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Nationwide e-payments to push cashless society goal


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Absolutely correct. This is the worst thing imaginable and it is being enabled by the sheeple that are, like lemmings, rushing to embrace a system that will allow their entire lives to be controlled by people who do not have their best interests in mind.
It is all about control, and those that control the money control the people.
Unfortunately, it appears the people are too stupid to see what is happening.
I just hope the system keeps crashing, and the sheeple become disenchanted with it. I see no other hope of stopping it. Nothing like being in a foreign country with zero means of paying for anything to make people think twice about the cashless society.
BTW, the hackers are lovin' it. They are probably working out how to spend the trillions they will be making already.
PS. This technology is moving very fast. Only 10 years ago I couldn't see any way that they could make cashless work, but the sheeple's insatiable desire to talk to imaginary friends and send pointless twittering stupidities has enabled it.

Lol. Mate, no one is watching you or give a shit about you here in thailand. Unless you're a political activist or freedom fighter or Tibetan monk no one gives a shit about conspiracy theorists.
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22 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:


You actually think you won't get run over by a bus when you walk outside? Why do you go outside? It's too risky!

Off course there's always risks, but it's not made easy for the crooks anymore. I can't even do a weird unusual payment from my debit card without barclays blocking the transaction first and texting me if it's actually me. If anything the security protocols now is probably too much.


I'd agree if it were voluntary to go electronic banking. As it will eventually be compulsory to go cashless, you comparison is void.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, given you just tracked out all the big brother propaganda, you obviously don't mind being at the mercy of faceless government bureaucrats that can track everything you buy.


You still haven't explained how that's going to happen.  What's even sillier is that you're using a fictional work that was published over 65 years ago as a warning about a dystopian future.

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35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You actually think the hackers won't be able to bypass your fingerprint security.

If so, I have a bridge in New York I can sell you, real cheap 5555555555555

Perhaps I should put in my own bridges, across the Thames & the Seine, then we could launch a company & become overnight-billionnaires ?  Ker-chinggg ! :biggrin:


Meanwhile I shall continue to use Cash wherever possible, as I value my privacy & anonymity, and don't want to bother the system with my own affairs (or even affaires ! :whistling:) , it's my life & my business what I do and where I go so long as I'm legal, and will continue to be for as long as can get away with it. :cool:


My father told me about how ID-cards were accepted in the UK, until the end of the War, when people 'lost' them or openly threw them away.  They were standing-up for the Freedom, which they'd been defending, IMO.


And other people are welcome to take their own different line.

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2 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:


Lol. Mate, no one is watching you or give a shit about you here in thailand. Unless you're a political activist or freedom fighter or Tibetan monk no one gives a shit about conspiracy theorists.


LOL. You think I'm not being "watched" when I have to tell the government where I am every 90 days and whenever I go on holiday. I have to show my passport to get a sim card for the phone even.

Wake up.


Anyway, this subject isn't confined to Thailand. It's world wide now. LOS is just jumping on the bandwagon.

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm. There are over a billion Chinese, and how many of them can afford to be tourists?

It's, IMO, rather more than tourists driving the change.

Fact, a cashless society is great for the "rulers" undeniable! But for some reason? they prefer to use rather poor excuses to bring this about, but lets be honest when have we ever been told the truth?

It's like the driver less car BS, who the hell wants a driver less car? off course it is for our own good!!! Yes right....

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8 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You still haven't explained how that's going to happen.  What's even sillier is that you're using a fictional work that was published over 65 years ago as a warning about a dystopian future.

If you can't work it out, you can do your own research, if you want. It's not hard to find.

What's even sillier is claiming that because a book was published over 65 years ago it can't happen.

Jules Verne published fiction about men going to the moon a lot longer ago, and that came true.

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A cashless society is the ultimate goal for the central planners on a world wide scale. This way, with interest rates having been kept artificially low for quite a few years now to ostensibly pull the world out from the financial melt down in 2008-2009, the central banks have now run out of bullets so to speak. The economies of many countries, contrary to what the masses is being spoon fed is not that good and we are headed for a recession in the not to distant future. In the past, interest rates would have been lowered to combat a recession but with interest rates at historic lows, the central banks are left with few options. What they intend to do is to lower interest rates into negative integers and depositors will eventually have to pay their banks interest for the privilege of keeping their hard earned money in the bank. With a cashless society, individuals will not be able to withdraw their funds when the banks start resorting to negative interest rates. Just like the Federal Reserve has fueled the stock market to all time highs with their insane printing of money, when the stock market implodes and world economies tank they can then resort to another financial scheme to steal more money from the masses with their negative interest scenario which will be brought about by a cashless society.

