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Britain criticizes Trump retweeting anti-Muslim videos from far-right party

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15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


That's not worked out very well so far has it.


Forcing different peoples to live together is nigh on impossible whoever they may be. It must be obvious by now that if Muslims are involved you'd best forget it. They can't even live in harmony with each other so what chance will we have as our numbers decrease while theirs increase as they inevitably will as the years go by. The war of the cradle.


They're just biding their time till their weight of numbers allows them to take over. The fact that they have already been able to elect a Muslim mayor who wants to reverse the result of the EU referendum in London which is the heart of the British Commonwealth is a taste of what's to come.

Are you suggesting that Sadiq Khan's stance on Brexit is a result of his choice of deity-worship? "they have already been able to elect a Muslim mayor"... radicalized Muslims had nothing to do with the election of the mayor of London because radicalized Muslims do not participate in elections as they do not recognize them. There are close to 3 million Muslims living in the UK, so are you saying that none of that number are currently living in harmony (as you put it) in UK society?  Deranged

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2 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

This is the whole point. Brits agree with you. Trump agrees with you. It's just plain common sense, yet we are having pages long arguments with those that presumably support the things we dislike otherwise there would be no argument. We want Britain to remain British, and there is nothing wrong with wanting that. It's fine.

Please don't presume you have the right to speak for all Brits, you certainly don't speak for me, far from it. Your use of the word "we" is offensive. You want Britain to remain British? Define British. If Trump ever agreed with me on pretty much anything, I'd be a little worried. Common sense is not one of Trump's attributes.  It is not common sense to amplify false tweets from a white supremacist group. It is not common sense to be a head of state and spend most of your time in twitter attempting to defend your own stupidity. He is not a statesman.

4 hours ago, johna said:

Absolute Rubbish, we have not seen any organized attacks by Christian groups against muslims, nor is there a shred of evidence that Christian fundamentalist are trying to get their hands on WMD, as for your advice to forget the "brainwashed drone workers at the bottom of the heap" the advice of security services is this will not be a merry Christmas for a lot of people in Europe. As of today I know of two terrorist incidents in Europe, a car parked suspiciously at a Christmas market in the UK burst into flames our gallant police without any investigation dismissed this as an accident, a nail bomb was defused outside a pharmacists in Germany, its hard to keep up with the shootings and bombings in Sweden, mostly because MSM won't report these incidents. What we should be afraid of is the muslim apologist such as yourself 

Woooaaaa! Did you fall off your bar stool while having that little rant?


Not to say you never take things in perspective but what has everything apart from part of the second line of your post got to do with nuclear weapons?


Rant rant, blah blah. I re-read my post - Muslim apologist - Nope! However I happen to consider the radical elements of ALL monotheistic religions as bad as each other, and the US Bible belt is currently full of born again head cases. You think it's wise having the likes of trump with the Roy Moore's of this world in the senate? That God loving Christian man would love nothing more than to nuke millions of non believers. So for the previous poster (to whom I was replying) to imply he is worried when radical Muslims get hold of Nukes is a bit rich when we now are faced with the prospect of radical christians having their finger on the button of 3000 or more don't you think?


Take your rant and go and gripe to someone that gives a crap. ALL religion based on a monotheistic deity is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind? There have been many incidents across the globe in the last 72 hrs that can be put into any demographic category that suits your purposes. Catch them all and jail them all and if it's based on a religious belief lets ban the religion, how would that work for you? Ban Islam, the next murder by a born again Christian, ban Christianity etc etc , will that work? It would suit me down to the ground.


By the way, how do you keep up with all the shootings and bombings in Sweden if the MSM don't report them? Are you omnipotent as well?

