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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

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1 minute ago, White Christmas13 said:

Well I must be death since 5 years that's how long I got my pension now:tongue:

And your spouse currently receives payment of how much from your pension provider?


Compared to how much when you are dead?

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19 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

There is plenty of ways he could have protected his land investment, like through a "Usufruct". The beauty of having full use of the land, as unlike a car, the land can't be moved. With a "Usufruct" attached to the land title, it cannot be sold either, or leasted out, and to get a mortgage with that attached in near impossible.  


Not true

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18 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

And I am sure that the Norwegian guy's son will inherit the land and home and cars his dad bought, but the Norwegian guy won't be using them or even enjoy the warm climate of Thailand as he got banned.

They'll probably stuff that up before he's of age due to the fact that more money maybe required in the short term

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Dem Scandis, some of the nicest, certainly most open and trusting people on the planet. When they come to Thailand and other endemically corrupt countries, they are like lambs to the slaughter. Seen it over and over.

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5 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Agree.  Corruption always finds a way here.

It's actually not corruption

If you find some one stupid enough (like loan shark or ect ) to take on or buy the property (land owner can do as they please with land - you are only squatting with the use of it ) 

But the new land owner has to carry the burden of whatever has been agreed to on the Title

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So ok as far as we know hes lost the lot & been banned from Thailand (is that for life )

He's going to have a hard time back home when he has to start proving things to move on with his life as I'm sure the wife will not co-operate especially concerning documentation

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1 minute ago, BEVUP said:

So ok as far as we know hes lost the lot & been banned from Thailand (is that for life )

He's going to have a hard time back home when he has to start proving things to move on with his life as I'm sure the wife will not co-operate especially concerning documentation

why back home. he's retired and got pension. probably living in a neighboring country. i know those reporters didn't go to Europe to interview him

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33 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Re the first part of your reply.  Unfortunately anything impossible becomes possible here when dealing with public servants and the right size bribe.  How else did all of this National Park land end up illegally in private hands?

The Term "Buyer Beware" was not invented in Thailand. It actually comes from Latin. It applies anywhere in the World, and also not just in Thailand.


I am not sure where you comes from but I am sure that in my own country, and if you offer a big enough Pot of Gold, I could bride a Public Servant there to. I never tried it, but you would have to be pretty naive to think otherwise.


Having said that, as long as you have the Law on your side, I feel you will always stand a chance of winning.Perhaps finding a good honest lawyer here is the first important step. He doesn't need to be in Thailand to claim half of the property he owns with his wife.


If he can get this to court he has a fare chance of winning. But if he doesn't know this, or thinks he has no chance and gives up, then he will lose by default. If you don't show up for the game you still lose it.    

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8 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

why back home. he's retired and got pension. probably living in a neighboring country. i know those reporters didn't go to Europe to interview him

I thought that's where they might of deported him to (home country ), like over stayers' 

Also thought he may have a hard time getting into other countries with a mark against him unless that's not recorded against Immigration records

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2 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

I thought that's where they might of deported him to (home country ), like over stayers' 

Also thought he may have a hard time getting into other countries with a mark against him unless that's not recorded against Immigration records

he was deported from thailand years ago. wouldn't effect him flying to neighbouring countries especially if he changed his passport since then

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13 hours ago, Happy enough said:

why never get married? i've been happily married for nearly 20 years thanks. but cheers for the advice anyway

I too have been very happily married to a wonderful Thai woman for 12 years there are good and bad everywhere

Edited by Winkburn
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16 hours ago, coulson said:

Hope she doesn't still get her Norwegian spouse pension.

Why shouldn't she? If being his wife entitles her to his pensions, it is not her fault he was deported for reasons the Thai government felt worthwhile. It seems he would have to go to court in Norway to stop her from getting the pensions and even then, the impetus of proof would be on him.

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4 hours ago, BEVUP said:

It's also a problem of people over investing

1 - How much did he spend on her house, lets say 10,000,000 - you really sometimes only need to spend half & still have a nice comfortable place

2 - Why Merc - Must have been in her name, not that he had a chance to drive it away since in the cells - I'm sure a Toyota would of been just as reliable 

3 - So he buys 34 Rai for wife, what the hell for - she would most probably be to busy cleaning the mantion - No doubt got the land cheap (I bet ) of a debt ridden Relo so they could become farmers 555

Why must the Mercedes have been in her name?

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3 hours ago, Thaijack2014 said:

Why the article has to mention his "female" lawyer? Just lawyer would be enough, right? Or is somebody suggesting that it would not happen with a male lawyer?

Although it may be superfluous information, it may be he felt as many on TV have stated, that all Thai women are despicable.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Thanks for your interest, but not enough room here, but in short, was dating this 21 year old Greek girl, I was 26 at the time, she was different to the one night standers I was used too from young, i.e. she wouldn't let me in, suffice to say I though she would be the marrying material, remembering I was 26 at the time and had my fair share of one night stands, and you could say I might have been looking to settle down if the right girl came along.


Long of the short, I had no idea she would turn out to be a spoilt Greek Princes who still required mothers milk and daddy's approval for everything, I tried, I persevered, and had my dad in the background saying, son, we are all different, she will make you happy eventually, she needs a child, i.e. marrying your own, keeping the cultures going etc etc, maybe for his days it might have been, but then again I am not one to give in, she did eventually leave me, which made things much easier for me, e.g. I did not fail in my marriage which was not easy, she was physically abusive, and would throw tantrums constantly, was jealous, paranoid and possessive, although many would say, why the hell did you put up with her, and my reply would be, if I didn't, and took a different path, I would not have met the woman of my dreams who I met 11 years ago this month, I would use the words " I am happily married" but it doesn't really gel, I would therefore say I have been "ecstatically married" for the past 10 years, there is no paranoia, there is no jealousy, there is no physical abuse, we grow together in harmony, she is a great cook, spoils me rotten, and is a great mother, my only hope is that I depart this planet before she does, because being left behind without her would leave a huge whole in my H....555



Great to hear that like me you have a wonderful happy marriage to your Thai 

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28 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

It's actually not corruption

If you find some one stupid enough (like loan shark or ect ) to take on or buy the property (land owner can do as they please with land - you are only squatting with the use of it ) 

But the new land owner has to carry the burden of whatever has been agreed to on the Title

So why would a Loan Shark buy this land he cannot sell legally until you die many years later??? There in the business to make a quick profit. Not to hang onto a property for 20 years hoping the price will increase in that time. 


