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Noisy bike gate: Video footage shows attack on Swiss man in Pattaya


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Stupid approach from the get-go. I also get annoyed with people who leave their cars or motorcycles idling for long periods of time when they're standing still next to people trying to eat or something, but a polite request with a smile has always resulted in the engine being turned off.

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50 minutes ago, Myran said:

Stupid approach from the get-go. I also get annoyed with people who leave their cars or motorcycles idling for long periods of time when they're standing still next to people trying to eat or something, but a polite request with a smile has always resulted in the engine being turned off.

But if you want to sit and eat on the edge of the busy streets at the street vendors then you have to accept that you are going to get exhaust pollution and vehicle noise while you are sitting there and the pollution from the vehicles that stop to buy from the food vendor. It is called Thailand and that is part of the life style here

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

But if you want to sit and eat on the edge of the busy streets at the street vendors then you have to accept that you are going to get exhaust pollution and vehicle noise while you are sitting there and the pollution from the vehicles that stop to buy from the food vendor. It is called Thailand and that is part of the life style here

No, I don't have to quietly accept that someone stands right next to me with an idling bike for ten minutes. If you feel fine with it when you're eating, that's totally up to you. I don't care for it and will therefore ask them to turn the engine off, which they all have so far. Of course I can't force them if they refuse, but I don't lose anything by asking.


So you just sit there with exhaust fumes billowing around your face; I'd rather go through the horrible experience of asking someone to turn it off. Again, so far no one has refused, no one has gotten angry and nothing negative has come of it.


And no, it's not nearly the same as having cars and bikes pass on the street.

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10 hours ago, Myran said:

No, I don't have to quietly accept that someone stands right next to me with an idling bike for ten minutes. If you feel fine with it when you're eating, that's totally up to you. I don't care for it and will therefore ask them to turn the engine off, which they all have so far. Of course I can't force them if they refuse, but I don't lose anything by asking.


So you just sit there with exhaust fumes billowing around your face; I'd rather go through the horrible experience of asking someone to turn it off. Again, so far no one has refused, no one has gotten angry and nothing negative has come of it.


And no, it's not nearly the same as having cars and bikes pass on the street.

You are lucky so far that you have not had a refusal to turn their engine off but what are you going to do when one of these tell you to go and get stuffed and leave their engine running. That is what I mean by you must accept that if you sit on the side of the road eating then you must accept that you will be affected by fumes of vehicles. As for the passing cars and bikes not being the same you must live in an area of Thailand that none of their vehicles have smoky and fumy exhausts.

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On 11/28/2017 at 4:26 PM, champers said:

Not his best idea to turn his back on his attacker.

so true after being such a prixk about it ....a wannabe western thug just got what was coming to him . samo samo anywhere else in the world . i wonder where his aggression was when the muslims were hijacking his country ? well maybe he learned something , but i doubt it ....

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On 11/29/2017 at 11:17 AM, richard_smith237 said:


You both come across as really unbalanced individuals with anger issues...  its perhaps best if both of you steer clear of the rest of human race... but I guess your point is the rest of the human race should steer clear of you both huh >?


... 'If you don't turn off your bike I break your key'....  'if you touch my bike I break your face'...


Really ???... exactly how old are you two keyboard lovebirds ?

why pay them any attention .... poser's they are ......

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56 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

You are lucky so far that you have not had a refusal to turn their engine off but what are you going to do when one of these tell you to go and get stuffed and leave their engine running. That is what I mean by you must accept that if you sit on the side of the road eating then you must accept that you will be affected by fumes of vehicles. As for the passing cars and bikes not being the same you must live in an area of Thailand that none of their vehicles have smoky and fumy exhausts.

Why would they refuse to turn their engine of while they are even (illegally) parked? Whats their purpose for having it keep running?

Edited by Destiny1990
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11 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why would they refuse to turn their engine of while they are even (illegally) parked? Whats their purpose for having it keep running?

it is easy to see that you do not visit very many street food stalls if you need to ask why they keep the engine running and it is not all young men either a lot are older women with children with them.

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4 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why would they refuse to turn their engine of while they are even (illegally) parked? Whats their purpose for having it keep running?

If someone parks on the sidewalk and needlessly smoke his exhaust fumes in the face of the neighbourhood, i regard him as a idiot.

I never argue with idiots, unless strictly necessary... In that case i must be ready to fight.

In the end, you have to ask yourself, is it really worth ?

btw, i might be wrong, but my impression is that exhaust fumes from an engine on idle, are more toxic than those from running engines.


