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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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Fox says.

(Not Fox "News")

Former president of MEXICO.






.@realDonaldTrump, your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim who’s welcome in America and who’s not. America’s greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?



Understandably, Americans are in their usual partisan divide mode. But keep in mind this kind of VILE behavior by the "stable genius" potus adds to the massive degradation of respect and sympathy towards the USA all over the world. The poll numbers globally are already dramatic. They will now get even worse. America First? More like America ALONE. 


Idris Elba ( father from Sierra Leone, mother form Ghana ) 100% shithole countries according to Trump - Résultat de recherche d'images pour "idris elba"


Donald J Trump ( father from Germany - mother from Scotland)  100 % Anglo Saxon

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "donald J trUMP"

43 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Regardless of which country one is emigrating from to the US it is estimated that over 30% of US jobs will be lost to automation by 2030. There is growing talk and consideration of a Basic Income because so many Americans will be out of the work force and might have no other way to sustain themselves. Both the idea of increasing immigrant flows and Basic Income tend to be floated by the same political party. How does one reconcile increasing numbers of immigrants, particularly undocumented immigrants with the fact that so many native Americans are going to be displaced?

When you say 'native Americans', I assume you are not referring to the American Tribes.


I agree that the international fallout from this is going to be very significant and likely LONG TERM. trumpists obviously don't care as long as anti-trumpists are "triggered" they seem to be happy.


Harvard Kennedy School Professor, former American Diplomat and loyal member Red Sox Nation






5 hours ago, amvet said:

My evaluation of the posts so far have put them into two camps.  1.  Trump is a racist and embarrassment to America.

2.  It makes sense not to allow immigrants from shithole countries.   


The level of crime in Haiti should be regarded as beyond horrific. There are no "safe" areas. many kidnap victims who are returned (many are not) report being beaten, tortured, and sexually abused.


Haiti is one of the most violent dangerous places on earth.




Are these the kind of people you want as neighbors?  I think they should make the CNN execs and a couple people from this thread spend some quality time with the good people of Haiti. 

i can't like this, it deserves  a high 10

6 hours ago, alocacoc said:

Europeans country could learn a lot from trump. But they won't. Maybe some people will wake up when civil war starts. But even then, I doubt it.


Europe goes straight downhill and nobody cares. What a shame.


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We are with you,USA ,USA

7 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Really?  Well I must live in another Britain because in mine the vast majority of people with a brain do not want Trump in the UK.  1,800,000 signed a petition for Trump to be un-invited.  He said himself that he would not come unless he got all the bells and whistles and he certainly won't get that.  But it's up to him and he clearly hasn't got the balls to face his many critics.

Looks like the UK population don't agree with you (74% in favour of a state visit):



Trump met up with our Norwegian pray minister Erna Solberg the other day , and he mentioned he welcomed more immigrants from Norway to come and study and work in the US.  Why ? Maybe he thinks Norway is a "white" country so he can continue his racist agenda. He should know better , 10% of the Norwegian population have a dark skin color with a mix of many immigrants. 


 So he welcomes a Norwegian immigrant with the "wrong" skin color but not an African  ? 







5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

He didn’t say it, but that’s how it appears. 


Ranks up there with his defence of neo nazis as contemptable comments. 

 It appears that  many people here Disagree strongly!   PTrump  has never supported Neo Nazis.When I was taught in school, Nazi's and hating Jews went together.His son in law is a Jew and he allies with Israel.  He never said "'Why can't we have more white people"

I know PTrump, there is no racist bone in his body. He and his  base could care less whether your , black, white, yellow, grey, red, pink and green,.We don't want you to come to America unless you have skills or can assimilate.

5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Now in tweet trumplandia, the clown potus is DENYING he ever called those countries s-hole! It was confirmed already by bipartisan attendees. Does his base actually believe  his lies? Wow.


No!!    Confirmed by ONE democrat attendee, so wrong on two counts, not bipartisan and attendeeS.  'One' is not plural.

3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

And yet the State Department sends out serious warnings about these places ....


Liberals love being offended.


Islam has been called the 'religion of permanent offence'.


Now the democrats can be similarly called.....they need to be offended, to suffer at the hands of anything right.  It's the 'victim mentality'.

45 minutes ago, katana said:

Looks like the UK population don't agree with you (74% in favour of a state visit):


I looked at their media. It appears they actually don't do any scientific polling. So if that's true, those results are meaningless. 


Confirmed by Lindsay Graham, leading REPUBLICAN.

In the press conference yesterday, it wasn't even denied. They were making excuses for it.

It happened folks.

Anyone that doesn't see that is not dealing with reality.





While Trump has denied uttering the remark, Graham also reported to have confirmed it happened to fellow South Carolina Republican U.S. Sen. Tim Scott.