4 hours ago, johna said:

Absolute Rubbish, we have not seen any organized attacks by Christian groups against muslims, nor is there a shred of evidence that Christian fundamentalist are trying to get their hands on WMD, as for your advice to forget the "brainwashed drone workers at the bottom of the heap" the advice of security services is this will not be a merry Christmas for a lot of people in Europe. As of today I know of two terrorist incidents in Europe, a car parked suspiciously at a Christmas market in the UK burst into flames our gallant police without any investigation dismissed this as an accident, a nail bomb was defused outside a pharmacists in Germany, its hard to keep up with the shootings and bombings in Sweden, mostly because MSM won't report these incidents. What we should be afraid of is the muslim apologist such as yourself 

I don't think that highlighting factual errors or general ignorance makes the person you are referring to a "muslim apologist".  Equating secular Muslims who reject extremism with jihadists is exactly the same as equating secular Christians with White supremacists or secular Jews with the hardline settler movement in the West Bank and Gaza.  It's simply factually incorrect. 

4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I try to give a reasonable, considered view and you have to come back

???? I'm sorry that you feel offended that i responded to your views; but that's what a forum is about!


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Listen, I don't want to see people dressed up like an Alladin pantomime extra walking down my local market town

Dressed up like Aladdin extras in turbans; that'll be Sikhs, then!


4 hours ago, Grouse said:


I don't want to have to check if my meat has been slaughtered humanely

As said, in the UK 84% of Halal meat is slaughtered in the same way as meat not slaughtered in a religious manner; i.e. pre stunned. No Kosher meat is as Schecita, the Kosher method of slaughter, does not allow pre stunning.


In addition; Halal uses most of the animal; Kosher doesn't. Instead of throwing the unused parts away, Schecita slaughterhouses sell it to non religious outlets. So in the UK you are far more likely to be eating meat slaughtered by the inhumane Schecita method than you are meat slaughtered by the 84% humane Halal method.


Are you objections to Halal based on animal welfare grounds or not? If they are, then you should find Schecita even more objectionable; do you?


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't want to hear the call to prayers; church bells are fine

I don't know how many UK mosques broadcast the call to prayer once a day, let alone five times. Very few i suspect; maybe you will enlighten me with the actual figures?


I do know that any UK mosque which wishes to broadcast the call to prayer at all must first obtain planning permission.


You are either a ringer, or do not live within earshot of a church with a tower. But as bell ringing is part of our culture I accept and put up with it. 


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't give a stuff if Muslims don't like Christmas celebrations

I assume that you are referring to the reported banning of Christmas lights this year in Sweden and a Michigan town; or the annual Facebook post claiming that the Australian town of cairns has banned Christmas lights.


Those reports have been proven false (see here and here and here); as have all similar ones which have surfaced at this time of year in the past.


Do you really believe such  pony, such as the myth that in the 1990s Birmingham council renamed Christmas Winterval?  Myth of Winterval shattered as Daily Mail admits error.


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't really care if you are Sunni, Shia, Jewish or any other Abramaic religious twit.

You left Christianity and all it's myriad sects of the list!


If you don't care, then why not let those who do follow a particular religion do so? 


Unless you subscribe to the idiocy that because some Muslims are terrorists then all Muyslims are terrorists!


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't want Muslims breeding at more than 2 children per couple

Been listening to the Biffers again? The ‘birth rate’ myth.


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't want medieval sharia laws

There is no part of the UK which is controlled by Sharia law.


Sharia courts do exists; but like the much longer established in the UK Jewish Beth Din they are voluntary and rule on civil matters only. Like Beth Din, and all other arbitration services, their decisions are not legally enforceable.


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I don't want children suffering genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation is, rightfully, illegal in the UK. Sending a girl abroad for this mutilation is also a crime.


But male genital mutilation for religious reasons and not medical ones is perfectly legal!


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I want my family to walk freely and be able to use a taxi without fear

In the UK your family are far more likely to be assaulted by a drunk white man than they are by a Muslim taxi driver.


But maybe I'm biased as it was a Muslim police officer and a Muslim paramedic who came to my aid after I had been knocked to the ground and kicked in the head by a white drunk.


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I have said before, I haven't always been anti Muslim. I have been driven in this direction by Muslim actions internationally and in British towns.

No; you have been driven to this because you have swallowed the lies of Britain First, Pamela Geller, gates of Vienna etc., etc.


