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Two American tourists fined 5000 Baht for 'butt selfie' at Thai temple


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25 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

And here i am thinking,..the good thing these stooges wont be able to procreate.


But you know some new technology?


Are you thinking men will soon be having babys out their bottom?


I am old, nothing to suprise me anymore.555


Well some people can already talk out of it so why not?

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Human babies are becoming obsolete anyway. Robots are coming to take over. Just saying.

It could be that some people are saying that, just to excuse themselves from the process .

Like, the human race will die out soon, so theres no need for anyone to reproduce , so, perfectly normal to be homosexual ?

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6 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

Basically a totally dishonest hateful reply.  But then if one is elbow deep in the issue perhaps ones views are clouded

Your post was a total lie.

Very few people are saying what they did was OK.

Your narrative is that gay people all say it was OK because they are gay and support everything that any and all gay people may do.

That is 100 percent FALSE. :post-4641-1156693976:

You should be ashamed of yourself for your aggressive agenda of distortion and hate against gay people.

Reasonable people of any kind, and I include myself, see what they did was unacceptable and against the local law but think a FINE is punishment enough, not prison time or lynching. Get it now? Are you honest enough to admit that you LIED? I didn't think so. 

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2 minutes ago, mettech said:

It is a bad publicity for Farang in general so Thailand love to get farang money but this time they are being soft on these two butt lovers. Good advertising for the LGBT way to go guys.

So when straight people do something bad, it's reflects on all straight people? Of course not. You would say that is STUPID and UNFAIR.

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OK, this is sounding like it might be getting very serious for these guys now:





Update News: Butt boys to face breach of computer crime act, religious insult charges

However, they remained in custody pending the further charges. If they are charged and found guilty, breaching the computer crime act can carry a jail term as high as five years and/or a fine as high as THB100,000. The religious insult charge could result a jail sentence as long as seven years and/or a fine as high as THB40,000.



To add, pretty good TABLOID "journalism" headline. Butt boys indeed. 

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They are only attention seekers, proved by the fact that they have been doing the same thing whilst on their travels. I think the gay issue arises because we wouldnt expect to see a husband and wife do this. Maybe because they both come from families with whom they still have ties to, whereas the gays may have been ignored and kicked out of the family, thus acting out and seeking attention.


People who travel to foreign countries should accept there is a certain way to behave at places like temples. I wouldnt expect them to pray at their chosen night time venue, so I would expect the same thought process here, a time and a place

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7 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

. Maybe because they both come from families with whom they still have ties to, whereas the gays may have been ignored and kicked out of the family, thus acting out and seeking attention.


5555  comedy gold. 

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They both must be sleeping in cramped living spaces on a jail floor squeezed in with many other guys at the moment,  packed in like sardines with the doors locked thinking about when they will get out .

   Lets just hope that the police have taken their phone camera away from them, as they might upload some more photos, so that they can stay in there a bit longer 

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Reminds me of high school, where guys would drive past and stick their butts out of the car window, honking all the way.  In cold weather, they left the window up.  That was called "pressed ham". 


Hope they used sun screen, those derrieres were pretty white. 

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If they have religion or not isn't really relevant. 

As Americans anyway, they have the freedom of religion OR no religion. 

Forgetting the jokes and vile homophobia on this thread, I suggest that the management open a POLL to ask what punishment they think is reasonable for what they have admitted to doing (and as there is photographic evidence it would be silly not to admit it). Now that they are possibly facing the chance of several years in prison, I think it would be interesting to gauge the opinion on that.

I would start it myself but I'm assuming the topic is too politically "loaded" for it to be allowed for a mere member to start. 

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Like I said, this is very serious now.

It's making global news as well.

Those that were hoping for a very severe punishment, they might get their wish:



“Sadly, this has become an international incident of bad behavior; it’s made the headlines not only in Thailand but in countries where there is a majority of Buddhist population and all over the world.”

Thai activists told Murray-Ramirez that Thai culture reacts well to those who show contrition. But photos provided by Bangkok police appear to show the couple, after their arrest, smiling with police officers and while in custody.

“It’s almost as if they’ve given the court evidence to use against them,” Murray-Ramirez told SDGLN. “This has turned into a very difficult case and an international case and this does not bode well for them.”






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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You know this was kind of a "funny" news story for awhile, but now that it's been reported they might face YEARS in prison on multiple serious charges, this isn't a joke anymore.

If you have a need to shove your sexual orientation into others peoples faces, so to speak one must expect real trouble in some countries, not once but twice in Thailand

This was not a couple of jack the lads pulling a little holiday stunt now was it

To end on a serious note, I think they should be introduced to a pair of Iron Maidens after spending some time inside them I am sure they will leave Thailand with a different impression or two

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19 hours ago, farcanell said:

Lmao..... I’m off to a slow start.... ooops, shoulda left the A out of lmao.


yammering homophobes and bigots.... until reading this post, I hadn’t noticed any homophobia, nor really concluded that the butt brothers were perhaps happy butt brothers


thanks for sharing your gaydar perception

It is not my fault that you are unable or too lazy to read the thread, otherwise you would know and not display your ignorance for all yo see... rather like the "butt brothers".

"Meet the DaSilva husband and wife team from California.

Try to avoid them now you know what they look like.

And dont drop anything if you are around them"

There are several like posts in this thread, with the ill educated calling them "fags" and "queers". The first posting on the subject was just as judgemental.


Your snark about "gaydar" only serves to em,phasize your lack of perception.

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