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USA Today editorial says Trump unfit to clean Obama's toilet

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7 hours ago, pattayadon said:

5555555   Good one Klaus!!      Resign,   Lock him up,  etc   We shall soon start seeing more and more of these slogans not only in US but world wide.

Well I think we do see these "slogans" around the world.  The cartoonists and political commentators daily ridicule the buffoon in the White House.  And so they should.

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9 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

You have to respect how journalists today remain unbiased and only report the facts without all their personal convictions and political views getting in the way.  :laugh:

This was an EDITORIAL. You know what that means, right? Or is that asking for too much? 

9 hours ago, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....

It's an editorial. Is this a pattern with trumpists? Not only attack the free press but not to even understand basic things about that any grade schooler should know? 

8 hours ago, DoctorG said:


Soy boys.

Virtue signaling.

Implied sexism when none inferred. Same remark made towards males so how is this calling her a whore?

Leftist cucks need to defend the wimmins because females are not strong enough to defend themselves.

Leftist rag should be ashamed but they do not understand morality.

Leftist rag?

USA Today?

Are you from another planet?

Your code words are alt-right fascist garbage.

I'd be embarrassed for buying into that idiocy if I was you.

Yet you show it off. 

Enjoying your ONION juice? 

8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:



Respectfully, do you not understand the difference between the editorial section and the news section?


Respectfully? Why? People still defending that human stain clown troll potus that makes excuses for Nazis and openly supports child molesters for the senate deserves NO RESPECT. 

7 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

I don't agree. President Trump is unfit to do many things, but cleaning toilets should be right up his alley.

I can't even picture it. He isn't fit enough. Can't be done with a golf cart. 

7 hours ago, PhonThong said:

If this was written about someone in Thailand, the deformation lawsuits would be flying like crazy. Also, why is the world news on this forum mostly about the U.S.?  Apparently, the rest of the world doesn't really matter all that much. Please don't say because of Trump. He is just a small part in the sum of things.

WORLD news subforum.

Get with the program.


6 hours ago, Coconutman said:

Anyonebatill read usa today.

See how the media puts biaa in the news.. all people see is the word whore 

I don't because it's too Middle America  and dumbed down with pictures for my tastes. Why bother when their are world class outlets like the WASHINGTON POST available. But many people do, yes --





With a weekly circulation of 1,021,638 and an approximate daily reach of seven million readers as of 2016,[6] USA Today shares the position of having the widest circulation of any newspaper in the United States with The Wall Street Journaland The New York Times.[7] USA Today is distributed in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with an international edition distributed in Canada, Asia and the Pacific Islands, and Europe.


6 hours ago, BuaBS said:

I wonder if such an "editorial" about obama would fly ...

It would "fly" about any president as horrifically BAD as trump. Obama was not that. 

4 hours ago, DoctorG said:

You do not know anything about me snowflake.

Based on the code words you use, all of us know an AWFUL lot about you dear. Emphasis on AWFUL. You reveal so much. Did you not realize that? 

19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I can't even picture it. He isn't fit enough. Can't be done with a golf cart. 

 he could start as an Apprentice, though

9 hours ago, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....

You could be right,but when has there been a US President who has sunk to the lows of this pillock

8 minutes ago, lincolnshire poacher said:

You could be right,but when has there been a US President who has sunk to the lows of this pillock

He's totally unacceptable and very dangerous. It needs to be a national priority to correct the tragic mistake of "electing" him. 

9 hours ago, ezzra said:

These are the results of the new age of liberalism of politically correct and incorrect journalism,  back than, newspapers like the USA today would not dare print such garbage of the highest office in the land..  this is the case of the kettle calling the pot black.. disgusting and yellow journalism....

You mean back in the day when the occupant of the highest office wouldn't think of airing such vile comments publicly?

And it's not the office USA today was targeting, it was the occupant of it. Stamping a turd with the presidential seal doesn't make it stink any less.

51 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Kenya does not even have a history of cotton picking.

So where does Kenya come into it Obama is American?. Again you are being racist.


The editor has a opinion,just like President Trump.The MSM and the left twisted the context of what PT said. "would do anything" for campaign cash".I, in retrospect would  question .What would politicians do for campaign contributions ?


       I have no problem with the Trump/Obama/Bush toilet comment. .I must admit PT is in a class of his own compared to Bush/Obama/Clinton and all the dead Presidents.Most were all articulate and well spoken. PT isn't a politician !


