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Bob Geldof calls Aung San Suu Kyi 'handmaiden to genocide'

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2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

What like the way you post to try to make us feel inferior?

I find it hard to understand the mentality of someone who hates another just because they are different from queer bashing to religious hatred.


..Who can insult or assault a woman wearing a hijab as though the covering is about to leap off her head and throttle you.
..Who can applaud Suu Kyi for not uttering a syllable when children in her country witness their parents raped and murdered and their homes burnt down, while at the same time condemning Geldorf for drawing attention to this genocide.


It's got to be some sort of sick mental process that approves such actions. History is full of examples of such dehumanizing mob mentality.


No apologies. If the cap fits, wear it. 

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2 minutes ago, dexterm said:

I find it hard to understand the mentality of someone who hates another just because they are different from queer bashing to religious hatred.


..Who can insult or assault a woman wearing a hijab as though the covering is about to leap off her head and throttle you.
..Who can applaud Suu Kyi for not uttering a syllable when children in her country witness their parents raped and murdered and their homes burnt down, while at the same time condemning Geldorf for drawing attention to this genocide.


It's got to be some sort of sick mental process that approves such actions. History is full of examples of such dehumanizing mob mentality.


No apologies. If the cap fits, wear it. 


Agree that she should have been much more proactive. Have not seen any real evidence other than PC sympathetic reporters interviewing illiterate refugees, and the usual UN followed by usual countries who always comment on such things. Don't believe the Rohingya never lie, never do anything wrong, were always law abiding, etc etc. Nor do I believe the Burmese army above such actions they are accused of. But hard to tell the actual truth from the biased hearsay being reported as gospel.


However, a professional charity jump on the band wagon, look what a good guy has-been tosser like Geldorf, who very selectively chooses his causes, adds nothing to it. As some one else posted, he hasn't been at all interested in the massacres and persecutions of Coptic Christians; or the plight of unmarried mothers, their babies, and orphans at the hands of warped sadistic Catholic clergy and nuns in his home country. But alleged persecution of a Muslim minority, just right for a champagne socialist charity campaigner to try and get back in the public eye.





29 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Agree that she should have been much more proactive. Have not seen any real evidence other than PC sympathetic reporters interviewing illiterate refugees, and the usual UN followed by usual countries who always comment on such things. Don't believe the Rohingya never lie, never do anything wrong, were always law abiding, etc etc. Nor do I believe the Burmese army above such actions they are accused of. But hard to tell the actual truth from the biased hearsay being reported as gospel.


However, a professional charity jump on the band wagon, look what a good guy has-been tosser like Geldorf, who very selectively chooses his causes, adds nothing to it. As some one else posted, he hasn't been at all interested in the massacres and persecutions of Coptic Christians; or the plight of unmarried mothers, their babies, and orphans at the hands of warped sadistic Catholic clergy and nuns in his home country. But alleged persecution of a Muslim minority, just right for a champagne socialist charity campaigner to try and get back in the public eye.





>>But hard to tell the actual truth from the biased hearsay being reported as gospel.
...It's also easy to muddy the waters and turn a blind eye by saying it's all too hard.


The fact that the Burmese army generally wont allow free access to reporters and UN officials speaks volumes.


Resistance movements don't begin and 624,000 Rohingya dont flee because their lives are all sweetness and light under the Burmese military junta.


I will take the word and video of BBC reporters who enable a glimpse of what's going on. He and others came across a village that was just being torched.


"As we walked in, a group of young, muscular men carrying machetes, swords and sling-shots were walking out. We tried to ask them questions but they refused to be filmed.
However, my Myanmar colleagues did speak to them away from the cameras and they said they were Rakhine Buddhists. One of them admitted he had lit the fires, and said he had help from the police."




The reason Geldorf chose this gesture is because he and Suu Kyi had both been honored by the  city of Dublin.


All the other stuff about persecuted Coptic Christians and abusive clergy is just deflecting whataboutery.

Geldorf, judging by his compassion, probably has strong opinions condemning those too, as I do.

But returning his Dublin honor is a more conducive platform for criticism of Suu Kyi, and is also what the OP topic is about.

35 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>But hard to tell the actual truth from the biased hearsay being reported as gospel.
...It's also easy to muddy the waters and turn a blind eye by saying it's all too hard.


The fact that the Burmese army generally wont allow free access to reporters and UN officials speaks volumes.


Resistance movements don't begin and 624,000 Rohingya dont flee because their lives are all sweetness and light under the Burmese military junta.


I will take the word and video of BBC reporters who enable a glimpse of what's going on. He and others came across a village that was just being torched.


