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Prayut clearly wants to stay in power: Ongart


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Prayut clearly wants to stay in power: Ongart

By The Nation



Democrat Party deputy leader Ongart Klampaiboon


Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s declaration of being a politician last week only made it more obvious that he wishes to stay in power after the election, Democrat Party deputy leader Ongart Klampaiboon said on Sunday.


Ongart observed that Prayut’s detachment from the military falls in line with other mechanisms and movements since the 2014 coup with potential to prolong the power of the ruling junta.


These include legal preparation, such as the junta-written 2017 charter that allows the Upper House to be wholly handpicked by the junta and to jointly choose an outsider prime minister with the elected Lower House, and last month’s Article 44 order that requires party members to resubmit verification documents.


Prayut also launched his “four questions” and “six questions” to the public with clear leanings against traditional politicians.


Ongart also noted the Cabinet’s frequent approvals of expensive local projects and the emergence of new political groupings ahead of this year’s Prayut-promised election.


“Whether this power-prolonging attempt can be achieved depends on their [the junta’s] ability to show that they work for public interests,” the deputy said. “If they use power to benefit their own camp, such an attempt might not be achieved easily.”


Ongart’s comment appeared to be relatively strong given that many other politicians have chosen not to give a clear-cut assessment of Prayut’s intentions following his remarks about being a politician who was once a soldier.


 Others have seen the statement in a more positive light, reasoning that the premier’s “coming out” meant he now had greater awareness of his political roles and that he would separate them from his military roles.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30335608

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-01-08
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2 or 3 articles every day of him:


  • wanting to stay in power
  • giving fatherly advice on some topic
  • ranting about Ying


WHat ever happened to good reads in the morning. I predict that tomorrow he will give 2 of the above and it shall be news!

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut clearly wants to stay in power: Ongart

Thailand will get the government and the PM - let that be short for Power Man - that it deserves.


Eighty years of squabbling between political parties which, more often than not, turned out to be money-motivated and degenerated into family feuds, have left the country totally bereft of governmental know-how and experience, regardless of the shirt colour of the dominant voice. The essential governmental infrastructure, its systems and processes and its ability to manage anything from a money-making budget to a military parade has all but disappeared. What is there, now, quietly beavering away in Government House - like the UK's Civil Service - that any governing body, elected or un-elected, can use as its machinery, its beating heart, almost? At the moment, the top rooms are occupied by people like Prawit . . . there is nothing there to call upon; for example, to plan a restructuring of the Police force or a top-down reform of the Education Department.


Very much to Prayut's advantage, the 'good governance cupboard' is pretty well bare and this is all to the good of the present Junta, who are trying - and often struggling, given their over reliance on Generals pretending to be Ministers - to get some sort of governmental machine cobbled together.


The truth is that, were another party or group to win control in November (?), they would have an almost empty cupboard to turn to and this will be Prayut's strongest argument during the coming months. He can say that, at least, the country has SOMETHING, with him as leader, as opposed to NOTHING, should he get the boot up the backside.

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47 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Well of course he does .....  and why wouldn't he.   He's doing a good Job


A good job? A ‘good job’ doesn’t begin to cover the astounding brilliance and dynamic foresight with which he (from whom all blessings flow) is masterfully conducting the affairs of the country.


Are we satisfied with half-hearted, lukewarm acknowledgement of the greatest leader the world has ever seen?


Are we satisfied to palm off his miraculous achievements as…’good job’?


Are we content to withhold true, well-deserved, and heartfelt praise from divinity incarnate?


If so…we have failed. Forgive us Uncle, for we know not what we do.


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Some farang are anti Junta ... which is fine as that's your choice and opinion. I support peace and stability along with economic development which is the current situation in Thailand.

Alot has been done over the past 3 1/2 years since Khun Prayut came to power, although some has not been favourable to some farang keyboard warriors, it is what it is and this government will be here for some time to come.


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3 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

So, you believe ALL the governments spin on figures ? If tourism figures is anything to go by .................

I don't believe any governments figures anywhere .... in your lifetime, have you ever known an honest politician .... :cheesy:

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36 minutes ago, Hayduke said:


A good job? A ‘good job’ doesn’t begin to cover the astounding brilliance and dynamic foresight with which he (from whom all blessings flow) is masterfully conducting the affairs of the country.



Are we satisfied with half-hearted, lukewarm acknowledgement of the greatest leader the world has ever seen?



Are we satisfied to palm off his miraculous achievements as…’good job’?



Are we content to withhold true, well-deserved, and heartfelt praise from divinity incarnate?



If so…we have failed. Forgive us Uncle, for we know not what we do.



Splendid,splendid!you're getting the hang of it m'boy."Navel of the Universe" "Ozymandias" and other rococco embellishments are very definitely appreciated in the Land of the Gigantic Durian.


Don't stop now.

Edited by Odysseus123
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These people wanted the army to take power.  Now they are stuck with a country that will go nowhere.  Be careful what you wish for as it may stick with you like a bad rash.


The average Thai will continue to struggle, but the rich will flourish and Thailand will loose out to Vietnam.  All because the inbred rich and Prayut are just not very smart.

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40 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Some farang are anti Junta ...

Not just farang.  Do you have any friends ?  Other than your complete distaste for representative government and the stifling of free speech of your fellow Thai, you seem like an okay person.  The average Thai when asked are not pro junta, at least not in my highly diverse circle of Thai friends.  

Edited by yellowboat
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A good job? A ‘good job’ doesn’t begin to cover the astounding brilliance and dynamic foresight with which he (from whom all blessings flow) is masterfully conducting the affairs of the country.

