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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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4 hours ago, buick said:

are you from america ?  it takes alot more than a president's beliefs to make a policy.  look at obama.  he had alot of beliefs that didn't get to the policy stage as they were blocked by senate and/or congress.  republicans don't fully agree with trump on many things so if trump wants to see a 'win' in his column, he will have to work with people that will 'manage' his beliefs.  i'm betting he gives on 'the wall concept' (at least i sure hope he does as it would be a useless endeavor).


edit: as an extreme example, trump can't initiate a nuclear strike all by himself. 


I'm always surprised by the ignorance of Americans when discussing their own political system. Very few of them can seem to remember anything from their mandatory 9th grade civics class. Fact is, the American presidency is one of the weakest chief executives of a nation in the world. The Constitution was intentionally written to curtail the power of the Exeutive branch. Every article here is Trump, Trump, Trump, when it is Congress that holds the real power in making law. It was true for the Obama presidency and it is equally true for the Trump presidency. Congress has an approval rating hovering around 15%. Makes Trump look like FDR (with a good helping of Kanye West and Napoleon) by comparison.

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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Fact is, the American presidency is one of the weakest chief executives of a nation in the world. The Constitution was intentionally written to curtail the power of the Exeutive branch. Every article here is Trump, Trump, Trump, when it is Congress that holds the real power in making law.

Everybody knows about the 3 branches of government.  The legislative branch makes law--that's their job...but the President still needs to sign the legislation into law. 


You guys are making a rather lame argument.  If the President has no real power and the position is nothing but figurehead, why do people spend billions trying to become President?  Why do historians meticulously record what every President does, nearly everyday?  Why do people say the POTUS is the most powerful man in the world?  Etc.


The President doesn't/shouldn't have absolute power.  But he sure as heck can steer the country narrative into different directions.  Right now, the narrative is a government that only cares about corporate/elite interest, with total disregard for the middle class and poor folks, minorities, the environment, the press, gays, non-Christians, states rights, ethics laws, etc. 

1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

 If the President has no real power and the position is nothing but figurehead, why do people spend billions trying to become President?  Why do historians meticulously record what every President does, nearly everyday?  Why do people say the POTUS is the most powerful man in the world?  Etc.


 I don't know, why do people say America has the best healthcare in the World?


Trump says the right things for the majority.  Immigrants  I do not hate them, but sure do not want to live with them   I want away from them, likewise my taxes  I do not want any of my tax money given to them    Fair enough?

31 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

 I don't know, why do people say America has the best healthcare in the World?

Now you're just being facetious and dishonest.  I've never heard of any claims that America has the best healthcare in the world.  Heck, some people have even suggested that Cuba has better healthcare than the US. 

35 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

Trump says the right things for the majority. 

One assumes you can backup this claim - thought not

38 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

Trump says the right things for the majority.  Immigrants  I do not hate them, but sure do not want to live with them   I want away from them, likewise my taxes  I do not want any of my tax money given to them    Fair enough?

Trump says the right things for 37%. That is not the majority.


If you want away from immigrants then being an American it is difficult. You are an entire nation made of immigrants. Do you want a different kind of citizenship where a family that has been in America for 100 years is more 'American' than a family that has been there 50 years or 20 years? Good job there were not people like you around when your family decided to emigrate to the USA.


Most immigrants work harder than most natural citizens. All the taxes you talk of go mostly to pay the rednecks living in trailer parks in the south..........Trumps base, natural born Americans.


And if you don't want refugees claiming your taxes, then stop your Government spending your taxes on bombing other innocent people out of their homes and leaving them with no infrastructure.

6 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

Well he won, did he not?  LOL

By a minority. A normal president that wins by a minority goes out of his way to try to unite the nation and reach out to the people that didn't vote for him. trump has done the opposite. He only caters to his base, which BTW, is not nearly as large now as the minority percentage that elected him. 

13 hours ago, buick said:

are you from america ?  it takes alot more than a president's beliefs to make a policy.  look at obama.  he had alot of beliefs that didn't get to the policy stage as they were blocked by senate and/or congress.  republicans don't fully agree with trump on many things so if trump wants to see a 'win' in his column, he will have to work with people that will 'manage' his beliefs.  i'm betting he gives on 'the wall concept' (at least i sure hope he does as it would be a useless endeavor).


edit: as an extreme example, trump can't initiate a nuclear strike all by himself. 

I'm sure you know what Republicans did to block Obamas policies, it was not because Obamas polices were bad, its because they want to resist everything he does. Now that Republicans have majority, and even though some don't agree with Trump (only a small group of people) whatever Trump says still holds a heavy sway in the direction of policies. Not only that Trump has used the most executive orders, in fact more than any president in the last 50 years.


Trump can't initiate a nuclear strike by himself because he is not at the launch site. But he has the authority to order one anytime, and people below him will pass on the codes to be verify and for the missile to be fire. So yea, technically Trump can initiate a strike, and if people below him follow the orders. But most folks will likely disobey his order if they know they are not under attack.

