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Author of Trump book contradicts president, says aides see him as a 'child'

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Author of Trump book contradicts president, says aides see him as a 'child'

By Makini Brice



A copy of the book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by author Michael Wolff is seen at the Book Culture book store in New York, U.S. January 5, 2018. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The author of a deeply critical book about Donald Trump's first year in office said on Friday he had spoken with the president while working on it, contradicting Trump's assertion that he had never talked to the writer for the book and had not authorized any access to the White House.


Michael Wolff's book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" was an instant bestseller on Friday, its release pulled forward after published excerpts this week set off a political firestorm, threats by Trump lawyers of legal action and an effort to halt publication.


The book, dismissed by Trump as full of lies, depicts a chaotic White House, a president who was ill-prepared to win the office in 2016, and Trump aides who scorned his abilities. Standing by his reporting, Wolff told NBC on Friday that Trump aides had all told him they viewed him as child-like.


"I absolutely spoke to the president. Whether he realized it was an interview or not, I don't know, but it was certainly not off the record," he said on NBC's "Today" program. Wolff added that he had spoken to people who spoke to Trump on a daily, "sometimes minute by minute" basis.


Asked to clarify what he meant when he wrote that Trump's entire circle questioned his fitness for office, Wolff said, "100 percent of the people around him ... They all say he is like a child."


On Thursday evening, Trump tweeted, "I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book."


"Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don't exist," Trump added.


The early excerpts have also caused a public rift between the president and his former chief strategist and top campaign aide, Steve Bannon, over Bannon's comments in the book about Trump and his family.




Lawyers for Trump had called on the book's publisher, Henry Holt & Co, to halt the book's release, originally scheduled for Tuesday.


Instead, it began sales early and on Friday, its first day in stores, "Fire and Fury" was the top-selling book on Amazon.com. <AMZN.O>

In Washington, customers lined up in bitterly cold weather to purchase a copy at KramerBooks, which began selling copies at midnight. Many Washington-area bookstores, including KramerBooks, reported selling out of copies as of Friday morning at 10 a.m. ET (1500 GMT).


Justin Bethel, manager of the Politics and Prose bookstore, said its 30 copies sold out quickly. "It got so we couldn’t answer the phone, it was ringing so much," he said.


Politics and Prose customer Daniel Zhang, 22, said he and his housemate read a chapter online on Thursday night and he planned to read the book later on Friday. "I’m going to finish work, and then I’m not going out tonight; I’m just going to go back and read this book," said Zhang.


The reaction was less frenetic in New York, Trump's old home base. Book Culture, an independent book seller in the Upper West Side neighbourhood, said on Friday morning four people had bought the book and it had about 160 copies available, with 150 copies available in its other store.


The White House has said the book is riddled with errors, and campaign and administration officials have disputed events depicted in the book.


Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, who has called the book trash, said again on Friday that Wolff had talked only briefly to the president and did not have wide access.


"This is a guy who made up a lot of stories to try to sell books," Sanders said in an interview on Fox News Channel.


In a tweet on Friday, Trump called the book another attempt to smear him since any collusion between his election campaign and Russia "is proving to be a total hoax."


Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating possible collusion as part of a broader probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election. He has not announced any conclusions.


"The Fake News Media (Mainstream) and this phoney new book are hitting out at every new front imaginable," Trump wrote.


Charles Harder, Trump's personal lawyer, in a legal notice provided to Reuters, warned on Thursday of possible claims including libel against Wolff and Henry Holt & Co and threatened to try to block publication of the book. Harder also told Reuters that "legal action is imminent" against Bannon.


Bannon's reaction to the controversy has been muted. In interviews after the news broke with the conservative Breitbart News website, he called Trump a "great man" and pledged continued support for the president's agenda.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-01-06
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50 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Asked to clarify what he meant when he wrote that Trump's entire circle questioned his fitness for office, Wolff said, "100 percent of the people around him ... They all say he is like a child."

"...100 percent of the people around him ... They all say he is like a child..."


While I am shocked to see these words about an American President splayed across a newspaper story, I have to ask: why am I shocked?


Is there anything that is really new?


I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't read at all; does anyone really question if he is semi-literate?