Are we satisfied with half-hearted, lukewarm acknowledgement of the greatest leader the world has ever seen?

Are we satisfied to palm off his miraculous achievements as…’good job’?

Are we content to withhold true, well-deserved, and heartfelt praise from divinity incarnate?

If so…we have failed. Forgive us Uncle, for we know not what we do.


Splendid,splendid!you're getting the hang of it m'boy."Navel of the Universe" "Ozymandias" and other rococco embellishments are very definitely appreciated in the Land of the Gigantic Durian.
Don't stop now.

Tech tch, there is no need to be sarcastic! Hayduke is merely rallying to a noble cause. Who knows, even a cynical and tiresome espouser of democracy such as my humble self could shortly be struck by a blinding light, and be reborn in a damascene conversion, as a lowly accolyte to the Messiah, who with blazing torch labours here so incessantly to illuminate the myriad achievements of our noble leader.

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, JAG said:


Tech tch, there is no need to be sarcastic! Hayduke is merely rallying to a noble cause. Who knows, even a cynical and tiresome espouser of democracy such as my humble self could shortly be struck by a blinding light, and be reborn in a damascene conversion, as a lowly accolyte to the Messiah, who with blazing torch labours here so incessantly to illuminate the myriad achievements of our noble leader.

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Luvin' it and by the way I actually "liked" Hayduke's post but....there ain't no camels in the "Navel of the Universe"


My personal honorific for the Leader of Leaders-announced with the utmost sincerity-is "Your Astounding Effulgency"-which I used to repeat like a mantra every Friday night.

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49 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I don't believe any governments figures anywhere .... in your lifetime, have you ever known an honest politician .... :cheesy:

Yet you do believe the junta leader and he's a politician - he just stated so himself. Why is that, Steven?



PS. If the Shins get back in power will you move away from Thailand? Come on buddy, don't keep us in suspense!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s declaration of being a politician last week only made it more obvious that he wishes to stay in power after the election, Democrat Party deputy leader Ongart Klampaiboon said on Sunday.


Err, the likes of JAG, Eric Loh, smutcakes and myself could have told you that three and a half years ago. It is hardly a revelation...

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I think your misguided.  Thailand is now enjoying a robust 2018 with exports up and many projects that were bemothed now in construction. He didn't delude farmers with any fruadulant rice scheme ... he didn't get convicted of tax evasion and then do a runner ....    go figure   !!  :whistling:

15 baht wage increase will sink many SME's. Bad move. On the other hand many orders will be dropped as they can find in other countries cheaper. Economy hurt.


He cannot be convicted or caught on anything as he has absolute power. Don't figure! And wasn't it once said that no one can even look at him for any reason what so ever as it doesn't apply to him being above and beyond scrutiny? 


Why you think the powers that be are better in a self imposed office is a bit ludicrous. 


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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Some farang are anti Junta ... which is fine as that's your choice and opinion. I support peace and stability along with economic development which is the current situation in Thailand.

Alot has been done over the past 3 1/2 years since Khun Prayut came to power, although some has not been favourable to some farang keyboard warriors, it is what it is and this government will be here for some time to come.


Seriously!  The exceptions were high, the delivery was and still is low. Whoops I must be a Farang Keyboard Warrior or is that Worrier?  It's a disgrace what's happening on the roads, pollution on the beaches and in the water and almost ZERO education on issues that matter. Maybe you can donate another 'watch'. There is too much 'back slapping' here as they lower the bar on their achievements.

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11 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Seriously!  The exceptions were high, the delivery was and still is low. Whoops I must be a Farang Keyboard Warrior or is that Worrier?  It's a disgrace what's happening on the roads, pollution on the beaches and in the water and almost ZERO education on issues that matter. Maybe you can donate another 'watch'. There is too much 'back slapping' here as they lower the bar on their achievements.

Many peoples do not recognize that Thailand doesn't move forward...the corruption is still very high and the economy is going down...

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut clearly wants to stay in power: Ongart

Here I come . . . ready or not!     And I'll get that bloody fly, if it kills me.

prayuth salutes.jpg

P1 for PM.jpg

Edited by Ossy
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27 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Seriously!  The exceptions were high, the delivery was and still is low. Whoops I must be a Farang Keyboard Warrior or is that Worrier?  It's a disgrace what's happening on the roads, pollution on the beaches and in the water and almost ZERO education on issues that matter. Maybe you can donate another 'watch'. There is too much 'back slapping' here as they lower the bar on their achievements.

Yep. I was in Pran Buri for New Years. Every 3 minutes or so you would feel a plastic something or see it in the water. Despicable. First and last time, and that should have been a nice place. NOT! Real problems have been ignored. 

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

Some farang are anti Junta ... which is fine as that's your choice and opinion. I support peace and stability along with economic development which is the current situation in Thailand.

Alot has been done over the past 3 1/2 years since Khun Prayut came to power, although some has not been favourable to some farang keyboard warriors, it is what it is and this government will be here for some time to come.


It really all depends on the price the public has to/wants to pay. By definition, Junta are not politicians (and vice versa of course). A Junta rules with a 'iron hand' not necessarily with deliberate fashion but simply that is the way they are trained. Politicians are supposed to represent the public that elects them, with argument and debate to decide any outcome. The public have to decide whether they want a Junta to make all the decisions for them or whether they want to be part of the process. At present in Thailand freedom of speech, to hold political meetings etc. are disallowed and if the public are satisfied with that, fine, then that's the it should be. If they are not satisfied then eventually this will lead to more discontent and upheaval. As expats we only have an opinion and my opinion favours political debate...that no one man should lead by power.

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