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PM Prayut tells a fisherman: “Do not raise your voice at me!”


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5 minutes ago, Ossy said:

Yikes! and I thought I detested the brat. I guess that makes you a 'very-detester'. Nice one, Stephen, but steady how you go. I know, via an Aussie chum of mine, that the police are making 'social calls' on farangs, checking passports, taking lots of mug-shots and asking about nick-names. I have to wonder whether such calls are solely overstay generated or in response to last week's internet clamp-down.


Drowning man clutching at straws in the hope they will save him. If in doubt, play the xenophobia card.


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6 minutes ago, Ossy said:

Yikes! and I thought I detested the brat. I guess that makes you a 'very-detester'. Nice one, Stephen, but steady how you go. I know, via an Aussie chum of mine, that the police are making 'social calls' on farangs, checking passports, taking lots of mug-shots and asking about nick-names. I have to wonder whether such calls are solely overstay generated or in response to last week's internet clamp-down.

Just don't answer the door. Solves that...

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Yea by raping the ocean now and the hell with everyone else. Prayut is doing the right thing.

The guy was totally impolite then you can expect this. I guess you were never taught not to shout or raise your voice when someone else is speaking

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Better to rape the ocean than the entire country.


Maybe the serf should follow Prayut's example, who of course displays the height of manners and respectfulness. Throwing bananas at reporters having just taken a bite out of it is lovely behavior. Countless other examples, not to mention the coup of course which displays zero respect for the wishes of the people. Respect is earned and quite frankly a frustrated serf raising his voice after over 3 years of the D word (yes, that's what it is despite the fancy acronyms) is the least he can expect, he should count his lucky stars.

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

stop Thai bashing  !! .....      try raising your voice at a policeman in the US or someone of high statue in Japan ...    you'll probably be shot in both countries ...


You obviously haven't lived in the US and have watched to many movies about the US. Total nonsense.

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5 hours ago, jaywalker said:

Sounds like an idiot fisherman that does not/will not accept the fact that fish stocks need some time off from fishing to replenish.


Nah, he just wants to rape the ocean as hard and fast as he can go (probably tossing EVERY BIT of garbage he has into it at the same time).

Prayut on the other hand...ahm...forget that!

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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

This is what I posted...

"It's the Thai way. 'Superiors' can raise their voice at 'lessors' but not the other way 'round'."


You call this Thai bashing? I'm just commenting on Thai culture. So if I commented on how Thais wai their superiors and how superiors wai back, which is a lessor wai to a lessor person in status, this would be Thai bashing. Absolute rubbish. 

I appologise if I was wrong. my bad.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The junta leader could have handle the situation much better. It show that he lacks empathy, patience and intelligence to be a good leader. On the topic of allowing more days, he could have provide a better reasoning and explanation of the Marine Fisheries Management Plan that comply with FAO and other international standards on the limits of fishing days. I doubt his even know the plan. He could even asked the fisherman what kind of fishing gears he is engaged as the vessel day scheme differs. No he didn't as he know nothing. He just a general who seized power and not accountable and has no time for the little people. 

oh Eric,  complain ... complain .... complain ......   at just about anything junta ..   lol  :clap2:     you old whinger   !!

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Better to rape the ocean than the entire country.
Maybe the serf should follow Prayut's example, who of course displays the height of manners and respectfulness. Throwing bananas at reporters having just taken a bite out of it is lovely behavior. Countless other examples, not to mention the coup of course which displays zero respect for the wishes of the people. Respect is earned and quite frankly a frustrated serf raising his voice after over 3 years of the D word (yes, that's what it is despite the fancy acronyms) is the least he can expect, he should count his lucky stars.
Ah you think 2 wrongs make a right i get it.

Fishermen should accept that the sea should be managed for future generations and to keep the US and EU market open.

I take it you dont mind it if they rape the ocean. You sound real sensible.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Huh? That's what Prayut does at almost every press conference when he doesn't like the questions he's asked.  Like the spoiled little intellectually-challenged brat that he is. People here are calling the fisherman and "idiot". I find that amusing in that it would pretty hard to find a bigger idiot than the man-child. Every time he speaks he proves this to be the case.

Actually I don't believe your comparison accurate. At press conferences he throws his rattle out of the playpen when asked questions he dislikes and does not want to answer. If he had the chance I am sure he would have all proposed questions vetted first. However, in this instance, my take on it is that he was interrupted impolitely while speaking.  Perhaps, he could have worded his rebuke better but hardly in the wrong. 


I never thought I would ever defend this a'hole . :crying:

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3 hours ago, Thian said:

That's the same in the western world...if i did that to my superiors i would get slapped in the face.

No, you wouldn't. And if you did then you could go to the police and they would prosecute the perp no matter what his title was.

Tell me, where in the West do you live? You not living in Thailand explains a lot of your clueless comments regarding the country but it doesn't explain your cluelessness about the West.

