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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, Number 6 said:

Marriage legitimizes your relationship. If you are not married here, she's trash and you're just a tourist visiting your trash.


Thai's can do it here, you can have a partner at home but it's very different.


Should you care? Well, plenty of sociopaths here don't. There are a few that won't marry, many that can't. Even a washed up, middle aged bar girl wouldn't want the drama.


My parents were elated I got married, as we're my aunts and uncles. I know all my wife's family and her extensive network of friends respect me more, are more inclusive. I think at work as well. I feel I'm looked upon as having bought into the system, have an element of Thainess.


You think Thailand is your playground, the Thai know you think this as well and treat you accordingly. When you take the country seriously, they people will take you seriously. Until then, you're just another drunk with a backpack / rollbag chasing tail.


I bet there are scores of farang / Thai couples who introduce themselves and or simply state they are married bc they know at least inwardly this is all true.


You can guard financial assets and get a vasectomy (I had one in my late 30s).


I'm a very, very independent person quite fine with his own company but I'm happy I'm not growing old alone. My wife 15 years younger keeps me fit, active and caring about my health. She's genuinely the happiest person I've ever met.


The worst things I can come up with about her is she could clean a bit better (she does work 40+ hours), plays too much candy crush and brings home a new bag/backpack (300-1000) THB every month. Her parents cost me next to nothing, same her family.


Divorce rate is 50% in States as well, I'm sure same in all Western countries as it is here. If you outgrow each other, move on.


Yes, the guy is stupid but it's the woman that's the nasty piece of work here. You cannot put wives and especially gik in charge of your assets. Period.








Yes, I don’t much care what polite Thai society’s view is of my life choices ... it’s not their business, and what they think is none of my business. I don’t care about Thainess or acceptance, because the truth is that foreigners are tolerated, but will never be accepted ... indeed, the laws on property ownership, dual pricing, the treatment of foreigners in road accidents, poor investigation of mysterious deaths of foreigners etc send a clear signal on that point. So I’ll enjoy my time here, and move on when the day comes that I don’t. 

Edited by AlexRich
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1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

What puzzles me with most posters on Thai Visa is their constant whine about their ex wives taking them to cleaners back in Farangland, yet it seems they will give everything to their girlfriends and wives in Thailand.


At least back home the most you can lose is 50%.

That`s because the old guys think if they move to Thailand they can acquire young desirable women that would not be interested in them in the west unless they are multi millionaires, celebrities or prominent big businessmen. 


These old guys actually believe they can buy wives here for a pittance, just keep them financially satisfied, give them all they desire material wise and these Thai women will remain loyal and be subservient to their needs. This proves that wisdom does not come with age and many end up paying a high price, emotionally and financially wiped clean. They only learn from experience and by that time it`s already too late.


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22 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I have the utmost respect to those men who have come to Thailand and found the love of their life and marital bliss. It's not always easy but the emotional rewards and happiness for couples are there to be had with the right choice by both.

Despite the publicity and advice given to those numerous who come here and lose their life savings Thailand still seems to be the go-to country for many farangs to come to meet their next ex-wife and leave empty handed.


Well, I am married to a Thai bargirl for about 30 years and never regretted it. Have son and daughter with her and she is 20 years my junior. Everything is in her name too. Happy times are here again.:intheclub:

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32 minutes ago, bandito said:


Well, I am married to a Thai bargirl for about 30 years and never regretted it. Have son and daughter with her and she is 20 years my junior. Everything is in her name too. Happy times are here again.:intheclub:


Given how family is the most important thing to bargirls, I think there is a crapload of very important information missing from your happy story....but thanks for the post anyway.

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10 hours ago, BEVUP said:

I have noted one thing whilst living here

Why do all the aging men (who are about to retire or are retired ) need to have another baby at their age (maybe woman has no children ) when they should be in their happiest final yrs 

If the women wants a child why not tell her to find someone younger

I like having children, I'm 62 with a 6 year old son and it's great.

Thinking of having a daughter next.

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2 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Given how family is the most important thing to bargirls, I think there is a crapload of very important information missing from your happy story....but thanks for the post anyway.


Like what "important information"?

You got shafted by a Thai bargirl?

That's why all bargirls no good?

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3 hours ago, Number 6 said:

Everything. Wake up, about dozen incurable diseases if not more. Perhaps as many half that will literally kill you. A knocking shop on every corner, as well as a vd clinic. This country has an excellent pro active public health care system - for a developing nation.

