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Seven-day road safety campaign kicks off


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Has it not occurred to anyone that the constant pleas to "drive safely" are having no effect, because they are not actually addressing the problem?

Effectively it is just a way of the authorities transferring te blame for themselves to the drivers. It is the authorities who need to create and introduce a SAFER DRIVING ENVIRONMENT and just telling people to "drive better" is destined to have little or no effect.


As it has been shown time and again that drivers consider any such warning as applicable to OTHERS and not themselves - (see the average post on road safety on TV) - it is very unlikely that this will have a significant effect.


This isn't a matter of race religion or "culture", it is straight forward logic and science, it is applicable worldwide but so long as the authorities are determined to listen to their own personal prejudices rather than sound advice, we will see no dramatic changes.



Edited by Airbagwill
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Just got back to BKk after driving to Buriram and Cambodia border. Many check points all manned and working. Some police are trying but with so many motorbikes and overloaded trucks on the road —-deaths will unfortunately happen. No easy solution given the agriculture economy and some families have no vehicles or at best one truck to carry many many people. If they don’t get in the back of the truck in the country they lose their ability to go anywhere.  Peace 

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We shall see if this has an effect  The dancing girls looked great They looked like they were advertising an airline lol But its worth a go i guess Girls do attract attention  The bikes look great also Great picture Let the fun begin I am staying off the roads I dont feel like having an accident in the new year Tv and some beer will do me Happy New Year

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driving on highway between hat yai and trang yesterday.

roads almost empty.

roads wet.

many pickups driving over 150km/h and with zero patience for anyone (me) in their way. immediately pushing closely, flashing the headlights, trying (successfully) to push you into the slow lane.

im no fast lane hogger and i of course let them pass. but i saw a few incidents where someone doing 110 or so would not let these 150 guys pass and they just kept running closer and closer and agressively swerving in and out of the lane to get passed. 

must have seen at least 20 vehicles like this on the 2 hour ride. one thing goes wrong and their dead and probably taking people with them too.

did not see any law enforcement on the roads. just a checkpoint on a slow road. 

and in trang another checkpoint where the cops are sitting and watching traffic but not stopping anyone both day and night haha.


there wont be any change until they start patrolling enforcing the law or let civilians get a commission for reporting video evidence of violations. the latter would also create some job opportunities.

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11 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

We shall see if this has an effect  The dancing girls looked great They looked like they were advertising an airline lol But its worth a go i guess Girls do attract attention  The bikes look great also Great picture Let the fun begin I am staying off the roads I dont feel like having an accident in the new year Tv and some beer will do me Happy New Year

your chances of having an accident over theNew Year are just about the same as any other day.

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Yep bring on the dancing girls...as per the photo at the top of the post.......feed them up on chicken extract.......put plenty of coppers in their tents playing on their phones...come up with some catchy slogans.......yep that oughta do it.

Incidentally is the chicken extract just given to the driver of the vehicle....or to old auntie sitting in the vehicle who is "feeling tired"....

How do they monitor that in fact the driver drinks the miracle liquid...and no-one else?

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Hard to take seriously a road safety campaign presented so frivolously by bimbos flaunting boobs and thighs. It says more about the out-of-date sexist attitudes of Thai men - including, apparently, those in government - than anything else.


I wonder what those countless thousands who have lost love ones - including wives and daughters - in the carnage on Thailand's murderous highways made of this tasteful little display?

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58 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Just got back to BKk after driving to Buriram and Cambodia border. Many check points all manned and working. Some police are trying but with so many motorbikes and overloaded trucks on the road —-deaths will unfortunately happen. No easy solution given the agriculture economy and some families have no vehicles or at best one truck to carry many many people. If they don’t get in the back of the truck in the country they lose their ability to go anywhere.  Peace 

If you think that these road blocks work then I suggest that you think again because the fatal accidents are not happening where the road blocks are set up, stationary enforcement does nothing, enforcement must be moving on the road where it can be seen and that enforcement MUST enforce the road laws as they are written.

Yes, overloaded trucks, any pick up that carries people in the back that has not been properly converted is in fact an overloaded pick up because that pick up has been constructed by the manufacturer to carry at set number of people in the seats not in the cargo area at the rear of the pick up.

