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Pickups can carry holiday revellers, government says


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2 hours ago, eggers said:

What a stupid decision to reverse the ban on pickup's carrying passengers in unsecured in rear!!  Any deaths or injuries over the coming " 7 deadly days" should be directly attributed to Director - general Chayaphon Thitisak of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Dept!! Whilst there's incompetents like this guy, in charge, Thailand's road toll will continue to escalate unabated!! 

Attributed to certainly.... but he should also be held accountable for the consequences. 

The accountability game is one the ncpo claim to be wanting to play... per persecuting democratically elected ministers

so... goose, gander... good for all in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, steve73 said:

To be fair, it's probably safer being in the bed of a carefully driven pick-up truck, than the alternative.... being in a minivan driven by a drug-crazed psychopath.

??? you make a mistake assuming that the pick up would be carefully driven, vs driven by a drunk or drug crazed psycho.

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7 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

It's not a problem to carry people in the back of the pickup, armed forces have been doing it for years, it the maximum load that is important, and the abilities of the driver. plus the others on the road. They have 20, 000 police in Bangkok for new year, so if those 20, 000 police officers plus the thousands of others up and down the country, supervise the motorist, checking speed, unsafe practices, motorcycles, etc. on road leading to the holiday, for the next 7 days, there might be a chance to save lives. They certainly can man 20 kilometers of road every 10 metres when a Royal or high ranker is moving then I am sure they can supervise main routes every 10 kilometers? and that means stopping every vehicle! As for the side roads and small villages the task should be given to the brownshirts and the headman and the local police officer, who know the people to watch and lock up their keys or vehicles or the person concerned

They have 20, 000 police in Bangkok for new year, so if those 20, 000 police officers plus the thousands of others up and down the country, supervise the motorist, checking speed, unsafe practices, motorcycles, etc


Do they do this sticking their heads out of a police station whilst watching a Sunday kick boxing match or in a toilet during a break in the fight? Or are they actually on the road doing REAL police work?

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"and make sure everyone is complying with road safety regulations.”   Oh! no they won't,

just goes to show that the Government is not really interested in bringing the death toll

down over the holidays,well any days really ,will they take responsibility if the number 

of deaths rises over previous years, most likely just "adjust " the figures to show a 


regards worgeordie,    if you are driving ,stay safe,and have a selection of amulets.

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9 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Latin: singular: um, plural: a


As in visum and visa...or maybe not...

Thanks for that.


As for my sig file: Veni vidi visa - I came, I saw, I bought one.

It wasn't my creation sadly. IIRC wasn't it a quote from the UK TV series "Not The Nine O'clock News"? Obviously (to me) a play on the Visa credit card.

Edited by bluesofa
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Hopefully the Police can instruct the local Santa bobby to get assistance from young Billy no home to use his 3310 to video anybody passing his hut, faster than the village bicycle tanked up on gin. opps! I meant 400 

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I'm not sure!  Whether to compare Thai road rules to ,

  • Monty Python or
  • Faulty Towers,

Your reaction and response will be taken in a survey and greatfully passed onto to the brain dead Road Minister for keeping Thailand No.1 in road deaths!

Edited by wavemanwww
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4 hours ago, webfact said:

He acknowledged the National Council for Peace and Order ban on the practice deemed unsafe, but said the government understood it has long been the norm and the ban is not enforced.

There you have it, right from the farce's mouth . . . the NCPO ban, made law only last week in order to reduce the road mortality figures over New Year festivities, has now - and this can only be because it feared the restriction may make itself unpopular and, thereby, worsen the Junta's electoral chances, next century - said the ban will not be enforced. Joe Public will know that he can flout this law but the problem is how the hell can poor Joe Public keep up to date with which laws have been put down the loo and which haven't. Junta performance - or rather, lack of it - is an utter shambles and I can only hope that the Press do a proper job of grilling Prunella when he dare next show his ugly face.


Let's hear it now, 3 rousing cheers for  Nil Creativity : Pisspoor Outcome


And that's all from the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department for now . . . have a good New Year and see you next year . . . maybe.

Edited by Ossy
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1 minute ago, Brunolem said:

He may be referring to the 2 or 3 guys (poo chouaii) who are supposed to take care of security in the village, or around, when there is some event (tambun, funeral...).