You don't seem to understand sexual diseases.

Most aren't all that unpleasant to have, bit of an itch, maybe a few spots, and are cured easily within a week with 50bht of tablets.

The flu or a cold are generally much worse.

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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

These old guys actually believe they can buy wives here for a pittance, just keep them financially satisfied, give them all they desire material wise and these Thai women will remain loyal and be subservient to their needs.

It's worked for me!

(Not daft enough to buy her 34rai of land, she already has 30 rai of forest and 5 rai of rice paddy from her parents)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

What puzzles me with most posters on Thai Visa is their constant whine about their ex wives taking them to cleaners back in Farangland, yet it seems they will give everything to their girlfriends and wives in Thailand.


At least back home the most you can lose is 50%.

In England you usually lose 100% of your house (if you have children under age 15) plus 50% of everything else, plus 10% of your future income for each child until they are 19.

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31 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

So why hasn't the police come out & made any replies since the OP has gone to the trouble of getting a news team involved from a neighbouring country & making these claims

Why would they?  He's out of country and has no legal standing or influence 

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6 hours ago, swissie said:

Quote "........or if you simply cannot be trusted to choose a good woman. Your criteria for selection of the proper woman is key to a successful relationship":violin:
Correct me if I am wrong: 99,9% of people marry because they are sure they made the "right choice", but still the divorce-rate is around 50%.
Does that mean that 50% are not capable of making the "right choice" in the first place? (Your statement would indicate that).
- To me, a marriage is a gamble with only a 50% success-rate, meaning that only 50% made "the right chioce", the other 50% consist of immature dummies, uncapable of making "the right choice". (Your statement would indicate that).
- This puts me into the categorie of the immature dummies, since I thought twice in my life that "I made the right choice", with due dilligance, well understood.

There will not be a 3rd time. But glad you have been blessed with the infallible talent of making the "right choice", unlike millions of immature dummies. Respect! Be honest to yourself: You sat down at the Roulette-Table called life and you got lucky, that's all. Lucky devil you!

I doubt many people think-over most things well, especially their choice of marriage partners. Since the divorce rate is so high, it simply supplements that belief. You see, divorce in and of itself does not have to be bad. As seems to irritate you, I have been divorced twice and am still friends with both exes; and I might add, neither caused me stress, damaged self-respect or loss of assets. We simply grew out of our reasons for being together and decided to separate, amicably. Obviously, the poor choices I am talking about are the ones which end in tragic situations of hatred, cuckoldry, and loss of assets. Too bad you can't seem to get that through your head. 


You ask, "Does that mean that 50% are not capable of making the "right choice" in the first place? " I might agree. Maybe even more—which means less than 50% make the right choices. George Carlin made a very astute observation, "Think how stupid the average person is, then realize half of them are stupider than that."  People often make poor choices, and it seems, especially often when choosing partners--as is exemplified by all the tales of woe on TV.


You say you were twice divorced, yet still appear to harbor resentment. So, when you summarize, "This puts me into the categorie of the immature dummies, since I thought twice in my life that "I made the right choice", with due dilligance, well understood." I can only agree, you do belong in that unfortunate, but all too common category you call, “immature dummies.” Since your marriages had ill-fated endings, you must indeed have blundered in your decision to try to develop a relationship with that person. You see, people are fickle, either one can change and/or resort to actions considered undesirable by the other. I posit those undesirable traits were there from the onset and it behooves each of us to try to recognize them.


Let me give you an example. I once had a quite lovely girl I thought I wanted. Yet, I noticed that in all our activities, she put herself before me. Something as little as left-over food we both liked; she would not want to share it with me as I would with her, she would hide it so she could have it all. You see, love must be reciprocal; each party should try to please the other and share in all things. If the other does not, then I don’t choose her. Deciding not to do it, must always be an option.


I do not believe in being blessed or in luck. I believe in analytical determination; you have to have knowledge of the situation, explore the possibilities, evaluate the circumstances, and act according to the best option available.

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5 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Yes, I don’t much care what polite Thai society’s view is of my life choices ... it’s not their business, and what they think is none of my business. I don’t care about Thainess or acceptance, because the truth is that foreigners are tolerated, but will never be accepted ... indeed, the laws on property ownership, dual pricing, the treatment of foreigners in road accidents, poor investigation of mysterious deaths of foreigners etc send a clear signal on that point. So I’ll enjoy my time here, and move on when the day comes that I don’t. 

