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Seagate USB hard drives. Two failures inside 7 months!

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I bought a Seagate 1TB drive from Invade in Jun this year. It lasted all of two weeks. I used the Seagate warranty and got a replacement drive within 10 days by post. It seemed to be a slightly newer release than what Invade sent as same model but slightly changed disk contents and tools pre-installed, which I erased all of anyhow.


6 months later the replacement now has the same fault. Lights on but nothing showing on any computer it attaches to.


Seagate really are taking the piss, no point in me asking them again and I will avoid them forever from now on.


I notice two or three other posters on here have trouble with Seagate USB drives also.


You seem to be a time-traveller :smile: but I had 3 usb 1tb drives fail last year within weeks of each other and have decided to stop trying to save everything and make more use of the higher internet speeds we have these days.  


I was having good luck with Seagate's (or, more correctly, better luck than with WD) until the flood of 2011 when I bought 3 and they all failed within a year.  Since the time and the data is worth 10x what the drives cost, I didn't bother getting warranty replacements.  Why spend hours and hours backing up to a warranty replacement drive that may fail?


I'd lost a few WD's over the previous 10 years, which is why I switched to Seagate's.  I chalked the 2011 failures up to quality problems due to the production crunches during the floods, but who knows.  Sounds like it may be deeper than that.


Knock wood, the half dozen WD's I've bought since then are still spinning- internal, external and NAS...  And the interweb says that WD's have a better survival rate, though nobody mentioned a failure rate of 3 for 3 in 12 months on any brand.


On an aside, Youtube has a bunch of videos on Hail Mary repairs to non functional HD's and I'm looking forward to getting back to BKK and diving into my drawer full of failed HD's to take them apart...  More for curiosity than data retrieval.  Though I have lost some photos I'd like to have back.  Some of folks that are no longer with us.


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