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Trump rejects author's accusations, calls self 'stable genius'

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Of course Donald J. Trump is a very smart man.  The problem is his detractors can't stand that fact. :smile:

He is such a genius he forgot he already tried to be president in 2000...:coffee1:

6 hours ago, CaptainZero said:

Trump is 71 and lives on a diet of McDonalds and Diet Coke.

Don't worry, he's going to do an excellent impression of a "Norwegian Blue" before his term is finished.

Well at least little Kim's diet is based on cheese which includes a lot of calcium :smile:


As far as his intelligence, I will grant that he does have certain limited (and dangerous) talents. For example, I think he is arguably the greatest CON MAN that has ever lived. 


The book seems so fake, it's kind of sad to see people believe the word of a person who has obvious biases. But, as the media say, "There is no liberal bias in the media."

1 hour ago, HHPedlar said:

The book seems so fake, it's kind of sad to see people believe the word of a person who has obvious biases. But, as the media say, "There is no liberal bias in the media."

They believe it because it rings true to all the stuff that has been released before. Not saying it's going to convert many trumpists. They're hopeless cases, true believers in something evil that we've seen throughout history. But there is hope more independent people will be influenced and at least create a WAVE election in 2018 to put the brakes on trump once and for all. 

1 hour ago, HHPedlar said:

The book seems so fake, it's kind of sad to see people believe the word of a person who has obvious biases. But, as the media say, "There is no liberal bias in the media."

Yes, and all those shouting for the death of Salman Rushdie for his book the Satanic verses, which they claimed was blasphemous until they did actually read it and found it was not, were from a similar literary group - comment before reading.


Have you read it - Fire and Fury? I am just finished chapter 19. It is not particularly well written but I don't think it is fake at all. It is corroborated by all the other articles, video's, news clips etc that we have seen. I believe Wolff has written down what he has seen, heard, and been told. There is no telling if what he was told in interviews was real or fake that is for sure, or whether bar talk was embellished just because that's what people do (send three and sixpence), but as for the general gist of it, I think it is a very accurate representation of the people and what we know of their characters. I think a lot of it will be borne out as Mueller releases details of his investigation and as others involved in the book speak out........or not. There will be errors in it, but if Trump would have kept his mouth shut and not turned the book into an instant best seller before it even hit the shelves then it would be disappearing off the news channels already.


By spouting off, twitter raging and issuing legal threats, Trump has added more credibility to the contents of the book than he can understand. The book even accurately portrays the very part of Trump we have seen in the last 72 hrs. Even if only 30% of the book I have read is true, it is utterly damning, but I will make a stab at 75-80% - that is how much of the book I believe to be accurate, having gone through the first 19 chapters.


If this was fake, bearing in mind Sarah Sanders said it was all completely fake, why did Trump as one of the first things he did slap a 'cease and desist' and then a class action on Bannon? Bannon did not write the book - Wolff did, and at the time of the legal threats Bannon had made no comment and even expressed support for Trump on a radio broadcast. The reason for the class action -panic, the reason for the panic - truth! You just know it makes sense. The class action said that Bannon had broken the terms of a NDA, so why has a class action not been slapped on all the other people close to Trump that have commented for breaking NDA's? How, - if it is all fake, BS can Bannon have even broken an NDA? The people that have stated unequivocally that this book is pretty much true are Trump and his Lawyers by their actions and comments. One person knows for sure, and it's not God - it's Mueller ! (although once Mueller gets the result I hope he will get he will be pretty much God in my eyes anyway ).

2 minutes ago, HHPedlar said:

The book is such obvious fiction; it’s a great way of exposing the credulity of the Trump haters of the MSM and distracting the weak minded.

All this on 6 posts. Come on come clean and stop us having to guess for a while. Who are you? We will guess soon enough.

17 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, and all those shouting for the death of Salman Rushdie for his book the Satanic verses, which they claimed was blasphemous until they did actually read it and found it was not, were from a similar literary group - comment before reading.