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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

If someone parks on the sidewalk and needlessly smoke his exhaust fumes in the face of the neighbourhood, i regard him as a idiot.

I never argue with idiots, unless strictly necessary... In that case i must be ready to fight.

In the end, you have to ask yourself, is it really worth ?

btw, i might be wrong, but my impression is that exhaust fumes from an engine on idle, are more toxic than those from running engines.


it does not matter if the engine is at idle or at revs the toxicity of the fumes are the same. It only appears to be the farangs that worry about it because it is an everyday occurence with people stopping to buy food from the street vendor and leaving the motors running. I have not seen or heard of very many Thai's complaining

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

it is easy to see that you do not visit very many street food stalls if you need to ask why they keep the engine running and it is not all young men either a lot are older women with children with them.

Yes I don't.U probably the street food stall expert gourmet. Hope that bike punk is in jail.

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21 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Yes I don't.U probably the street food stall expert gourmet. Hope that bike punk is in jail.

Do not assume anything because you will naturally assume wrong. Like you have here with your remarks

, it only shows that you are a lower standard of education than most Thai's. I see it everyday where women with their children on the scooter stop at the street vendors and sit on their scooter with the engine running while they wait to be served by the vendor and then they take the food home. The street vendors here are on each side of the street and they cater for many different people and yes I enjoy coming down to this street with my wife and having food here. Plus of course now that bike punk should be in jail. ha ha ha Now we are showing our real colours, you must be Swiss that think you can interfere with other peoples property.

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3 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Do not assume anything because you will naturally assume wrong. Like you have here with your remarks

, it only shows that you are a lower standard of education than most Thai's. I see it everyday where women with their children on the scooter stop at the street vendors and sit on their scooter with the engine running while they wait to be served by the vendor and then they take the food home. The street vendors here are on each side of the street and they cater for many different people and yes I enjoy coming down to this street with my wife and having food here. Plus of course now that bike punk should be in jail. ha ha ha Now we are showing our real colours, you must be Swiss that think you can interfere with other peoples property.

U out of reality maybe because of to much street food consumption?. The guy would be sentenced to a jail sentence  for asault and pollution by any court system worldwide.. Not the Swiss guy for switching a key.

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26 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

U out of reality maybe because of to much street food consumption?. The guy would be sentenced to a jail sentence  for asault and pollution by any court system worldwide.. Not the Swiss guy for switching a key.

I don't know about that - you are making lots of erroneous assumptions - most countries in the world are developing countries and many don't even have functioning court systems. Never heard of a court going after someone for idling their engine (assault of course yes), they have better things to do like prosecuting actual criminals. What about drive-thrus? Drivers idle their engines there.

Edited by jimster
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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

U out of reality maybe because of to much street food consumption?. The guy would be sentenced to a jail sentence  for asault and pollution by any court system worldwide.. Not the Swiss guy for switching a key.

It just goes to show how immature you are and that all you are interested in is trolling with your false information. Yes the Swiss guy can be charged with interfering with a motor vehicle that is not his (first hand experience of a man who switched of my trucks engine and did $30,000 he was arrested and charged and I lost 6 days work because of this idiot but when it went to court the judge ordered him to pay for the damage and also pay for the work that I lost. All up it cost him $45,000 plus an $8,000 fine and he ask the judge for an extension of time to be able to pay and the judge asked me how long did it take me to raise the money to pay for the repairs and I told the judge that it took me 48 hours to raise a bank loan so the judge gave him 28 days to pay me the money, his wife came on day 25 and said that they did not have the money to pay me so I informed her that if the money was not paid in accordance with the court order then the matter would be taken back to court with a claim for interest to be paid. Needless it went back to court and the judge placed the matter in the hands of the sherriff's office for the collection of goods to the value of what was owing to me and that those goods were to be sold and I was to be paid. They lost their car and some of their furniture because he interfered with something he had no right to interfere with). The Thai guy can be charged with assault and that is all he can be charged with in any country in the world

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3 minutes ago, johnefallis said:

Easy solution: Tell food vendor you aren't buying or eating there because of loud and/or stinky motorbike. 


The problem will resolve itself.

it does not worry the Thai's it is only some of the farang that have the problem. If you don't like it then go somewhere else and eat, it is that simple.

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On 2017-11-28 at 10:49 AM, kingkenny said:

was this an episode of Come Dancing?