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"Nationwide e-payments to push cashless society goal"


I mean, what on Earth could ever go wrong with that, with the government (any government) in-charge ? :wacko:




Vote with your feet, or your wallet, it still is up-to-you, for now at least ! :wink:


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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

Fact, a cashless society is great for the "rulers" undeniable! But for some reason? they prefer to use rather poor excuses to bring this about, but lets be honest when have we ever been told the truth?

It's like the driver less car BS, who the hell wants a driver less car? off course it is for our own good!!! Yes right....

Driverless cars is the perfect example. All the propaganda coming out is making the sheeple think it's a good idea. Will they continue to do so when millions of taxi drivers, limo drivers, truck drivers, fork lift drivers, mine vehicle drivers are made redundant? I guess they just aren't clever enough to think about the unintended consequences, which is why they are sheeple. Baaaaa baaaaa.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you can't work it out, you can do your own research, if you want. It's not hard to find.

A good starting point would be "agenda 21" agreed in 1992, long time ago? thats our future folks, black and white for all to see!

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2 minutes ago, watgate said:

A cashless society is the ultimate goal for the central planners on a world wide scale. 


What they intend to do is to lower interest rates into negative integers and depositors will eventually have to pay their banks interest for the privilege of keeping their hard earned money in the bank. With a cashless society, individuals will not be able to withdraw their funds when the banks start resorting to negative interest rates. 


Well put. I'd forgotten about the negative interest rates. In the UK I get zero interest already, so making me pay to keep my money in the account is the next step. After all, can't have the bankers not getting extremely rich, can we?

Remember how the Cyprus government looted the bank accounts there. With the cashless society they can do that any time they want some money for a hair brained scheme. No need to ask, just take it.


People need to wake up before it's too late.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you can't work it out, you can do your own research, if you want. It's not hard to find.


And there it is.  No, I'm not going to do your homework for you.  I've already told you why businesses and banks dislike cash.  You've given me nothing in return except government mind-control paranoia.


7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What's even sillier is claiming that because a book was published over 65 years ago it can't happen.

Jules Verne published fiction about men going to the moon a lot longer ago, and that came true.


And Spider-Man was published decades ago too.  Wow I can't wait! 


I don't see how that supports your paranoia, in fact it refutes it.  To wit: Just as we don't base our space program on century-old Jules Verne fiction, neither should we base our monetary policy on it.

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8 minutes ago, attrayant said:


And there it is.  No, I'm not going to do your homework for you.  I've already told you why businesses and banks dislike cash.  You've given me nothing in return except government mind-control paranoia.



And Spider-Man was published decades ago too.  Wow I can't wait! 


I don't see how that supports your paranoia, in fact it refutes it.  To wit: Just as we don't base our space program on century-old Jules Verne fiction, neither should we base our monetary policy on it.

Regardless of any argument put forth, no one should be able to force me to use electronic banking.

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45 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:

Lol. Mate, no one is watching you or give a shit about you here in thailand. Unless you're a political activist or freedom fighter or Tibetan monk no one gives a shit about conspiracy theorists.



Guess again...



Before dismissing it as whacko conspiracy drivel, listen to the parts about how they've affected election results.  With numbers...


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Regardless of any argument put forth, no one should be able to force me to use electronic banking.


You're free to decline the transaction.  The next time a supermarket refuses your cash, walk away.  I'm sure at least a few people resisted moving away from cowry shells and blocks of salt five or six centuries ago, despite George Orwell not even having been born yet.

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And the Cashless society in India, remember when Modi banned 85 percent of the currency? And it wasn't even possible to exchange old notes, because of the short time period given to make exchanges.  If you still held it, it was worthless. It amounted to government confiscation.

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For vendors, there is no additional transaction cost since banks are keen to provide the service free of charge at this stage,


That's the same thing the banks said when they rolled out ATMs originally. Going to be a cost savings and reduce required manpower.