Condemn the actions of terrorists; I'll join with you. But do not use those crimes to demonise the innocent followers of a particular religion.


4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Do what you want inside your own homes but integrate. We don't care, and don't want to know you religious peccadilloes. If you can't fit in, go!

Are you talking to Muslims in the UK or Brits in Thailand? From my experience, the former are far more integrated than the latter! You've only got to see many posts on TV to know what the average ex pat thinks of their Thai hosts!


4 hours ago, Grouse said:


This is off topic but you forced a response

If my response to your original post was off topic, then so was your original post!


But as this is a topic about Britain First's lies and you are, as shown, like trump merely repeating their lies, then off topic it is not!


4 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

This is the whole point. Brits agree with you. Trump agrees with you. It's just plain common sense, yet we are having pages long arguments with those that presumably support the things we dislike otherwise there would be no argument. We want Britain to remain British, and there is nothing wrong with wanting that. It's fine.

 Most people do not support the things you dislike: we dislike the things you support!


Things like ignorance, racism, bigotry.


There is nothing wrong with wanting Britain to remain British; indeed I support that. But like most people, I know and appreciate that the British are a mongrel race, the result of immigration over the last two thousand years, if not longer. 


Unless you are genetically 100% Celtic, then can you really say that you are pure British?


Maybe not even then, as archeological evidence suggests that the Celts were not the first people to inhabit these islands.


Yes, ethnic Pakistani youths where I live were out celebrating when Pakistan won the ICC trophy earlier this year. If you subscribe to Tebbit's cricket test then that means you believe they are not integrated.


Except those same youths were out celebrating again when England qualified for the World Cup; which does make them integrated!




2 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Forcing different peoples to live together is nigh on impossible whoever they may be. It must be obvious by now that if Muslims are involved you'd best forget it. They can't even live in harmony with each other so what chance will we have as our numbers decrease while theirs increase as they inevitably will as the years go by. The war of the cradle.


They're just biding their time till their weight of numbers allows them to take over.

Thus speaks Paul Golding, Jayda Fransen, Stephen Lennon, Pamela Gellar and all others who time after time have been, as in this instance, proven to have published lies in their aim of provoking racial and religious hatred. 


These people, and those who are gullible enough to believe them, are simply doing ISIS's work for them!


2 hours ago, yogi100 said:

The fact that they have already been able to elect a Muslim mayor who wants to reverse the result of the EU referendum in London which is the heart of the British Commonwealth is a taste of what's to come.

How parochial of you! I'm not sure that many outside of England would consider London to be the centre of the Commonwealth!


Who are 'they' who elected Sadiq Khan London mayor? Simple, the London electorate, 88% of whom are not Muslim!


It seems you support Britain First's Paul Golding's dismissal of the result!


London voted overwhelmingly to remain, by the way, so as a Remainer Khan is representing the views of his constituents!


Tell us, how does the UK reversing Brexit help ISIS and your supposed view that every Muslim in the world wants a global fundamental Islamic state run under strict Sharia law?




15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You lose all credibility when you blame this on MSM.


MSM didn't report on the baht bus accident that killed many in Thailand last month. Only so much they can report on. Conspiracy theories are not needed.

No conspiracy theories here, muslim attacks are well reported by numerous bloggers.


Here's an easy way out, for Britain's top bananas to cancel their invitation for Trump to visit.


They can say, "due to growing resentment by Brits against the US president, we cannot guarantee his safety if he were to visit."



26 minutes ago, johna said:

Christians finally fighting back.

By murdering civilians? You right wingers, including Trump, have lost the plot with your support of evil deeds

41 minutes ago, johna said:

No conspiracy theories here, muslim attacks are well reported by numerous bloggers.

And MSM. You said this one wasn't. Guess what? You've been proven wrong.



28 minutes ago, simple1 said:

By murdering civilians? You right wingers, including Trump, have lost the plot with your support of evil deeds


Muslims have murdered more than enough civilians who were my people in my country for me to have any time for them. Call it prejudice, bigotry, racism, hatred, fascism, being right wing or whatever floats your boat but many folk no longer want to have them live among us.