"As we walked in, a group of young, muscular men carrying machetes, swords and sling-shots were walking out. We tried to ask them questions but they refused to be filmed.
However, my Myanmar colleagues did speak to them away from the cameras and they said they were Rakhine Buddhists. One of them admitted he had lit the fires, and said he had help from the police."




The reason Geldorf chose this gesture is because he and Suu Kyi had both been honored by the  city of Dublin.


All the other stuff about persecuted Coptic Christians and abusive clergy is just deflecting whataboutery.

Geldorf, judging by his compassion, probably has strong opinions condemning those too, as I do.

But returning his Dublin honor is a more conducive platform for criticism of Suu Kyi, and is also what the OP topic is about.


Sorry, I don't buy the BBC versions of anything per se anymore. Along with many others. Needs to be a consensus of media outlets. The BBC certainly have their own agenda as do some of their reporters.


Geldorf is an irritating arse whose only compassion is for his ego. Perhaps if he'd paid some attention to his family his time might be better spent.


I doubt, form the smiling lady in the photo, Dublin's administration gives a shit. Probably glad to see the back of him. 


Like I said, he comments selectively and only on the PC topics. 

1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Sorry, I don't buy the BBC versions of anything per se anymore. Along with many others. Needs to be a consensus of media outlets. The BBC certainly have their own agenda as do some of their reporters.


Geldorf is an irritating arse whose only compassion is for his ego. Perhaps if he'd paid some attention to his family his time might be better spent.


I doubt, form the smiling lady in the photo, Dublin's administration gives a shit. Probably glad to see the back of him. 


Like I said, he comments selectively and only on the PC topics. 

Your pathetic hatchet job on Geldorf, capitalizing on his family losses is disgusting.


History is littered with examples of  "we didn't know it was happening". No excuse for that this time.


>>Needs to be a consensus of media outlets. 
....How much consensus do you need?
BBC, CNN, The Independent,  the British government,  the EU,  the UN Commissioner

I think in your case and other racists on this forum it's worse, you actually do know what is happening, but the truth doesn't fit your Islamophobic agenda.


"Accounts of rape, burning children and murder
How a Rohingya massacre unfolded at Tula Toli

Discarded and left for dead, Mumtaz says she found herself on top of a mound of charred, entangled bodies.

"They killed and killed and piled the bodies up high. It was like cut bamboo," says Mumtaz, a Rohingya woman from the village of Tula Toli in western Myanmar.
"In the pile there was someone's neck, someone's head, someone's leg. I was able to come out, I don't know how."




"The British government has said the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar "looks like ethnic cleansing," Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman said Monday."




"Government Minister calls Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim killings a 'textbook example' of ethnic cleansing
Foreign Office Minister Mark Field said he agreed with the UN High "Commissioner that the situation now amounts to 'ethnic cleansing''




"EU to cut ties with Burma over the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims"



On 11/15/2017 at 12:39 PM, dexterm said:

I find it hard to understand the mentality of someone who hates another just because they are different from queer bashing to religious hatred.


..Who can insult or assault a woman wearing a hijab as though the covering is about to leap off her head and throttle you.
..Who can applaud Suu Kyi for not uttering a syllable when children in her country witness their parents raped and murdered and their homes burnt down, while at the same time condemning Geldorf for drawing attention to this genocide.


It's got to be some sort of sick mental process that approves such actions. History is full of examples of such dehumanizing mob mentality.


No apologies. If the cap fits, wear it. 

Its the same cap people who profess to be sanctimonious wear ,just like yourself , "oh look at me i am so rightious and love the underdog" well many times the underdog is not so good ,the Rohingyans are and always have been nothing but trouble ,wanted by no one ,not even other muslim countrys . as for gay people ,i couldnt care less if two people of the same sex want to make out ,they can beat each other with rhubarb as far i  am concerned ,just dont go on about wanting to adopt and your "rights" and as for wearing hijabs etc , why come to the west if you dont want to conform ,stay in a country that likes to dress like that ,the same as if i wanted to walk around in religous Christian gear i wouldnt go to live in Saudi , so please get over yourself ,and as for Geldof , dont see him spouting off about Christians or Buddists being killed in Muslim countrys .

come to that ,oh forget it ,its a waste of time discusing it .

