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Study finds high pesticide levels in local food


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On 12/2/2017 at 9:36 PM, Airbagwill said:

the ancient masters (bless 'em!) and also had a life expectancy of about 40 years!

I think you might be referring to the average life span in ancient times, which included the very short life span of many children who died from incurable diseases. Infant mortality was very high in ancient times.


Those whose immune system was strong enough to survive the common infections, which many children today would find fatal without vaccinations and modern medical treatment, often lived to a ripe old age.


For example, that great Greek medical authority, Hippocrates, lived to 90. Another great physician, Galen, who became the most famous doctor in the Roman Empire and whose theories dominated European medicine for 1,500 years, lived to 80. The great philosopher, Plato, also lived to 80, as well as Gautama Buddha who fasted for so long during his quest for enlightenment, that he almost died.


I suspect that the long period of fasting contributed to the Buddha's later enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. Modern scientific research shows that during prolonged fasting, or severe starvation, the body frantically generates new brain cells in the interests of its own survival, in order to increase the chances of observing and discovering food sources.

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On 12/2/2017 at 9:12 PM, JimmyJ said:


As expected, the article did not offer one link to a scientific peer reviewed study.


"There's lots of research that shows the health benefits of fasting."

Perhaps so, but one would not be aware of any by reading that article.


Everything in the article is a claim, not a proof.







Tyler Tolman is a world-renowned speaker, facilitator, author and health revolutionist. He has touched the lives of people around the world, helping them to heal their bodies and live disease-free through basic yet powerful daily principles of health."



Also as expected, Tyler Tolman has no scientific training.


" Tyler spent many years travelling around the world, carrying out extensive research into the profound wisdom of ancient masters who knew the true secrets to longevity. He learned ancient rituals and natural healing techniques that have been lost to western medicine.."



Ancient masters did not know where the sun goes at night, nor why it snows.

The germ theory of disease only came to prominence during the mid to late 19th century. Viruses were first discovered in the 1890's, less than 130 years ago.



Quite true. The complexity and variability of human biology make scientific certainty often impossible. We can't even be certain that taking an aspirin regularly is going to be beneficial or harmful. For some people it might cause internal bleeding; for others, it might have only positive effects of reduced risk of heart attack and cancer.


Young children, pregnant women, and generally people on regular medication, might be advised against fasting. For normally healthy adults, periodic fasting will tend to maintain their health and increase longevity.


The principle is, when the body is free of the chores of digesting food, it will tend to address other matters, such as helping to detoxify the system and fix all sorts of emerging ailments, even emerging cancerous growths.


Most of the 'scientific' research involves short-lived creatures such as mice, because such research is affordable and practical.


Fully controlled research on humans would be very impractical and very expensive. Who would provide the funding for such research when there is no final product to sell?


The process of detoxification, as I understand it, is as follows.
"Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralising toxins resulting from biochemical functions through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, and skin. Fasting precipitates this process because, when food no longer enters the body, the latter turns to its fat reserves for energy. 


When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, they release the stored chemicals from the fatty acids into the system and are subsequently eliminated through the above-mentioned organs." 


Here's a summary of some of the research on the benefits of fasting, although it doesn't specifically and directly address detoxification, but that is implied.

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6 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

I think you might be referring to the average life span in ancient times, which included the very short life span of many children who died from incurable diseases. Infant mortality was very high in ancient times.


Those whose immune system was strong enough to survive the common infections, which many children today would find fatal without vaccinations and modern medical treatment, often lived to a ripe old age.


For example, that great Greek medical authority, Hippocrates, lived to 90. Another great physician, Galen, who became the most famous doctor in the Roman Empire and whose theories dominated European medicine for 1,500 years, lived to 80. The great philosopher, Plato, also lived to 80, as well as Gautama Buddha who fasted for so long during his quest for enlightenment, that he almost died.


I suspect that the long period of fasting contributed to the Buddha's later enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. Modern scientific research shows that during prolonged fasting, or severe starvation, the body frantically generates new brain cells in the interests of its own survival, in order to increase the chances of observing and discovering food sources.

You really need to understand how to distinguish between science and pseudo science 

You also clearly don't understand your own stats and how to read history


"who fasted for so long during his quest for enlightenment, that he almost died"


Come on!.


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17 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

You really need to understand how to distinguish between science and pseudo science 

You also clearly don't understand your own stats and how to read history


"who fasted for so long during his quest for enlightenment, that he almost died"


Come on!.


Then please help me to distinguish between science and pseudo science, otherwise your comment serves no purpose. It's just an opinion of no value.

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23 hours ago, ricardofel said:

One of many reasons why I left Thailand! The way it works....inspectors visit growers who claim they are growing organic...give them some non-pesticide produce to test and after they get stamped with "organic" they go back to using pesticides. Incompetence & greed has always been rampant in Thailand whether in the education system, food for the masses, dangerous buses & vans and NOBODY cares! It will never change.....and thank God I left!

As with all these posts - why are you still posting on ThaiVisa? We all go through certain stages in our life, for me it was Stickman, Ajarn and ThaiVisa. Time to move on?

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23 hours ago, ricardofel said:

One of many reasons why I left Thailand! The way it works....inspectors visit growers who claim they are growing organic...give them some non-pesticide produce to test and after they get stamped with "organic" they go back to using pesticides. Incompetence & greed has always been rampant in Thailand whether in the education system, food for the masses, dangerous buses & vans and NOBODY cares! It will never change.....and thank God I left!

curious you continue to follow thailand via forums such as this one; might it be due to thailand's high entertainment value ?