It might make you spit feathers and I don't want to piss on your chips but they were never wanted in the first place.


I'm speaking for people in London and towns and cities all over the UK. Events in Yugoslavia and Africa are not the subject of this topic and are nothing to do with Britain First nor the British people. Nor Trump.

10 hours ago, 7by7 said:

???? I'm sorry that you feel offended that i responded to your views; but that's what a forum is about!


Dressed up like Aladdin extras in turbans; that'll be Sikhs, then!


As said, in the UK 84% of Halal meat is slaughtered in the same way as meat not slaughtered in a religious manner; i.e. pre stunned. No Kosher meat is as Schecita, the Kosher method of slaughter, does not allow pre stunning.


In addition; Halal uses most of the animal; Kosher doesn't. Instead of throwing the unused parts away, Schecita slaughterhouses sell it to non religious outlets. So in the UK you are far more likely to be eating meat slaughtered by the inhumane Schecita method than you are meat slaughtered by the 84% humane Halal method.


Are you objections to Halal based on animal welfare grounds or not? If they are, then you should find Schecita even more objectionable; do you?


I don't know how many UK mosques broadcast the call to prayer once a day, let alone five times. Very few i suspect; maybe you will enlighten me with the actual figures?


I do know that any UK mosque which wishes to broadcast the call to prayer at all must first obtain planning permission.


You are either a ringer, or do not live within earshot of a church with a tower. But as bell ringing is part of our culture I accept and put up with it. 


I assume that you are referring to the reported banning of Christmas lights this year in Sweden and a Michigan town; or the annual Facebook post claiming that the Australian town of cairns has banned Christmas lights.


Those reports have been proven false (see here and here and here); as have all similar ones which have surfaced at this time of year in the past.


Do you really believe such  pony, such as the myth that in the 1990s Birmingham council renamed Christmas Winterval?  Myth of Winterval shattered as Daily Mail admits error.


You left Christianity and all it's myriad sects of the list!


If you don't care, then why not let those who do follow a particular religion do so? 


Unless you subscribe to the idiocy that because some Muslims are terrorists then all Muyslims are terrorists!


Been listening to the Biffers again? The ‘birth rate’ myth.


There is no part of the UK which is controlled by Sharia law.


Sharia courts do exists; but like the much longer established in the UK Jewish Beth Din they are voluntary and rule on civil matters only. Like Beth Din, and all other arbitration services, their decisions are not legally enforceable.


Female genital mutilation is, rightfully, illegal in the UK. Sending a girl abroad for this mutilation is also a crime.


But male genital mutilation for religious reasons and not medical ones is perfectly legal!


In the UK your family are far more likely to be assaulted by a drunk white man than they are by a Muslim taxi driver.


But maybe I'm biased as it was a Muslim police officer and a Muslim paramedic who came to my aid after I had been knocked to the ground and kicked in the head by a white drunk.


No; you have been driven to this because you have swallowed the lies of Britain First, Pamela Geller, gates of Vienna etc., etc.


Condemn the actions of terrorists; I'll join with you. But do not use those crimes to demonise the innocent followers of a particular religion.


Are you talking to Muslims in the UK or Brits in Thailand? From my experience, the former are far more integrated than the latter! You've only got to see many posts on TV to know what the average ex pat thinks of their Thai hosts!


If my response to your original post was off topic, then so was your original post!


But as this is a topic about Britain First's lies and you are, as shown, like trump merely repeating their lies, then off topic it is not!






3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Muslims have murdered more than enough civilians who were my people in my country for me to have any time for them. Call it prejudice, bigotry, racism, hatred, fascism, being right wing or whatever floats your boat but many folk no longer want to have them live among us.


It might make you spit feathers and I don't want to piss on your chips but they were never wanted in the first place.


I'm speaking for people in London and towns and cities all over the UK. Events in Yugoslavia and Africa are not the subject of this topic and are nothing to do with Britain First nor the British people. Nor Trump.

