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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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14 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Although I`m not an American, I stand by President Trump all the way. Like it or not, the richer countries are mostly made up of white populations, facts are facts. I am sure he did not include Japan and Korea in his S**thole countries list.


Trump is a businessman, he wants people`s that will bring wealth and be self sufficient into America, not charity cases that will expect a share in America`s prosperity. It`s a shame the UK does not follow Trump`s example. Even in Thailand, it is clear the Thais don`t want third world immigrants here.

Wow, someone who gets it...

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27 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Like it or not, the richer countries are mostly made up of white populations, facts are facts. I am sure he did not include Japan and Korea in his S**thole countries list.


Just stating something is a fact doesn't make it true. Only 3 of the top eight would fit your statement and not even the top one at that.


Richest countries in the world per capita.

United Arab Emirates ($68,250) ...

Kuwait ($69,670) ...

Norway ($70,590) ...

Ireland ($72,630) ...

Brunei ($76,740) ...

Singapore ($90,530) ...

Luxembourg ($109,190) ...

Qatar ($124,930)



5 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Just stating something a fact doesn't make it true. Only 3 of the top eight would fit your statement and not even the top one at that.


Richest countries in the world per capita.

United Arab Emirates ($68,250) ...

Kuwait ($69,670) ...

Norway ($70,590) ...

Ireland ($72,630) ...

Brunei ($76,740) ...

Singapore ($90,530) ...

Luxembourg ($109,190) ...

Qatar ($124,930)



Read my post again. I said the richer countries not the richest.

1 hour ago, Becker said:

Give it a rest now. Your silly attempts at defending the indefensible makes you come across as desperate and rather sad.

He wasn't You are the one who raised the issue of race. Nowhere in President Trump policy statements is there a reference to race. The fact of the matter is that the man is accused of being a racist when the reality is that he  is no more a racist than any other US national, black, white, brown, tanned, mottled or whatever.  He may have prejudices, but that is reflective of human nature and  his life experience.  The man is biased in favour of the colour green and he had no hesitation  transacting with clients/prospects who were brown, black, muslim, jewish, latino etc.  He is a man who understands profitability and under that basis, racism is bad for business.  I remind you that he had an ability to get along very nicely with some in your face  folks like  Snoop Dogg and Dennis Rodman all because he could see it was good for business.


You are attaching complex and overly detailed assumptions to a man who at his core is rather basic, and who would find the need to assign labels to various people based upon race, colour, greed, too difficult and  wasteful of  money making opportunities.

39 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Although I`m not an American, I stand by President Trump all the way. Like it or not, the richer countries are mostly made up of white populations, facts are facts. I am sure he did not include Japan and Korea in his S**thole countries list.


Trump is a businessman, he wants people`s that will bring wealth and be self sufficient into America, not charity cases that will expect a share in America`s prosperity. It`s a shame the UK does not follow Trump`s example. Even in Thailand, it is clear the Thais don`t want third world immigrants here.

You do know the Trump Admin dismissed a report from one of his own Departments which identified current migrant policy adds net economic value to the US.


Thailand imports millions of low paid workers from surrounding Third World countries. Who will replace the working poor in the US should Trump be successful with deporting the millions of foreign low paid workers currently in the US?

25 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Read my post again. I said the richer countries not the richest.


Okay, we can change the poem on the Statue of Liberty now.


"Give me your elite, your rich,
Your aryan masses yearing to feel above,
The snobbish cream of silking stitch.
Send these, the fortunate, christian beloved,
You'll bow your head to the golden kitsch."


4 hours ago, Silurian said:

Why not just break it down into two simple categories?


Anglo-Saxon countries: Okay for immigration into the USA.

Non-Anglo-Saxon countries (shitholes): Barred from immigration into the USA.


That would probably work just fine for Donny John and the "MAGA" crowd.

That attitude seems to work well for Thailand, and other shit hole countries.  :thumbsup:


He just said something many of us in the US think but are afraid to say out loud.  I dreaded going to the Emergency Room at LA Country USC Hospital on Friday or Saturday night.  It felt like I was in a 3rd world country(this was in the 1980's and 1990's).  County USC is the largest public hospital in Los Angeles.  Before we arrived I turned to my partner and I said more than  a few times "Here we are again at the Shit".  Using the term "Shit Hole" country is wrong but honestly how many us have thought that in our travels.  When I landed at Kabul Airport the first thing I thought was "Shit Hole".  When I landed in Puerto Prince Haitii, I thought "Shit Hole". It was wrong for the President to use this offensive term but he is not alone in thinking that way.  

