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So whats wrong with your home country

Once Bitten

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Starting from november to march :


  • too cold
  • very little sun
  • snow, sometimes ice, freezing wind,
  • the time consuming winter ritual to go to the garage and mount the snow tyres on the car
  • a Jack Coke costs in local currency the equivalent of US$ 16,- to US$ 30,-- in a dance club,
  • the mini skirts are not tight and high enough,
  • ....but the worst of all,  nobody even hints for a bribe to get the work done, people respect speed limits and road laws... awful  !!! :cheesy:
Edited by observer90210
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The winter season in my country is as bad as the rain season in Thailand.

Fortunately they occur in different months.

Therefore 6 months / 6 months suit me fine.


My home country and Thailand have both their good (that I enjoy as much as I can) and their bad (that I try to put up with as much as I can).


Sorry for not having an extremist view - this post will not be popular.

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I've got dual citizenship.. Canada ..my country of birth  & Australia.. where I lived for 35 years..  1.  Canada is too cold for 6 months of the year.. but otherwise a great country.. I didn't like the winters when I was young.. I couldn't contemplate a Canadian winter now...  2.  Australia.. a great country too..  through the 70s, 80s & 90s.. I loved it.. I had a good business ...good cash flow and could enjoy what was on offer.. now... cost of living far too expensive on my pensioner budget.. and far too many regulations .. a bit rich for a Canadian to say.. but the winters are too cold there for me now too.. (from Adelaide).. political correctness gives me the shits too.. Here in the LOS I have a nice home and family.. my pension is adequate for a pretty good life for us.. apart from heat rash and humidity I like the climate..  and  ...people are nice to me.. Why would I want to go back to either?.. apart from visiting my grown up kids in OZ?   

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17 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Starting from november to march :


  • too cold
  • very little sun
  • snow, sometimes ice, freezing wind,
  • the time consuming winter ritual to go to the garage and mount the snow tyres on the car
  • a Jack Coke costs in local currency the equivalent of US$ 16,- to US$ 30,-- in a dance club,
  • the mini skirts are not tight and high enough,
  • ....but the worst of all,  nobody even hints for a bribe to get the work done, people respect speed limits and road laws... awful  !!! :cheesy:

You didnt mention the 40% income tax on your pension

Edited by ResandePohm
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2 hours ago, transam said:

Must confess that if I had not lost everything via a messy divorce and a medical prob made worse by the UK climate l would still be there. ...But not in London...


I would be in Cornwall or the Isle of Wight....:stoner:

Yuk!!!!!  The Isle of Wight?????  Cornwall O.K.

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3 hours ago, chicowoodduck said:

I would have loved to be the fly on the wall with a meeting of some expats.....just some old farts bitching and moaning......lol...???


I probably would have fit right in....like the flavor of the day....?


My my main complaint...at the moment....LOS is just too damn far away....7,526 Miles as the crow flies....and the 13+ flying time to the West Coast gets harder by the year....and than you have to do a rebound  back this way.....??

Actually,  more like 19 hours in the air from LAX.

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J.C.  You Brits are getting as bad as the French!!  The only thing they know how to do very well is to whinge, whinge and whinge again.  And I know!  I live with them!  But I still prefer to live in Europe than Thailand.


I wouldn't want to live in LOS.  After 4 months I'm delighted to get back home for various reasons.  The two reasons I choose  Thailand, is for the warmth and it's cheap..  If I had money there are a lot of places I would choose for the winter.


I think another reason (not mentioned above and very understandably so) is that quite a few men have left rather 'sticky' (a nice way of putting it) situations in their home country.

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I haven’t left yet but I have an exit date. Australia has become a place of unhappiness and stress for myself. 

Living costs are through the roof. Utilities such as gas and electricity have doubled in only 12 months. 

Entertainment costs are bordering on ridiculous. As an examples a 385ml glass of draught $6, a bottle of imported beer averages $9ea (asahi dry etc) and a standard cocktail upwards of $12. Insane. 

A lot eoples attitudes by far and away beyond ignorant and selfish, not to mention this is most definitely the age of entitlement. 

I’m sick of people being called bigots, racists , homophobes, islamaphobes and other made up words for having differing opinions. 

Agression on the roads, rude service, everyone trying to be ‘different’ or ‘cool’ *sigh* How absolutely boring.

