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Israeli sentenced to death in Thailand for murdering fellow expat


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11 minutes ago, pattayadon said:

Ah yes, the ever-present Death Penalty Critics!

Tell you what, we’ll stop protesting when the death penalty is abolished everywhere.


Cant say fairer than that. 


It’s a promise you can take to the bank.

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47 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I just don't understand men who feel the need to resort to violence when a mate sleeps with "their" girlfriend/wife, the female is not their possession, the mate, is a mate who has urges like any other human male, the accused included, so why not just walk away... 


Agreed. I had brief relationship with a girl who had a bf. I had actually known her for ten years before he came along and she was always my dreamgirl and we had history so I came clean to her one day. She was so flattered and shocked that she gave me those ten years back in a six month marathon. The bf called me one day and said she came clean to him and he was furious with me. I said "I don't know why you are calling me. I didn't cheat on you. It's my job to try to bang your gf. It's her job to say no." He went on to marry her. If he was getting out of that body what I was I can see why. I found out later she only confessed to one encounter. If he only knew. But I kept quiet. It wasn't my intention to hurt the guy. Again, that was her job. 

Edited by csabo
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14 minutes ago, Minnehaha said:

ummm. yeah, I am pretty sure. 

but just now had a look at what Amnesty International says. 



Some illegal alien felon, just shot and killed a girl walking with her father on a pier in San Francisco.  Said he found the gun  and shot her by accident.  Walked "scott free"  No manslaughter.  He will be deported for the 6th time...  http://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/30/us/kate-steinle-murder-trial-verdict/index.html

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12 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Some illegal alien felon, just shot and killed a girl walking with her father on a pier in San Francisco.  Said he found the gun  and shot her by accident.  Walked "scott free"  No manslaughter.  He will be deported for the 6th time...   http://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/30/us/kate-steinle-murder-trial-verdict/index.html



The story I read says he is to be sentenced on the charges he was found guilty of. 


As to the charges he was tried on in accordance with the law, the evidence found him not guilty. 


A travesty eh, how dare the courts try a filthy foreigner in accordance with the law. 




(Sarcasm alert)

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1 hour ago, dddave said:

Totally missing from this report is the fact that his wife who was at the center of the affair has been missing and also presumed murdered.  He refuses to say where the body is, pointedly spiting her family in denying them the opportunity to give her a proper burial.

Also missing is the fact that police in September of this year searched Shimon's house and grounds for Nantiya Sang-urai, wife of Shimon and as of yet have come up empty handed. Shimon is sticking to his original story that his wife had been arrested in Laos on drug charges.



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2 hours ago, binjalin said:

It's nonsense they never carry it out for even child rapists and murderers. Therefore it's more 'face saving' with little substance.

Similar crap as the UK teenage killer (a girl) who recently got life for murder, with recommendation she serves at least 5 years. Life should mean life, and death, death.

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:



The story I read says he is to be sentenced on the charges he was found guilty of. 


As to the charges he was tried on in accordance with the law, the evidence found him not guilty. 


A travesty eh, how dare the courts try a filthy foreigner in accordance with the law. 




(Sarcasm alert)

Very nice summation.


(Sarcasm alert)

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

I just don't understand men who feel the need to resort to violence when a mate sleeps with "their" girlfriend/wife, the female is not their possession, the mate, is a mate who has urges like any other human male, the accused included, so why not just walk away and say to one self, you know what, I have no control of what happens in my life, and I have to accept whatever outcome there will be in my life, and during my journey in this life, expect betrayal form all close to me, including girlfriend/wife/mate, and if during that journey I am not betrayed, all the better my life will be.


In my opinion for what its worth, a woman will only sleep with your mate if she is either attracted to him, is a tramp who only looks out for herself, or is not satisfied with how you have treated her as a human.


Can't say he doesn't deserve to get what he is about to get, perhaps in his next life he would have learned, as for his girlfriend, well, one can only try to accept that a snake is a snake, is a snake, and one always need to handle a snake with care and be prepared for that bite.


Image result for picture of a snake taking a bit

I think you described it all pretty well.......nice to see somebody on here with in depth thinking for a change. I am not a fan of the death penalty, but it probably won't be carried out here. But the man sounds like a career criminal in and out of prison etc. Another person wasting their life at the expense of others. 

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

I just don't understand men who feel the need to resort to violence when a mate sleeps with "their" girlfriend/wife, the female is not their possession, the mate, is a mate who has urges like any other human male, the accused included, so why not just walk away and say to one self, you know what, I have no control of what happens in my life, and I have to accept whatever outcome there will be in my life, and during my journey in this life, expect betrayal form all close to me, including girlfriend/wife/mate, and if during that journey I am not betrayed, all the better my life will be.