I would say if you ended up in a rural Thai village with that attitude you would just about make the 'tolerated' level, in a city you are probably making the 'ignored' level, nobody is really interested except you are of benefit to them of course :smile:.

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8 hours ago, tryasimight said:

If you want to grow to be a lonely old man spending all his time in a constant state of paranoia about his 'wealth'..... Up to you. 

I'm quite happy with my Thai wife and life in general. 

But I stuck to my rules...... Got a vasectomy at 55 - no way I wanted to father another child who likely would lose his Dad before he finished high school.  Second rule...... Don't be older than your in-laws. My MIL is nearly 80. Third rule - don't marry anyone more than 10 years younger than yourself. Young girls don't love old men no matter what the deluded men say. 

Works for me. 

Great attempt at justifying your ability to find a partner who is only 10 years younger, doesn't want children, and your irrational fear of an early death!

Still if it worked for you - good on yer, pleased you are one of the happy ones

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 9:38 PM, rkidlad said:

Bad stuff can happen anywhere in the world. This level of corruption can only be allowed to happen in certain countries. 


I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. What I do know is that I wouldn’t trust the police with the keys to my toilet. You can go through life thinking you’re great and honorable, but at the end of the day, your reputation precedes you. This is a universal truth (that does happen everywhere in the world). 

Agree with you and any guy that gets married in LOS should know that. So, sorry, but while I'm sympathise for his problems, he brought them on himself by buying the land in the first place.

Just because the beloved seems like the perfect woman at the start is no excuse. Everyone changes.

If anything, he should be grateful that he just got deported and not put in jail till he coughed up everything he still had.

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On 12/8/2017 at 11:50 PM, AlexRich said:

Moral of the story: Never buy land in Thailand (you don’t own it), never get married (girlfriend only) keep the bulk of your assets hidden in a safe country, and don’t show off money or assets (keep a low or no profile).

Fair comments but needs some tuning:  Moral of the story: Never buy land in Thailand (unless you are happy to know you don't own it and will never see the proceeds of any future sale), never get married (unless you have kids) keep the bulk of your assets hidden in a safe country, and don’t show off money or assets (keep a low or no profile).  And make sure you have a will.

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


I have never been with a bargirl, let alone shafted by one.


Anyhoo to be perfectly honest I think the cost of the relationship is what's missing from your post.

Are you only involved in cost free relationships?  Obviously you are female or from another planet, population 1.

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23 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I would say if you ended up in a rural Thai village with that attitude you would just about make the 'tolerated' level, in a city you are probably making the 'ignored' level, nobody is really interested except you are of benefit to them of course :smile:.

I once ended up in a Thai village and lasted about 3 months. Unless one enjoys being woken at 4 am by chanting monks, having nothing to do except fix the hovel and garden, face a 3 hour drive ( each way ) to buy anything over a basic level, listen to the gossips talk about the "farang" and spend evening swatting mossies while watching Thai soaps on tv, it's not for us.


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18 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Great attempt at justifying your ability to find a partner who is only 10 years younger, doesn't want children, and your irrational fear of an early death!

Still if it worked for you - good on yer, pleased you are one of the happy ones


I don't have to justify anything. She already has children, as do I, and we both enjoy our Thai and Aussie grandchildren. I am now 61 and she is 52.

No irrational fear of death.....it is inevitable. I say this as I am not one of the crowd who think that having children is all about them (the posters on here) - you know the selfish ones that say 'the wife and kids will be well taken care off when I die', and don't seem to consider the emotional effect of a child's Dad dying when the kid is still relatively young. I'd give a lot to have my Dad back on this earth.

This is of course my own personal view and I'm not trying to convince anyone it is right or wrong or better than other peoples outlook on life. 

But to those mid 60 and later farangs getting around with a very young wife and a babe in arms or a kid or two in tow - be happy - but know that most people (farang and Thai alike) are laughing at you and not in a good way. They can see the stupidity.


Flame on old fathers!!!! 

But keep it about the kids - I don't want to heat that the kid has been the best thing for you (you could have bought a dog). It's not about you!!

Disclaimer - my brother is nearly 66 and has a 6 year old daughter. I think he is an idiot too! And I tell him so.