I guess you are a Brit, and I guess as the provisional IRA were responsible for more than 3000 deaths during their little party (a lot more than Brits killed by Muslims) , you also hate all Catholics and Irishmen with as equal vigour as your hatred for all Muslims?

6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I guess you are a Brit, and I guess as the provisional IRA were responsible for more than 3000 deaths during their little party (a lot more than Brits killed by Muslims) , you also hate all Catholics and Irishmen with as equal vigour as your hatred for all Muslims?


Islamic terrorism is often exported globally. Instances of other religious related terrorism are usually localized.

25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:



I'm speaking for people in London and towns and cities all over the UK. Events in Yugoslavia and Africa are not the subject of this topic and are nothing to do with Britain First nor the British people. Nor Trump.

Wind your neck in. You speak for yourself. You will never speak for me and others who live there, with your tripe. 

17 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Wind your neck in. You speak for yourself. You will never speak for me and others who live there, with your tripe. 

He is speaking for me also.


 You might be interested to know he is speaking for a huge amount of people, can I prove it with credible links? Well how would you feel knowing that Theresa May has less than 500,000 likers on facebook, while Britain First has 2 million. Britain First might be 4 times more popular than the PM !! Think about that for a minute. And the appalling Hope not Hate extreme left group much heralded by the likes of the BBC and headed by Jo Cox's widow has a mere 250,000.

32 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

He is speaking for me also.


 You might be interested to know he is speaking for a huge amount of people, can I prove it with credible links? Well how would you feel knowing that Theresa May has less than 500,000 likers on facebook, while Britain First has 2 million. Britain First might be 4 times more popular than the PM !! Think about that for a minute. And the appalling Hope not Hate extreme left group much heralded by the likes of the BBC and headed by Jo Cox's widow has a mere 250,000.


It's a wonder Franzen isn't in 10 Downing Street.




* Guess this wasn't clear enough: probably due to that difference between elections votes and likes (if even all followers are sympathizers).

7 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Think about that for a minute. And the appalling Hope not Hate extreme left group much heralded by the likes of the BBC and headed by Jo Cox's widow has a mere 250,000.

Well probably because 'Hope not Hate" was not just endorsed by Donald Trump to his core base of 30 Million bloody idiots. THAT is why Britain First now has 2 Million likes. You think about that for a minute! If only you and they would learn to Hope not Hate rather than 'Hate not Hope'.

54 minutes ago, Morch said:


Islamic terrorism is often exported globally. Instances of other religious related terrorism are usually localized.

I think as a point of order you will find that Islamic Terrorism was also local, but due to the actions of US and UK Governments we encouraged/invited it to be imported,  as have other Governments around the world.

5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I think as a point of order you will find that Islamic Terrorism was also local, but due to the actions of US and UK Governments we encouraged/invited it to be imported,  as have other Governments around the world.


I don't think this standard deflection explains the lack of similar international terrorism campaigns carried out by followers of  other religions, even in countries which were effected by the actions of "US and UK governments".

34 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

He is speaking for me also.


 You might be interested to know he is speaking for a huge amount of people, can I prove it with credible links? Well how would you feel knowing that Theresa May has less than 500,000 likers on facebook, while Britain First has 2 million. Britain First might be 4 times more popular than the PM !! Think about that for a minute. And the appalling Hope not Hate extreme left group much heralded by the likes of the BBC and headed by Jo Cox's widow has a mere 250,000.

"...... can I prove it with credible links" 

that will be a no then. Just a load of hate filled gob poo


46 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Britain First might be 4 times more popular than the PM

You don't have to be a Brit citizen nor even resident in UK to post a like for facebook or tweet.

So it would be difficult to discern if,or example, a foreign state uses its counter-intelligence resources to post fake likes in order to create conflict and promote hate-based ideology, ie., to disrupt a democratic society.

Added: A quick search on Twitter audit shows that president Trump has about 19.7 million fake followers and 21.5 million real followers.



2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Muslims have murdered more than enough civilians who were my people in my country for me to have any time for them. Call it prejudice, bigotry, racism, hatred, fascism, being right wing or whatever floats your boat but many folk no longer want to have them live among us.