These guys are actually given a brown uniform that they wear on these occasions.

Having said that, I can't imagine them taking care of road security...they are limited to crossing guard duties, at best...

i'm well aware of them around the local Villages and most are over 60 and barely able to walk out and stop slow moving traffic !

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anyone think this is hilarious?!?!?!


they crack down on people riding in the back of pickups because they are trying to reduce traffic deaths because its dangerous and turn around and allow too people to ride in the back of pickup trucks during a time of year where they know there will be more fatalities and injuries related to traffic... they might as well allow people to ride in the back of pickups during Songkran also!

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Does insurance cover this. Thai and foreign insurance companies? Nowhere do i read the thaigovernment warn people that this is on your own risk...

Must be a way for insurance companies to attack the government for risking peoples lifes and playing gods..

Arent cars registered with max xx passengers allowed and arent they breaking the law by carrying more than allowed. What does car companies say when their modells are in top statistics of death due to negligence of government. Shouldn't the cars be all registered as minivans instead. 

Edited by sead
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7 minutes ago, speckio said:

anyone think this is hilarious?!?!?!


they crack down on people riding in the back of pickups because they are trying to reduce traffic deaths because its dangerous and turn around and allow too people to ride in the back of pickup trucks during a time of year where they know there will be more fatalities and injuries related to traffic... they might as well allow people to ride in the back of pickups during Songkran also!

Thanks for your wisdom to the obvious!

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Well I suppose people in the back of a pickup drinking alcohol might cause an accident (falling off, throwing the odd bottle etc.) but usually it is the driver who the responsibility of obeying/disobeying traffic laws...at least that's what I thought. I certainly agree with others here, it just goes to show that disregard for laws is accepted by those who make them.  The laws are 'cheap' and life even 'cheaper'.

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5 minutes ago, sead said:

Does insurance cover this. Thai and foreign insurance companies? Nowhere do i read the thaigovernment warn people that this is on your own risk...

Must be a way for insurance companies to attack the government for risking peoples lifes and playing gods..

Before I say further.Do you own or are you an employee of an insurance company? What the hell does your statement have to do with actual people dying without any concern because of Thai laws that one week it is this and another week that?? Your focus appears to be $$$,s

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6 minutes ago, sead said:

Does insurance cover this. Thai and foreign insurance companies? 


Insurance? What insurance?

Why not ask them to have a driving licence while you are at it?

Give the guys a break, they just want to have some fun...this is just the local version of the NASCAR, albeit with much more cars on the tracks...nothing to fret about...

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15 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

Before I say further.Do you own or are you an employee of an insurance company? What the hell does your statement have to do with actual people dying without any concern because of Thai laws that one week it is this and another week that?? Your focus appears to be $$$,s

Well i wrote this since i wanted to know what i wrote. To clarify your stupid answer read it again. But in baby language it would be.

Are you as a person covered by your insurancecompany when you do something illegal but legalized by the government? 

Just read the text and dont overthink it. 

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5 hours ago, CGW said:

They should pass a law stating that all passengers in the back of pick up trucks must wear crash helmets! should be a easy law to enforce given their impressive success rate with motorcycles! :shock1:

Maybe enforce Insurance for how many people are in or on the Vehicle, They should have to declare how many people the Vehicle could carry. then pay the premium.

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13 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Maybe enforce Insurance for how many people are in or on the Vehicle, They should have to declare how many people the Vehicle could carry. then pay the premium.

"enforce" do you not need a functioning Police force to carry out the enforcement process? not going to happen anytime soon here is it!

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"He said his department, as its main mission for this New Year, has been encouraging people to respect traffic laws. "


"...but said the government understood it has long been the norm and the ban is not enforced. "


To paraphrase this; 'You must respect traffic laws and if you don't, it's quite ok'


Carry on Culling.....

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How good is that ,,,,they make Laws and Guess what,,,Nobody gives a flying whatever about it not even the Law/Government How can one run a Country when there is No Laws enforced,,and the care Factor is Zero.  

Sorry to rant ,It makes me very angry,,Life isn't worth one THB here.

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