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3 minutes ago, Cranky said:

Fair comments but needs some tuning:  Moral of the story: Never buy land in Thailand (unless you are happy to know you don't own it and will never see the proceeds of any future sale), never get married (unless you have kids) keep the bulk of your assets hidden in a safe country, and don’t show off money or assets (keep a low or no profile).  And make sure you have a will.

Totally agree with this! But please don’t forget! never ever tell your girlfriend that you are very rich but told her that you are very poor, let’s see she still wanted to get marriage with you first. After the marriage, still keep in low profile to her and only can let her know you have left little money just for living only. Rent a house to stay with her only till she have baby with you, wait for you’re kids to grow up till age of 20 and  that’s the time to buy house with land under your kids name.

For my own use car, I paid cash and I buy a new car for her under installment, the longer for the installment the better.

Give her only some pocket money to spend for her own so that other man don’t think that she is rich and come after her. Other things you paid by yourself every time. Try not to let her go out alone too often, if you can  try to go out together with her more to meet her friends.....Cheers 

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I once ended up in a Thai village and lasted about 3 months. Unless one enjoys being woken at 4 am by chanting monks, having nothing to do except fix the hovel and garden, face a 3 hour drive ( each way ) to buy anything over a basic level, listen to the gossips talk about the "farang" and spend evening swatting mossies while watching Thai soaps on tv, it's not for us.


Yep know your limits :smile:

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4 minutes ago, tryasimight said:


I don't have to justify anything. She already has children, as do I, and we both enjoy our Thai and Aussie grandchildren. I am now 61 and she is 52.


Flame on old fathers!!!! 

But keep it about the kids - I don't want to heat that the kid has been the best thing for you (you could have bought a dog). It's not about you!!

Disclaimer - my brother is nearly 66 and has a 6 year old daughter. I think he is an idiot too! And I tell him so.

Indeed you don't have to justify anything. It is the strange idea that old people should have children that needs justification, and is, IMO, the height of selfishness.

I understand that young women want an "ATM" baby to ensure the farang can't just abandon them, but's that's no excuse for the farang to agree. Vasectomy is an excellent way to avoid while still having fun.

A dog is indeed a superior choice. Gives unconditional love and only needs feeding. Never plays horrid "music" too loudly or hogs the tv.

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7 minutes ago, tryasimight said:


I don't have to justify anything. She already has children, as do I, and we both enjoy our Thai and Aussie grandchildren. I am now 61 and she is 52.

No irrational fear of death.....it is inevitable. I say this as I am not one of the crowd who think that having children is all about them (the posters on here) - you know the selfish ones that say 'the wife and kids will be well taken care off when I die', and don't seem to consider the emotional effect of a child's Dad dying when the kid is still relatively young. I'd give a lot to have my Dad back on this earth.

This is of course my own personal view and I'm not trying to convince anyone it is right or wrong or better than other peoples outlook on life. 

But to those mid 60 and later farangs getting around with a very young wife and a babe in arms or a kid or two in tow - be happy - but know that most people (farang and Thai alike) are laughing at you and not in a good way. They can see the stupidity.


Flame on old fathers!!!! 

But keep it about the kids - I don't want to heat that the kid has been the best thing for you (you could have bought a dog). It's not about you!!

Disclaimer - my brother is nearly 66 and has a 6 year old daughter. I think he is an idiot too! And I tell him so.

Enjoy your grandchildren, be careful you don't feed them dog food by mistake!!

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7 minutes ago, Anthony Loh said:

Totally agree with this! But please don’t forget! never ever tell your girlfriend that you are very rich but told her that you are very poor, let’s see she still wanted to get marriage with you first. After the marriage, still keep in low profile to her and only can let her know you have left little money just for living only. Rent a house to stay with her only till she have baby with you, wait for you’re kids to grow up till age of 20 and  that’s the time to buy house with land under your kids name.

For my own use car, I paid cash and I buy a new car for her under installment, the longer for the installment the better.

Give her only some pocket money to spend for her own so that other man don’t think that she is rich and come after her. Other things you paid by yourself every time. Try not to let her go out alone too often, if you can  try to go out together with her more to meet her friends.....Cheers 

Agree with most of that, but WHY do you write as though "have baby" is the expected norm? Million % better NOT to have baby ( vasectomy ) and not have to buy land at all.

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