It might make you spit feathers and I don't want to piss on your chips but they were never wanted in the first place.


I'm speaking for people in London and towns and cities all over the UK. Events in Yugoslavia and Africa are not the subject of this topic and are nothing to do with Britain First nor the British people. Nor Trump.

I am a UK national born, raised, educated and worked in London. You do not speak for me nor tens of millions of other UK citizens. The likes of Britain First have 'likes', but I do wonder how many originate from the UK, given in whatever elections they engage their voter support is in pragmatic terms, zero.


Trump is very much a subject in the OP as are alleged events outside of the UK. BTW you need to advise your cohorts at Britain First that alleged events overseas are nothing to do with them and the British people.


Components of your post are hate speech which in many countries is illegal, as it is in Thailand. You and your clique on TV represent the  bottom dwellers of humanity along with Islamists and other ideological extremists.

5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I am a UK national, born raised, educated and worked in London. You do not speak for me and tens of millions of other UK citizens. The likes oif Britain First have 'likes' but I do wonder how many originate from the UK, given in whatever elections they engage their voter support is in pragmatic terms, zero.


Your post is hate speech which in many countries is illegal, as it is in Thailand. You and your clique on TV represent the  bottom dwellers of humanity along with Islamists and other ideological extremists.


I never professed to be speaking for you because I can see that you are a keen supporter of the multicultural society.


Most people I know are from the white working class like myself and were never consulted about the mass immigration that's had a negative effect upon our lives for it's among us that the masses of immigrants who have arrived in the UK since WW2 are sent to live.


Human beings are like animals and prefer to live among their own kind. That's why you have neighbourhoods in London based on the ethnicity of it's residents. I got mugged by some blacks one night and they told me it was my fault for being in their neighbourhood. In retrospect they were right.

2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I guess you are a Brit, and I guess as the provisional IRA were responsible for more than 3000 deaths during their little party (a lot more than Brits killed by Muslims) , you also hate all Catholics and Irishmen with as equal vigour as your hatred for all Muslims?


Don't call me a 'Brit' if you don't mind, The correct term is British or a Briton.


And kindly show me where and in what post I've said I hate any Muslims let alone all of them. If you can't find it anywhere delete your post because what you just accused me of is a blatant lie.

6 hours ago, johna said:

Christians finally fighting back.

If you had any knowledge at all of history you would know that 'finally' is utter rubbish. Forgotten the Crusades? Although they were more to do with conquest and enrichment than religion.


You also seem to be saying that murdering innocent civilians is 'fighting back' and therefore justified.


A line used by terrorists all over the world, whatever their supposed cause. Some governments, too; witness the events in  Myanmar.


I have been accused in the past by certain members of being an apologist for terrorists; but I have never come anywhere close to making a remark such as yours!

5 hours ago, Morch said:





What, exactly, has this got to do with the points raised by Grouse and addressed by me in the post you quoted?




Some advice for you, which you wont take: when you've got nothing to say, say nothing.

4 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

He is speaking for me also.


 You might be interested to know he is speaking for a huge amount of people, can I prove it with credible links? Well how would you feel knowing that Theresa May has less than 500,000 likers on facebook, while Britain First has 2 million. Britain First might be 4 times more popular than the PM !! Think about that for a minute. And the appalling Hope not Hate extreme left group much heralded by the likes of the BBC and headed by Jo Cox's widow has a mere 250,000.

 Likes on Facebook and other social media prove nothing. A core group of a few hundred can easily be responsible for most of them.


The curious case of Britain First: wildly popular on Facebook, but a flop in elections


The far right party Britain First has enjoyed enormous success on Facebook. Yet it remains on the extreme fringe of mainstream politics, gaining only 1.2% of the vote in the London mayoral elections and not even contesting the 2017 General Election.

 In addition, in the 2016 London Assembly elections they fielded no constituency candidates. They did field 10 list candidates, who between them could only muster 1.5% of the total vote.


Those who say that the likes of Britain First speak for them are clearly in a very small minority!

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