        It should be no surprise  as to what PT says(access Hollywood tape) .The stock market and the economic consumer confident's is what's important to PT and the people who voted for him.         

        After all he was elected to create jobs and drain the swamp . No one said it was going to be pretty or perfect. 


2 minutes ago, riclag said:

The editor has a opinion,just like President Trump.The MSM and the left twisted the context of what PT said. "would do anything" for campaign cash".I, in retrospect would  question .What would politicians do for campaign contributions ?


       I have no problem with the Trump/Obama/Bush toilet comment. .I must admit PT is in a class of his own compared to Bush/Obama/Clinton and all the dead Presidents.Most were all articulate and well spoken. PT isn't a politician !


        It should be no surprise  as to what PT says(access Hollywood tape) .The stock market and the economic consumer confident's is what's important to PT and the people who voted for him.         

        After all he was elected to create jobs and drain the swamp . No one said it was going to be pretty or perfect. 


Do you think we're stupid? I don't believe that YOU don't know the sexual implication of what trump said. Even RICK SANTORUM gets it.

That deflection won't wash. Don't bother. 

9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I'm not so sure they have got that correct. It would be a task far more fitting for his abilities than the job he has right now.

"Thank You!"


I'm a Brit and proud to be a Brit, always have been and always will be, okay, we have our problems, Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn & the buffoon Boris, but our problems pale into insignificance when it comes to the current incumbent of the White House, that man is a loose canon and a very big danger to the safety and security of the whole planet.


I really do hope that you, our American cousins, can find someway to replace him PDQ with someone with an iota of intelligence and diplomacy.


Otherwise, Gawd help us all.  

7 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I'm a Brit and proud to be a Brit, always have been and always will be, okay, we have our problems, Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn & the buffoon Boris, but our problems pale into insignificance when it comes to the current incumbent of the White House, that man is a loose canon and a very big danger to the safety and security of the whole planet.


I really do hope that you, our American cousins, can find someway to replace him PDQ with someone with an iota of intelligence and diplomacy.


Otherwise, Gawd help us all.  

"Thank You!"

1 hour ago, Becker said:

But he did explicitly taunt a man for his physical disabilities

That's innuendo ,never been proven. It's the  media's opinion that he made fun or ridiculed that disabled reporter about his disabilities..He goes on like this with other people as well


5 minutes ago, riclag said:

That's innuendo ,never been proven. It's the  media's opinion that he made fun or ridiculed that disabled reporter about his disabilities..He goes on like this with other people as well


I read that article. He also denies knowing Kovaleski. Kovaleski said that was nonsense. That they were on a first name basis back when. So you you gonna believe? Someone who just lied again when he said he never met those women or Kovaleski?

29 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I'm a Brit and proud to be a Brit, always have been and always will be, okay, we have our problems, Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn & the buffoon Boris, but our problems pale into insignificance when it comes to the current incumbent of the White House, that man is a loose canon and a very big danger to the safety and security of the whole planet.


I really do hope that you, our American cousins, can find someway to replace him PDQ with someone with an iota of intelligence and diplomacy.


Otherwise, Gawd help us all.  

"I really do hope that you, our American cousins, can find someway to replace him PDQ with someone with an iota of intelligence and diplomacy."


We tried that for the last 40 or so years. Now look at the mess. 

36 minutes ago, riclag said:

That's innuendo ,never been proven. It's the  media's opinion that he made fun or ridiculed that disabled reporter about his disabilities..He goes on like this with other people as well


Well we all watched it with horror at the time.  Still if you rely on foxnews for your "facts" then I guess you are never going to "get it".


22 minutes ago, riclag said:

We tried that for the last 40 or so years. Now look at the mess.

True enough some who have gone before have screwed things up too.  GWB for one but even that was nothing compared to this moron..

1 hour ago, Oziex1 said:

I'm sure folks all over the world will respect his position when he shows respect for it himself.


This guy just doesn't get it. 

That will NEVER happen!

If nothing else, everyone should get by now, he will NEVER change.

The disgusting excuse for a human being and president he is now -- that's it. 

Trumpists love that. I can't respect him OR his supporters. Now that there is ZERO doubt about what he is. 

10 hours ago, simple1 said:

Please don't go down the same path as the hard right as manifested by Trump, i.e. support suppression of critism, whilst in parallel justify using actual or disguised hate speech.



'Suppression of criticism "....


Seems to me that working with dt in his property etc., business would embody 'suppression of criticism', nobody daring to criticize, or daring to offer suggestions etc., nobody saying much more than 'yes sir, how high sir'.


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