Have you read it - Fire and Fury? I am just finished chapter 19. It is not particularly well written but I don't think it is fake at all. It is corroborated by all the other articles, video's, news clips etc that we have seen. I believe Wolff has written down what he has seen, heard, and been told. There is no telling if what he was told in interviews was real or fake that is for sure, or whether bar talk was embellished just because that's what people do (send three and sixpence), but as for the general gist of it, I think it is a very accurate representation of the people and what we know of their characters. I think a lot of it will be borne out as Mueller releases details of his investigation and as others involved in the book speak out........or not. There will be errors in it, but if Trump would have kept his mouth shut and not turned the book into an instant best seller before it even hit the shelves then it would be disappearing off the news channels already.


By spouting off, twitter raging and issuing legal threats, Trump has added more credibility to the contents of the book than he can understand. The book even accurately portrays the very part of Trump we have seen in the last 72 hrs. Even if only 30% of the book I have read is true, it is utterly damning, but I will make a stab at 75-80% - that is how much of the book I believe to be accurate, having gone through the first 19 chapters.


If this was fake, bearing in mind Sarah Sanders said it was all completely fake, why did Trump as one of the first things he did slap a 'cease and desist' and then a class action on Bannon? Bannon did not write the book - Wolff did, and at the time of the legal threats Bannon had made no comment and even expressed support for Trump on a radio broadcast. The reason for the class action -panic, the reason for the panic - truth! You just know it makes sense. The class action said that Bannon had broken the terms of a NDA, so why has a class action not been slapped on all the other people close to Trump that have commented for breaking NDA's? How, - if it is all fake, BS can Bannon have even broken an NDA? The people that have stated unequivocally that this book is pretty much true are Trump and his Lawyers by their actions and comments. One person knows for sure, and it's not God - it's Mueller ! (although once Mueller gets the result I hope he will get he will be pretty much God in my eyes anyway ).

I liked the part about the gorillas.

30 minutes ago, HHPedlar said:

I liked the part about the gorillas.

And there we have it. Living proof that people scream and squeal, claim the book is fake and guess what? They have never read it! There is not one instance in the book where the word 'Gorilla" or "Gorilla's" is mentioned. Thank you for confirming all we thought. Trump really is a genius it seems, his mass hypnotism skills not only get 33% of the population to believe his BS but it gets them acting with the same moral compass as he possesses. 


Im never going to waste any time or money on wolfs garbage but i did read an article he's published in some trump unfriendly magazine...wow...I don't know how he makes up such crap....he is literally writing about whats going on in the thought processes of conway, trump, priebus, bannon, seems like everyone told this journo their innermost thoughts ....yeah, right.


i smell the stench of a certain 'foundation' all over this.

11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Of course Donald J. Trump is a very smart man.  The problem is his detractors can't stand that fact. :smile:

Well he clearly is smart in that he wears smart clothes all the time.  Unfortunately that is as far as the smartness goes, the rest is just stupidity. 


Dr. Ablow highly respected internationally renowned psychiatrist (He graduated from Brown Universityin 1983, magna cum laude, with a Bachelor of Science degree in neurosciences. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1987[6] and completed his psychiatry residency at the Tufts-New England Medical Center. He was Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology in psychiatry in 1993 and forensic psychiatry in 1999.[7])




46 minutes ago, atyclb said:

Dr. Ablow highly respected internationally renowned psychiatrist (He graduated from Brown Universityin 1983, magna cum laude, with a Bachelor of Science degree in neurosciences. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1987[6] and completed his psychiatry residency at the Tufts-New England Medical Center. He was Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology in psychiatry in 1993 and forensic psychiatry in 1999.[7])







Keith Russell Ablow is an American psychiatrist, author, and television personality. He is also a contributor on psychiatry for Fox News Channel and TheBlaze. Ablow resigned as a member of the American Psychiatric Association in 2011




Medical Experts Condemn Fox's Keith Ablow: "Shameful" And "Unfortunate That He Is Given A Platform"





Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, the chairman of psychiatry at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and past president of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), told the AP that "it is shameful and unfortunate that he is given a platform by Fox News or any other media organization," adding that "he is a narcissistic self-promoter of limited and dubious expertise."

Ford Vox, a staff psychiatrist at the Shepherd Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center in Atlanta, said that Ablow's medical analysis "is really just irresponsible and it's embarrassing for physicians in general."

Read the link and what Ablow was saying about Obama and Ebola - how Obama welcomed the presence of Ebola in the USA because he has an affinity for Africa!


Fox is really aiming well at it's target audience. My oh my!