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30 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ah you think 2 wrongs make a right i get it.

Fishermen should accept that the sea should be managed for future generations and to keep the US and EU market open.

I take it you dont mind it if they rape the ocean. You sound real sensible.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying that respect is earned. You can't talk down to people, throw half eaten bananas at them etc. for 3.5 years and expect them to respect you. 


The fisherman is entitled to have his say whether or not we agree with his opinion. If Mr P wants respect as a (self imposed) leader, he should adjust the way he addresses the Thai people, they are not his soldiers and they did not sign up to his military.


Maybe you think the poor little serf should have got down on his knees and put his hand up, waiting for permission to address the great leader?



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6 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

I think he probably just wants to make a living.  Not something the likes of the man-child would ever understand with his billions stashed away. 

99% of other countries around the world do not over fish their fishing grounds.


I forgot though. They not like Thailand. Thailand have super fish.

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I fail to see the problem. If I listen to someone and then get loudly interrupted when I try to answer, I'll tell that person to shut up and let me finish as well. It has nothing to do with hubris or thinking you're better than anyone else.


If you're gonna bash Prayut, do it for something that actually justifies it.

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3 hours ago, Ossy said:

Yikes! and I thought I detested the brat. I guess that makes you a 'very-detester'. Nice one, Stephen, but steady how you go. I know, via an Aussie chum of mine, that the police are making 'social calls' on farangs, checking passports, taking lots of mug-shots and asking about nick-names. I have to wonder whether such calls are solely overstay generated or in response to last week's internet clamp-down.

The more "social calls" on falangs  the better I like it.  The only ones that have anything to worry about are scumbags.  That would be most...

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19 minutes ago, Myran said:

I fail to see the problem. If I listen to someone and then get loudly interrupted when I try to answer, I'll tell that person to shut up and let me finish as well. It has nothing to do with hubris or thinking you're better than anyone else.


If you're gonna bash Prayut, do it for something that actually justifies it.

Context. If it was 2 people who knew nothing of each other then I would agree with you as I dislike impoliteness.


If I was a fisherman who was struggling to feed my family since an Army General had led a coup to remove a government that I had voted for, I might also find myself a bit hot under the collar if I didn't like the answer. The fisherman spoke out of turn, the General led a coup. I think I might have more sympathy for the fisherman on this one. 


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28 minutes ago, Myran said:

I fail to see the problem. If I listen to someone and then get loudly interrupted when I try to answer, I'll tell that person to shut up and let me finish as well. It has nothing to do with hubris or thinking you're better than anyone else.


If you're gonna bash Prayut, do it for something that actually justifies it.

Not a problem if he is a general. A prime minister even an non elected one that came in by seizing power, should have more empathy with the poor who pay his salary. He can politely tell the fisherman to wait his turn. No one should be rudely told off by anyone. It is uncouth and rude especially he is the Prime Minister. Sorry should be junta PM. Different.   

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Not a problem if he is a general. A prime minister even an non elected one that came in by seizing power, should have more empathy with the poor who pay his salary. He can politely tell the fisherman to wait his turn. No one should be rudely told off by anyone. It is uncouth and rude especially he is the Prime Minister. Sorry should be junta PM. Different.   

"Thank You!"

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7 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

Fancy Prayuth telling someone else to shut-up. He never shuts up. I really wish someone would just punch him in the face at a press conference. That would make me happy. 

It appears to me many many Farangs dislike Prayuth, I wonder why. Because he is not PM of your country so nothing to do with you really.

The other post someone complain his stash of millions. Of course in S.E. Asia they all do. In Singapore they do it openly, the ministers are paid so high it is daylight robbery. In the old days Marcos of Philippines had crates of Gold shipped to America when he was running away. On the way to airport he sang Frank Sinatra "I did it my way" .

It is Standard Practice in South East Asia.

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28 minutes ago, madusa said:

It appears to me many many Farangs dislike Prayuth, I wonder why. Because he is not PM of your country so nothing to do with you really.

I've been living here for over 24 years, have a family and investments so it has everything to do with me, "really". If that is still hard to understand then please feel free to PM me and I will try to simplify the explanation.

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47 minutes ago, madusa said:

It appears to me many many Farangs dislike Prayuth, I wonder why. Because he is not PM of your country so nothing to do with you really.

The other post someone complain his stash of millions. Of course in S.E. Asia they all do. In Singapore they do it openly, the ministers are paid so high it is daylight robbery. In the old days Marcos of Philippines had crates of Gold shipped to America when he was running away. On the way to airport he sang Frank Sinatra "I did it my way" .

It is Standard Practice in South East Asia.

I think you are confuse with being paid a high salary and corruption. 


As as you said corruption is standard practice, then why only one side gets the rough end of the law and politicized. 


Back to your reference corrupt Marcos; he didn’t end well. While back in Kakaland, the blatant corrupters of a certain dividenhave been living merrily ever after. 

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