What made and makes America great is that being American isn't defined by a single ethnic or racial identity as is the case almost everywhere else in the world. This allows for better cultural assimilation and economic efficiency because its human resources are used more efficiently. It's outrageous that Trump and his supporters think they have the right to define what it means to be an American based on racial identity.
Making comparisons to Hitler and the Third Reich is verboten in some quarters, but there are parallels here to how the National Socialists tried to redefine what it meant to be German and who was welcome in Germany based on an Aryan heritage. Is what Trump AND his supporters/enablers doing any different???

Trump didnt define anything by race.

Fact is Africa is a shit hole.

Countries like SA and Rhodesia once prospered but now the evil colonists arent in control, they are in terminal decline.

People from these shit holes want to escape. Of course they do. It's not the answer though. The West cannot take them all in.

The answer is to weed out their corrupt leaders and build their economies. The best and brightest of their nations are needed where they are, not brain drained to the West..

They need to develop as nations, not jump the sinking shit.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

Just stating something is a fact doesn't make it true. Only 3 of the top eight would fit your statement and not even the top one at that.
Richest countries in the world per capita.
United Arab Emirates ($68,250) ...
Kuwait ($69,670) ...
Norway ($70,590) ...
Ireland ($72,630) ...
Brunei ($76,740) ...
Singapore ($90,530) ...
Luxembourg ($109,190) ...
Qatar ($124,930)
And their immigration policies are.....?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

10 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Millions eh? I think you are talking out of your shithole and cant back that up with facts if your life depended on it. 


All that besides, Thailand allows foreigners to come in and perform jobs that they need & want them to do. This is also known as legal immigration. Invited and allowed. They cant vote, become citizens, become Thai. They are here simply to perform a job that Thailand needs, make some money, and leave. Legally. 


After reading your post, I'm ecstatic that you support the "America First" platform, and that you can see the benefits of such in the Unites States. 


Thailand has in excess of 3 million migrant workers from surrounding countries. New laws put in force last year require proper government documentation to be employed. Employers face severe fines for non compliance (in theory).




I see the news now where Haiti .... want's an explanation   !!   lol ...

what part of the word shithole ... doesn't the Haiti government understand .. ?

5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday..."


Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'


It is truly sad to see the US being dragged down to the level of this idiot. I sincerely hope that Americans will get their act together soon and rid themselves of this...'thing'. There is a very long list of things to respect about the US, but it is impossible to do while this racist is in the White House.


Looks to me like you already have your own built in unassailable view. 


Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'


When he speaks about shitholes like many African countries and Haiti being just that, it makes him a racist does it? Oh sorry, PC means never speaking the truth.


Has Haiti improved much in the last few years? how about the Caribean country that was

in trouble before its hurricane damage, are these great countries. And yes Africa the

Dark Continent. How about Libya, has it improved In the last bunch of years, Has Afghanastan

improved, how is Iraq doing? Is Iran going great these days? how about Syria?

Are people flocking to Middle or South America? I know that the USA has its problems, so has Canada

but is President Trump totally wrong, or politically  incorrect?



The US is like a stolen credit card.  Once she's maxed out, Immigrants will invade a new place in unison, like a school of UK tourists "assimilating" into a new holiday location.  Can't swing a dead cat without hitting a fish chips joint. :biggrin:

5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 


I can answer that question. Quite easily as a matter of fact. 


People from sh_th_le countries should be allowed into America,  because the great thing about being a nation of immigrants is that anyone can partake in the American dream. 


Steve Jobs had Syrian blood.. does that mean it was a mistake to allow his family to come over in the first place? 


Make America Great Again! 

2 minutes ago, Face Rip said:


I can answer that question. Quite easily as a matter of fact. 


People from sh_th_le countries should be allowed into America,  because the great thing about being a nation of immigrants is that anyone can partake in the American dream. 


Steve Jobs had Syrian blood.. does that mean it was a mistake to allow his family to come over in the first place? 


