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N KOREAN ENVOY: We want peace but ready for war with US


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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Read the testimonies of defectors. Then there is the likes of the now deceased Hwang Jang Yop who also defected. Another great read is 'North Korea Confidential', available on Amazon, plus certain websites where it can be torrented, not that I would advocate that, dearie me, no...

Also there are channels such as 'The Korea Society' on YouTube where there are some interesting talks.


You fly the North Korean flag.  I feel like I am being played by North Korean State Security. Is this an elaborate disinformation plot?

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Just now, baboon said:

Read the testimonies of defectors. Then there is the likes of the now deceased Hwang Jang Yop who also defected. Another great read is 'North Korea Confidential', available on Amazon, plus certain websites where it can be torrented, not that I would advocate that, dearie me, no...

Also there are channels such as 'The Korea Society' on YouTube where there are some interesting talks.


Defectors might have a tendency to say what they think their new hosts would like to here. 


As onerous and alien to us as the Kim family regime is, there doesn't seem to be any mass underground insurgency fighting for freedom. I suspect that after so many generations of total control and brainwashing, the ability to resist is considerably diminished. 


At some point, totalitarian regimes, Nazis, fascists, Communists, crumble as the people decide enough is enough. But somehow, I suspect, NK is far far from that.

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2 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:


You fly the North Korean flag.  I feel like I am being played by North Korean State Security. Is this an elaborate disinformation plot?

Well if it is it isn't a very good one. If you take a look at the sources I have given, most to all are highly critical of the regime...

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2 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

Your dead wrong about this comment Read the article about N Korean defectors and you will see most believe Kim is full of it They are not brainwashed they know he is a dictator




Of course defectors would say that. Why else would they be defecting? Defectors usually say what their new hosts expect them to say. 


And how many actually defect from NK? The controls are tight, the propaganda and brainwashing becomes in grained over generations.


Would you gamble that the sizable military and mass population would turn against the regime quickly in the event of looming war?

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NK is a pure example ,that the United Nations must be reformed ,to have the power to act more early and as well to prevent upcomming events.


In my ideas,since 2 decades , i want the Un reform like following

- Termination of Veto rights

-a country key for voting rights, depending on size of the country, Residents of the country and economic power GDP 

- military interventions for prevention, under a force of the UN , by 2/3 of votes. 



due to veto rights the Un is a paper tiger, bcs in any conflict, their is a veto of any side..., so  conflicts have time to growth . If 2/3  vote for premetive meassures, nobody can blame one country at the end.

Many regimes ,would cooperate under this pressure, and wars would be prevented. and  others would be less dangerous, bcs messures taken early.


A strong Un with military power is the solution

The NK cponflict  would be not heated up to the satge of today ,and would be solved end of 80ths already


but its just a dream... nor the us or cina or russia  will give off, the VETO rights.


with this stupid vetos ..the UN will be a paper tiger even in the future


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Mun said: ... [Trump] ... declared in his UN speech that he would totally destroy North Korea? That means he also wanted to kill all the 25 million North Koreans.”

As opposed to their dying of starvation, disease, et al, courtesy of a 'leader' disconnected from reality. Still, give Jong Un his due: he knows how to pick a___e lickers to represent NK on the world stage.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


It will be interesting to see the footage from the Winter Games. Reminiscent of Goebbel's Olympic offerings perhaps?


How do you know that control is lessening and that change is happening from within? 

Are you inferring that the 2018 Winter Games will take place in north Korea?  In fact they will be held in PyeongChang South Korea.

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1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

Your dead wrong about this comment Read the article about N Korean defectors and you will see most believe Kim is full of it They are not brainwashed they know he is a dictator



Thank you for the link, it speaks a lot :crying:

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1 hour ago, baboon said:

Bear in mind that the footage one sees is mainly to always in Pyongyang, the seat of the regime's power, where only those with excellent 'songbun' are allowed to live. Control is and had been lessening since the appalling famine of the 90s and the breakdown of the public distribution system. More and more information is getting in all the time and the country is changing from within, just the way any country should.

Times are changing.  But more and more information is not getting in.  Outside info is tightly controlled.  Get your facts straight.




Censorship in North Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea) ranks among some of the most extreme in the world, with the government able to take strict control over communications. North Korea is routinely ranked at the bottom of Reporters Without Borders' annual Press Freedom Index, occupying the very last place in 2017.


