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Jealous husband shoots wife in hail of bullets in front of the kids


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Sad story, RIP to the poor woman, and I hope the husband resists arrest and gets shot

a few times himself. Another man with the attitude, she was not perfect so I had to kill her.

Disgusting. I have only  met a  few women who were the kind  to cheat, but I have met

many butterfly Thai men. Married and single, who jumped many women. 


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22 hours ago, PatOngo said:

The "Land of Smiles" is a total myth.


Just a publicity slogan not based on reality. In fact, Thailand might be one of the most violent places on Earth. Just last night someone I know was set upon by a hotel staff member after complaining that the water in his room had not been working properly for two days. Instead of apologising, the thug knocked him to the ground and continued to attack him. He has stitches above an eye, a broken shoulder and further injuries to an arm and both legs.

We read daily of acts of violence, from men killing their wife or girlfriend due to jealousy, knives and baseball bats being produced at the slightest provocation on the roads, kids being beaten at school. And on and on and on.

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On 30/11/2017 at 4:36 PM, DM07 said:

Do I read this right?

You blame HER?


I hope, this some case of very misguided humor...

Yes I blamer her she was caught with Somchai’s banana and had a nut case husband.. she knew that she should have avoided 1 and she would still be alive or hid it better.

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On 30/11/2017 at 6:18 PM, Moti24 said:

Tell that to your Mia Noi!

Thanks for the heads up I will remind her.. but the wife knows and isnt a nut case

Edited by wow64
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On 11/30/2017 at 12:31 PM, Odysseus123 said:


What is this preoccupation with smiles? LOS, is that Land of Smiles? The smiles are not genuine, they give you a fake smiles.... it goes on and on.

Just get on with your life and forget about the smiles please. How can you smile when you see Trump pictures everywhere. Wait till the N.Koreans nuke him.

No more smiles please, I have had enough.

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On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:42 PM, leeneeds said:

Ability to purchase small arms is a real concern


I Have lost count of shootings for this year,



Agree, but I think I would prefer to be shot than hacked up with a machete, their other weapon of choice.

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12 hours ago, madusa said:

What is this preoccupation with smiles? LOS, is that Land of Smiles? The smiles are not genuine, they give you a fake smiles.... it goes on and on.

Just get on with your life and forget about the smiles please. How can you smile when you see Trump pictures everywhere. Wait till the N.Koreans nuke him.

No more smiles please, I have had enough.

I dunno..and to be a little facetious-I have just returned to my homeland after 6 years and,it appears,the females have been engaged in a gargantuan custard tart consuming competition in my absence.


Have you ever been scowled at by a 150 kg behemoth?If you haven't then please visit my country..three chiko rolls,4 pluto pups and half a dozen cream buns should put you to rights!


Best to appreciate at least some of the good things about LOS....

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4 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

I dunno..and to be a little facetious-I have just returned to my homeland after 6 years and,it appears,the females have been engaged in a gargantuan custard tart consuming competition in my absence.


Have you ever been scowled at by a 150 kg behemoth?If you haven't then please visit my country..three chiko rolls,4 pluto pups and half a dozen cream buns should put you to rights!


Best to appreciate at least some of the good things about LOS....

Yes, you are right there. I put the blame on consumer society. Cream buns, yikes! Shit thing. Custard tart, oh no

So after putting on so much weight they don't smile any more right? Consumer society is the path to hell. well, the bad outweigh the good.

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On 12/2/2017 at 5:58 PM, madusa said:

Yes, you are right there. I put the blame on consumer society. Cream buns, yikes! Shit thing. Custard tart, oh no

So after putting on so much weight they don't smile any more right? Consumer society is the path to hell. well, the bad outweigh the good.



Spot on.


Nope no smiling...little or no eye contact either...


Even a fake smile is better than a look of paranoid suspicion that I might (probable) steal their sausage rolls from them...

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On 30/11/2017 at 6:27 PM, wow64 said:

Shot her in front of the kids nice touch.


Should have kept her legs together then he would not have shot her, in the land of smiles she should have known this. 

Maybe if he was a decent man and was able to please her properly she wouldn't of had to cheat on him

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27 minutes ago, Cancerian said:

Maybe if he was a decent man and was able to please her properly she wouldn't of had to cheat on him

But he wasn’t and it’s not like she didn’t know.. this happens all the time in the land of smiles.

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