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Thai Desert Islands Incl those where you risk life & limb


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Thai Desert Islands Incl those where you risk life & limb

This blog has been provided by Asia Backpackers BLOG for Inspire.




Have you ever wanted to be alone on your own Desert Island?


Thai Desert Islands Incl those where you risk life & limb


Thailand has hundreds of islands both in the Gulf of Thailand and in the Andaman Sea. In the not too distant past most of these islands were uninhabited, unfortunately many have now been developed for mass tourism.


Yet if you know your way around there are, still some where you can simply pitch up and spend some quality time alone, on your very own bit of paradise. But be aware there are other uninhabited islands, where if you try to land……..could mean you losing your liberty or worse your life.




Some of the island groups in Thailand come in clusters of numerous individual islands and islets:


Phang Nga Bay has a group of 67 islands


Mu Ko Chang National Park has 52 the biggest being Koh Chang


While Tarutao National Marine Park has 51


The smaller Mu Ko Similan National Park has only 11, of which 3 are closed for public due for turtle hatching protection program and reef conservation efforts. (One of which; Ko Payan, a.k.a. Ko Pa Yan belongs to a Thai princess).


In Thai, the names of islands are usually preceded with the word ko (เกาะ), the Thai word for island. This word is often alternately romanized as koh, go or goh. See our post Saving Thailand’s Diversity


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/thai-desert-islands-incl-risk-life-limb/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-12-24
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A man was stranded on a desert island for months.

One day he sees a beautiful woman in a wetsuit walking out of the water towards him.

'how long have you been here?' she asks.

'months and months' he replies.

'Do you smoke'


She reaches into he wetsuit and pulls out the finest cuban cigar lights it and gives it to him.

"do you drink?' she asks


She reaches into her wetsuit and pulls out a wet bar. They both have a drink.

She starts to remove her wetsuit and asks "would you like to play around?'

The guy is ecstatic and says " don't tell me you have got a set of clubs in there as well!"

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On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 8:06 AM, Inspire said:

This word is often alternately romanized as >>>>, go or goh.

Has anyone on this forum ever seen Kho spelled that way. I never have. I'm not even going to bother reading the article as it'll either make me laugh sarcastically, or want to hit the author. Either way a waste of my time.

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