Graham, Scott said, told him the reported comments are “basically accurate.”




Trump does not like fake news , so why does he use twitter to spread lies? 


Senator Dianne Feinstein who I haven't always agreed with in her long career (but she's always been worthy of RESPECT), seems to have really grown some elder lady balls perhaps in the the wake of trump's recent anti-semitic dog whistle name calling against here. 





Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" comment is proof he wants the US to be a "white society."


"If the president can’t control himself and lead this country with the authority, dignity and leadership it requires, then he shouldn’t be the president," she said in a Friday statement.


"There’s no room for racism in the Oval Office."





Just now, balo said:

Trump does not like fake news , so why does he use twitter to spread lies? 

He loves it as long as he's creating it. Anything critical of him, even objectively true things that he's said or done, are "fake news" in that clown's book. 

19 hours ago, daoyai said:

Trump needs a translator... should be "why do we favor immigrants from failed nations over prosperous functioning nations ? "  

Yes, Donald, they are "shithole countries".  Perhaps we favor them because of our guilty liberal feelings - atoning for the sins of our forefathers who promoted and exploited the banana republics and their resources, along with the few well-connected natives of those countries. But letting people in indiscriminately isn't the answer, as our government can't tell the good from the criminal element that is always ready for new opportunities. 


I hate this "race" crap that's tossed about.  When I grew up, there was white, black and yellow (maybe a bit of red in sunnier areas).  Now it seems we have a different "race' in every nook and cranny of the globe. It's culture & customs, language, upbringing, attitude, basic education and similar things that affect immigration and integration into a fast-paced society. 



1 minute ago, Damrongsak said:

Yes, Donald, they are "shithole countries".  Perhaps we favor them because of our guilty liberal feelings - atoning for the sins of our forefathers who promoted and exploited the banana republics and their resources, along with the few well-connected natives of those countries. But letting people in indiscriminately isn't the answer, as our government can't tell the good from the criminal element that is always ready for new opportunities. 


I hate this "race" crap that's tossed about.  When I grew up, there was white, black and yellow (maybe a bit of red in sunnier areas).  Now it seems we have a different "race' in every nook and cranny of the globe. It's culture & customs, language, upbringing, attitude, basic education and similar things that affect immigration and integration into a fast-paced society. 



I wanted to give this a Thanks but you deserve  a congrats,well said


People who flee these countries are usually the smartest ones. The ones that stay behind and continue to ruin those places are the ones that we don't need.

1 minute ago, Ruffian Dick said:

People who flee these countries are usually the smartest ones. The ones that stay behind and continue to ruin those places are the ones that we don't need.

I wouldn't put it quite like that, but it's a fact that the people that migrate are different than those that don't. 

1 minute ago, Ruffian Dick said:

People who flee these countries are usually the smartest ones. The ones that stay behind and continue to ruin those places are the ones that we don't need.

Yes, the smart ones, but also the clever predators who have competition in their own countries.  Or are just greedy and in a hurry.  Those who stay behind may be simple people of few resources or those who already have a piece of the action.  And yes, there are millions in limbo between. 


Seems to me Trump like to piss people off and get their attention.  Fine, that is his style as a New Yorker.  But after the whiners whine about the face-slap, he could do a better job of following up with some substance.  Or maybe he is behind the scenes, and is just trying to keep the talking heads down.  However, it takes more than flair and balls to run a country.  I wonder what Dwight Eisenhower would have done with Trump under his command, 555.

26 minutes ago, riclag said:

I wanted to give this a Thanks but you deserve  a congrats,well said

Thanks.  I sometimes feel I could write a book, but I'm not that erudite, or at least not eloquent.  


When I was in the Peace Corps in Thailand in '77-'79 and working with Laotian/Hmong refugees the year after, I got along fine with some real country bumpkins. They liked me better than the local Thai government boss of mine.  I was just interested in them and cared.  I felt that I learned more than I gave back, but who's to say. 

And  worse  still these  days many things simply  cant be said  without screams of racist bigot denier etc etc 
I'd personally  take in anyone from any country who is prepared to work HARD  with zero ability to take any social security  until a minimum of 8 years is paid into any benefits system ,unfortunately many probably don't and go direct to benefits.

Unfortunately with the new world order, AI, robots etc, those squillions of good people you want to work just can't find a job.

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9 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:


And an outstretched right arm at a 45 degree angle up.  

Speaking of which, not the best of people going to America isn't something new. Trump's own grandfather left Germany to avoid the military draft. What's a worse reason for immigrating, cowardice or economic?

11 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

There is no more politically correct left wing bunch of stooges in the world than the ABC. You won't hear anything as it really is from the ABC. They're Australia's CNN and Washington Post.
You'll need to pick a better example.

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You're being utterly ridiculous with your right of centre rhetoric. The report was from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency, 

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