Now look at it years later: Want to use an ATM that belongs to another bank (around the world), you get charged a fee. Try to use a non-Thai debit card to withdraw money from any Thai ATM, there's a 220b fee. Etc etc.


It may be free at the outset, but it likely won't remain free for long. The banks will eventually find a way to monetize the QR Code system as a profit center, like they do with everything else.


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You actually think the hackers won't be able to bypass your fingerprint security.

If so, I have a bridge in New York I can sell you, real cheap 5555555555555

POS tech such as Apple Pay is not just finger print unlock of your mobile.

Every transaction is encrypted and unique, the traditional methods of skimming credit/atm numbers will not work. The vendor never gets your card number. Sure the hackers will find a way but for now it is more secure than 

even chipped cards with PIN numbers.


Cash should be banned in Thailand to cut down on corruption and tax evasion.

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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

That's the same thing the banks said when they rolled out ATMs originally. Going to be a cost savings and reduce required manpower.


Now look at it years later: Want to use an ATM that belongs to another bank (around the world), you get charged a fee.


That's shifting the goalposts a bit.  Did banks promise no out-of-network fees 30+ years ago when ATMs were taking root?  Also, not being charged a fee is not the same thing as reducing business costs.  Businesses want to maximize profit in an endless balacing act to satisfy both their customers and their shareholders.  If they can do that by cutting overhead AND adding fees, they will.  If we don't like it, it's up to us to vote with our wallets.



6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Try to use a non-Thai debit card to withdraw money from any Thai ATM, there's a 220b fee. Etc etc.


If anything, this puts pressure on banks to have their ATMs everywhere.  There are a line of ATMs within ten minutes walking distance from me in four different directions.  That sure is better than one bank branch ten km away that is open from 9 am to 2 pm five days a week.  Those were typical "banker's hours" before ATMs were a thing.  Seems to me things have gotten a lot better.

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Driverless cars is the perfect example. All the propaganda coming out is making the sheeple think it's a good idea. Will they continue to do so when millions of taxi drivers, limo drivers, truck drivers, fork lift drivers, mine vehicle drivers are made redundant? I guess they just aren't clever enough to think about the unintended consequences, which is why they are sheeple. Baaaaa baaaaa.

I guess Henry Ford didn't think about the consequences when he made all those horse drawn carriage drivers redundant! Lol. It's called progress mate. And human evolution. New things get discovered, technologies get improved and lives get made better. Yes you have to tell the Thai govt where you are every 90 days, just in case you go and kill someone... But no one really cares where you are. Unless you've done something wrong. And if you do something wrong then technology is your friend, not enemy. You can use vpns, burner phones, bitcoin, fake names and addresses and ID to hide yourself... Trust me, I like to be off the grid too and do all I can... But cashless suits me more than cash. You can hide if you know how to with technology.
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4 hours ago, attrayant said:


And there it is.  No, I'm not going to do your homework for you.  I've already told you why businesses and banks dislike cash.  You've given me nothing in return except government mind-control paranoia.


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't prove that the government isn't out to spy on you, and control you ! :cool:


When in-business I liked cash myself, OK I got the very-occasional counterfeit, but I lost more to rubber-cheques  ...  though I once was paid a £50 reward for confiscating a credit-card which had been stopped !

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14 hours ago, Antonymous said:

And there it is. Big Brother is watching, monitoring and taxing. Those are the reasons for the worldwide war on cash.

Don’t forget to take your tin foil hat out in the morning.


I believe it’s called tax avoidance- without taxation Governments could not function- whinge about the road not being fixed, no decent healthcare etc. 

Paying taxes at a reasonable rate is perfectly acceptable.


When you get crazy Socalist governments, then I would agree - my Dad was taxed at 98% in the 70’s on some of his income - he went offshore .


Otherwise , only two certainties in life death and taxation. 

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20 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

Chip and pin is a lot more sensible than faffing about at the checkout with your smartphone but people seem to love any smartphone gimmick going at the moment.

There is no pfaffing about. Much faster than pulling a card out of a wallet or purse, sticking it in a slot, entering a PIN then having to wait for authorization, prior to putting the card away again securely before leaving the register. As is it seems many people walk around with a mobile in their hands already these days...

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