10 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Its the same cap people who profess to be sanctimonious wear ,just like yourself , "oh look at me i am so rightious and love the underdog" well many times the underdog is not so good ,the Rohingyans are and always have been nothing but trouble ,wanted by no one ,not even other muslim countrys . as for gay people ,i couldnt care less if two people of the same sex want to make out ,they can beat each other with rhubarb as far i  am concerned ,just dont go on about wanting to adopt and your "rights" and as for wearing hijabs etc , why come to the west if you dont want to conform ,stay in a country that likes to dress like that ,the same as if i wanted to walk around in religous Christian gear i wouldnt go to live in Saudi , so please get over yourself ,and as for Geldof , dont see him spouting off about Christians or Buddists being killed in Muslim countrys .

come to that ,oh forget it ,its a waste of time discusing it .

Your personal flame shows a complete inability to offer logical arguments to address issues raised.


The Burmese army this week investigated and exonerated itself of any blame for what the United Nations has called "a textbook example of ethnic cleansing".


I suggest you view the photos in this article....children scarred by the Burmese military bullets, burnt by their rockets and torched houses.


"One of them started beating me, saying, 'If you have no money, then we will kill you.'" They then locked her inside her house and set the roof on fire. When she finally escaped, she found her three sons dead and her daughter beaten and bleeding."


These are the crimes you are defending.


Your Islamophobic whitewash of such crimes against humanity and attacks on people such as Geldorf who highlight them demonstrate the same blind hate as the Burmese army. I find such attitudes unbelievably disgusting.

On 11/14/2017 at 8:53 PM, Bluespunk said:

A false flag in Bosnia?


What false flag?


Are you saying that the well documented reports on ethnic cleansing atrocities carried out by Serb forces are not true?

A  fact!  Too long   pretendedly  ignored !  But   a  political  calculation that  once yet  again  involved the  deaths  of  many.



Bosnia has nothing to do with this topic and continuing to engage in off-topic conspiracy theories will earn a warning.  

11 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Its the same cap people who profess to be sanctimonious wear ,just like yourself , "oh look at me i am so rightious and love the underdog" well many times the underdog is not so good ,the Rohingyans are and always have been nothing but trouble ,wanted by no one ,not even other muslim countrys . as for gay people ,i couldnt care less if two people of the same sex want to make out ,they can beat each other with rhubarb as far i  am concerned ,just dont go on about wanting to adopt and your "rights" and as for wearing hijabs etc , why come to the west if you dont want to conform ,stay in a country that likes to dress like that ,the same as if i wanted to walk around in religous Christian gear i wouldnt go to live in Saudi , so please get over yourself ,and as for Geldof , dont see him spouting off about Christians or Buddists being killed in Muslim countrys .

come to that ,oh forget it ,its a waste of time discusing it .

Which, what,  who  are  the  underdogs? 

It  seems to me  that they  are  the majority who   just want  to  live a  normal existence  but   are  disrupted  in  that  by  the  increased  presence  of  extremists.

And   there is  no   real  difference  in  that  intent  of extreme between   those  who  are  described  as  extreme  and  those  who  wish  to  enforce  control and  conformity  to   that  which  we are supposed to  believe  is  (??? )

Both sides  resort  to  persuasion or  defence  by  way  of  force.

It  is  interesting  to  note  that   religion  is  invariably  quoted  in  that  persuasion  and defence by near  all  Governments in   Natiional Anthems despite  religion  being  considered   an innappropriate  influence in  non  discriminatory democratic  governence. Hence  the   " non  official "  religious  status  claimed  by   many  nations  despite  the  infliction  of   the  majority  religion  dictating   many  aspects  of  that  nations   systems.

The  end  result  is   suppression  in one  form or  other of  systems  which  cater  to   collective   psychopathy by   consent.

Possibly  better   than  individualist   psychopathy  only  in  the  sense  that  conformity provides  easier  control.

The  saddest  aspect  of  this  human  predilection  for  psychopthic   behaviour be  it   collective  or  individualistic  is  that  it  is  damaging   to our  own  and  all other  existence.





13 hours ago, dexterm said:

Your personal flame shows a complete inability to offer logical arguments to address issues raised.


The Burmese army this week investigated and exonerated itself of any blame for what the United Nations has called "a textbook example of ethnic cleansing".


I suggest you view the photos in this article....children scarred by the Burmese military bullets, burnt by their rockets and torched houses.


"One of them started beating me, saying, 'If you have no money, then we will kill you.'" They then locked her inside her house and set the roof on fire. When she finally escaped, she found her three sons dead and her daughter beaten and bleeding."


These are the crimes you are defending.


Your Islamophobic whitewash of such crimes against humanity and attacks on people such as Geldorf who highlight them demonstrate the same blind hate as the Burmese army. I find such attitudes unbelievably disgusting.

As i find your cherry picking of atrocities disgusting .

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