for any man in a popular position eg musician stars, actors, politicians, wealthy or powerful, as every time a woman throws her panties at him now, he will be at risk of public outing and shaming for the rest of his life, regardless of truth.


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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO by reporting the "crime" to the authorities at the time and not waiting 40 years to come out when it's popular to do so.

Then you have missed the point entirely re: abuse of power and authority. To suggest that the power to stop such abuses always resides in the hands of the victim is very naive . 


I am not sure if you are from the UK, but we had recent cases with a popular entertainer, Jimmy Saville, and an avuncular politician, Cyril Smith. After both had died, it was revealed that they both had been abusing children in the most horrific manner for decades. However they were both protected by very powerful figures within the establishment. Those who had raised warning signs in the past were ignored and marginalised - even some unexplained deaths occurred amongst those trying to cast light on the crimes of these men. Would you suggest that the fact that neither men were ever called to account for their actions means that they are innocent?


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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:08 AM, KhaoNiaw said:

They don't 'suddenly' remember. A lot of them would have felt completely isolated at the time and if they had brought it out would have faced trial by tabloid and been put under extreme pressure in all kinds of ways.
It's the serial offenders who have been getting away with it for years who should be dragged into the spotlight. Unfortunately, i's probably going to mean a few who don't really deserve it being named as well. That's the price to pay for exposing a Savile, Cosby, Weinstein or Spacey but can perhaps be equated to those who've been trashed when they've tried to report things in the past. 

All this makes me think that if the ( adult ) female lawyer that treated me badly during a sexual relationship ever became famous I should run to the press with lurid tales of "how she done me wrong" to get a bit of revenge.

While I'm not supporting those that really did vile things, the present furore seems to be accepting of any female version of events without proper investigation of the truth of the matter, just because some men did bad things, just as some women did bad things, like that lawyer.

However, in my case, just as ( IMO ) in some of the so called "exposes" it's more about sour grapes than real crime.


BTW, in recent political "exposes" the timing makes them suspect, whatever the reality or otherwise of the events in question.

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Then you have missed the point entirely re: abuse of power and authority. To suggest that the power to stop such abuses always resides in the hands of the victim is very naive . 


I am not sure if you are from the UK, but we had recent cases with a popular entertainer, Jimmy Saville, and an avuncular politician, Cyril Smith. After both had died, it was revealed that they both had been abusing children in the most horrific manner for decades. However they were both protected by very powerful figures within the establishment. Those who had raised warning signs in the past were ignored and marginalised - even some unexplained deaths occurred amongst those trying to cast light on the crimes of these men. Would you suggest that the fact that neither men were ever called to account for their actions means that they are innocent?


Of course I'm not saying they were innocent if they were proven to be guilty.

The question I ask you though, is how many of those that covered up the crimes have been brought to account? IMO probably none, though they were just a guilty, including many prominent women in the case of the Weinstein situation. Watching a certain famous actress trying to weasel her way out of it was disgusting.


In many cases being outed now, it seems the "abused" didn't report it to ANY authority that could have backed them up eg priest, teacher, MP, social worker. It didn't have to be a police report.

You don't have to tell me about people in position of power, as I was subjected to mental abuse by them for most of my life. In most cases I just sucked it in and got on with my life and wouldn't do anything about it now even if it became popular to do so, but in the worst case I did make an official complaint at the time, so I know both sides of it.

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3 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

1. What would you say if it happened your wife or daughter? Your daughter's probably a lovely girl and any interviewer might find it difficult to control himself. But if he's using a position of power to impose himself, 2. I would never teach my daughter that it's acceptable behaviour. 3. Would you behave like that yourself? If not, why not?

1. What's my share?

2. Up to her, at 19 she can make her own choices.

3. Maybe, if I had unlimited money and/or power.

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20 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I have a solution to every man who wishes to avoid accusations: steer well clear of western women. Treat them like lepers, change to the other side of the street or run away screaming. Never, ever, employ one. 


Luckily they are only about 1/3 of the world's female population. Go Asia.

Western women are less than 15% of the world population, and that includes Hispanics, so maybe less than 10% of women.

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3 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Would you get yours put in front of a woman if you were in a position of power? What would you do if you were after your big job and the interviewer started fondling you or got his dick out? And now you're saying it's ok to get your dick out as long as you don't rape the girl? Do that to my daughter matey and I'll be seeing you.


Well given what we have always known about the "casting couch" it appears that a lot of wannabe actresses ( and maybe actors ) did get on with it when presented with a dick, and presumably accepted it as part of the process, as most haven't jumped on the bandwagon.

There are a lot of people in the world that don't consider their genitals to be more  precious than gold, even though their genitals may provide them with gold, as anyone familiar with LOS fully understands.

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Actress Portia de Rossi has accused actor and producer Steven Seagal of sexual harassment.


Somewhat ironic given that she made a very good living on the basis of her sex appeal and not on her acting skills. I refer to her character in Alley McBeal.


I don't think this is the last actor going to be accused of "bad things" though. If we could count how many famous male actors there are still to be accused, I think we have an idea of how many potential accused there are still to be outed.


Re Segal, unless a lot more women accuse him of similar, I think his problem will be minor and soon forgotten. He worked with a LOT of attractive actresses in his films.

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And now they've got George Takei, too. This is like a plague. The hysteria will not stop until it has ruined half the population. This is all they are talking about in the US. Meanwhile, China threatens and prospers.  http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/george-takei-accused-sexually-assaulting-model-1981-1056698

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 Steven Seagal is a close associate of Vladimar Putin.  Beside being an actor, he is a musician and played at a concert in Crimea organised by the Night Wolves, ( an ultra nationalist motorcycle club)  to celebrate the annexation of Crimea by Russia.  Seagal was first reported to be a sexual predator in a lawsuit in 2010.    He is in my opinion a piece of dog excrement.




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