17 minutes ago, mike324 said:

Trump can't initiate a nuclear strike by himself because he is not at the launch site. But he has the authority to order one anytime, and people below him will pass on the codes to be verify and for the missile to be fire. So yea, technically Trump can initiate a strike, and if people below him follow the orders. But most folks will likely disobey his order if they know they are not under attack.

We can only "hope" that they disobey his orders.  Isn't it sad (or rather, pathetic) that we have to "hope" that our military will disobey our President? 


Off-topic posts and replies removed.   The topic is  NOT about refugees, or refugees in Germany.  


Americas main problem isn't about refugees or immigration, its about putting their little fingers in all corners around the world. I do agree the US needs to scale back how much aide it gives different countries. Cut back on military spending. Trump says the opposition is warmongering, but he in fact is increasing the spending instead of scaling back and pulling troops home. He is doing completely opposite of what he said during his campaign. Many of the refugee problems around the world are a result of US and its allies action that are causing people to be displaced.


These refugees and majority of the workers who come to the US, they are contributing more to the economy than taking away from it. Its not like the US has no money, they are just misusing it in my opinion.


8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

The President doesn't/shouldn't have absolute power.  But he sure as heck can steer the country narrative into different directions.

just imagine what it would be like it if trump was able to dictate how things will go/happen.  there would be alot of major changes underway in america !!


i would suggest the media is currently just as powerful as trump in terms of steering the country's narrative on various issues (reportedly, russia used social media to help trump win !!!).


i might be mistaken but i do think trump has the power to eliminate the temporary stay order for the folks from el salvador, haiti, nicaragua, and sudan.  there might be citizens of other countries in the program but those are the countries i've seen noted (i had wondered why 'africa' was used as i wasn't aware of the sudan piece).  naturally, the leaders of the house and senate can't make a deal with trump so this group of people will likely be sent home.


1 hour ago, simple1 said:


She can use Google like the rest of us . As a Norwegian I can confirm around 85% of the population are white  . 50 years ago those numbers would have been 98% white. 




9 hours ago, balo said:


She can use Google like the rest of us . As a Norwegian I can confirm around 85% of the population are white  . 50 years ago those numbers would have been 98% white. 


I'll go with the comments that say Nielson was using deflection / lies in an attempt to protect Trump. The testimony demonstrates the lack of ethics by members of the Trump Administration and the terrible leadership principles set by Trump.

On 1/12/2018 at 7:02 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday..."


Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'


It is truly sad to see the US being dragged down to the level of this idiot. I sincerely hope that Americans will get their act together soon and rid themselves of this...'thing'. There is a very long list of things to respect about the US, but it is impossible to do while this racist is in the White House.


How in the hell can you say Trump is racist!...He is the best thing for America right now, not like the clowns we had in the last 20 yrs. The only idiots I see are the ones calling him racist. Try looking at this video:   http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/01/13/alveda-king-donald-trump-not-racist-helping-bring-attention-minorities-martin-luther-king


Only way to stop immigration is to stop welfare, give them nothing when they become a nuisance cage them until they have had enough of the new life and get going elsewhere

2 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

How in the hell can you say Trump is racist!...He is the best thing for America right now, not like the clowns we had in the last 20 yrs. The only idiots I see are the ones calling him racist.

Trump is unquestionably a scumbag racist.  This is clear for all to see.  Providing a link from the Trump propaganda station Fox News is not going to help your already weak case. 

6 minutes ago, Becker said:
2 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

How in the hell can you say Trump is racist!...He is the best thing for America right now, not like the clowns we had in the last 20 yrs. The only idiots I see are the ones calling him racist. Try looking at this video:   http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/01/13/alveda-king-donald-trump-not-racist-helping-bring-attention-minorities-martin-luther-king

Are you serious???


You guys, Trump has issued a definitive statement:


”I am the least racist person you will EVER discuss on ThaiVisa. I know it. YOU know it. Everybody says so, believe me.”

2 hours ago, altcar bob said:

Only way to stop immigration is to stop welfare, give them nothing when they become a nuisance cage them until they have had enough of the new life and get going elsewhere

Amen! I think that all immigrants as well as the "homeless", the "jobless", the "handicapped" should be flogged publicly if they don't stop pretending!!!


Trump actually reminds me of some of these mindless angry keyboard-warrior expat types; "shithole countries," "Mexicans are rapists," "grab'em by the ..." 


Of course he's a racist; that was always part of his appeal.  Being an idiot is as much another part of his appeal for some as it is a problem for others.


Here's an article from Bret Stephens, a conservative with his take on sh*thole countries:

A Modest Immigration Proposal: Ban Jews

Here’s a thought experiment: Would the United States have been better off if it had banned Jewish immigration sometime in the late 19th century, so that the immigrant parents of Rosenberg and Sobell had never set foot here? The question is worth asking, because so many of the same arguments made against African, Latin-American and Muslim immigrants today might have easily been applied to Jews just over a century ago.


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