Make America Great Again! 

Yes.  :laugh:




Today (in the U.S.) is Alexander Hamilton's birthday. You know that guy who came from that sh*thole of Nevis.


"A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one."

5 hours ago, selftaopath said:

Trump is a disgusting human being. He is a SHIT stain on America. He must be removed - NOW. He is destroying America. Every breath he takes is to destroy democracy and decency.  He will be the most hated man in the world. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities. What a shallow/little man.


"He is destroying America".

"Every breath he takes is to destroy democracy and decency".

"He will be the most hated man in the world"

H"e has absolutely no redeeming qualities".


Really?  Some just people have no idea at all, do they?

6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

People naturally want to change their position for the better, not the worse.

“America first”, is a catchy slogan, and a nice ideal for a patriot, but that doesn’t automatically make it so. ( except in trumps happy space)



20 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"He is destroying America".

"Every breath he takes is to destroy democracy and decency".

"He will be the most hated man in the world"

H"e has absolutely no redeeming qualities".


Really?  Some just people have no idea at all, do they?


Certainly not the ones that elected a racist, liar, sexual predator  to lead their country.

And definitely not those that continue to support him after he has done so much harm to America and what the world thinks of America.


He 's like one of the know it all, condescending posters that  this forum seems to attract like flies on a sh*thole, that can't write a coherent sentence but loves to criticize other's opinion.  He can't stop <deleted> on others in the vain hope of finally feeling good about himself.  The kind of guy that has to tell everyone he is a winner.


So, what is Donny John's stand on Russian anchor babies?

I guess Russia is not considered a s**thole country. Hmm, where does it stand on the "richer" scale? Oh, their GDP per capita is around $8,600 USD with the average being $15,800. So nope, not on the "richer" scale. Huh, so what does define a "s**thole" country?


Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens




6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

Today we will be preparing a considered response to that question over a beer down Soi Buakaow.

5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The world just can't handle people saying what's really on their mind.

That's fine for you or me or the guy standing on the corner, ....to speak our minds.  ....as long as it doesn't harm others or the environment.  None of us influence entire groups of people.


Another angle to Trump idiotic statement:  It further opens doors for other countries to enhance their international influence, while concurrently curtailing America's influence.


African countries in particular:  When they have to choose, for example, whether to go in partnership with a Chinese or an American company, which do you think they will now choose?    


Just as Trump kicked American alternative-energy-related businesses in the nuts when he pulled the US out of the Paris Accords, so too is Trump going to lessen US jobs (and US reputation) overseas with his latest mouth fart.

58 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

but is President Trump totally wrong, or politically  incorrect?

We have known for months/years that Trump was an idiot and racist.  He should be more discreet about what he says in public.   

As a comparison:  The principal of a grammar school can get drunk and talk/act like an idiot when he's at his home.  But when he's with a group of his young students, he shouldn't act the same as he would when he's at a raucous private party.    

Should we set higher standards for Billy Bush (host of a daytime TV variety show) or for a crossing guard, than we set for POTUS ?

19 minutes ago, farcanell said:

People naturally want to change their position for the better, not the worse.

“America first”, is a catchy slogan, and a nice ideal for a patriot, but that doesn’t automatically make it so. ( except in trumps happy space)



Just for a bit of historical perspective,  some 100+ years ago Norway was a shithole country with severe economic and political issues. Over 800,000 (almost a third of the population) immigrated,  mostly to the US from 1825 to 1925. The obvious conclusion is that immigration was good for both Norway and the US. Why is it different today? The only thing I can think of is many of the new immigrants aren't white people.



Between 1825 and 1925, more than 800,000 Norwegians immigrated to North America—about one-third of Norway's population with the majority immigrating to the USA, and lesser numbers immigrating to the Dominion of Canada. With the exception of Ireland, no single country contributed a larger percentage of its population to the United States than Norway.[14]



12 minutes ago, steven100 said:

there are many shithole places ...










and many others ....    so what   !    they are shitholes ... it's that plain and simple.

is it that we all agree and know this but arn't allowed to say it.  :shock1:    ??


You and some others seem incapable of understanding the difference of a private individual expressing their opinion and the President of the USA. boomerangutang's post above is a reasonable explainer

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