I have heard the stories that Trump gets a second scoop of ice cream with dessert; does anyone question that he is child-like?

I have heard the stories that Trump needs to be mentioned in intelligence briefs in order to get him to scan them; does anyone question that he is a narcissistic maniac?

I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't have even basic understanding about the US constitution; does anyone really question his lack of knowledge?

I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't understand the basics of his own policy positions; does anyone question that he does not understand what he is championing?


I could continue this line of posting for hours. The comment that needs to be said is that I sincerely hope the people around Trump are able to work around the unqualified moron and somehow stop him from screwing over the entire planet before the US people can get him out of that office.


I have said it before and (sadly) will say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.


Trump says he didn't talk to Wolff, White House spokesperson says Trump did talk to Wolff.

Same old, same old.


Trump has the least amount of credibility of any human who has ever walked on earth. He is the biggest liar in the world. Who would ever believe a word out of his mouth? 

  Lies and liars are the enemy of the people. He surrounds himself with lackeys who sell their own integrity for financial gain/power. He intends to be a U.S. dictator standing along with other despots. WAKE UP AMERICA. 


corrupt Republican congress.jpg


And the destruction of the office of President continues. Many of the claims are  childish name calling and insults intended to humiliate,  and degrade Trump. I am not surprised, since Trump brought the presidency to this level. No matter one's views on Trump, it should be obvious that much of what is published so far is intended to hurt , and undermine. It is more worthy of the exaggerated nonsense of the National Enquirer than reputable news media.


Trump is such an idiot that he built a business empire  that supported his ostentatious and garish lifestyle.  He is such a child that he  could charm and bed dozens of  fabulous women, women  that made so many of the braying donkeys  jealous. He was able to negotiate sweetheart deals and obtain financing despite his supposed failures.  No sorry, but what I see now is negativity for the sake of negativity, no different than the  vile lies . spewed by the GOP and Trump campaign over the past  decade. It was wrong when Trump, the tea party and the GOP did it and it is wrong now that their opponents do it.


The USA is in the throes of moral collapse. How I long for the days of flawed and imperfect politicians like Moynihan, Baker, Jackson, Magnusen, Proxmire, Javits, Bentsen, Weicker, Proxmire,Bumpers, Heinz etc. The  USA was better off, and so was the world.  The USA population refuses to exercise common sense, dialogue, moderation in behaviour and this is what it gets. All part of a society that thrives on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, and others. Thanks.

15 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

And the destruction of the office of President continues. Many of the claims are  childish name calling and insults intended to humiliate,  and degrade Trump. I am not surprised, since Trump brought the presidency to this level. No matter one's views on Trump, it should be obvious that much of what is published so far is intended to hurt , and undermine. It is more worthy of the exaggerated nonsense of the National Enquirer than reputable news media.


Trump is such an idiot that he built a business empire  that supported his ostentatious and garish lifestyle.  He is such a child that he  could charm and bed dozens of  fabulous women, women  that made so many of the braying donkeys  jealous. He was able to negotiate sweetheart deals and obtain financing despite his supposed failures.  No sorry, but what I see now is negativity for the sake of negativity, no different than the  vile lies . spewed by the GOP and Trump campaign over the past  decade. It was wrong when Trump, the tea party and the GOP did it and it is wrong now that their opponents do it.


The USA is in the throes of moral collapse. How I long for the days of flawed and imperfect politicians like Moynihan, Baker, Jackson, Magnusen, Proxmire, Javits, Bentsen, Weicker, Proxmire,Bumpers, Heinz etc. The  USA was better off, and so was the world.  The USA population refuses to exercise common sense, dialogue, moderation in behaviour and this is what it gets. All part of a society that thrives on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, and others. Thanks.

I'm more optimistic. The blowback comes from the majority.  Even our institutions are intact...and are righting the ship.

1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

Trump has the least amount of credibility of any human who has ever walked on earth. He is the biggest liar in the world. Who would ever believe a word out of his mouth? 

  Lies and liars are the enemy of the people. He surrounds himself with lackeys who sell their own integrity for financial gain/power. He intends to be a U.S. dictator standing along with other despots. WAKE UP AMERICA. 


corrupt Republican congress.jpg

Yes he is a liar... he is keeping hia campaign promises.