There is also something that you are not saying and that is if the farmers family do get in the back of the pick up and it is T-boned at high speed by another pick up driven by a drunk driver then many of his family will only have the ability to go to one place, and then it will be Rest in Peace.

What is the value that you put on a human life?



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Oh boy, in the picture there is the guy with his mouth open (yawning??) his left foot wedged in the corner and his right foot beside his left knee. Then there is another foot poking out along side of the the guy in the foreground and another foot on his other side...that hidden guy must real uncomfortable Ha!

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

We shall see if this has an effect  The dancing girls looked great They looked like they were advertising an airline lol But its worth a go i guess Girls do attract attention  The bikes look great also Great picture Let the fun begin I am staying off the roads I dont feel like having an accident in the new year Tv and some beer will do me Happy New Year

the object of the video is to put across information - this sort of thing has been shown to work better than "horror movie" approach, but it still ignores the fact that motorists think it applies to others rather than themselves.

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News just in: The Transport Minister closed the presentation by giving clear and strict notice to all A & E hospital staff that ALL New Year holiday leave has been cancelled. On the bright side, he said that all staff, not actually fixing arms and legs back on, would be paid a special 'on-call' stipend, as much as 249 baht per day as well as a body-based bonus if last year's death toll is beaten.

He wished all staff a happy and prosperous new year, too.


["Hey, darling . . . put the kettle on . . . I've just had another of those close-on-reality dreams"]

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

If you think that these road blocks work then I suggest that you think again because the fatal accidents are not happening where the road blocks are set up, stationary enforcement does nothing, enforcement must be moving on the road where it can be seen and that enforcement MUST enforce the road laws as they are written.

Yes, overloaded trucks, any pick up that carries people in the back that has not been properly converted is in fact an overloaded pick up because that pick up has been constructed by the manufacturer to carry at set number of people in the seats not in the cargo area at the rear of the pick up.

There is also something that you are not saying and that is if the farmers family do get in the back of the pick up and it is T-boned at high speed by another pick up driven by a drunk driver then many of his family will only have the ability to go to one place, and then it will be Rest in Peace.

What is the value that you put on a human life?



I put a lot of value on human life but the fact is most farmers cannot afford to buy vehicles and use the truck like a work tool that is shared by many and many families.  Would be a perfect world if everyone could afford a vehicle and no one had to ride in the back. But that is not this world.  The road blocks was just a comment about the police are trying as it does slow down traffic some. No one wants anyone to die in the back of a pickup truck. But if you fine farmers and take their only transportation away you will have anarchy and less food and bedlam.  I personally can afford a Vehicle but I know many Thai farmers that cannot and must borrow one from family or friends to go anywhere. 

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19 minutes ago, Ossy said:

News just in: The Transport Minister closed the presentation by giving clear and strict notice to all A & E hospital staff that ALL New Year holiday leave has been cancelled. On the bright side, he said that all staff, not actually fixing arms and legs back on, would be paid a special 'on-call' stipend, as much as 249 baht per day as well as a body-based bonus if last year's death toll is beaten.

He wished all staff a happy and prosperous new year, too.


["Hey, darling . . . put the kettle on . . . I've just had another of those close-on-reality dreams"]

hey, just take it steady now, don't go getting over excited you will end up damaging your own health.

Happy New Year Ossy

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17 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

I put a lot of value on human life but the fact is most farmers cannot afford to buy vehicles and use the truck like a work tool that is shared by many and many families.  Would be a perfect world if everyone could afford a vehicle and no one had to ride in the back. But that is not this world.  The road blocks was just a comment about the police are trying as it does slow down traffic some. No one wants anyone to die in the back of a pickup truck. But if you fine farmers and take their only transportation away you will have anarchy and less food and bedlam.  I personally can afford a Vehicle but I know many Thai farmers that cannot and must borrow one from family or friends to go anywhere. 

Unfortunately Wake Up the hard facts at this time are that every time the poor farmer takes his family out in the back of his pick up he is placing their lives at risk.