With a Usurfruct, you are not a Squatter! The Land Owner cannot do as he pleases! The Land Owner has no rights to this property once the Usufruct is signed and documented. They make a legal agreement to this condition.


What you are saying is this would be the same as if you leased a Condo for a year, and the owner moved in with you, claiming he still owns this Condo thus you have no rights to it, even when you pay rent.


With a Usufruct, and as in the Condo, the Property Owner gives up his right to the property. Otherwise what would be the point of signing a Lease Agreement, which I could say the same about a Usufruct? I mean what would be the point of signing and documenting a Usufruct, when you have no rights to the land you are dealing with?  

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

All too common a story here and equally sad every time. Doesn't matter how much you love them, you are an utter idiot when you put your life's savings in their name. You are going to get fleeced, or stitched up more often than not, and yet, still it goes on. Sorry fellas, but when she is 30 years younger than you, she is marrying you for one reason only, and you really need to keep the wad tight, at least until you die.

Yes indeed and even if you are lucky and things don't go wrong it would be like permanently walking on eggshells :sad:

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1 hour ago, britishrepublican said:

Only a complete and utter fool would invest any money in Thailand. I wouldnt take land if you gave it to me for free and I certainly wouldn't purchase a house with land and put in my wife' name. 

Some people really are stupid. They step of that plane and suddenly they are God's gift. There's no fool like an old fool.

I must be a complete and utter fool, because I secured property (and non-title, at that), 19 yrs ago.   After building a decent house, I've lived rent-free for nearly 2 decades.  If I parlayed the amount it cost me for the land and house, and transcribed it to monthly rent, it's cost me about Bt.1,100/month.  And the value has built up for all those years (and more, in the future) - for when I sell the house and property.   Hint:  6 rai in 1999 cost Bt.340,000.    6 rai with 3 houses today?   ......a lot more.


Don't be so quick to call people 'complete and utter fools' - as it can reflect on your smartness quotient.

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2 hours ago, puchooay said:

So, having read this thread I surmise that the ratio, on here at least, between successful and unsuccessful marriages is 5 to 1 in favour of successful.


I suspect the true ratio across the country is a lot higher.


Any other countries with figures this high?

Paying a monthly salary to the wife might alter the statistics in favour.

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8 minutes ago, wabothai said:

Best to assume all thai women are golddiggers.



No it isn't....   It may be best for you to assume all Thai Women you meet are gold-diggers which would say more about the choices you make and the area's you meet others - I don't know of course, however, people who would make such comments usually have their own poor choices to blame and fail to recognize this.


There are some wonderful stories on ThaiVisa.com which contradict so well the negative and bitter opinions of some who fail to see a bigger picture. 


Equally so, there are some shocking tales such as the subject of this Op. 


All this proves is that such sweeping generalizations don't hold true and some will make mistakes either through their own blindness and cold cunning of another while others make far more wise and perhaps fortunate decisions. 



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33 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes True. 

5) The owner can’t borrow money or sell its property if a Usufruct is registered.

False. Even if you register a Usufruct Agreement on a title deed, the owner can sell his property to anyone. But in reality, nobody is interested in buying a property where they will have to maintain your right and won’t be able to use this property until you die. This is why a Usufruct is a good protection for you as it allows you to live there for the rest of your life, whatever happens. If you want this right to be passed to your heirs. It can also be done by a Lease Agreement it might be a better option depending on your case.

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25 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

The Term "Buyer Beware" was not invented in Thailand. It actually comes from Latin. It applies anywhere in the World, and also not just in Thailand.


I am not sure where you comes from but I am sure that in my own country, and if you offer a big enough Pot of Gold, I could bride a Public Servant there to. I never tried it, but you would have to be pretty naive to think otherwise.


Having said that, as long as you have the Law on your side, I feel you will always stand a chance of winning.Perhaps finding a good honest lawyer here is the first important step. He doesn't need to be in Thailand to claim half of the property he owns with his wife.


If he can get this to court he has a fare chance of winning. But if he doesn't know this, or thinks he has no chance and gives up, then he will lose by default. If you don't show up for the game you still lose it.    

Caveat Emptor is I believe what you are referring to.  From my 13 year old latin class.  Mensa Mensa mensam etc,.  Do you live here or not?  If you spent time here you would have come across many stories of falangs in the right who failed to get true justice.  It also applies to poor Thais when fighting rich or connected people.  Yes, corruption happens everywhere including my "back home" country.  But certain countries put corruption and bribery onto a whole different level.  This is one of those places.  And when it comes to trying to right wrongs the risks of death are so much higher. There are many people who have died here while involved in litigation.  Yes you may have a chance in theory and pure law, but can cost 5,000 baht here or even less to have someone killed.  It all depends on how rich or well connected the people you are fighting here, are.    To succeed in getting justice here under some circumstances you may have to be rich, committed, careful, brave, AND LUCKY to live to benefit from your efforts.    Better to just leave the money at home if you would need to fight at all costs to win it back here.   Rule (1) (in several places above) applies.

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