He wrote the book to sell to a certain crowed. Just like mike moore and his movies

28 minutes ago, mamypoko said:

And the destruction of the office of President continues. Many of the claims are  childish name calling and insults intended to humiliate,  and degrade Trump. I am not surprised, since Trump brought the presidency to this level. No matter one's views on Trump, it should be obvious that much of what is published so far is intended to hurt , and undermine. It is more worthy of the exaggerated nonsense of the National Enquirer than reputable news media.

Spot on.


Do you read the New York Times? I still do, but only to remind myself how low the US media can stoop. Appalling biased nonsense, full of venom. A disgrace to journalism.


You Trump haters do yourselves no favors by by spitting out such errant nonsense.

This is the man that took on the finest bunch of political leaders available  and smashed them into insignificance, He won the election and has had a very successful first year as President. You think this  was done by a stupid man? A self made billionaire? A man with no brains or credibility? By all means disagree with him. But try coming up with something better than hate spewing childish whining.

Just now, johnmcc6 said:

You Trump haters do yourselves no favors by by spitting out such errant nonsense.

This is the man that took on the finest bunch of political leaders available  and smashed them into insignificance, He won the election and has had a very successful first year as President. You think this  was done by a stupid man? A self made billionaire? A man with no brains or credibility? By all means disagree with him. But try coming up with something better than hate spewing childish whining.

No he didn't. It was the voters that "smashed them into significance".

The whole world is laughing at the USA, which is a real shame.


If your close friend turns out to be a demonstrable liar, misogynist and racist, would you still keep them as a friend?

39 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Spot on.


Do you read the New York Times? I still do, but only to remind myself how low the US media can stoop. Appalling biased nonsense, full of venom. A disgrace to journalism.

No. I find it too opinionated and I am a liberal. Even WSJ gets on my nerves now.  I try to get  PBS news when I can.  The  news hour parts with Mark Shields that old time  moderate Democrat and David Brooks the  moderate Republican are more to my preferences. I am waiting to see how George Will, David Gergen and George Stephanopolous weigh in with their comments on the book. 

The USA is so much better than this cat fight lifted from a Dynasty episode.  

25 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

No he didn't. It was the voters that "smashed them into significance".

The whole world is laughing at the USA, which is a real shame.


If your close friend turns out to be a demonstrable liar, misogynist and racist, would you still keep them as a friend?

T D S> sadly no cure.


I certainly do not need this book to tell me what I already know about Donald Trump. He has a long history as a New York City businessman and his results are mixed.

To stay afloat- Trump had to 'borrow'  $3.5 million from his father Fred who actually was a shrewd and successful businessman.  Trump has been proven to make bad decisions in his business; spout dubious and false claims; treat women as sex objects; exhibit racist views; and actually been fined for discrimination in New York.  This was way before he became President.


And because of all of the above, I did not vote for him.  I knew his record; heard his speeches filled with lies; false promises that if carried out will set America backward; and spreading  a racist; alt right narrative that appeals to people's worst instincts and fears. Yes, America wanted a changed and they got one- but not the type of change that will make America great or even better. We would all like to tell someone who irritates us to 'go to hell'- but do we really want the President of the United States speaking to World leaders like a buffoon; uniformed; having no real persona and thus losing respect for the Presidency and America as a whole.


When you listen to Trump present a problem- you can agree indeed there is a problem- but when you listen to his solution- you must understand his solution plays to an alt right base and the solution he puts forth only makes the situation worse.

For example:  Trump promised great healthcare- and to get rid of Obamacare. Instead, he pushed a Republican bill which would have replaced Obamacare with a healthcare bill which would have driven millions of Americans  off the healthcare rolls and raised premiums to unsustainable levels that would force more millions off the roles. The bill was so bad that Senator John McCain, a Republican Leader, voted his conscience and stated- no way- and the bill died. Trump then attacked McCain- an American war hero and terminally ill with cancer.