Maybe what is needed is for the Thai people to confront the Thai government to make them do something about the drivers breaking the laws and then it maybe safer for the poor farmer to take his family out in the pick up, but while the attitude of the drivers is "stuff everyone, I will do what I like" the poor farmer or I should say the poor rural community of Thailand will always suffer, but , a lot of the rural drivers need to change their attitude also, to make it safer on the roads

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Considering I've just gotten back from a 3 hour drive in the mountains of Northern Thailand, and during that time at least 20 cars or trucks passed me on blind corners, often with traffic coming the other direction forcing some creative driving and evasion. The person doing the insane driving is betting on two things: that the car he is passing is going to brake hard to allow moron to cut in front of the car without clipping the front bumper, and the oncoming car is going to hit their brakes and go for the shoulder. The near misses were -  <what can you say?>
I've done mountain driving for literally 50 years (yeah, I'm that old), and I drive the conditions.  Watching what these fools do on the road is - mind boggling. 

Then another hour and a half driving through Chiang Mai province on highway 11.  Adjectives I could use to describe the average Thai drivers? 
Self-centered, aggressive, hot-tempered, dangerous, inconsiderate, selfish, irresponsible, negligent, suicidal, stupid.   And that doesn't even cover it. 
Actually this holiday season traffic death and injury toll will only be a fraction higher than the average day-to-day death and injury toll. All for the same reasons.
Thais in cars are simply insane. Thais on motorcycles have a death wish.  And it's endemic in this culture. 
I'm glad to be home with the car parked. This country is beyond belief. 

Edited by connda
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I was in a bus in Bangkok a few years ago. The driver had been going rather fast on the journey up from Pattaya using whichever lane was clearest. In Bangkok, there was another bus coming up a slip road to join our road. Our driver was using his nearside mirror ( as he should ) and accelerated to get ahead of the other bus. In front of us was a pickup with two guys sat with their backs against the tailgate. Stupid place to sit in my opinion. Anyway, what our driver didn't observe was the traffic in front of him coming to a stop. Bang. He hit the pickup, both heads and arms of the two guys in the back of the pickup, and shunted them and several other vehicles into each other. Any lessons learned ? I doubt it.

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16 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:



Says it all. Don't drink and drive, simple message.


Chicken essence? I hope that Brands will take responsibility when someone has a accident and claims the essence given by police backed by Brands as a way to keep awake, didn't work.

Saw a double decker pickup on the 121 in Chiang Mai two days ago (have a video of it) with at a guess 30 people on it but legal over the 7 days.(obviously not farangs as it would have been overweight).If I can get my wife to help me I will get the video off my mobile phone.

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Chicken essence!

That just about sums up Thai drivers.

The biggest ego, wallet or the biggest vehicle has "right of way".

The whole thing is a game of chicken, you can tell that by just trying to 'cross the road' on foot, even at zebra crossings...


Driving sober, driving on the correct side, giving way, using lights at night etc etc is just ignored. Police are a waste of space, check points that are undisguised money collection stops that cause delays, and unmaintained vehicles driven by untrained people makes traveling by road a gamble with life and death every day here.

Any bets on the dead and injured toll being a record this year?





Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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10 hours ago, connda said:

Considering I've just gotten back from a 3 hour drive in the mountains of Northern Thailand, and during that time at least 20 cars or trucks passed me on blind corners, often with traffic coming the other direction forcing some creative driving and evasion. The person doing the insane driving is betting on two things: that the car he is passing is going to brake hard to allow moron to cut in front of the car without clipping the front bumper, and the oncoming car is going to hit their brakes and go for the shoulder. The near misses were -  <what can you say?>
I've done mountain driving for literally 50 years (yeah, I'm that old), and I drive the conditions.  Watching what these fools do on the road is - mind boggling. 

Then another hour and a half driving through Chiang Mai province on highway 11.  Adjectives I could use to describe the average Thai drivers? 
Self-centered, aggressive, hot-tempered, dangerous, inconsiderate, selfish, irresponsible, negligent, suicidal, stupid.   And that doesn't even cover it. 
Actually this holiday season traffic death and injury toll will only be a fraction higher than the average day-to-day death and injury toll. All for the same reasons.
Thais in cars are simply insane. Thais on motorcycles have a death wish.  And it's endemic in this culture. 
I'm glad to be home with the car parked. This country is beyond belief. 

You have summed it up beautifully my friend I am due for a new license in April I am now considering not getting one I have just got tired of driving in dangerous conditions I refuse to drive my car till this holiday stint is over Anyway walking is good fro your health

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