In my opinion for what its worth, a woman will only sleep with your mate if she is either attracted to him, is a tramp who only looks out for herself, or is not satisfied with how you have treated her as a human.


Can't say he doesn't deserve to get what he is about to get, perhaps in his next life he would have learned, as for his girlfriend, well, one can only try to accept that a snake is a snake, is a snake, and one always need to handle a snake with care and be prepared for that bite.


Image result for picture of a snake taking a bit


Good one. This happens, and you either work things out, and admit you have been a poor husband or boyfriend, and are somewhat culpable, or admit she is a poor wife or girlfriend, and a terrible choice, and you walk away. That is what real men do. They either own up, or walk away. But, to take the life of another, because he slept with your woman? That is so old school. It does not surprise me that he is Israeli. How "old testament" of him. He is obviously unhinged. Some time in the slammer might do him some good. Certainly, he will now have alot of time to reflect on this stupid and inane act. And no doubt, he will make some new friends in the slammer. I am sure they like fareng guests. 


The real problem I see here, is that so many fareng guys seem to come here, and move too quickly, not allowing themselves time to really get to know who this woman is, that they have decided to be with. The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions, and stop saying "honey what do you want?". "What will make you happy?" "Where do you want to eat?" I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. Someone has to.


Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 


The biggest part of the problem here, is the extreme emasculation that is taking place in the West. Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 




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29 minutes ago, gtm2k said:

Someone with such a long criminal record, becoming a police informant !
A case of similar feathers flocking together :ph34r:

Police informant???
In English they call it a stool pigeon.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


The real problem I see here, is that so many fareng guys seem to come here, and move too quickly, not allowing themselves time to really get to know who this woman is, that they have decided to be with. The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally.


They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert <snip>

 Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. Someone has to.


Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 


Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC.


And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 


A very long and iteresting post. I can only speak of my own experiences; so here goes.


Farangs do seem to move quickly here. Is it because they are scared the good lady will find another? Ren (Danish friend) asked his lady to marry him after just one night together. Unfortunately he died a short time after in a tragic Thai accident. Time is not always on the farang's side. My friend's brother was 67 and got hitched to a 17 year old. Lasted 2 years though. Burriram sweetie; very caring, very shrewd, very greedy.


Speaking for myself; I married far too soon after meeting her. We met outside a Pattaya bar. She said she was just visiting a friend who worked there. I was definately in need of TLC. That was 9 years ago and our lovely daughter is the glue that keeps us still together.


I am resigned to a life of hissy fits and rage.


The really great topic "Poisonous Brother-in-law" shows that it's not just me who was stupid.


Good post sm007!

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1 hour ago, csabo said:

Agreed. I had brief relationship with a girl who had a bf. I had actually known her for ten years before he came along and she was always my dreamgirl and we had history so I came clean to her one day. She was so flattered and shocked that she gave me those ten years back in a six month marathon. The bf called me one day and said she came clean to him and he was furious with me. I said "I don't know why you are calling me. I didn't cheat on you. It's my job to try to bang your gf. It's her job to say no." He went on to marry her. If he was getting out of that body what I was I can see why. I found out later she only confessed to one encounter. If he only knew. But I kept quiet. It wasn't my intention to hurt the guy. Again, that was her job. 

If I could count the number of females that I knocked, that were either mates girlfriends, including brother's x girlfriend, wife's or one night stands, your and my hands wouldn't be enough to count them on.


Do I have regrets, I would be lying if I didn't say, YES, some of them absolute stunners, but you just don't cut your mates grass, have lived by that rule, and will die by that rule, as much as it pains me when I do recall, but its just something you don't do, and you would expect the same from your mates, brother's.


As for you sleeping with your dream girl, you obviously had chemistry and a history and would suffer no guilt, as you didn't know the bf, of which I do not have a problem with, as I am sure he would have done the same, if he had a chance.


As for him marrying her, well, as long as he goes in with his eyes open, then he won't have a problem, as I know the human race is full of affairs, to me, its just a release and if my Mrs did sleep with someone else other than a female and not include me, I would be disappointed to say the least 555

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Root cause of all evils is the personal jealousy, greed and suspicion and anger.. despite growing old if one can’t control these emotions then, it’s waste living.. of course it’s not easy to accept deception from wife and best friend too..that’s still not an excuse for brutally killing someone..   punishment is death..  

By the way what happened to those 3 or 4 bar girls from Khonkaen who brutally murdered their colleague, dismembered her body and buried in a forest. They were brought back from Myanmar and they were all smiles in the police station and at the court  properly dressed with makeup and waving as some celebs .. they too never had any remorse.. hope to hear something similar in that case too.. 

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