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10 minutes ago, nausea said:

As with all these posts - why are you still posting on ThaiVisa? We all go through certain stages in our life, for me it was Stickman, Ajarn and ThaiVisa. Time to move on?

That's not actually an argument, is it?

But his post does raise concerns about the authentication of "organic"..... Apart from current non use of pesticides, the land needs to be pesticide free or fallow for several years before it can qualify.

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On 02/12/2017 at 11:47 PM, smedly said:

Like everything else in Thailand enforcement of standards doesn't exist, enforcement of anything doesn't exist, standards don't exist - because it costs money


Buying submarines exists - corruption exists  

double standards do 

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14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Fresh fruit and vegetables have a very short shelf life. They start to deteriorate within a day or two. Even at home if green veggies are left out over night, they usually turn brown or yellow by the morning. I have suspected for years that the local markets must use some kinds of chemicals on their fruit and veg to prolong freshness, otherwise if not sold within a couple of days they would be throwing away the produce by the tons and go out of business.


Except for washing the fruit and veg thoroughly before eating I doubt there is much we can do about it, we consume the stuff and hope for the best.


They spray formalin.



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The scariest part of this is the cocktail effect.

Basically the cocktail effect is that chemicals that alone cause no harm could have different effects when combined with other chemicals.

There's infinite amount of combinations, so it's extremely expensive to study them all.


But there was a study in Denmark where they took low amounts of chemicals that were low enough to be allowed for human consumption, and they combined them and gave them to various animals (birds, rats etc) and they had serious birth defects etc. Whereas when given individually they caused no harm to the animals.



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1 hour ago, hobz said:

The scariest part of this is the cocktail effect.

Basically the cocktail effect is that chemicals that alone cause no harm could have different effects when combined with other chemicals.

There's infinite amount of combinations, so it's extremely expensive to study them all.


But there was a study in Denmark where they took low amounts of chemicals that were low enough to be allowed for human consumption, and they combined them and gave them to various animals (birds, rats etc) and they had serious birth defects etc. Whereas when given individually they caused no harm to the animals.



Synergistic effects ( the scientific term for cocktail ) are not in the thinking of regulatory authorities. It's just too hard.

Having said that, extending carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic reactions to chemicals from other species to humans is a bridge too far. That's why the widely used Ames test is now discredited.

I forget which way around it is, but when you are comparing the mutagenic effect of dioxin in hamsters and guinea pigs, one species has high birth defects and the other is immune to massive doses. Two species very close in terms of physiology. That just shows how complex Mother Nature is.


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8 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Synergistic effects ( the scientific term for cocktail ) are not in the thinking of regulatory authorities. It's just too hard.

Having said that, extending carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic reactions to chemicals from other species to humans is a bridge too far. That's why the widely used Ames test is now discredited.

I forget which way around it is, but when you are comparing the mutagenic effect of dioxin in hamsters and guinea pigs, one species has high birth defects and the other is immune to massive doses. Two species very close in terms of physiology. That just shows how complex Mother Nature is.


complex indeed. we might end up paying for our ignorance.

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i have seen in many occasions how they kill their land using chemicals after harvesting a crop.  This is after they have sprayed using chemicals on the crops themselves. I have warned my thai family aboit the long term hazards eating foods from their land and they only laugh at me. Seems this is how they have been doing it for so long that they are unwilling to change their ways. i think this attitude is rampant in Thailand among farmers. 

Even the veggie festivals were tested to have formaldehyde in their foods sold there. 

UNFORTUNATELY, our choices are limited to where good is sold and never certain how it was grown or kept before we eat it. 

This country needs a proper FDA. to regulate and constantly check quality of farms, markets, and vendors without influence from bribes or powerful politicians. 

It will never happen though. 

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3 hours ago, Doug F said:

So, where does one find untainted fruits and vegetables in Thailand? Are the local markets safe? Do people test their fruits and veggies?   

Not safe markets are cheap and they buy cheap. There are no regulations in Thailand. Saying this broadly lol

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4 hours ago, Doug F said:

So, where does one find untainted fruits and vegetables in Thailand? Are the local markets safe? Do people test their fruits and veggies?   

1. Almost impossible. Even when advertised "organic."

2. Nope, haven't seen/heard of anybody testing their fruits/veggies in 15 years. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Restaurants should Incorporate detectors of pesticide levels in their food, claim that their food is 100% pesticide free, here is a detector..... test for yourself, this would ensure more customers walk through the door, but don't tell em that the detector is actually a dog whistle.

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7 minutes ago, Polaky said:

Restaurants should Incorporate detectors of pesticide levels in their food, claim that their food is 100% pesticide free, here is a detector..... test for yourself, this would ensure more customers walk through the door, but don't tell em that the detector is actually a dog whistle.

Username Dogs Whistler would look good on you. 

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9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Sad thing is they bloody export it as well

All exports to EU are monitored both at source and destination. However post Brexit UK has no such comprehensive system as yet installed. That will require a new treaty.

Edited by Airbagwill
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So, while growing veggies and fruit farmers spray them with all these nasty chemicals.
Then , to make them
look fresh: sellers and other vendors spray them with amaldayde( funeral fluids to make you look fresh in coffin) as was reported some months ago ( even major supermarkets guilty of this practice), and we end up eating this cocktail of chemicals thinking we are eating fresh fruit; this country has no control over anything that is taking place all in the name of the extra baht. Maybe it’s time to grow your own produce to consume!
Where did you get that information from?
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