1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

limited and dubious expertise."



squabbles, infighting and politics are common in the medical profession. to say limited and dubious expertise would be calling themselves of limited and dubious expertise also since ablow is a product of the same system, especially that of prestigious highly regarded medical schools and residency programs and the coveted board certifications of which ablow has 2.

3 hours ago, atyclb said:

Dr. Ablow highly respected internationally renowned psychiatrist (He graduated from Brown Universityin 1983, magna cum laude, with a Bachelor of Science degree in neurosciences. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1987[6] and completed his psychiatry residency at the Tufts-New England Medical Center. He was Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology in psychiatry in 1993 and forensic psychiatry in 1999.[7])




Proof that a person can get educated and still be a boot-licking ding dong.


I had a friend (we played music in clubs together) who graduated top of his class at Yale, and wound up in a small cabin smoking pot all day.  He had a hair-trigger temper - where he yelled wildly at the slightest provocation or challenge.   

1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Proof that a person can get educated and still be a boot-licking ding dong.


I had a friend (we played music in clubs together) who graduated top of his class at Yale, and wound up in a small cabin smoking pot all day.  He had a hair-trigger temper - where he yelled wildly at the slightest provocation or challenge.   



 sounds like your friend may have mental illness. some of the most brilliant people have suffered with it.  u ever see the movie . "a beautiful mind" . russell crowe . true story about a nobel prize winner


Yes, stable genius, providing the only other occupants of the stable are the livestock.


There's a word for a person who goes around talking about how smart they are: idiot.  When actor David Duchovny was making the rounds of talk shows 20 years ago to promote a movie, his go-to topic was how high his SAT scores were back in his school days; if he had one friend in the world they would have told him what a fool he was making of himself.




Troll posts from a now banned member have been removed along with replies.   My apologies to those who took the time to respond.  


someone has got to Bannon, seems he is backtracking on Trump Jr. He is now a fine man and a patriot, must have had a serious visit from someone with a pair of pliers.

11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im never going to waste any time or money on wolfs garbage but i did read an article he's published in some trump unfriendly magazine...wow...I don't know how he makes up such crap....he is literally writing about whats going on in the thought processes of conway, trump, priebus, bannon, seems like everyone told this journo their innermost thoughts ....yeah, right.

If he's just making up stuff then why haven't all those people come out and denied what he has written?

6 hours ago, atyclb said:



 sounds like your friend may have mental illness. some of the most brilliant people have suffered with it.  u ever see the movie . "a beautiful mind" . russell crowe . true story about a nobel prize winner

Actually, the movie was not at all true. But it was based on a book where the author at least tried to be.


Everyone should be concerned that someone as narcissistic as Trump will provoke an international crisis. Look up the term 'narcissistic rage' if you're not. Concerns that his cognitive abilities are in decline are also legitimate given (1) his age, (2) repeated reports that his attention span is very short, (3) he repeats himself incessantly,  (4) has difficulty processing written information, and (5) has a troubled relationship with the truth.  Please also note that he never submitted to a legitimate physical and mental evaluation as a presidential candidate.

3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, the movie was not at all true. But it was based on a book where the author at least tried to be.

perhaps some drama was added to the movie as is often the case but to say the movie is not at all true suggests you may also suffer from mental illness.


John F. Nash Jr., Math Genius Defined by a ‘Beautiful Mind,’ Dies at 86


"John F. Nash Jr., a mathematician who shared a Nobel in 1994 for work that greatly extended the reach and power of modern economic theory and whose long descent into severe mental illness and eventual recovery were the subject of a book and a film, both titled “A Beautiful Mind,” was killed, along with his wife, in a car crash on Saturday in New Jersey. He was 86."


source . https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/25/science/john-nash-a-beautiful-mind-subject-and-nobel-winner-dies-at-86.html


The "genius" himself is so smart that he only needs to work a few hours in the day to get the POTUS job done. Not like those other idiot presidents that used to put in a full day of work and then some. What fools those other presidents were. First the most vacations days ever taken by a POTUS in a year, now the shortest workday too. The "genius" is really working hard for the country.


Trump's official work day is shortening to give him more time to watch TV and tweet: Report




Trump typically spends 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Oval Office, when he may have a couple of meetings. But he spends a large portion of the day on the phone and watching cable news in the dining room next to the Oval Office.


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