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40 minutes ago, howbri said:

Trump doesn't want "to kill 25 million N. Koreans". These guys got mixed up in the gene pool as their "great leader", fat boy with no brains and overly impressed with himself.

I'm sorry, can you be more specific. I can 't tell which one of the "great leader, fat boy with no brains" you are speaking of. They both fit that desription.


Edited by greatwhitenorth
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5 hours ago, smedly said:

the funny thing is .........................when was the last time anyone attacked mainland USA


Has it actually ever happened


well some would say the attack on Pearl Harbour was it, but honestly, does N Korea have the ability to wage war on anyone apart from South Korea........................you need stuff to do stuff like that and very few countries in the world have the ability to take it offshore


I do wish DT would stop the childish rhetoric - it is not fitting for the office he holds


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Asia has clearly told Trump/USA that is USA starts a war, all Asian countries will ally with North Korea. Think about it. It makes sense if they want to survive. Following that promise, NK pointed all nuclear weapons to USA targets.

Finally, from what I have read, USA cannot stop missiles. No one can. It is the way the world has decided to deter nuclear war...NO DEFENSE. Actually, the only defense is an offense. If you nuke us then you will get nuked. Only crazy people would send up nukes. USA has 6,800. Russia has 7,00, and China has 400. 400 is plenty since they cannot be stopped.  Also, USA and Russia have 1,800 nukes in silos ready to fire at any moment.

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2 hours ago, baboon said:

It isn't going to happen. This is just the media and their right wing stooges hyping it up to sell copies and frighten people.

'Ready for war with the U.S'.. crap, of course! Basically, like me saying "Well, I don't WANT to fight the worldheavyweight champion, but if he wants it, let's go!!' Why even bother spouting such shit? My understanding is that two weeks would be the time-line, nukes or not, for sweeping through NK to enact the 'regime change' even the Chinese would - secretly - welcome!!


I personally think that Kim Wrong Un is a little more savvy than he lets on! He certainly has NO intention of getting blown off his pretend-family-throne and giving up his access to the country's wealth to use for his own amusement!! Yes he's totally paranoid and insists that his emissaries and envoys, etc - in fact every person in NK.. just see the docus! - put forth his warrior-king spouting like THEY believe it too, and this is also true of their ' total 'adoration' of their 'great leader' and even the public outpouring of grief for his dad and grandad!!.. but my 'take' is that he knows its just rhetoric which he thinks and hopes will keep DT and America at bay and also keeps his own people believing in his power!!


Absolute <deleted>, really, and neither do I believe that the NK people really believe his propaganda, I don't believe they are nearly so gullible as they seem, but KNOW how they must be seen and heard by him and his 'henchmen'.. ridiculous fawning and cheering or crocodile tears, both hysterically conveyed in public, each NK citizen, especially on the front row, trying to outdo the next!!.. but, otherwise its prison, hard-labour, starvation, and probably a horrible death (quite likely for their families, too!!)... Its <deleted> up and shall remain so until he's gone, which will take either a highly unlikely massive climbdown, which would have to be done in such a way as to save this 'great ones' face, or possibly using some of them crazy big warheads none of us want to see deployed!!! That he doesn't, either, is my main point, my own feeling, but how far he will push his rhetoric before China backs away and says, "<deleted> it, America.. go for it!!' remains to be seen. Dodgy times, for sure as if it does all 'kick off' NK's going to be looking to take out as much of SK as possible before the dust settles!!! :wai:

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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You cannot really compare the two .


You may not be able to but I can.

Both are narcissistic, both love to tell outlandish lies, both thrive on confusion, disinformation, threats and childish behaviour.  Both have silly haircuts. I wouldn t be surprised if both suffer from penis envy.

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Does anyone really think the empire is afraid of this little country? The empire’s biggest problem with NK is independence - it won’t be a little good boy and follow Washington’s diktats - such as owning it, taking advantage of its resources, cheap labor, and finally breaking it up like a cheap corporation.

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Nuclear war would be devastating to not just to Asia but to world trade and finacial markets. If the sh*t hits the fan life as all of us know it will be changed permanently. It is truly scary that two crazies are the ones that will determine our collective future. 

Only one crazy person the world truly fears. Good job the US has Donald Trump to defend the rest of the world from NK and he has plenty of support.

Sent from my ASUS_Z002 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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