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Passenger van safety scrutinised after five killed in accident


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"He added that not only should all vans be equipped with GPS and monitored by DLT centres, van companies and passengers also had to take an active role to make sure that the vans and drivers are ready to travel."


Ok! After I haggle about the fare then I'm supposed to kick a few tyres and jump in the drivers seat to check the breaks whilst other people rush to get in and then after that politely ask the driver if he can walk a straight line or get an honest answer to my question when did he last  rest. In reality the driver would leave me on the side of the road and drive off with other passengers. Planet Mars! Shouldn't the cops do that or are they asleep at the station?

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

It's OK the DLT monitoring the GPS on ALL vans & buses, but what will they do if they see one's data showing reckless or dangerous driving? Call the driver on his mobile and tell him to stop doing it.....then you have a driver using mobile while driving.


Which GPS you are talking about?


I see frequently minivan's from a particular large company, the one with the orange stripe at the bottom, pass me while I drive over 100km/h on the highway.

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the last bus and van i was in the drivers were stoned never again 

then spoke to wife's  relation   . a large tour bus driver 

he said they all take drugs for the boredom and sleep 

as they  need  long shifts to make money 

he is stoned on yaba most times i have seen him

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I read this with amusement. Will the GPS systems go the same way as the CCTV system? Most of them in Pattaya not working. Maintenance is not at Thailand's priority list. And GPS will not stop drivers falling asleep, popping pills and driving dangerously.:saai:

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2 hours ago, Thian said:

Van-drivers are above the law and can do as they like. Even occupy 3 lanes infront of the malls in BKK causing huge congestion.


The police is thailands biggest problem for not doing their job.


Maybe they are too busy hunting people who dare to criticize them. Better watch out!

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You would think that by now the  government would seriously consider introducing Driver Education at the middle school level, implementing a real Highway Patrol, and enforcing serious consequences for drivers who continue to disobey the rules or is that like doing the right things which would mean the government has to take some responsibility which they do not seem to interested in doing?

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Road safety is never going to improve until Thailand realizes that they need more real enforcement of laws, especially speed limits, along with harsher penalties for any violation.  IMO, speeding and driving under the influence are the two major reasons for Thailand's high death rates on the road.  And each can be reduced significantly with proper monitoring and penalties.  But that would require the police to do a little work, not just set up roadblocks to check whether you've paid vehicle taxes or not.  Why is stopping drunk drivers emphasized only during long holiday periods.  It and speeding cause tragic accidents every day of the year.  

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Vans have all got signs warning about no seat belt fines, so they all have them. Trouble is I have never seen any of them workable, mostly the drivers tie them up so they cannot be used anyway and if you untie them they are useless and do not tighten up. They seem to think they are like an amulet, just having them hanging about will save lives!


Yes, you really have to wonder at the mentality of people who deliberately, for no discernable or practical reason, disable a safety device. Quite incredible.

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You would think that by now the  government would seriously consider introducing Driver Education at the middle school level, implementing a real Highway Patrol, and enforcing serious consequences for drivers who continue to disobey the rules or is that like doing the right things which would mean the government has to take some responsibility which they do not seem to interested in doing?

Oh they have a "Highway Patrol" - or at least they have a fleet of maroon police cars, with multiple antennae, roof signs and so on.
Yesterday morning one pulled out in front of me without looking, drove slowly for about 3 km and then pulled up outside a police post, all without indicators.
In his defence I suppose that a maroon Mazda pick up with its headlights on ( it had been misty a few km back) was a bit hard to see in broad daylight. His windows were so blacked out, and his rear window almost totally obscured by stickers announcing that he was a highway patrol car, so he probably didn't see me. He had so many electrical and communication gadgets fitted (judging by the antenna farm on his back bumper) that there was probably no power to operate his indicators, and anyway, yes, he does own the road!

Ranting I know, but if the traffic police drive like this what hope is there for the rest?

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Commenting on this is a waste of time, but here goes.


Nothing will ever change regarding road safety until Thais have to take a realistic driving test that first requires hours and hours of professional instruction and driving in traffic. Learning to drive properly and safely requires an unselfish attitude and a lot of hard work. The Thais do not have the first and do not like the second. They also believe in fate, what happens was meant to be, which excuses them of any responsibility for their actions.


It also requires the police to actually do some work, and that is not going to happen because they've worked out that they get paid whether they work or not, so why bother. And it requires those police to go on road patrol instead of sitting in an office.