That punch wouldn't have floored my 79 year old mum, blind side or not, unless he had something in his hand.

Sounds like you mum is the real deal. :cheesy:

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On 11/28/2017 at 4:14 PM, Thaiwrath said:

Mr Lechne must be brave, or a <deleted> to do it whilst the fella is actually sitting on the bike.

My guess is the latter, a polite request would have been a better form of approach.

Mr. Lechne, sorry, but this is not Switzerland! Common courtesy and respect cannot be expected here.

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1 hour ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Mr. Lechne, sorry, but this is not Switzerland! Common courtesy and respect cannot be expected here.


Nonsense, just a little bash. Many of us, if not most, can attest that we do normally get common courtesy and respect here. I do expect it and I also give it.

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30 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


Nonsense, just a little bash. Many of us, if not most, can attest that we do normally get common courtesy and respect here. I do expect it and I also give it.

I do not expect it but I always get it and I always give it

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Thai men are proud and many have a macho streak (think muay Thai, cock fighting, motorcycle racing, etc.). Ignore this at your own peril.


This unsuspecting foreigner, bothered by the noise and fumes coming from the motorcycle and lacking the language skills to ask the Thai guy to turn the engine off, may have violated the sanctity of another man's wheels, but certainly didn't deserve the blindside sidewinder he got for his trouble.


Sadly, he probably paid for the collective sins of many foreign men who come to Thailand with an Adonis complex thinking that they are God's gift to Thai women and that treating Thai men like crap comes with the price of admission.

Edited by Gecko123
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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Thai men are proud and many have a macho streak (think muay Thai, cock fighting, motorcycle racing, etc.). Ignore this at your own peril.






This unsuspecting foreigner, bothered by the noise and fumes coming from the motorcycle and lacking the language skills to ask the Thai guy to turn the engine off



And lacked the

  • awareness of and ability to accept Third World chaos he might routinely expect
  • elementary pantomiming skills to indicate he'd like the engine turned off
  • foresight to consider possible consequences of arrogance towards some random Thai on the street



but certainly didn't deserve the blindside sidewinder he got for his trouble.



But as well didn't consider, most critically, that that particular Thai might think he deserved it. Another Thai would have known it without even thinking, however, and would never have turned off that bike.



Sadly, he probably paid for the collective sins of many foreign men who come to Thailand with an Adonis complex thinking that they are God's gift to Thai women and that treating Thai men like crap comes with the price of admission.



A large percentage of farang tourists have always been annoying and arrogant, yes. It does account for the attitude of Thais on the front lines and beyond in Pattaya. Not to mention "Good guys in, bad guys out." As is often noted, attitudes away from Pattaya are quite different. Still, with some Thai language skills and respectful, friendly Thai manners to show you're not one of the idiots, it's possible to cut through even the gruffest of demeanors, mostly. And behind the front lines, Pattaya Thais can be quite friendly and pleasant. 

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5 minutes ago, JSixpack said:





And lacked the

  • awareness of and ability to accept Third World chaos he might routinely expect
  • elementary pantomiming skills to indicate he'd like the engine turned off
  • foresight to consider possible consequences of arrogance towards some random Thai on the street



But as well didn't consider, most critically, that that particular Thai might think he deserved it. Another Thai would have known it without even thinking, however, and would never have turned off that bike.



A large percentage of farang tourists have always been annoying and arrogant, yes. It does account for the attitude of Thais on the front lines and beyond in Pattaya. Not to mention "Good guys in, bad guys out." As is often noted, attitudes away from Pattaya are quite different. Still, with some Thai language skills and respectful, friendly Thai manners to show you're not one of the idiots, it's possible to cut through even the gruffest of demeanors, mostly. And behind the front lines, Pattaya Thais can be quite friendly and pleasant. 

No dig in go hard there paper thin

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On 11/28/2017 at 5:55 PM, 4MyEgo said:

One thing I learned in life early, i.e. if something bothers you, isolate it, once you have isolated it, solve the problem.


Problem, the guy on the bike is parked illegally on the footpath and has engine running, which in turn is polluting my lungs, and is so load that I cannot hear myself talking, so its noisy and irritating me. 


So I have isolated the problem, now what are my options:


1) Go over and turn it off and get beat up.....not a good idea


2) Move further along and say nothing....good idea, problem solved


How easy is it to isolate and solve your "own" problems if you actually think it through, enjoy your trip back to Sweden my friend, and learn from "your" mistakes, I hope. 


Aren't Swiss people from Switzerland? 

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