Trump could have actually put forth universal healthcare in the same manner that every other industrialized country in the World has universal healthcare but this would have meant going after for profit hospitals; big insurance and big pharma. However, this is what the majority of Americans want because it would provide every American with healthcare regardless of cost.

Trump by his own admission has no concept of how complicated the issue is.


Trump is unable to come up with realistic solutions to problems because he never does any research on issues; never understands historical references; never believes experts on issues and makes his decisions based upon his own  flawed view of  the way -he- Trump wants things to be.  This is a man who has never walked in the average person's shoes; has never even hardly walked the streets of any city and has mostly never had a conversation with anyone who was not a millionaire. He looks at people of color; the disabled; the poor; the middle class as lesser mortals- with utter disdain .


Those of you who voted for him have made a huge mistake.  I  understand why you did- because you thought he would make the needed changes that would actually make America a great country.  He conned you; he lied to you and his actions in his first year in office will prove to be disastrous. He is not going to drain any swamp because he has created an alternate swamp in the White House which is filled with dirt and venom.  

There are 3 solutions to this problem- Impeach him; invoke the 25th Amendment or vote him out. 

10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I certainly do not need this book to tell me what I already know about Donald Trump. He has a long history as a New York City businessman and his results are mixed.

To stay afloat- Trump had to 'borrow'  $3.5 million from his father Fred who actually was a shrewd and successful businessman.  Trump has been proven to make bad decisions in his business; spout dubious and false claims; treat women as sex objects; exhibit racist views; and actually been fined for discrimination in New York.  This was way before he became President.


And because of all of the above, I did not vote for him.  I knew his record; heard his speeches filled with lies; false promises that if carried out will set America backward; and spreading  a racist; alt right narrative that appeals to people's worst instincts and fears. Yes, America wanted a changed and they got one- but not the type of change that will make America great or even better. We would all like to tell someone who irritates us to 'go to hell'- but do we really want the President of the United States speaking to World leaders like a buffoon; uniformed; having no real persona and thus losing respect for the Presidency and America as a whole.


When you listen to Trump present a problem- you can agree indeed there is a problem- but when you listen to his solution- you must understand his solution plays to an alt right base and the solution he puts forth only makes the situation worse.

For example:  Trump promised great healthcare- and to get rid of Obamacare. Instead, he pushed a Republican bill which would have replaced Obamacare with a healthcare bill which would have driven millions of Americans  off the healthcare rolls and raised premiums to unsustainable levels that would force more millions off the roles. The bill was so bad that Senator John McCain, a Republican Leader, voted his conscience and stated- no way- and the bill died. Trump then attacked McCain- an American war hero and terminally ill with cancer.


Trump could have actually put forth universal healthcare in the same manner that every other industrialized country in the World has universal healthcare but this would have meant going after for profit hospitals; big insurance and big pharma. However, this is what the majority of Americans want because it would provide every American with healthcare regardless of cost.

Trump by his own admission has no concept of how complicated the issue is.


Trump is unable to come up with realistic solutions to problems because he never does any research on issues; never understands historical references; never believes experts on issues and makes his decisions based upon his own  flawed view of  the way -he- Trump wants things to be.  This is a man who has never walked in the average person's shoes; has never even hardly walked the streets of any city and has mostly never had a conversation with anyone who was not a millionaire. He looks at people of color; the disabled; the poor; the middle class as lesser mortals- with utter disdain .


Those of you who voted for him have made a huge mistake.  I  understand why you did- because you thought he would make the needed changes that would actually make America a great country.  He conned you; he lied to you and his actions in his first year in office will prove to be disastrous. He is not going to drain any swamp because he has created an alternate swamp in the White House which is filled with dirt and venom.  

There are 3 solutions to this problem- Impeach him; invoke the 25th Amendment or vote him out. 

Voting him out is your only chance. You just have to get past all those alt right fly over ignorant racist deplorable s first. Fat chance at this point. Keep calling them names like your opinion is much more valued than theirs and see what you get. Another 7 years.

1 hour ago, johnmcc6 said:

You Trump haters do yourselves no favors by by spitting out such errant nonsense.