Add the topsy turvy Melbourne weather and the corrupt politicians Thailand looks positively lovely. 

And add to this and I just lost 2 25+ year mates at the age of 43, one was the best of friends, and my family living some distance away I’ll be leaving and not looking back. The only time i plan on returning will he got my mother’s passing if & when that comes 


Edited by MadMuhammad
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I haven’t left yet but I have an exit date. Australia has become a place of unhappiness and stress for myself. 
Living costs are through the roof. Utilities such as gas and electricity have doubled in only 12 months. 
Entertainment costs are bordering on ridiculous. As an examples a 385ml glass of draught $6, a bottle of imported beer averages $9ea (asahi dry etc) and a standard cocktail upwards of $12. Insane. 
A lot eoples attitudes by far and away beyond ignorant and selfish, not to mention this is most definitely the age of entitlement. 
I’m sick of people being called bigots, racists , homophobes, islamaphobes and other made up words for having differing opinions. 
Agression on the roads, rude service, everyone trying to be ‘different’ or ‘cool’ *sigh* How absolutely boring.
Add the topsy turvy Melbourne weather and the corrupt politicians Thailand looks positively lovely. 
Mass to this and I just lost 2 25+ year mates at the age of 43, one my was the best of friends and my family living some distance away I’ll be leaving and not looking back. The only time i plan on returning will he got my mother’s passing if & when that comes 

Change Australia for England and I'm not far behind you.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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I came to Thailand 16 years ago not because I was dissatisfied with the U.S. but because Thailand was a better fit.  Much more freedom (which has been eroding at an amazing clip stateside), people are for the most part genuinely friendly, IMHO, (you might get that living out of the cities and burbs in the States), and the birds here are magnificent.


After 8 years of Dubya and 8 years of OneBigAssMistakeAmerica the U.S. is spiraling down the toilet at an ever faster pace.  I wouldn't pin any hopes on Trump.  Corruption in the U.S., at all levels, has reached a fever pitch.  There isn't a politician who can single-handedly reverse that trend and the people seem to have no interest in making a change, other than to pin their hopes on the next supposed political messiah who promises to represent the people at the ballot box during the next election.


I didn't mind the winters but the season is simply too long.  Sometimes it doesn't warm up until June.


Colleges are the new, modern nursery schools.  Police are becoming roadside thieves with civil asset forfeiture . . . 


I better stop before I get myself bummed out.


I loved America 50 years ago growing up as a kid.  It's nothing like it was then.

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A lot of comments on here about what you can afford. That may the case for some but even for those that can afford to live anywhere in the world the question of cost inevitably will arise. Why pay more for example to stay in the UK than say Spain or Thailand is you enjoy all countries equally.

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Canadian here

 I probably wouldn't be here if I was hired to startup a new plastic plant in Maptaput. I.love the weather here. I can take the Canadian winter till new years and after that it can go away.

Getting too darn expensive back home. No more property tax..high insurance rates. Tax on everything you buy. Etc. On plus side primary schooling and health care free. But really they are in your taxes you just don't see it. I love my country and it is a great big beautiful place. But at this time in my life I am happy here.


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Just now, MaeJoMTB said:

Essentially .....

Can't get a woman attractive enough to want in the UK.

Similar to every other foreign male in Thailand.

Let's get this straight:

There is an abundance of attractive women in any country of the world, but most expats on this forum do not have the money to buy attractive women in their home countries.


That is what is wrong with the home country - if the pussy prices were inverse, not many Farangs would want to live in Thailand.


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8 hours ago, Once Bitten said:

On the other hand are there other forum members that like me that reside in Thailand , but still feel that their home country is a great place to live .

It's sort of cheating, to come here, get yourself a take out, then return home, because without the take out ...... you wouldn't want to be there.

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25 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Let's get this straight:

There is an abundance of attractive women in any country of the world, but most expats on this forum do not have the money to buy attractive women in their home countries.


That is what is wrong with the home country - if the pussy prices were inverse, not many Farangs would want to live in Thailand.


Nah, white women won't have sex much, and after a couple of kids won't have sex at all.

Robbie Williams had enough money, 3 purchases, 3x fleeced, killed himself. (YES, I MEAN ROBIN!)

