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Killing fireants


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Would someone tell me how much washing powder I need to use to kill fireants I know it works but she who must be obayed said that I am using to much so as I am a good boy I would like to find out the right amout with your help please

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this worked perfectly for me, when my methods developed, and culminated in this product:

Image result for 3M photo adhesive (or equivalent Brand)


it works perfectly the same for wasp nests...


...nothing escapes, nor enters


the increasingly built up mounds of stuck ants/wasps, is a sight to behold



(the only downfall, is if you have hairy arms) -  those that try it, will understand!





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My guess is that you want to use Borax.   It kills all kinds of insects.  When building it's a good idea to get a puffer bottle and dust the framing of the walls before closing them up, to prevent ants and termites.  Sealed up like that, it can last for years. 

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5 minutes ago, charliebadenhop said:

You need boric acid, and not borax. They are two different things.

Both can be used :

Boric acid and borax are both best known as low-toxicity pesticides used in homes. Neither chemical is toxic to humans nor pets when used as recommended, and neither chemical has been shown to contribute to cancer or other long-term illnesses. As a result, these compounds are used as natural and safe ways to combat ants and other pests.


from https://www.reference.com/science/borax-same-boric-acid-319fa5e46d85e4d5

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11 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

I've used borax mixed with sugar and it got rid of ants and cockroaches.:saai: 

This is the best way because unless you kill the queen, they will never be eradicated. They will eat the sugar/honey/peanut butter/boric acid mixture and take it back to feed the queen...only when she dies will the egg laying stop and then the colony will die out.


I always add peanut butter because some ants are more attracted to fats vs sugar and you never know which ones you are dealing with.

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borax (not boric acid) or diatomaceous earth (food grade) will kill ants.  I got a pharmacy to get me some borax but it was very expensive.  I have not found food grade DE here but ordered some from vitacost.  You can look up how to use them.

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Just now, vogie said:

The only trouble with humour is, you can't buy it. 

oh well , seems you cant get past this post , well i can , but not to worry  , i will place a call to a wa wa wambulance to escort you to a cool calm place far away and free from ants , have a good day sir ....

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