The only thing that might possibly change things is if a royal motorcade is hit by a Thai driving as so many Thais do, and someone is killed or seriously injured.

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38 minutes ago, rickb said:

IMO, speeding and driving under the influence are the two major reasons for Thailand's high death rates on the road.

Absolutely. Even just focussing on these two would dramatically reduce serious injuries and fatalities.

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No speed cameras 

No manning radars 

No red light cameras

No mobile speed cameras

No radars on highway patrol cars

No demerit points system with loss of licence

No heavy fines

No constant police presents


Only check points for registration and licenses, unless the above is addressed, the media ungortunately will constantly be reporting same same as the Thai's say

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In a crash these passenger vans are far more dangerous than a car because they lack crumple zones (front and back), 3 point safety belts, air bags (front and side), also a car has padded interior. All these features increase the deceleration time. Changing the deceleration time from .2 seconds to .8 seconds will result in a 75 percent reduction in total force. Not to mention trying to exit them in emergency through a single sliding door hopefully still working.

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4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Well at least they are trying to do something....the point is ,will it be really done and for how long will it be enforced and maintained !!?


We all know the answer.



You can give a field full of buffalo a box full of Smart Watches, but don't expect them to call you from one.

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13 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Absolutely. Even just focussing on these two would dramatically reduce serious injuries and fatalities.

I reckon, For serious driving offenses,  confiscate the vehicle and destroy it.

This would send a very clear message to the bad guys on the road.

its also a very heavy financial burden to them,  if this is done.

 40k to about 2 million or more.

You would get   there attention straight away.


Make the start with all the underage school kids motor bikes.

destroy the lot.


Reckon you could get the Army to put a Tank in every city,  to to crush all the bikes and cars , every Friday night for that weeks,   bad guys on the road.

it would be great entertainment. 

I would be there with me popcorn and beer Chang watching and  cheering it.


Massive financial loss is the only way forward for the bad guys.

they refuse to understand and learn any other way. 









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I was recently cut up by a lunatic driving a minivan belonging to a hotel with Sun in it's name, swerving all over the place and clearly racing towards the Sea near the Sand just north of Bang Saray.  Hotel name plastered all over it so I emailed them to explain they had a psycho driving their guests around.  No response, whether they acted or not I have no idea but worth reporting, maybe. Maybe not, but anything is worth a shot to try and stamp out this particular madness.


Passenger Power can work - Interesting scenario going on in Kenya right now.  They have a similar problem with psychotic Matutu drivers and came up with an interesting effort at a solution - extract below


As an experiment to remedy the problem, signs were posted in matatus that urged: “Don’t just sit there while he drives dangerously! Stand up! Speak up! Now.” The result: Driving deaths and insurance claims decreased dramatically.  Would it work here ?  No idea, but worth a go.  Here's the link https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/changepower/201303/when-your-driver-is-speeding-what-can-you-do


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5 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

I reckon, For serious driving offenses,  confiscate the vehicle and destroy it.

This would send a very clear message to the bad guys on the road.

its also a very heavy financial burden to them,  if this is done.

 40k to about 2 million or more.

You would get   there attention straight away.


Make the start with all the underage school kids motor bikes.

destroy the lot.


Reckon you could get the Army to put a Tank in every city,  to to crush all the bikes and cars , every Friday night for that weeks,   bad guys on the road.

it would be great entertainment. 

I would be there with me popcorn and beer Chang watching and  cheering it.


Massive financial loss is the only way forward for the bad guys.

they refuse to understand and learn any other way. 









Making the place even more of a police state is hardly the answer.


Unfortunately, the vehicle is already totally destroyed and full of dead people shorty after the offense.


Prevention better than cure is an alien concept here or the schools would be teaching road sense, litter control, birth control, temper control, gun control etc. etc. etc.

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It's the drivers, stupid.

regards Worgeordie

Yes, you're so right.

A group of us did a 4 hour tour around Phuket a few months ago, and the driver was a total idiot!

The final straw was when he tried to overtake a slow truck, on a winding road.  He crossed the double lines when he tried to overtake.    

The Aussie truck driver sitting behind me with his family gave the van driver a real blast.   It was well and truly deserved, and the rest of us voiced our opinion as well.

I wish we were allowed to 'name and shame' such companies, as they don't deserve to be operating.

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