You'd not only need to be mega-rich, but need to have some way to hang on to your cash after she stopped having sex with you and traded her in.

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There is no place in the USA that is as inexpensive as Thailand for a retiree. My girlfriend has a normal job and is 22 years younger than I am. I would have to be a multi-millionaire to do as well in the states.

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Love this thread- how much time do you have LOL.


Apart from the stuff I can't mention because someone might recognise me from there:

It's too cold

it's too expensive

government employees that do real jobs get paid less than they are worth and waste of space government employees get paid really well.

the post office is legalised theft to post anything

it's too PC

it's too regulated

people think money is everything

it's full of trendy bastards

it's full of gangs and the police are virtually invisible- try reporting a theft haha

poor people are treated like c***

old people are treated like c***

the free to air tv is c*** and has too many ads

the pay tv is c*** and has too many ads

too many people think getting pissed is a lifestyle choice

too many young hooligans

the political system is broken and people actually believe the green party is a real political entity

unemployment is unacceptably high and the government doesn't do anything about it ( automation is putting people out of work faster than jobs can be created )

sport is important

the governments have sold everything that should belong to the people

the military has been run down to the extent they couldn't defend the country       against a wind blown paper bag

seeing a Dr costs far too much and there's no free clinics etc. Even pensioners have to pay.

Tax is from $1- no minimum exemption like in the UK.

Too many welfare bludgers- something like 40% of the population is getting some sort of welfare.


And that is just off the top of my head without having to think about it.


Live in LOS or back home- no contest.



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7 minutes ago, Jools said:

There is no place in the USA that is as inexpensive as Thailand for a retiree. My girlfriend has a normal job and is 22 years younger than I am. I would have to be a multi-millionaire to do as well in the states.

Yes, as a generality that's definitely true.

But consider Medicare which is insurance people over 65 can get regardless of health conditions. 

That expense alone in Thailand for older, sicker, not well covered could override all the other "cheap" benefits of living here. 

Just saying. 

It's never that simple. 

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Love this thread- how much time do you have LOL.


Apart from the stuff I can't mention because someone might recognise me from there:

It's too cold

it's too expensive

government employees that do real jobs get paid less than they are worth and waste of space government employees get paid really well.

the post office is legalised theft to post anything

it's too PC

it's too regulated

people think money is everything

it's full of trendy bastards

it's full of gangs and the police are virtually invisible- try reporting a theft haha

poor people are treated like c***

old people are treated like c***

the free to air tv is c*** and has too many ads

the pay tv is c*** and has too many ads

too many people think getting pissed is a lifestyle choice

too many young hooligans

the political system is broken and people actually believe the green party is a real political entity

unemployment is unacceptably high and the government doesn't do anything about it ( automation is putting people out of work faster than jobs can be created )

sport is important

the governments have sold everything that should belong to the people

the military has been run down to the extent they couldn't defend the country       against a wind blown paper bag

seeing a Dr costs far too much and there's no free clinics etc. Even pensioners have to pay.

Tax is from $1- no minimum exemption like in the UK.

Too many welfare bludgers- something like 40% of the population is getting some sort of welfare.


And that is just off the top of my head without having to think about it.


Live in LOS or back home- no contest.



I agree with most of what you say about the negative sides  of Farangland, but are Thailand and Farangland really that different?


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14 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Nah, white women won't have sex much, and after a couple of kids won't have sex at all.

Robbie Williams had enough money, 3 purchases, 3x fleeced, killed himself.

You'd not only need to be mega-rich, but need to have some way to hang on to your cash after she stopped having sex with you and traded her in.

Robbie Williams is dead? News to me.

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10 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Nah, white women won't have sex much, and after a couple of kids won't have sex at all.

Robbie Williams had enough money, 3 purchases, 3x fleeced, killed himself.

You'd not only need to be mega-rich, but need to have some way to hang on to your cash after she stopped having sex with you and traded her in.



Hey, Robbie's alive. You mean ROBIN Williams. You had me upset for nothing there.

ROBIN was a comedian, so probably crying on the inside. Regardless, a tragedy and a loss to us all.

Yes, even he couldn't find happiness with a western woman, should have tried in LOS.

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6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Robbie Williams is dead? News to me.


You need a twitter account! #RobbieWilliams


(PS British pop-star Robbie Williams has been accused of sexual harassment)

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