This is the man that took on the finest bunch of political leaders available  and smashed them into insignificance, He won the election and has had a very successful first year as President. You think this  was done by a stupid man? A self made billionaire? A man with no brains or credibility? By all means disagree with him. But try coming up with something better than hate spewing childish whining.

He inherited $200m from daddy. Self made $1b? Now your cred is in the gutter too.


I am not calling the  majority of people who voted for Trump anything - they voted in good faith hoping he would improve their lives and solve the ills that beset America. I am simply pointing out that they have been conned; lied to and Trump's promises and World view will never, ever make America a greater country.

I am hoping that those who support Trump do some research into the issues that will really put America on the right track instead of listening to a man who has a poor record in his business life and a worse record as President.

As long as Donald Trump leaves office either by impeachment, the use of the 25th Amendment; or losing the vote- America will be better off. I would rather see Mike Pence , current Vice President as President than Donald Trump and while I do not agree with his politics at least he won't embarrass America and he has a grasp of the issues.


More than likely, 90% of what is reported in this book is true. It falls in line with nearly everything we know about the man child. He is a colossal super freak. A complete goombah. A man who disgraces each and every room he enters, with his presence.A man who demeans every meeting, every conference, every event he participates in, merely by being present. A freakish man, who is fearful of study and knowledge, and feels he is the top authority on everything.


This book is fun. There is so much more to come. Trump, by his actions is validating so much of what is said in this book. His level of paranoia, his lack of self esteem, his extreme lack of self love, masked with enormous bragadachio. There is no doubt that those that work closely with him, have little affection or respect for him. And there is no doubt that Bannon and his chief of staff actually said those things about him, that they are now reputed to have said. Even his daughter makes fun of him. Wouldn't you, if he was your dad? I would.

2 hours ago, pegman said:

He inherited $200m from daddy. Self made $1b? Now your cred is in the gutter too.


A recent US government audit stated that he had a net worth of $680 million, with over a billion dollars in debt. And that is after five bankruptcies, where he defrauded alot of small businessmen and women out of nearly $4.8 billion. At the time he was elected, this crime lord con man was being sued by over 3,600 people, many of whom lost their shirts, by having the bad fortune to have worked for this worm. He was suing 1,300 people and businesses at the time of his election. Who on earth gets involved in that many lawsuits? My guess, it that it is a record, and nobody of great wealth has ever courted so much legal venom, hatred, or animus. He is a fool. A charlatan. A snake. A reptile. He is NOT a man. He is barely a man child.

3 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

Voting him out is your only chance.

That is simply not the truth. 

Objectively speaking, there are other ways that presidents can leave office and have done in history. 


Namely --


impeachment then conviction (possible but has not yet happened historically)

resignation (due to inevitable impeachment/conviction, health, etc.)

death (natural or assassination)

declining to run for second term


Ignoring the rest of your post because you started it off with a TOTAL falsehood. 

6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Too bad even Tony Blair states that Wolff's book is a "complete fabrication" :saai:



I think you are twisting things...


Who feed this information to wolff??? Blair or one of Trumps gang???


It has been those close to Trump and the White House staff who have provided Wolff with most of the information for his book.

9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...100 percent of the people around him ... They all say he is like a child..."


While I am shocked to see these words about an American President splayed across a newspaper story, I have to ask: why am I shocked?


Is there anything that is really new?


I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't read at all; does anyone really question if he is semi-literate?

I have heard the stories that Trump gets a second scoop of ice cream with dessert; does anyone question that he is child-like?

I have heard the stories that Trump needs to be mentioned in intelligence briefs in order to get him to scan them; does anyone question that he is a narcissistic maniac?

I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't have even basic understanding about the US constitution; does anyone really question his lack of knowledge?

I have heard the stories that Trump doesn't understand the basics of his own policy positions; does anyone question that he does not understand what he is championing?


I could continue this line of posting for hours. The comment that needs to be said is that I sincerely hope the people around Trump are able to work around the unqualified moron and somehow stop him from screwing over the entire planet before the US people can get him out of that office.


I have said it before and (sadly) will say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.

Missed a bit...

'The author of a controversial book on Donald Trump says that all his White House aides see him as a "child" who needs "immediate gratification".'


You do not have to be a White House aide to work that one out...


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